16 Jul

If The Left Wins

What Liberals Dream Of
by David Strom
Conservatives are in a funk—one that threatens to turn into a full-blown retreat from the battlefield of ideas.
Everywhere I turn I encounter conservatives ready to give up for the next few years. After all, many of us rightly feel a bit betrayed by our elected officials given how badly they performed over the past few years. And many conservatives are hoping that two or four years of liberals actually running things will wake America to the dangers they face.
It’s hard to blame people who feel that way, but they couldn’t be more wrong.
Even a mere two or four years of liberal ascendency in Washington policymaking could do immeasurable damage to our economy and our freedoms—damage that could take years or decades to repair, if ever. Once a liberal policy is in place it is almost impossible to reverse it.
Don’t think that a few years of liberals in charge is that dangerous? Just take a moment to consider what liberals dream of doing once they gain absolute power.
There is no aspect of our lives—none—that today’s liberals concede is off limits to the meddling use of government power. In their vision there is no dividing line between the public sphere and the private sphere. Limited government is a concept that makes no sense to them……
Energy policies are just the tip of the iceberg—although control over energy gives government control over pretty much the entire economy already.
In a world run by liberals literally no aspect of our lives will be outside the legitimate regulation of government. That is because anything—even what temperature you like to keep your house—can be turned into a matter of legitimate public concern.
Everything we do, including breathing, eating and of course procreating, can be argued to have an impact on those around us or the great mother earth. And if it affects others, it can and should be regulated by those who know best, at least according to the liberals.
Liberals want to regulate just about everything: where we live, what fuels we use, what car we drive, whether we can drive or be forced to use government mass transit, where we send our kids to school, what doctor we see, and even to what extent we express our approval or disapproval of others’ lifestyles. It’s hard to find something liberals don’t want to regulate.
Is that a world you want to live in?”
Whatever our personal feelings, conservatives simply can’t afford to indulge in the funk many of us have fallen into. The price we pay for handing absolute power over to liberals is just too high.
What’s at stake are the very concepts of personal liberty and limits to government power.
We can’t afford to just walk away from this fight.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is excellent we saw what happened with Carter he gave away fthe Panama Canal do we have it back? No.
We saw what happened when Bill Clinton personally approved the transfer to China of advanced space technology that can be used for nuclear combat. source HERE
The documents show that in 1996 Clinton approved the export of radiation hardened chip sets to China. The specialized chips are necessary for fighting a nuclear war. And all the other things he did against that were against America and help for China.
And of course none of that was able to be reversed either.
Add in to that facter what Clinton did to our military, downsizing it.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

16 Jul

WWE Tribute to the Troops — On Tour

WWE Superstars take a tour of Iraq to hang out with the men and women serving in the US armed forces.
This special Tribute to the Troops episode of Monday Night Raw aired in December on TV. I was waiting for it to be on video so I could show it to you, and just now found it. I showed you some of the others ones last Christmas.
A BIG thank you to WWE for all you do for our troops. You are all awesome! This is the way it should be, people going to see our troops and thanking them for all they do.



16 Jul

Sevendust Performs for Bagram Service Members

Soldiers stationed at Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan pose with members of the band Sevendust, July 12, after a performance by the band. The performance completed Sevendust’s first USO tour.

Sevendust Performs for Bagram Service Members
By Pfc. Scott Davis
Combined Joint Task Force-101
Modern rock band Sevendust put on a performance like no other for service members stationed at Bagram Air Field, July 12, at the final stop on their first United Service Organization tour.
Although the band was not known for playing an acoustic set, they still managed to put out a diverse sound that left rock fans wanting more.

“I just got done watching Sevendust in concert,” said Army Sgt. Mark Decker, B Company, 101st Airborne Division Special Troop Battalion. “I never thought anybody could ‘jam out’ acoustically like they did.”

After the performance, Sevendust let a Soldier from the crowd come up on stage and smash a guitar. They also gave him one of their guitars and gave other service members a set of bongos and another guitar, practically giving away their entire set of instruments.

“I think they were awesome,” said Air Force Capt. Vanessa Mahan, 455th Aerial Expeditionary Wing. “It’s been a while since we’ve had a hardcore band here so it’s kind of refreshing. “

The band gave thanks and saluted the service members for serving in the military.

“If it wasn’t for you guys over here, the Taliban would be over there, [in the United States],” said Lajon “LJ” Witherspoon, Sevendust’s lead singer during the performance.

The band stuck around to ensure everyone who wanted an autograph, a free copy of their new CD and/or a picture with the band got one.
Sevendust said they plan on doing another USO tour in the future.

“This, to us, has been the best thing that’s ever happened in our lives,” said LJ. “As soon as you guys will have us back, we’ll be back.”

15 Jul

Bush to Lift Executive Ban on Offshore Oil Drilling

President Bush Discusses Outer Continental Shelf Exploration Rose Garden
THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. Across the country, Americans are concerned about the high price of gasoline. Every one of our citizens who drives to work, or takes a family vacation, or runs a small business is feeling the squeeze of rising prices at the pump.
To reduce pressure on prices we must continue to implement good conservation policies, and we need to increase the supply of oil, especially here at home. For years, my administration has been calling on Congress to expand domestic oil production. Unfortunately, Democrats on Capitol Hill have rejected virtually every proposal — and now Americans are paying at the pump. When members of Congress were home over the Fourth of July recess, they heard a clear message from their constituents: We need to take action now to expand domestic oil production.
One of the most important steps we can take to expand American oil production is to increase access to offshore exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf, or what’s called the OCS. But Congress has restricted access to key parts of the OCS since the early 1980s. Experts believe that these restricted areas of the OCS could eventually produce nearly 10 years’ worth of America’s current annual oil production. And advances in technology have made it possible to conduct oil exploration in the OCS that is out of sight, protects coral reefs and habitats, and protects against oil spills.
Last month, I asked Congress to lift this legislative ban and allow the exploration and development of offshore oil resources. I committed to lift an executive prohibition on this exploration if Congress did so, tailoring my executive action to match what Congress passed. It’s been almost a month since I urged Congress to act — and they’ve done nothing. They’ve not moved any legislation. And as the Democratically-controlled Congress has sat idle, gas prices have continued to increase.
Failure to act is unacceptable. It’s unacceptable to me and it’s unacceptable to the American people. So today, I’ve issued a memorandum to lift the executive prohibition on oil exploration in the OCS. With this action, the executive branch’s restrictions on this exploration have been cleared away. This means that the only thing standing between the American people and these vast oil resources is action from the U.S. Congress.
Now the ball is squarely in Congress’ court. Democratic leaders can show that they have finally heard the frustrations of the American people by matching the action I’ve taken today, repealing the congressional ban, and passing legislation to facilitate responsible offshore exploration. This legislation must allow states to have a say in what happens off their shores, provides a way for the federal government and states to share new leasing revenues, and ensure the environment is protected.
This legislation should also take other essential steps to expand domestic production: Congress should clear the way for our nation to tap into the extraordinary potential of oil shale, which could provide Americans with domestic oil supplies that are equal to more than a century’s worth of current oil imports. Congress should permit exploration in currently restricted areas of northern Alaska, which could produce roughly the equivalent of two decades of imported oil from Saudi Arabia. Congress should expand and enhance our domestic refining capacity, so that America will no longer have to import millions of barrels of fully-refined gasoline from abroad.
The time for action is now. This is a difficult period for millions of American families. Every extra dollar they have to spend because of high gas prices is one dollar less they can use to put food on the table or send a child to school. And they are rightly angered by Congress’ failure to enact common-sense solutions. Today, I’ve taken every step within my power to allow offshore exploration of the OCS. All that remains is for the Democratic leaders in Congress to allow a vote. The American people are watching the numbers climb higher and higher at the pump — and they’re waiting to see what the Congress will do.
Thank you.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Congress must still lift its own legislative ban before offshore drilling can happen.
White House press secretary Dana Perino says Bush is acting now in hopes of spurring Congress to act. So far, lawmakers have shown no interest in doing so.
Congress called him on the Executive Order when President Bush called for drilling offshore. Now he is placing the ball squarely in Congress’ court.
The public will now see Congress even more, as an obstacle to lower fuel prices. Congress now has to “put up or shut up” on offshore drilling. President Bush is backing Reid and Pelosi into a corner and with their 9% approval rating.
I would love for Bush to declare an economic emergency and open ANWR to oil drilling.
After Bush’s speech I called the White House 202-456-1111 and told them to thank the President for doing this. That he has got to do all he can to get this accompolished. You actually get to talk to a real person! I get through pretty quick so that means there aren’t many people calling. We need to burn up the phone lines.
It will depend on how Mccain and the RNC handle this issue in ads and on the campaign trail. If they call attention to the fact that the RATS are the ones standing in the way of more oil supply and hopefully lower prices MAYBE it will resonate with voters. one can only hope.
Congressional Off-Shore Drilling Ban Expires Sept. 30, 2008 — Unless Congress Renews The ban by the U.S. Congress on off-shore drilling has to be imposed every fiscal year.
This explains President Bush’s announcement that he will repeal a separate executive order on off-shore drilling leaving only the Congressional ban in place.
The gambit by the President will force both houses of the Democrat-led Congress to vote before the elections on keeping the ban in place at a time of record high oil prices and record global demand that has driven domestic gas pump prices to over $4 per gallon.
Even if Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid are able to pass the ban, they would still have to get the ban past President Bush, either with his signature or by over-riding a veto.
President Bush has laid the groundwork for a battle the environmental extremists and anti-drilling politicians in both (but mainly the Democrats) parties don’t want.
So now is a good time too to get in touch with our politicians in our States and tell them what we want before they make this horrble ban again.

White House
Nancy Pelosi’s #
(202) 225-0100
DRILL for Oil Here Now

15 Jul

Pelosi and Reid React To Bush’s Spech On Oil

Pelosi Statement on President Bush Lifting the Executive Ban on Offshore Drilling
Washington, D.C.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today on President Bush’s announcement lifting the executive ban on drilling in protected coastal areas:

“Once again, the oilman in the White House is echoing the demands of Big Oil.
“The Bush plan is a hoax. It will neither reduce gas prices nor increase energy independence. It just gives millions more acres to the same companies that are sitting on nearly 68 million acres of public lands and coastal areas.
“If the President wants to bring down prices in the next two weeks, not the next two decades, he should free our oil by releasing a small portion of the more than 700 million barrels of oil we have put in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
“It’s time to tell the oil industry: ‘You already have millions of acres to drill. Use it or lose it.'”


Reid rejects Bush call to lift drilling moratorium
Oh and also some snide jerk remarks by Rep. Edward Markey as well. Boy is he a total blankity blank!
Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, on Monday rejected a call by U.S. President George W. Bush to lift a moratorium on offshore oil drilling.
Bush announced on Monday that he lifted the executive branch’s restriction on offshore exploration, saying only Congress stood in the way of opening up America’s untapped oil riches.

But Reid said oil companies should focus instead on drilling on much of the 68 million acres that they have leased but not used for exploration.
Asked, however, if he expected to have the votes to block legislation to lift the moratorium in face of soaring gasoline prices, Reid told a news conferences, “We will have to wait and see.”
Reid said he hoped to have legislation introduced this week to crack down on oil speculators.

On the other side of the Capitol, Rep. Edward Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat, mocked Bush’s call earlier in the day to lift the ban.

“The Bush oil policy is an attempt at mass deception by a White House that has, for the last seven and a half years, pursued Big Oil’s agenda of drill, drill, drill,” Markey, chairman of a select House of Representatives committee on energy independence, told a news conference.
“Drill, drill, drill has failed, failed, failed,” Markey said. “It has failed to make America energy independent. It has failed to prevent rising prices at the pump.”


Wild Thing’s comment……….
The democrats favor drilling for oil except where there is oil. Hahahahaha Good grief!
Bush has painted them as the party for no drilling….and they laugh at Bush for being the dumb one.
Bush won this round.

Pelosi said: “If the President wants to bring down prices in the next two weeks, not the next two decades, he should free our oil by releasing a small portion of the more than 700 million barrels of oil we have put in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. “

Is this statement not an admission that more oil will bring down the price? LOL She’s an absolute idiot!

Nancy Pelosi is a liar!
Bush has had no oil interest in the past 10 years.
U.S. access to domestic oil WILL have an imitate impact on oil prices because the futures market will use the new information to adjust the current price of future oil.
She knows that the current 68 million acres is either NOT productive or is being developed.
Here suggestion that the Strategic Petroleum Reserve should be used to manage current prices is glaring example of here willful ignorance, or belief that the American people are really that stupid.
The oil industry already has a 10 year “use it or lose it” feature in the existing leases!
Why is it so difficult for somebody to publicly confront her with here lies?

Reid said ” oil companies should focus instead on drilling on much of the 68 million acres that they have leased but not used for exploration.”

Reid is so stupid, in 75% of their revenue depends on tourism and if people can’t afford to get there then they go bust.

“Drill, drill, drill has failed, failed, failed,” Markey said.

And exactly what drilling would that be, you stupid moron?


Some sense and people with brains:
A Rasmussen poll taken on Wednesday (July 9th) found that 62 percent of a nationwide sample believes that drilling should be allowed off the shores of California, Florida and other states.
U.S. Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas:
“A ban on drilling in the same Gulf that’s open to Venezuelans, Indians, Vietnamese and Cubans never made much sense except as a political barricade erected by anti-oil environmentalists in and out of Congress.”

15 Jul

Hateful-Smearing Against Tony Snow

Bill O’Reilly responds to Hateful-Smearing against Tony Snow

Frontpage Magazine please CLICK link to read entire article.
snipet —
The DailyKos: The Worst of the Worst
None so offended as the far-Left’s most popular blog, The DailyKos.

The hate site has long voiced its unbridled glee over Snow’s affliction with cancer. After the disease that would ultimately kill him returned last March, one DailyKos blogger tried to head-off the inevitable cheers for Snow’s blood. The post even falsely charged the blog’s enemies with its own behavior: “We at Dailykos do not swim in the Rush Limbaugh pool of scum. We do not wish ill-health on our political opponents or their families.” However, Kos posters inundated the blog with expressions of joy. The same day, a Kos diarist argued that since Snow had opposed medical marijuana and euthanasia, his cancer was “karmic.” A year later, after another downturn, the DK klan wrote: “Fuck Tony Snow. Not to wish ill of his cancer or anything, but perhaps it is Karma.” And again, “Tony Snow is a cancer upon our culture.” Another “Kossack” declared, “He deserves whatever is in his future.” Months later, one Kos scribbler asked, “Should I Care That Tony Snow Has Cancer?”


Wild Thing’s comment…….
It is truly shocking and I pray people like this learn somehow what they are and do is so hurtful and cruel.
There is a kind of being that exists on this earth that has no feeling for others. People like the ones that are mentioned in the video and at Frontpage Magazine are the kind of people you and I would never know.
They have no shame, no feeling of what others feel when a loved one has passed away.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

15 Jul

Mutiny From Obama Supporters ~ They Want Their Money Back!

Thousands are using MyBarackObma.com to angrily organize against him because of a changed position on terrorist wiretap legislation that awaits Senate action as early as Wednesday.

The controversy centers on modifications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the government’s quest to monitor suspected terrorists that civil libertarians worry could infringe on the privacy rights of others. Obama had pledged earlier this year to oppose—even filibuster—legislation that would immunize telecommunications companies against lawsuits that challenge cooperation with federal authorities in warrantless wiretapping.

Now with more than 22,000 members, it is the largest group on MyBarackObama.com:

The online group is flooded with messages of disappointment and disillusionment. Some threaten to ask that their campaign contributions be returned, while others suggest they will simply stay home this fall.
One man even said he had removed his Obama bumper sticker from his car. “It’s the first and only bumper sticker that I’ve ever put on a vehicle that I owned, so my disappointment felt personal and significant,” he wrote.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Poor thing’s they are upset the communist/fascist they wanted is kissing up to the middle to try and get elected and they want him to be hard core. Funny because Obama IS a hardcore fascist and communist in his thinking and what he wants for our country. LOL

….Thank you Cheryl for sending this to me.

15 Jul

‘Obama’s Chocolate Nuts’ Candy Selling Like Hot Cakes

Brought to you by David Feingold aka Fat Jewish Guythis guy is a riot!!

Because of Jackson’s crude comment, candy seller’s site getting a lot more hits
Obama’s Chocolate Nuts
Chicago Sun times
The owner of “Obama’s Chocolate Nuts” is feeling like “the luckiest person on Earth” in the wake of the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s crude remarks about Sen. Barack Obama.
“Who would have thought anybody would use ‘Obama’ and ‘nuts’ in an actual news story?” said David Feingold, a 30-year-old San Diego resident.
His site, Obamaschocolatenuts.com, occupied the top spot on Google Thursday when Web users typed in “Obama” and “nuts.” Feingold said traffic on his site more than tripled over the usual count.
Feingold says he started selling packages of nuts, chocolate balls and T-shirts with Obama’s name and likeness about a month and a half ago — an idea sparked by his revulsion over sycophantic supporters of the Illinois senator and presumptive Democratic nominee.
(The nuts connection is related to vulgar slang that Feingold defines as “liking someone too much.”)
Nothing against Obama, said Feingold, but “I think anytime somebody follows somebody blindly, it’s not a good thing.”
“Nobody knows anything about this guy; everybody claims they do,” he said.
Feingold says he’s sold 650 bags of nuts and candy so far, led by the three-bag, $8.99 sampler pack. An equal opportunity offender, Feingold was peddling “McCain’s dried papaya stick” –advertised on his racy Web site by a hungry girl in a bikini — until the wholesale price got too high, he said.
Keying on Jackson’s threat to castrate Obama for “talking down to black people,” Feingold is planning his next stunt: “We’re going to send Jesse Jackson his ‘Obama’s Nuts’ so he doesn’t have to be violent about it.”

….Thank you Les, haha for sending this story to me.

15 Jul

Obama’s Promises To The Illegals

Obama promises amnesty for illegal immigrants
Kansas city.com
Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama today speaking to the National Council of La Raza in San Diego promised amnesty for the more than 12 million illegal immigrants that are living in the United States.
Here’s a bit of what Obama had to say:

“Yes, they broke the law. And we should not excuse that. We should require them to pay a fine, learn English, and go to the back of the line for citizenship – behind those who came here legally. But we cannot – and should not – deport 12 million people. ”
Obama went on to say: “That’s why we need to offer those who are willing to make amends a pathway to citizenship. That way, we can reconcile our values as both a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
That’s amnesty any way you look at it. How does “a nation of laws” ignore the fact that 12 million people broke the law of the land by granting them amnesty?
No secure border. Obama giving it all away. His list of promises is getting so long, I can’t imagine that some people aren’t starting to see what a grand BS artist he is.
Note he doesn’t say secure the border first. McCain during his campaign promises has said he would secure the border first, so far that is the only difference on this between the two of them.
McCain: Border security before path to citizenship

“But disappointing some at the Latino civil rights gathering, he said he stuck to his position that he only would consider a path to citizenship for illegal residents after he can prove to Americans that the border is secure.”

Except that McCain’s version of a secured border is having border Governors certify that the border is secure. There is no commitment on McCain’s part to seal the border with a fence.
But also I don’t trust promises from these two politicians so ….well what can I say.

14 Jul

New Yorker Cover Depicting The Obama’s

Obama Camp Hammers New ‘Ironic’ New Yorker Cover Depicting Conspiracists’ Nightmare of Real Obamas
abc news
The sophisticates at The New Yorker have come up with a cover that is sure to get the magazine a lot of attention. Negative attention. From their friends.
An illustration by Barry Blitt depicts Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and his wife Michelle in the Oval Office, revealing their “true” selves: Michelle is in full revolutionary garb, an enormous afro making her look like a millennial Angela Davis, holding an automatic weapon and wearing military pants.
In the cartoon Michelle is giving dap, or fist-bumping, with her husband who is wearing a turban and is dressed in garb perhaps more appropriate for a madrassa in Lahore than the Oval Office.
A painting of Osama bin Laden hangs above the fireplace, where the American flag is being burned.

ABC News’ Sunlen Miller reports that when he was asked about the controversial cover during a press avail today, Obama shrugged and then said, “I have no response to that.”

His campaign had a response later in the day on Sunday.

Said Obama spox Bill Burton: “The New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Senator Obama’s right-wing critics have tried to create. But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree.”

Knowing the liberal politics of the magazine, I believe the magazine’s staff when they say the illustration is meant ironically, as a parody of the caricature some conservatives (and some supporters of Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y.) are painting of the Obamas.
But it’s still fairly incendiary, at least as these things go. I wonder what the reaction would be were it the Weekly Standard or the National Review putting such an illustration on their covers.
Intent factors into these matters, of course, but no Upper East Side liberal — no matter how superior they feel their intellect is — should assume that just because they’re mocking such ridiculousness, the illustration won’t feed into the same beast in emails and other media. It’s a recruitment poster for the right-wing.

“This is as offensive a caricature as any magazine could publish,” says a high-profile Obama supporter, “and I suspect that other Obama supporters like me are also thinking about not subscribing to or buying a magazine that trafficks in such trash.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
B. Hussein Obama to his wife Michelle….”Allah Akbar, sweetie.”
Guest list for the Obama White House Dinners …Rev. Wright, Rev. Farakahn, Amanutjob from Iran, Kadafhi, Hugo Chavez, and Cindy Sheehan.
The Obama campaign calls it tasteless and offensive because it hits too close to home…even if it is most probably a false flag operation from a liberal trying to generate sympathy for him as a victim.
Fact is, Obama has strong ties to Islam in his youth, and has indicated in his own books that if the winds of public opinion blow against the Muslims in this nation that he will stand with them.
He, to this day, can recite the Islamic call to prayer in fluent Arabic and calls the sound one of the most beautiful sounds on earth at sunset.
His troubles in this regard are of his own making and are a part of his makeup that he would like us to believe he is distancing himself from…but the problem is, he can’t. They are who he is and the fact that he resorts to out and out lying about them, and getting so all fired worked up over such satire simply makes it all the worse for him.
As a result of his own willful close relationships of long standing with militant anti-Americans and his positions on the issues throughout his political career in the IL Senate and the US Senate, he is marked, and justafiably so as a militant anti-American himself and an abject marxist.
He may try to pass himself off as something quite different (and he and his campaign are straining at knats to do just that), but that is who he is.
1. “We did all this WITHOUT my birth certificate!”
2. “Wow, baby, they can’t believe the Change in us now, can they?”
3. “ Hah. And they said community organizing was a dead end job!”
4. “ No,no, no! Not “Dreams of My Father”-—it’s “Screams of the Founding Fathers”!
5. “ Baby, let’s get you some $ 600 earrings to celebrate!”
6. “ Let’s light a fire, and invite Bill Ayers over!”
7. “ Although I’m not fit, I made it, you must admit.”
8. “ Jihad at 1600.”
9. “ Baby, they are not going to believe our costumes for the Inaugaral Ball!”
10. “ I’ve flip-flopped so much, I wear them all the time now!”