Obama Suggests GOP Will Use Race to Scare Voters
Fox News
Barack Obama told a group of Florida donors Friday night that Republicans will try to make voters afraid of him, and suggested they would use his race to scare up votes for John McCain.
Apparently girding for a nasty general election fight, the Illinois senator has in recent days predicted that independent GOP groups are waiting in the wings to attack him, and said his presumptive GOP rival is already “fear-mongering” when it comes to foreign policy.
But his comments Friday night in Jacksonville, Fla., seemed to reflect elevated concerns that his campaign to be the first black president would run headlong into political race baiters.
“We know what kind of campaign they’re going to run. They’re going to try to make you afraid,” Obama said at the fundraiser. “They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black? He’s got a feisty wife.”
The crowd of supporters cheered, and Obama added:
“We know the strategy because they’ve already shown their cards. Ultimately I think the American people recognize that old stuff hasn’t moved us forward. That old stuff just divides us.”
He said Republicans would be unable to run on the economy or foreign policy, so the election would ultimately boil down to a choice between “hope and fear.”
His “feisty wife” comment was probably a reference to a Tennessee GOP ad that criticized Michelle Obama for saying in February that she was proud of her country for the first time.
Obama mentioned the ad Friday afternoon at a press conference, where he defended his announcement the day before that he was backing out of the public financing system for the general election. He expects to raise more money on his own, in part to defend himself against independent GOP attack groups.
While there is no imminent, large-scale threat from so-called “527″ groups — such as the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” group that attacked John Kerry in 2004 — Obama said they’re waiting for him.
“527’s pop up pretty quickly and have enormous influence and we’ve seen them,” he said. “I don’t think that I am off the wall here to see that … a lot of outside groups that are potentially going to be going after us hard.”
The presumptive Democratic nominee, though, has faced down a viral whisper campaign, carried out through anonymous e-mails and Web site postings, in which race and religion are front and center. Obama launched a new Web site to debunk the false attacks, some of which suggest he secretly is a Muslim, that his wife harbors racial angst against white people and that he is not patriotic.
Some of his detractors also have referred to him by his middle name, “Hussein,” though McCain usually condemns attempts to suggest he is Muslim.
The issue of race was repeatedly invoked during the primary campaign against Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton was criticized for comparing his win in the South Carolina primary to Jesse Jackson’s victory 20 years ago. Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell told an editorial board that some white voters just wouldn’t support Obama because he’s black. Another supporter, Geraldine Ferraro, said Obama was seeing such success because of his race.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
That does it, now your going to get it full force Obama!
Obama bases his entire campaign on racism!!!
Damn all this dweep does is whine, whine, whine. I am soooooo sick of it. I have yet to see any blog including this one say we don’t like this twit because he is black.
Hey Obama listen up you idiot! It is what you stand for, it is your associations, it is your lies, it is what you have planned for our awesome country and how you want to destroy it.
It is that your CHANGE means one thing…take down America to YOUR Marxist level that has never worked in all of history. You are a communist, Marxist, socialist !!
America is NOT broken but you keep insisting it is. Do YOU think people, decent people not the hand out gimmie people, but those of us that are the ones that work hard, pay our taxes, vote and love our country want to hear their country being put down day after day that it is broken when it has been the most awesome country in the world until power hungry weak leaders got voted in and allowed PC and the left to win their agenda.
I could care less if you THINK you are black you are NOT, that is yet another lie from YOU Obama. You had a white mother that you try just ever so hard to degrade. You are a shameful human being that expects to do whatever you want, lie as much as you like and attempt to manipulate all around you, and American citizens with your don’t hate me because I am black bullshit! Well that won’t fly, that dog won’t hunt or whatever expression you will understand. You are pathetic!
And about your middle name you FOOL. Hussein IS your middle name and if someone wants to mention it tuff. You should have taken your middle name in to consideration when your ego decided to run for President. Including your being Muslim growing up, your background and all the other things. You are either a total fool or a walking talking full blown idiot if you thought running for President would not put you through scrutiny like no other position held in our country. If Soros told you not to worry about it he lied to you. LOL When our country is done with you we will know more about you then you have known yourself believe me. You can deny it all you want but count on the information getting out sooner or later.
And one more thing! Regarding your hate monger wife. No one forced her to say what she did about America. NO ONE! The two of you not wanting to be responsible for saying such things is just so typical of how all of you on the left think you can live your lives. But this blog is Theodore’s World and the posts are PC Free Zone Gazette so this is a PC Free Zone got it???? We ( I ) don’t stand for that kind of copping out baloney. I don’t use words like “African America” ONLY American. And when your wife said these things:
First she said that only Obama can “fix America’s broken soul.”
And then this:
“For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country,” she told a Milwaukee crowd, “because it feels like hope is making a comeback.”
She has to learn to be smart enough to know it was just begging for any American loving person to say something. To defend OUR country that we love. By saying what she did she made it very clear that our Founding Fathers, WW1, WW11, Korean War, Vietnam War etc. mean nothing to her. That the reason she lives in the land of the free and what it cost mean nothing to her including the lives that were lost to end slavery that Blacks mind you started!
Michelle Obama, your wife’s world is very small just like her character and yours. A world that only cares about how as a black one will be treated today. Get out of the way of yourselves you people, there is a whole world out there you can make a difference in. Look at the life of Cindy McCain. She has made a HUGE difference in this world and she could have sat back, enjoyed the good life and done nothing. Everything Michelle has done has been in conjunction to the race card and your book was the same thing Barrack! And NOW your campaign follows suit!
Education for you so listen up. When I was a child and all through highschool and college age. My family had a yard man, his name was Walter Strong. He was 6’4, heavily muscled, loved to work outside and was a hard worker. A man of high character, a good husband, his wife was a nurse at one of the hospitals where I grew up, and father to 4 children. He grew up in Tennessee before moving to Illinois. Walter’s family had picked cotton before he was born and after. He wanted more for his life and he pursued it. Walter was as black as night with a smile that would light up a room. He loved to hunt raccoon and possum in our woods surrounding our home on his days off. We loved him like a family member and he knew it. My Dad would get him nice suits and shop for clothes at Christmas time. We would take bags of groceries to his spotless home at Thanksgiving as a thank you for being a good person and for all the extras he did as a yard man for us throughout the year.
My Dad has an old Army Wiley jeep and Walter used it to pull the big mover blades to mow the bigger lawn behind our home. Many times he would pick me up from school and we would stop and get popsicles at a corner market at the end of the winding road back to my parents home. This is important to point out because it speaks volumes as to how much this man, Walter Strong, could be trusted. To pick me up, a child and be trusted with my care like that. In today’s world that means even more then it did back then.
Once in a conversation to my dad, Walter commented on how he did not understand the”Negroes ” he knew. That is how he put it. He said, ” Mister Henry, I am a black man and that is what I am. I take care of my family and I do my work, but some are not happy that are like me and are angry. I just hope my children do not grow up to learn anger. I want them to be happy. And this name of Black gold the negroes want to use confuses me. Black gold? ”
My Dad told him not to worry, that his (Walter’s) influence on them was rich with hope and love for this country. That he set the finest example of all as a Father and that would be carried on by his children as they grew up.” Walter smiled his huge warm smile and went back to what he was doing. I remember that moment in time as if it was yesterday. There was a oneness between my Dad and Walter, two Fathers that love their family and want the best for them. Two Fathers that love America and don’t want a world of anger and hyphenated people with labels. Two that knew that character counts.
Obama you have none of this that Walter had. Your actions, writings, words, speeches and whine tell the rest of us all we need to know.
America the citizens that are awake and seeing what is happening don’t want a Marxist like you for President and it would not matter if you were orange with purple stripes, race if it is there with some people I am sure is at the bottom of the list.
Because of your racism, you Obama stand to hurt black people who actually do have the potential to be good leaders in the future with your (you hate me because I am black and stop picking on my wife and I) Obama.
It is time to wake up and smell the roses homeboy. Is that a word you can understand better? Because we can go there if that is all you understand believe me! But remember this….YOU chose the game, you brought the deck of cards to the game and you dealt the hand. And we on the right are sitting here with a Full House so live with it.
Shame on you Obama and the example you set for your children and as a representative of our country. You want to make it black and white and that won’t happen. It is red, white and blue and I pray it stays that way.

Hot Air ……Thank you for the video
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