12 Jul

Michelle Obama Says ” Spend $600 stimulus check on earrings”

Michelle Obama: Spend $600 stimulus check on earrings
Washington Times
Barack Obama’s wife quipped that the $600 tax stimulus check could be used for a pair of earrings.
Mrs. Obama said in Pontiac, Michigan, Wednesday that if her husband is elected he will offer more than a “quick fix” on the economy.
“You’re getting $600 – what can you do with that? Not to be ungrateful or anything, but maybe it pays down a bill, but it doesn’t pay down every bill every month,” she said. “The short-term quick fix kinda stuff sounds good, and it may even feel good that first month when you get that check, and then you go out and you buy a pair of earrings.”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
OMG! Earrings for the Queen racist?
C’mon Michelle $600 bucks could buy two Rosetta language learning programs and a person could become trilingual. Now wouldn’t that make you proud. You dolt.
You’re getting $600 – what can you do with that? Not to be ungrateful or anything, but maybe it pays down a bill, but it doesn’t pay down every bill every month,” she said.
Now this is truly frightening: Michelle wants the government to “pay down every bill every month.” Pure socialism, as enunciated by the angry “never been proud of America” Michelle.

12 Jul

Obama Under Fire Over Afghan ‘Insult’ and Then Obama throws bin Laden Under His Bus!

Obama Under Fire Over Afghan ‘Insult’
White House hopeful Barack Obama has said the Afghan government of President Hamid Karzai has not “gotten out of the bunker” to rebuild the war-torn country.
Senator Obama’s comments, ahead of an expected visit to Afghanistan in the coming weeks, drew immediate fire from Republicans, who accused him of insulting a key US “war on terror” ally.
Senator Obama also said in an interview with CNN, to be broadcast in full this weekend, that the Bush administration had allowed al-Qaeda and the Taliban to regroup, by diverting vital US forces to the war in Iraq.
“I think the Karzai government has not gotten out of the bunker and helped to organise Afghanistan and (the) government, the judiciary, police forces, in ways that would give people confidence,” he said.
“So there are a lot of problems there.
“A big chunk of the issue is that we allowed the Taliban and al-Qaeda to regenerate itself when we had them on the ropes.
“That was a big mistake and it’s one I’m going to correct when I’m president.”
Senator Obama’s Republican foes accused him of ignoring multiple assassination attempts against Karzai, and of offending a vital US ally.
“Barack Obama had no interest in Afghanistan until he started running for president,” said Republican National Committee spokesman Alex Conant.
“Obama has never visited Afghanistan to meet our allies on the ground, yet he is audacious enough to assert that President Karzai has not gotten ‘out of the bunker’.
“Obama’s words are naively out-of-touch with reality and offensive to America’s allies.”

And then there is this:

Obama wants Bin Laden executed
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said in interview excerpts released Friday that Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden should be executed, if he is ever captured alive.
The Illinois Senator told CNN that the accused mastermind of the September 11 attacks in 2001 should face the full weight of US and global justice.
“I am not a cheerleader for the death penalty,” Obama said.
“I think it has to be reserved for only the most heinous crimes, but I certainly think plotting and engineering the death of 3,000 Americans justifies such an approach.”
“I think this is a big hypothetical, though — let’s catch him first,” he said.


Wild Thing’s comment…….
In the first article, Obama had better keep his mouth shut. If he keeps this up he is going to put our troops in more danger then they are already.
And the second article about Osama bin laden, this is the latest and most unexpected flip-flop, Obama throws bin Laden under his bus! He said before that Bin Laden should be tried as a criminal !! ….It’s not the Bin Laden I knew..
5 weeks ago he said we should “not make a martyr of Bin Laden” !!! No wonder his Rasmussen numbers are collapsing. The man is a gaffe machine!
The actual presidential contest may be: Will Obama or McCain have the bigger bus with the most ‘friends’ thrown under it. Biggest bus with the largest count wins????
He is against the death penalty and now he is not? Give me a break. We have all wanted Osama bin laden caputred and killed from day one. B,. Hussein Obama is a phony.
The only difference between oBama and oSama is two letters…BS.

12 Jul

Contemptuous, Quisling, Insulting, Inadequate B. Hussein Obama

Obama embarrassed of America, Laughs at our society, criticizes religious, gun toting , steel working Americans.
Obama lectures us and tells Americans what to drive, how much to eat and how to live.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Well, lets take score … Michelle Obama is not proud of her country. Now Obama is embarrassed by America. YES, let’s elect them to the White House. NOT!

12 Jul

Political Correctness Once Again Shows Its Stupid Head

Air traffic controller ad – in Braille

An airport has been accused of political correctness after advertising for a new air traffic controller in Braille.
Although ’20/20 vision’ is a requirement of the position at St Mary’s airport on the Isles of Scilly, the application form is offered in both Braille and audio format.
But the operators of the airport say they are merely adhering to equal opportunity guidelines to avoid accusations of discrimination, reports the Daily Telegraph.

12 Jul

‘Men At Work’ Signs To Disappear In Atlanta

‘Men At Work’ signs to disappear in Atlanta
Decision follows complaints by magazine editor
Across Atlanta they stood, orange signs with black letters that read “Men At Work” or “Men Working Ahead.”
Sometimes, the signs stood next to women working alongside the men.
Good demanded Atlanta officials remove the signs and last week, Atlanta Public Works Commissioner Joe Basista agreed.
Score one for gender equality, Good said Wednesday.
“They get it,” Good said about the city in a telephone interview.
Public Works officials are replacing 50 “Men Working” with signs that say “Workers Ahead.” It will cost $22 to cover over some of the old signs and $144 to buy new signs, said Public Works spokeswoman Valerie Bell-Smith said.
Good, founding editor of Atlanta-based PINK Magazine, a publication that focuses on professional women, said she’s not stopping with Atlanta.

“We’re calling on the rest of the nation to follow suit and make a statement that we will not accept these subtle forms of discrimination,” said Good, 48.

Good pressed the issue after Atlanta police came to her office last month on a complaint that she spray painted “wo” onto a “Men At Work” sign.
Did she do it? Good replied by complaining about the signs.
Good fired off letters complaining about the signs to Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin and Gov. Sonny Perdue.
State transportation officials said they will ask contractors to remove signs specifying just men are working at a construction site.
Atlanta union leader Gina Pagnotta said some women employees of Atlanta Public Works complained about these signs years ago.
“It is a little bit bias to say ‘Men Working,’ ” said Pagnotta, president of the Professional Association of City Employees. “Women are working, too.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Oh, please…get over it. This political correctness stuff has driven common sense from the world.
Don’t these women have anything better to do?
One of my girlfriends is a firemen in AZ. Sometimes she goes by the title firefighter and other times fireman. She is not hung up on it at all and thinks her performace is more important then what she is called.
What is next? Glen Campbell would need to change the lyrics of “Wichita Lineman” to “Wichita Line Worker” or some such term.
John Travolta wasn’t an “Urban Cowboy”. I guess they will insist on call the movie “Urban Cattle Handler”, or “Urban Rancher”.
The sign changed from “Men at work” to “Workers ahead”. These people went from men (humans) to workers (political tools). Political correctness is about changing words to change people’s minds, often in subtle and insidious ways.
I heard that in Boulder , Colorado no longer allows the use of “Man hole” because it was deemed sexist. Now it is “Utility cover”.

11 Jul

German Chancellor Merkel Uneasy Over Obama Speech At Brandenburg Gate

German Chancellor Angela Merkel uneasy over Obama Brandenburg Gate address
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has signaled unease over the prospect of a possible speech by Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama at Berlin’s historic Brandenburg Gate, a spokesman said Wednesday.
Merkel has “only limited understanding for using the Brandenburg Gate as an election campaign backdrop, as it were, and has expressed skepticism about pursuing such plans,” Thomas Steg, a spokesman for the chancellor, told reporters.
However, Steg stressed that the chancellor is “very happy” for Obama to visit Germany and meet her and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
Berlin city officials said this week that members of the Democratic candidate’s campaign had contacted them about what permission and security issues would need to be resolved before Obama could speak in front of the monument.
The Obama campaign has refused to provide specifics on his plans during an upcoming visit to Europe and the Middle East, including the candidate’s interest in a possible event at the Brandenburg Gate.

“Senator Obama looks forward to his visit to Germany and his opportunity to meet with the chancellor,” Obama spokesman Bill Burton said. “He has considered several sites for a possible speech, and he will choose one that makes most sense for him and his German hosts.”

The gate stood for 28 years behind the Berlin Wall in communist East Germany’s heavily fortified border zone. Probably the capital’s best-known monument, it was once a symbol of Germany’s Cold War division and now stands for its reunification.
Steg noted that the Brandenburg Gate has become “a place with a particular exclusivity, intensity and symbolism” in view of past speeches by sitting U.S. presidents and events such as a large rally in solidarity with the United States after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
As a result, he said Merkel has voiced “great skepticism as to whether it is appropriate to bring an election campaign being fought not in Germany but in the United States to the Brandenburg Gate.”
Steg said that “no German (chancellor) candidate would think of using (Washington’s) National Mall or Red Square in Moscow for rallies, because it would be considered inappropriate.”
He stressed that giving permission to use the venue is a matter not for Merkel’s government, but for Berlin city authorities. Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit said Tuesday that he would be “delighted” for Obama to appear at the Brandenburg Gate or elsewhere.
In a famous 1987 speech that used the gate as a backdrop, President Reagan urged Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “open this gate” and “tear down this wall.”
In 1994, four years after German reunification, President Clinton spoke on the other, formerly eastern, side of the gate — declaring that “Berlin is free.”
Organizers of Obama’s campaign have said he is planning two foreign trips this summer, including stops in the Middle East and major European capitals, in an effort to boost his foreign policy credentials as he prepares for the November election against Republican John McCain.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Jens Ploetner said there had been contacts with the German Embassy in Washington regarding Obama’s trip. He said that, while German officials suggested that he could visit landmarks such as Berlin’s Holocaust Memorial, the Cold War-era Checkpoint Charlie border crossing and the Brandenburg Gate, they had made no recommendations on any venue for a possible Obama speech.


Wild Thing’s comment…….
Can you imagine a candidate from Germany or France or any nation to set up shop on the capitol mall for a political rally?
Obama is pathologically arrogant!! He’s delusional, arrogant and ignorant. A very dangerous mix for the position he craves and thinks he deserves. This guy scares me.

….Thank you Cheryl for the article.

11 Jul

Beyond Moron Nancy Pelosi Says To Drill In protected Areas “A Hoax”

Pressured about drilling in the millions of acres that Democrats have restricted from oil drilling and development, Speaker Nancy Pelosi answers, “Drilling is a hoax!”
It makes you understand how this bunch of Democrats became the worst Congress ever in approval ratings.
Congress ratings as of today are 9 %

DATE : 10 July 2008

Pelosi decries expanded drilling

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said calls to drill in protected, sensitive areas is “a hoax” perpetrated by Republicans and the Bush administration.
Pelosi and other Democratic leaders unveiled proposals that would address the energy and gas price crisis, and renewed their calls for immediate drilling on nearly 100 million domestic acres already approved for exploration, The Hill reported Thursday. They also urged President George Bush to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
“This call for drilling in areas that are protected is a hoax, it’s an absolute hoax on the part of the Republicans and this administration,” Pelosi said. “It’s a decoy to punt your attention away from the fact that their policies have produced $4-a-gallon gasoline.”
Pelosi’s position may put her at variance with members of the Democratic Caucus who have been moving toward striking compromises with Republicans on ways to expand domestic energy production.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said expanded offshore drilling is not off the table, and that Democrats will consider whether states should be able to choose to drill off their coasts, as Bush has suggested.

DATE: 17 June 2008


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Pelosi is a ‘hoax on what she is playing on America’! Nobody can be this stupid enough to come up with this crap! She has taken the Congressional approval rate to single digit.
If the Republicans and Bush included could just take the bull by the horns on this and treat it like the war it is with the enemy within…….. I would bet that it would turn around a lot of the negatives of the Republican party and get us on our way back to showing how Conservative thinking and doing what has to be done is what is the most important thing to do.
But it would mean for Republican politicians to play hard and not touchie feelie like so many have done. If they don’t do this then they suck worse then we thought before. This is an opportunity waiting in the wings for Republicans to save the day.
Maybe I am wrong, but it sure seems lilke a real opportunity and it really would get us in such a better place regarding Oil..

11 Jul

White House Says Ruling Could Free Detainees To Walk Main Street USA

White House says ruling could free detainees in US
USA Today
WASHINGTON — The White House said Thursday that dangerous detainees at Guantanamo Bay could end up walking Main Street U.S.A. as a result of last month’s Supreme Court ruling about detainees’ legal rights. Federal appeals courts, however, have indicated they have no intention of letting that happen.
The high court ruling, which gave all detainees the right to petition federal judges for immediate release, has intensified discussions within the Bush administration about what to do with the roughly 270 detainees held at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
“I’m sure that none of us want Khalid Sheikh Mohammed walking around our neighborhoods,” White House press secretary Dana Perino said about al-Qaida’s former third in command.
President Bush strongly disagreed with the Supreme Court decision that the foreigners held under indefinite detention at Guantanamo have the right to seek release in civilian courts. The 5-4 ruling was the third time the justices had repudiated Bush on his approach to holding the suspects outside the protections of U.S. law.
The legal ramifications of the Supreme Court decision remain fuzzy, but it’s unlikely that a federal appeals court would order a detainee released into the United States even if a judge finds that the government was holding the detainee improperly. A court might tell the Bush administration to let a prisoner go, but it presumably would be up to the executive branch to figure out where.
Glenn Sulmasy, a national security fellow at Harvard University, said if the matter remains in the hands of civilian courts, there is an element of truth to the White House warning that detainees could be released in the United States.
He said the legislative and executive branches should find a third legal way — not through military commissions or the civilian courts — to deal with the detainees, perhaps a national security or other type of special court. “What is needed is a hybrid court,” he said.
“But there is considered judgment, from many federal government lawyers — all the way up to the attorney general of the United States_ that it is a very real possibility that a dangerous detainee could be released into the United States as a result of this Supreme Court decision.”
Judges at Washington’s federal courthouse are moving quickly to process about 200 cases involving Guantanamo Bay detainees. Those cases would force the Justice Department to say why the detainees are being held and defend the decision to label them enemy combatants. Defense attorneys are convinced that, in many cases, the evidence will not hold up.
“The judge might say to the United States, ‘You don’t have enough evidence to hold this person,'” Perino said. “And then what do we do? … Is he allowed to leave? And if so, is he picked up by immigration? Even if that’s the case, they’re only allowed to be held for six months.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is so crazy and very scary too. It may not happen but from what we have seen in the past about our courts and judges and lawyers the odds are it very well could. They let horrible bad guys out of jail all the time.
“What is needed is a hybrid court,”
And what the heck is this??? OMG

….Thank you Lynn for sending this to me.

11 Jul

9/11 Plotter Tells GITMO Judge He Would Be Proud to Attack U.S.

Waleed bin Attash
Police on April 29, 2003, arrested alleged al-Qaida operational commander Waleed bin Attash, suspected of helping plan the October 2000 attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, and five other alleged al-Qaida operatives in a raid in Karachi. U.S. officials also suspect Attash, a Yemeni also known as Tawfiq Attash or Khallad, coordinated the activities of two hijackers who crashed a plane into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. U.S. law enforcement officials said a plot to crash an explosives-laden small aircraft into the U.S. consulate in Karachi was uncovered with the arrests. Pakistan’s Interior Minister, Faisal Saleh Hayyat, declined to comment directly on the plot, but said the arrest helped avert a major terrorist attack


Accused 9/11 Plotter Tells Guantanamo Judge He Would Be Proud to Attack U.S.
Fox News
A man facing trial at Guantanamo for allegedly running a training camp for Sept. 11 hijackers said Thursday he would be “proud” to have participated in an attack on the U.S.

“Any attack I undertook against America, or even participated or helped in, I am proud about it, and I am happy,” Waleed bin Attash told a military judge.

The judge, Marine Col. Ralph Kohlmann, cut Attash off before he could say anything further that could incriminate him at his upcoming trial on charges that include murder.
Bin Attash is one of five Guantanamo prisoners charged with war crimes for their alleged roles in the Sept. 11 attacks. They could get the death penalty if convicted.
Bin Attash, who is from Yemen, spoke during a pretrial hearing to determine whether he had willingly chosen to represent himself.
Military defense lawyers had said the alleged Sept. 11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, may have intimidated the others into refusing Pentagon-appointed lawyers. Bin Attash said he had not been pressured into representing himself.
At a separate hearing later, Mohammed denied pressuring any of his co-defendants. “I don’t think anyone can threaten me or I can threaten them,” he told the judge. “We are not gangs in the USA jails. … Everyone respects his own view.”
Mohammed said Thursday that the U.S. military is making it difficult for him to serve as his own lawyer.
Mohammed, who has rejected his Pentagon-appointed attorneys, says the military has not given him paper in his cell and failed to deliver a legal motion he wrote to the judge on this U.S. Navy base in southeast Cuba.
“We are not in normal situation. We are in hell,” the Pakistani, who had a wide gray beard, told the judge in broken English.
A hearing for a third defendant, Ramzi Binalshibh, was postponed because he refused to leave his cell

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I am looking forward to when these terrorists are put to death. Their mouthing off, their threats never stop.

…. Thank you Darth for sending this to me.

10 Jul

Change Agent Obama on FISA

Senate Approves Bill to Broaden Wiretap Powers
NY Times
The Senate gave final approval on Wednesday to a major expansion of the government’s surveillance powers, handing President Bush one more victory in a series of hard-fought clashes with Democrats over national security issues.
The measure, approved by a vote of 69 to 28, is the biggest revamping of federal surveillance law in 30 years. It includes a divisive element that Mr. Bush had deemed essential: legal immunity for the phone companies that cooperated in the National Security Agency wiretapping program he approved after the Sept. 11 attacks.
The vote came two and a half years after public disclosure of the wiretapping program set off a fierce national debate over the balance between protecting the country from another terrorist strike and ensuring civil liberties. The final outcome in Congress, which opponents of the surveillance measure had conceded for weeks, seemed almost anticlimactic in contrast.
Mr. Bush, appearing in the Rose Garden just after his return from Japan, called the vote “long overdue.” He promised to sign the measure into law quickly, saying it was critical to national security and showed that “even in an election year, we can come together and get important pieces of legislation passed.”

The issue put Senator Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, in a particularly precarious spot. He had long opposed giving legal immunity to the phone companies that took part in the N.S.A.’s wiretapping program, even threatening a filibuster during his run for the nomination. But on Wednesday, he ended up voting for what he called “an improved but imperfect bill” after backing a failed attempt earlier in the day to strip the immunity provision from the bill through an amendment.
Mr. Obama’s decision last month to reverse course angered some ardent supporters, who organized an Internet drive to influence his vote. And his position came to symbolize the continuing difficulties that Democrats have faced in striking a position on national security issues even against a weakened president. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Democrat of New York, who had battled Mr. Obama for the nomination, voted against the bill.
Senator John McCain, the likely Republican presidential nominee, was campaigning in Ohio and did not vote, though he has consistently supported the immunity plan.

The ACLU oh how wonderful they are….NOT. They are going to sue about this.
ACLU Announces Legal Challenge To Follow President’s Signature

“With one vote, Congress has strengthened the executive branch, weakened the judiciary and rendered itself irrelevant,” said Caroline Fredrickson, Director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office. “This bill – soon to be law – is a constitutional nightmare. Americans should know that if this legislation is enacted and upheld, what they say on international phone calls or emails is no longer private. The government can listen in without having a specific reason to do so. Our rights as Americans have been curtailed and our privacy can no longer be assumed.”
In advance of the president’s signature, the ACLU announced its plan to challenge the new law in court.
“This fight is not over. We intend to challenge this bill as soon as President Bush signs it into law,” said Jameel Jaffer, Director of the ACLU National Security Project. “The bill allows the warrantless and dragnet surveillance of Americans’ international telephone and email communications. It plainly violates the Fourth Amendment.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL I love this and notice the look on McCain’s face at the end of the video.
Hear that popping noise??? it’s the exploding heads of the lunatic liberals as they get steamed which is causing the air between their ears to heat at an uncontrollable rate.
Democratic Underground is furious with Obama. hahaha
“This fight is not over.” ACLU will challenge FISA update in court
“Sorry folks. It isn’t OKAY that Obama failed us on FISA.”