25 Jun

China And India To Drill For Cuban Oil Off Florida Keys in Gulf

Just for some fun. While we wait, and wait…..and wait for the left and the rino’s to get a brain about drilling NOW!

China and India to drill for Cuban oil off Florida keys in Gulf of Mexico

Havana Journal with CNN
Plans for foreign oil companies, some from India and China, to drill off the cost of Cuba are prompting calls from lawmakers to ease environmental restrictions that prohibit coastal drilling in most of the U.S., according to a report Tuesday.
At a time of rising soaring gasoline prices caused partly by a lack of supply, legislators are fuming that Cuba is opening up its continental shelf for oil and gas exploration while most of the U.S. continental shelf outside the Gulf of Mexico, which extends 200 miles from shore, has been off limits for drilling since the early 1980s, the New York Times reported.
Adding insult to injury, the Times said U.S. firms were invited to bid on the Cuban contracts, but were barred by the U.S. government due to the country’s longstanding economic embargo of communist Cuba.
“Red China should not be left to drill for oil within spitting distance of our shores without competition from U.S. industries,” Sen. Larry Craig, Republican of Idaho, told the Times.
Firms from Canada and Spain will also drill off the Cuban coast, the article said
Craig is introducing a bill to exempt U.S. oil firms from the embargo, much as food and drug firms are, according to the article.
There are also several bills moving through Congress aimed at opening up areas more areas of the U.S. to oil and gas exploration, including coastal waters and Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Supporters of the bills, including the oil industry, say it would help bring down oil and gas prices and decrease the country’s reliance on oil imports from the volatile Middle East.
Gasoline prices have soared 33 percent over the last year, while the price of crude oil has tripled since 2002.
The paper also cited an Interior Department study that said the U.S. continental shelf contained 115 billion barrels of oil and 633 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. That would be enough oil to satisfy U.S. demand, at current consumption levels, for 16 years and enough natural gas for 25 years, according to the Times.

And this:
Obama’s fight against ‘dirty oil’ could hurt oil sands
National Post for complete article
Barack Obama on Tuesday vowed he would break America’s addiction to “dirty, dwindling, and dangerously expensive” oil if he is elected U.S. president — and one of his first targets might well be Canada’s oil sands.
A senior adviser to Mr. Obama’s campaign told reporters it’s an “open question” whether oil produced from northern Alberta’s oilsands fits with the Democratic candidate’s plan to shift the U.S. sharply away from consumption of carbon-intensive fossil fuels.
“If it turns out that those technologies don’t advance . . . and the only way to produce those resources would be at a significant penalty to climate change, then we don’t believe that those resources are going to be part of the long-term, are going to play a growing role in the long-term future,” said Jason Grumet, Mr. Obama’s senior energy adviser.
The remarks amount to a shot across the bow of Alberta’s oil sands industry, which is planning to boost production from 1.3 million barrels a day to 3.5 million barrels over the next decade.
Senator John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate, has also vowed to support alternative energy and reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil. Mr. McCain has placed more emphasis, however, on the need to lower American reliance on oil from the Middle East and countries like Nigeria and Venezuela. “America imports about one-third of its oil from Canada and Mexico and no one need worry about a reliance on friendly, stable neighbours, and partners in NAFTA,” Mr. McCain said in a speech Monday in Fresno, Calif.
Christopher Sands, a Canada-U.S. relations expert at the Washington-based Hudson Institute, said Mr. Obama’s energy policy could pose as big a challenge to the Canadian economy as his vow to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Obama is so S T U P I D it hurts!!! The only thing that is “dirty, dwindling, and dangerously expensive” are the words from the lips of Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
So, while Obama is floundering around to fine alternatives to “dirty oil” his people still have to drive to work, get their goods and food delivered by road and heat their homes.

25 Jun

Alaska Gov. To Sen. Reid: Start Drilling in ANWR!

Sarah Palin, the Governor of Alaska responding to Democrats drilling in ANWR
She wants drilling in ANWR.
Pro Gun,,,, NRA Member.
Filed suit against the Federal Government over the Polar Bear Issue.
Has a Spine!
Her name was mentioned on McCain’s long list for VP.
Alaska Gov. to Sen. Reid: Start Drilling in ANWR!
In a letter to Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and other key leaders, Alaska Republican Gov. Sarah Palin urges Congress to allow drilling for oil on the Outer Continental Shelf and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in northern Alaska, an area she calls “the most promising unexplored petroleum province in North America.”

“What will it take for Congress to enact comprehensive energy policy?” Palin asks in the letter, dated yesterday. “In my opinion, the debate about energy policy is no longer theoretical and abstract. Our failure to enact an energy policy is having real consequences for every American in their daily lives and has begun to affect America’s place in the world.”

Palin, whose name appears on lists of potential vice-presidential candidates, concludes with a bold challenge:

“I don’t think it’s overly dramatic to say that his nation’s future and the quality of life for every American are dependent on the decision you make or don’t make in the next few months.”

Last week, Reid called Sen. John McCain’s call for offshore drilling “nothing more than a cynical campaign ploy that will do nothing to lower energy prices and represents another big giveaway to oil companies already making billions in profits.”

Palin says in her letter she does not guarantee a price drop with drilling in ANWR but argues increasing domestic oil supply would “help reduce price volatility” and “send a strong message to oil speculators.”

“Yet, there is an even more important point,” Palin writes, contending America must take measures to decrease dependence on foreign oil, since “U.S. petrodollars are financing activities that are harmful to America and to our economic and military interests around the world.”

Environmentalists and Democrats in Congress long have argued against increased drilling in the U.S., favoring instead conservation and alternative fuels. Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama’s website promises $150 billion in increased spending to develop new fuels and renewable energy sources.

Palin’s letter argues against looking only to those approaches, pointing out a need for domestic oil production to supply the economy’s many products made from petroleum, not just gasoline.

“The soaring prices of chemicals, plastics, fertilizer and other products – and the loss of jobs – graphically illustrate this point,” the letter states. “We must recognize that is will be many years, if ever, before we discover alternatives to the petroleum-based products that every American uses in our daily lives.”

Palin addresses the concerns of environmentalists about drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or ANWR.

Oil exploration and development “can be conducted in a safe manner,” she writes, pointing out the footprint of oil development facilities in ANWR would take up “less than 2,000 acres” of a refuge roughly the size of South Carolina.

And this is excellent as well!! ………Transcript from one of Rush’s show’s
PALIN: I want to make sure that we’re not just talking about the need to develop, to ramp up development, offshore and in ANWR, but we’re asking them now, “What’s your plan? If not domestic supplies being tapped into with offshore and with ANWR, then, Congress, what is your plan?”
RUSH: Amen! Here is a female Republican who is willing to gut it up. She sent Dingy Harry a letter. She challenged the Democrats to drill in ANWR. “What’s your plan?” If we’re not going to drill offshore and we’re not going to drill in ANWR, what is your plan for more energy? And here was Obama in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He was at a campaign event. Here’s Obama pretty much responding to Sarah Palin, whether he knew it or not.
He immitates OBAMA: We’re not going to bring down gas prices easily, quickly. The only way to do it is to reduce demand, uh, over the long term in a serious way. And so, you know, I — I — I — when John McCain says, well, we’re going to drill our way out of the problem, or we’re going to give tax cut, uh, uh, hol — or suspend the gas tax for 60 days which would save you 30 cents a day for 90 days for a grand total of $28, you know, then I say, you know, that’s a gimmick. You’re not being serious.
RUSH: I just can’t take this man seriously, folks. I’m sorry. I listen I want to know to him and I want to laugh. Here’s a guy who thinks you’re paying too much for everything except gasoline. You’re paying too much for health care. You’re paying too much for tuition. You’re paying too much for education. You’re paying too much for this, too much for that. But not gasoline. Whatever amount that the gallon of gasoline might be reduced, it’s insignificant. It’s a gimmick. It’s a trick. Yet these are the people supposedly concerned with the dire economic consequences brought on by the Republicans. We’re not going to bring down gas prices easily, quickly? We’re not? We’re not even going to try? The only way to do it is to reduce demand over the long term?
No, it’s not. You can conservative out the wazoo, senator, and you’re not going to produce any more. This is pathetic. We cannot afford this guy — I mean financially. Forget all the other ways. We just can’t afford him. The average American could not afford to pay for a Barack Obama presidency. It’s just no more complicated than that. Now another one of the wizards of smart. Thomas Friedman, New York Times, was on Scarborough’s show today, the cohost Willie Geist interviewed Friedman, said, “What’s the direction? I mean, we’ve heard so much about offshore drilling, all these short-term solution, where should we be headed as a country, [wizard of smart]? What’s the bottom line on all of this?”
FRIEDMAN: It’s a policy that first of all starts with incentives for what I call radical “innovation,” that’s gonna give us abundant, cheap, clean, reliable electrons. For that you need really the market signals — gasoline tax, carbon tax — that will stimulate a hundred thousand-man patent projects in a hundred thousand garages. Second thing you need is dramatic improvements in energy efficiency. That’s standards for refrigerators and lightbulbs and mileage standards so we don’t need so many electrons. And third, you’re going to need conservation. How about going back to driving 55 miles an hour? You can save millions of gallons just there.
RUSH: Well, that’s it. The wizard of smart, Thomas Friedman, wants to roll back our advancement, roll back our lifestyle and give us abundant, cheap, clean, reliable electrons. Yeah. For those of you… “You really need the market signals, gas tax, carbon tax, that will stimulate a hundred thousand man patent per check. He projects in a hundred thousand garages.” You know, it’s not electrons. It’s not electrons that we need to be working on. It’s neutrinos. If we could isolate and find neutrinos, put ’em in the accelerator, and find a way to harness their interaction with protons and neutrons, the neutrino could unlock every secret we have. Do you hear any research on neutrinos? The only using neutrinos are people that are trying to manufacture plutonium, on their own.
You’ve gotta do it deep underground. But neutrinos? He’s talking about electrons. Electrons are old hat. That’s like trying to mess around with the atom. We already figured that out. Neutrinos! Neutrinos are the future. But besides all that, this is lame. This is lame lunacy. Roll it back to 55? All these people on the left want you to sacrifice your family’s future, your growth opportunity, prosperity, and opportunity. We are a nation in a constant state of decline, as they look at it. By the way, you think these people are going to follow suit on any of this? You think they are? I mean, if we go 55, Friedman might have to drive 55, but other than that, do you think they’re going to go sacrificing like they want you to? Heh-heh-heh. No way.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
You Go Sarah!!!!! GOOD!
“Last week, Reid called Sen. John McCain’s call for offshore drilling “nothing more than a cynical campaign ploy that will do nothing to lower energy prices and represents another big giveaway to oil companies already making billions in profits.”
Giveaway to the oil companies or lower prices to the proletariet?? He just admitted that oil costs would come down with drilling.

25 Jun

Fallujah Security Strengthen in Numbers

Fallujah Security Strengthen in Numbers

Cpl. Jonathan C. Austin, communications chief and convoy commander with Company B, Iraqi Transition Team 8, Regimental Combat Team 1, slaps an Iraqi child “hi-five” during a patrol through Fallujah June 9. Austin, a Lincolnton, N.C. native, took a few minutes with some transition members to play soccer with neighborhood childeren during the operation.
FALLUJAH, Iraq– Marines geared for war walk in tactical columns through the once mean streets of Fallujah, ready for what may lay around the next corner.
“Mister, mister shokalata! Shokalata!”shout exuberant children from a crowded neighborhood as Marines and Iraqi police pass out candy.
Marines with Company B, Police Transition Team 8, Regimental Combat Team 1, have been working diligently over the past few months to help train Iraqi police to take over their respective areas and become self-supportive in day-to-day operations in the city.
Recent increases in the number of Iraqi police have drastically subdued the violence in the city.

“These guys are going out on a daily basis by themselves and coming back with suspect arrests,” said Lance Cpl. Andrew L. Walker, a 20-year-old police transition team member from Crane Hill, Ala. “For the most part, they are doing a really good job with many of the issues going on here.”

Marines with the transition team spend time mentoring Iraqi police and work with them to control the Mauallimeen area. Joint patrols in the city work to strengthen relationships with the IPs and Marines, and offer Marines a chance to evaluate how the police operate in various situations.

25 Jun

America The Beautiful ~ Elvis

God bless America I pray we will always be able to hear the Patriotic songs.

24 Jun

LOL Egomaniac Obama Pulls Presidential Seal!

Obama Pulls New Presidential Seal
That was a one-time thing for a one-time event,” Robert Gibbs asserted to CNN about the rather intricately designed seal that made its debut last Friday.
The new seal was unveiled on Obama’s podium when he spoke to a group of Democratic governors.
The Latin phrase “E Pluribus Unum,” which translates to “Out of many, one,” was replaced with “Vero Possumus,” which translates to “Truly, we are able” — a rough translation of the Obama campaign slogan “Yes we can.”
The deletion of “E Pluribus Unum,” long considered the de-facto motto of the United States, is not accidental for multiculturalists, who have long denigrated the concept that immigrants must strip away their old culture in favor of the “oneness” of American civilization.
And CNN reported that Obama was not simply facing critics from the right, but also from some left-wing supporters who did not like his new and improved seal.
“Many wondered whether a seal — with Latin phrasing no less — was the best idea for a candidate fighting for the working-class vote and trying to fend off allegations of elitism,” CNN reported.

Wild Thing’s comment………
They are now saying they designed that seal for a one-time use at a one-time event. And they intended that it not be used again. LMAO….. Sure sorry I don’t believe things coming out of the mouth of a lilberal(s) . Nev-ah!
They got called on it. Damage control just like Jeremiah Wright.
I’m surprised he did not release the statement “This is not the seal I knew before…” !!!!

24 Jun

Hey Obama ~ “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”

Obama Apology to Muslim Women Orchestrated by Muslim U.S. House Rep.(Keith Ellison)
Fox News
An apology issued by Barack Obama to two Muslim women booted from the front lines of a public appearance by the Democratic presidential candidate last week was orchestrated by Rep. Keith Ellison, the first Muslim ever elected to Congress.
Multiple congressional sources confirm that it was Ellison, D-Minn., who confronted Obama over the issue during a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus.
Obama called the women to apologize after two volunteers with the campaign removed the women from the stage area behind the location where Obama would be speaking. The volunteers allegedly told the women it was because they were wearing traditional Muslim scarves.
Sources told FOX News that it was Ellison who raised the issue of the alleged impropriety with Obama and provided the prospective nominee with the women’s phone numbers.
One key lawmaker who was present described the exchange between Obama and Ellison as “cordial” but “direct.”

Another source familiar with the exchange added that many members of the CBC supported Ellison and said “it was an issue that needed to be addressed.

However, congressional sources indicated that Ellison’s exchange with Obama was so intense that CBC Chairwoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, D-Mich., had to intervene and attempted to gavel down Ellison.
In conversations with other media outlets, Ellison has been critical of Obama campaign efforts to distance the candidate from Islam. Ellison has also intimated that the campaign has cancelled campaign events because of the potential of linking Obama with him, the most-senior Muslim in the federal government.

LOL then there is this!

Muslim Voters Detect a Snub From Obama
New York Times
As Senator Barack Obama courted voters in Iowa last December, Representative Keith Ellison, the country’s first Muslim congressman, stepped forward eagerly to help.
Mr. Ellison …volunteered to speak on Mr. Obama’s behalf at a mosque in Cedar Rapids, one of the nation’s oldest Muslim enclaves. But before the rally could take place, aides to Mr. Obama asked Mr. Ellison to cancel the trip because it might stir controversy. Another aide appeared at Mr. Ellison’s Washington office to explain.

“I will never forget the quote,” Mr. Ellison said, leaning forward in his chair as he recalled the aide’s words. “He said, ‘We have a very tightly wrapped message.’ ”

When Mr. Obama began his presidential campaign, Muslim Americans from California to Virginia responded with enthusiasm, seeing him as a long-awaited champion of civil liberties, religious tolerance and diplomacy in foreign affairs. But more than a year later, many say, he has not returned their embrace.
While the senator has visited churches and synagogues, he has yet to appear at a single mosque.
Muslim and Arab-American organizations have tried repeatedly to arrange meetings with Mr. Obama, but officials with those groups say their invitations — unlike those of their Jewish and Christian counterparts — have been ignored. Last week, two Muslim women wearing head scarves were barred by campaign volunteers from appearing behind Mr. Obama at a rally in Detroit.
In interviews, Muslim political and civic leaders said they understood that their support for Mr. Obama could be a problem for him at a time when some Americans are deeply suspicious of Muslims. Yet those leaders nonetheless expressed disappointment and even anger at the distance that Mr. Obama has kept from them.

“This is the ‘hope campaign,’ this is the ‘change campaign,’ ” said Mr. Ellison, Democrat of Minnesota. Muslims are frustrated, he added, that “they have not been fully engaged in it.”

…on a new section of his Web site, he classifies the claim that he is Muslim as a “smear.”

“A lot of us are waiting for him to say that there’s nothing wrong with being a Muslim, by the way,” Mr. Ellison said

Some Muslim supporters of Mr. Obama seem to ricochet between dejection and optimism. Minha Husaini, a public health consultant in her 30s who is working for the Obama campaign in Philadelphia, lights up like a swooning teenager when she talks about his promise for change.

“He gives me hope,” Ms. Husaini said in an interview last month, shortly before she joined the campaign on a fellowship. But she sighed when the conversation turned to his denials of being Muslim, “as if it’s something bad,” she said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Wherever there are Muslims, there are also the elements of chaos, anarchy and destruction. The core of the campaign is the introduction of communism to our system of government. The message is tightly wrapped because it’s hidden and tagged “Do Not Open until Jan 2009”.
LOL Keith Ellison just might get thrown under the bus with the others. heh heh

About the women that Obama offended:

“The two Muslim women are pro-radical Muslim activists.
Hebba Aref, was an official of the Muslim Students Association (MSA), in charge of proselytizing. The Chicago Tribune identified the MSA as part of the American manifestation of the Sunni terrorist group, Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimeen–The Muslim Brotherhood. Aref served on the executive board of the University of Michigan-Dearborn’s MSA, which demanded and obtained tax-funded Muslim foot baths at that university,

Shimaa Abdelfadeel, the other woman allegedly excluded by the Obama campaign, was chair of SAFE, a University of Michigan-Ann Arbor group that hosted the 2002 Divestment Conference against Israel at which “Annihilate the Jews!” was chanted and Islamic Jihad founder Sami Al-Arian was keynote speaker. She’s the author of vehement anti-Israel propaganda. “

24 Jun

Latest From USA Hating Lawyers and Judges: U.S. Court Says GITMO Detainees Not Enemy Combatants

US court says Guantanamo detainees not enemy combatants
Toronto News
A U.S. federal appeals court has struck down the U.S. military’s classification of a Guantanamo Bay detainee as an enemy combatant.
This is the first time the U.S. court system has overruled the Bush administration’s designation of a detainee since the Guantanamo facility began operations in early 2002.
The court ruled in favor of a Chinese Muslim, Huzaifa Parhat, who has spent the last six years in detention and is one of more than 100 detainees to challenge their enemy combatant status in the U.S. judicial system. The court directed the U.S. military to release Parhat, transfer him out of Guantanamo, or hold a new proceeding to once again determine his status.
The court announced its decision without providing any details, saying the ruling contains classified information. The Department of Defense did not immediately comment on the matter.
Human rights groups say the appeals court ruling is a landmark decision for Guantanamo detainees, yet one with little practical benefit for Parhat.
Stacy Sullivan is a counter-terrorism advisor for New York-based Human Rights Watch.

“He Parhat will probably not be released,” she said. “He is a Chinese Uighur, and there are a number of Chinese Uighurs being held at Guantanamo who are already declared no longer enemy combatants. But they cannot leave Guantanamo because they have nowhere to go. They cannot be sent back to China because they have a well-founded fear of torture in China, and the United States to its credit will not send them back there. So the Uighurs are pretty much stuck in Guantanamo.”

In 2006, the United States released five Uighurs from Guantanamo and resettled them in Albania. China, which regards the Uighurs as terrorists and separatists, demanded Albania to return them to China. Albania did not comply.
U.S. authorities believe some Uighurs have links to al-Qaeda. But they admit the Uighurs held at Guantanamo never fought against the United States, nor did they take part in the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.
Human Rights Watch’s Stacy Sullivan says the plight of the Guantanamo Uighurs points to a real dilemma facing the United States if at some point it decides to close Guantanamo, an action favored by both presumptive Republican and Democratic presidential nominees.

“There are about 50 detainees there who have said they do not want to go home because they fear being tortured: Uzbeks, Libyans, Uighurs, a few other nationalities,” she said. “What is to be done with them? It is simple enough to transfer those for whom we have evidence of terrorism and try them in our federal court system. But the 50 detainees who cannot go home, it is unclear what is going to happen to them, and that is going to make closing Guantanamo really difficult.”

The federal appeals court ruling follows a U.S. Supreme Court decision earlier this month affirming the right of Guantanamo suspects to challenge their detention in U.S. civilian courts.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
When lawyers are the front-line on the war on terror, you can fear for our safety. Undermining of our intelligence and rewarding the terrorist.
I wish we could lock up ALL our lawyers and Judges. What good are they anyway. They are constantly serving the enemy, the criminal and NOT the victim. They put bad guys back out onto the streets all the time and could care less about doing the right thing.
Somebody sworn to kill Americans and non believers isn’t an enemy combatant????
As far as this court saying that guy is not an enemy combatant, we’re on the slippery slope. Sheesh!
The Supreme Court ruling was that these people at Gitmo have the rights of habeas corpus as any U.S. citizen would. The next step was this lower court saying that this one guy is not an enemy combatant. I fear that the slippery slope is that we won’t legally be able to classify anyone as an enemy combatant, because it won’t be allowed by courts.
This war against Islam is not like other wars, there will be no treaty, no terms of surrender, no conquering enemy territory. Instead, there is only vigilance until the enemy’s capacity to project power is quelled.
Who needs enemies? We will destroy ourselves from within. Our ‘law’ will ensure it.

24 Jun

101st Uncovers Vehicle-borne Improvised Explosive Device Factory (VBIED)

3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division
1-33 uncovers VBIED factory
By Sgt. 1st Class Kerensa Hardy
A routine gathering with local leaders resulted in the discovery of a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device factory near Hamid Shaban.
Acting on a tip from an attendee at the meeting, Rakkasan Soldiers from Troop A, 1st Squadron, 33rd Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), acted quickly and found what appeared to be a makeshift VBIED workshop about a mile away from the gathering.

“We came up with a quick plan and headed that way,” said Staff Sgt. Adam McMurray, a platoon sergeant from Aydlett, N.C., who provided command and control for the mission.

The Soldiers had to find their way to the house, about a mile away, without detailed directions or a grid coordinate.
Once at the location, the house was cleared by a team of Soldiers led by Sgt. Walter Nickel, from Pago Pago, American Samoa.

“After the house was cleared, we noticed that the kerosene heater was still on, the Chai (tea) was still hot,” McMurray said. “I mean, we had just missed these guys.”

The most valuable find was in front of the house – four vehicles suspected to be used as VBIEDs. One vehicle had wires running from the inside to the trunk. McMurray said it was blatantly obvious the vehicle was intended to be used as a VBIED.
The Soldiers found more explosives and a homemade rocket launcher.

“We found a bunch of paperwork … a lot of explosives, mortar rounds and bomb-making materials and weapons,” Nickel said. “There was stuff just ready to get hooked up to explosives. It seemed to me they were just getting ready to do something, they were just getting things together.”

“We feel great that we found something that could’ve caused a lot of damage to Coalition Forces,” said Sgt. Jose Rivas, from Nashville, Tenn. “It was a long day but it was worthwhile.”

23 Jun

Democrats Blocked Drilling In ANWAR Every Year After Bill Clinton Vetoed Bill

The bears use the pipe lines like their private highway – they love it because it’s warm on their toes.


FOX News Poll: Americans ‘Energized’ for Action
Fox News
The national poll was conducted for the FOX News special “America’s Future: Do We Have Enough Energy?” airing on FOX News Channel on Saturday at 9 p.m. ET and on Sunday at 8 p.m. ET and 11 p.m. ET.
After taking the body blows of higher energy prices, Americans seem more willing than ever to fight back with bold initiatives. For example, just over three-quarters (76 percent) support immediately increasing oil drilling in the United States — a position recently espoused by presumptive Republican nominee John McCain. More than seven in 10 Democrats (71 percent) also hold this view.

As gasoline prices move well past $4 per gallon, Americans seem stunned — but also ready to take action — according to the latest FOX News poll.
Chart below taken from Fox News PDF file

Wild Thing’s comment……..
If this chart is close to how citizens feel, I would think the Congress would wise up and be forced to give in from their agenda of Nationalizing Oil Companies, and the rest of their baloney about oil they keep trying to force on all of us.
The solution is so simple and starring our politicians in their faces.

23 Jun

Berkeley Support The troops Rally At Marine Recruiting Center

Supporters and detractors of the United States military battled it out in Berkeley for at least the sixth time this year: the latest in a relentless series of protests and counter-protests to seize the upper hand in the controversy over the “Marine Corps Officer Selection Office” on Shattuck Square.
Summer Solstice showdown featured Move America Forward, the Marines Motorcycle Club, EAGLES UP, the Patriot Guard Riders and other veterans’ and pro-America groups facing off against their traditional adversaries: World Can’t Wait, Code Pink, the Revolutionary Communist Party, assorted 9/11 Truthers, far-left activists and their fellow travelers.
Zombie Time photos
SF Gate
Melanie Morgan
Special Thank you to Doug Lyvere ( SgtMaj, Marine ret.) Director, Western Operations, Eagles Up
Eagles Up

This video shows about a minute’s worth of Nazi saluting, screaming and booing during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner.

They directed their Nazi salutes toward a group of flag-waving patriots across the street.

Note the paper she is trying to hand out says: The Barack Obama Campaign

Melanie Morgan then took the mike and fired back by triumphantly announcing the news that the City of Berkeley had just revoked Code Pink’s controversial free parking space in front of the Marine Corps recruiting office .

Marine Corps veteran. Code Pink and World Can’t Wait would have a lot of convincing to do if they wanted to convert this Hero!


Wild Thing’s comment……..
God bless all that showed up to counter the America and military hating lefties. And God bless our troops!!