18 Jul

New Ad From McCain ~ Impressive Showing Obama


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Brilliant. It’s long, and somewhat tedious, but well worth watching in its entirety. Now they just need to produce 1 min. and 2 min. videos of just a few clips as well.
And this is actually sponsored by McCain. I’m shocked. I thought he didn’t believe in criticizing Obama.

18 Jul

Scam and Con Man Al Gore and His Gas-Guzzling Fans

Americans for Prosperity rallied taxpayers outside Al Gore’s big global warming speech in Washington, and found that some Gore followers didn’t exactly practice what he preached.
Gore’s Hypocrisy Exposed in New Video: His Entourage’s Lincoln Town Car Outside Global Warming Speech Idles w/ AC Cranking for 20 Minutes!
Gore didn’t ride his bike or take public transporation to the event. He didn’t even take his Prius! Instead, he brought a fleet of two Lincoln Town Cars and a Chevy Suburban SUV! Even worse, the driver of the Town Car that eventually whisked away Gore’s wife and daughter left the engine idling and the AC cranking for 20 minutes before they finally left!


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Thank God Al Gore never became President! This jerk among all the things he is scam artist is right up there at the top. He is making money of stupid people that believe his BS. They will go and make sacrifices and he zooms along doing his thing and not even feeling any guilt about.

17 Jul

US To Open 3.9m Acres In Alaska For Drilling

US to open 3.9m acres in Alaska for drilling
Financial Times
The US federal government on Wednesday said it would open 3.9m acres of land in a designated petroleum reserve in Alaska for drilling as a means to help curb rising petrol prices.
“This is welcome news at a time when Americans are paying record prices at the pump,” said C. Stephen Allred, assistant US Secretary for Land and Minerals. “Together with proposed new production from other offshore and onshore areas, these increased supplies will help to stabilise energy costs.’’
The Alaska decision follows one by President George W. Bush on Monday to lift a presidential ban on drilling on the US outer continental shelf, off Florida.
That decision still requires Congress to lift a separate ban on the area before the area can be leased for development.
But the Bureau of Land Management, an agency within the US Department of the Interior, said the Alaskan land that will now be offered requires no other approvals and will be up for leasing in the autumn.

And there is also this…………
From The Dept. of the Interior
Office of the Secretary
July 16, 2008
Record of Decision Sets Stage for Major Lease Sale in National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska
WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a Record of Decision issued today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced that it will make land available for oil and gas leasing in the northeast portion of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPR-A).
“This action sets the stage for a major lease sale this fall. This is welcome news at a time when Americans are paying record prices at the pump,” said C. Stephen Allred, Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals, in signing the ROD.
At the same lease sale, the BLM also plans to offer land in the northwest portion of the NPR-A.
“The rapid increase in energy costs facing our nation is driven by a worldwide imbalance in energy supply and demand,” Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne said. “Developing the NPR-A in an environmentally sound manner will contribute to our domestic oil and natural gas supplies. Together with proposed new production from other offshore and onshore areas, these increased supplies will help to stabilize energy costs.”
The lands made available for leasing under plans for NPR-A northeast and northwest could result in a much as 8.4 billion barrels of oil being developed. The lands could also provide trillions of cubic feet of natural gas for shipment to North American markets through gas pipelines currently in the planning stages.
“This decision provides for the protection of high value wildlife, including waterfowl and caribou, and meets the subsistence needs of North Slope residents while making lands with oil and gas potential available for leasing,” said BLM-Alaska State Director Tom Lonnie.
The plan includes protections for the polar bear, including requirements to consider impacts on areas used by polar bears for denning. Additionally, with the listing of the polar bear the agency will continue to work closely with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on future oil and gas activities.
According to the Record of Decision, the BLM defers leasing for 10 years on land currently unavailable for leasing north and east of Teshekpuk Lake.
The Record of Decision for the Northeast NPR-A Final Supplemental Plan can be reached through a link on BLM-Alaska’s home page at www.blm.gov/ak.
The BLM, an agency of the U.S. Department of the Interior, manages more land — 258 million surface acres than any other Federal agency. Most of this public land is in 12 Western states, including 80.8 million surface acres in Alaska. The Bureau also administers 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation. The BLM’s multiple-use mission is to sustain the health and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. The Bureau accomplishes this by managing such activities as outdoor recreation, livestock grazing, mineral development, and energy production, and by conserving natural, historical, cultural, and other resources on the public lands.


Wild Thing’s comment………
Thank you for pursuing this Gov. Palin and President Bush.
The absolute best thing about this so far, is what the price of oil has done as Bush has made his announcement.
And then to contrast that with the neutered Democrat’s whiny refrain of “more drilling won’t do anything to the price of oil in the short term”.
The more Congress is ticked off, the better it is for the country.
It’s really priceless to sit and think about it.

17 Jul

Obama’s ‘Civilian security force’ Excised From ‘call to service’ Transcript

Obama’s ‘Big Brother’ vanishes from speech
‘Civilian security force’ excised from ‘call to service’ transcript
The stunning comments from Democrat Sen. Barack Obama that the United States needs a “civilian national security force” that would be as powerful, strong and well-funded as the half-trillion dollar United States Army, Marines, Navy and Air Force have mysteriously disappeared from published transcripts of the speech.
In the comments, Obama confirmed the U.S. “cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set.”
Campaign officials have declined to return any of a series of WND telephone calls over several days requesting a comment on the situation. Nor have they posted a transcript of the speech on their website.
But transcripts posted at both the Wall Street Journal and Denver Post do not have the critical comment that has raised such concern. Those transcripts of Obama’s speech in Colorado Springs July 2 include the following:
Those transcripts of Obama’s speech in Colorado Springs July 2 include the following:

“We’ll send more college graduates to teach and mentor our young people. We’ll call on Americans to join an Energy Corps to conduct renewable energy and environmental cleanup projects in their neighborhoods. We’ll enlist veterans to help other vets find jobs and support, and to be there for our military families. And we’ll also grow our Foreign Service, open consulates that have been shuttered, and double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our diplomacy. “

“And we’ll use technology to connect people to service. We’ll expand USA Freedom Corps to create an online network where Americans can browse opportunities to volunteer. You’ll be able to search by category, time commitment, and skill sets; you’ll be able to rate service opportunities, build service networks, and create your own service pages to track your hours and activities. This will empower more Americans to craft their own service agenda, and make their own change from the bottom up.”

It was at that point in the speech, at about 16 minutes on a YouTube video, Obama says:

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

The rest of article HERE

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Hitler Obama.
Erasing history as he goes… Sorta like Stalin.
“The Commissar Vanishes: The Falsification of Photographs in Stalin’s Russia”
B.Hussein Obama is beyond dangerous and a very serious threat to what is left of our Republic. This communist is not qualified to flip burgers at Dairy Queen, much less be the Commander in Chief.

17 Jul

Obama: We Must Surrender in Iraq to Win in Iraq

Barack Obama is still set on surrendering in Iraq- so that we can somehow win in Iraq?????
Fox News
Critics Blast Obama for Setting Foreign Policy Before Iraq Visit
Barack Obama’s continued call for a troop withdrawal timetable in Iraq has critics complaining that he’s set on that policy before even taking his highly anticipated trip to the Middle East.
The Illinois senator has over the past two days escalated a campaign to minimize Iraq in the context of the overall war on terror.
Obama on Wednesday stressed the need to secure loose nuclear material and draw down nuclear stockpiles around the world. He said if the nation devoted just one month of Iraq combat costs, estimated to be $10 billion, it could virtually wipe out the threat of weapons-grade nuclear material falling into the hands of terrorists.
In what was billed as a major foreign policy address Tuesday, Obama said the Iraq war has become a distraction from fighting terrorism in Afghanistan and pledged to end the war by the summer of 2010.
“He’s going to Iraq but he’s already decided his position,” Sen. Joe Lieberman, told FOX News on Wednesday. “He’s not going to listen to (David) Petraeus. He’s not going to listen to our troops. He’s not going to listen to his own eyes with what he sees there.”

LOL But that is not all this is the craziest thing what he thinks he can get away with writing and re-writing his website like a whim. Yes he sure is Presidential material….. NOT!
Barack Obama purges Web site critique of surge in Iraq
Daily News
Barack Obama’s campaign scrubbed his presidential Web site over the weekend to remove criticism of the U.S. troop “surge” in Iraq, the Daily News has learned.
The presumed Democratic nominee replaced his Iraq issue Web page, which had described the surge as a “problem” that had barely reduced violence.
“The surge is not working,” Obama’s old plan stated, citing a lack of Iraqi political cooperation but crediting Sunni sheiks – not U.S. military muscle – for quelling violence in Anbar Province.
The News reported Sunday that insurgent attacks have fallen to the fewest since March 2004.
Obama’s campaign posted a new Iraq plan Sunday night, which cites an “improved security situation” paid for with the blood of U.S. troops since the surge began in February 2007.
It praises G.I.s’ “hard work, improved counterinsurgency tactics and enormous sacrifice.”
Campaign aide Wendy Morigi said Obama is “not softening his criticism of the surge. We regularly update the Web site to reflect changes in current events.”
GOP rival John McCain zinged Obama as a flip-flopper. “The major point here is that Sen. Obama refuses to acknowledge that he was wrong,” said McCain, adding that Obama “refuses to acknowledge that it [the surge] is succeeding.”

Let’s go to the ones that KNOW, that have been there and fought in this war. This is the newest Vets For Freedom ad

Wild Thing’s comment………
LOL I swear this is not only shocking but the extreme of stupidity. He’s way in over his head. He has not a clue! Who in their right mind er a left mind….haha would make any kind of statements like Obama has been doing before they talk to anyone about how it is in Iraq.

17 Jul

Go Pound Sand World Court!

World Court: U.S. must delay Mexican death sentences
The World Court ordered the United States on Wednesday to do all it could to halt the imminent executions of five Mexicans until the court makes a final judgment in a dispute over suspects’ rights.
The row, which has strained relations between the neighbors, centers on the fact that the United States failed to inform 51 of its citizens sentenced to die in U.S. jails of their right to consular assistance.
One of the five Mexicans on death row, Jose Medellin, is due to die on August 5 in Texas.
In 2004 the World Court, or International Court of Justice (ICJ), ruled in favor of Mexico, finding the United States had violated international law. It ordered the United States to review the 51 cases to see whether the lack of consular assistance had prejudiced the outcome of their trials.
A year later, U.S. President George W. Bush ordered Texas to review Medellin’s case but the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in March that Bush had no authority to do so, leading Texas to schedule Medellin’s execution for August.
“The court indicates that the United States of America shall take all measures necessary to ensure that five Mexican nationals are not executed pending its final judgment,” Judge Rosalyn Higgins said.
Mexico, which had asked the court for an interpretation of its 2004 ruling, given U.S. assertions that its federal states have a large degree of legal autonomy and it cannot compel them to review the cases, welcomed Wednesday’s ruling.
—– this is sickening and it is a 3 page article. ……for the rest of the article CLICK HERE

Wild Thing’s comment……..
The U.S. is not part of the “World Court”. They’re just blowing bad air and trying to look relevant. It didn’t work the last time they tried this, I doubt it will work any better this time.
If President Bush allows this “ruling” to be upheld, then we’ve truly lost our sovereignty. I cannot for the life of me believe that OUR leadership and rule of law comes from Amsterdam and Mexico, and with no end in sight. What’s next?
The US supreme Court has already ruled that Bush over stepped his authority in this matter as related to the US Constitution.
one of my other posts on this: Dated March 27, 2008
Supreme Court Rules Against Illegal Alien Death Row Murderer
Texas has every right to go ahead and execute this POS on Aug 5th. I hope Texas “executes” it’s own right and thumbs it’s nose at the “World” Court.
If we start knuckling under to these unelected poofters who have no jurisdiction whatever over our free and sovereign nation, it means that our sovereignty and our Constitution have been seriously compromised

16 Jul

The Latest JibJab


This is the latest JibJab.
To see the video please……..LINK HERE

16 Jul

Obama’s ‘civilian national security force’

“We are going to grow our foreign service, open consulates that have been shuttered and double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our diplomacy,” said Obama. “We cannot to continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we have set. We have got to have a civilian national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.”– Barack Obama July 2, 2008

At this same speech, he promised to withhold funds from school districts that don’t make their junior high and high schoolers serve 50 hours a year. 100 hours for college students, provided their type of service is deemed acceptable by a sprawling new Federal bureaucracy.

Oh, and Obama’s going to double the size of the Peace Corps while quadrupling AmeriCorps. I’m curious if anyone will be left to fill all the newly vacated private sector jobs.

Then B. Hussein Obama concluded his speech with this gem:

“Loving your country must mean accepting your responsibility to do your part to change it.”

Barack Obama: Call to Service in Colorado Springs, CO–July 2nd, 2008

Obama’s ‘civilian national security force’
Barack Obama’s campaign about a statement he made July 2 in Colorado Springs – a statement that blew my mind, one that has had me scratching my head ever since.
In talking about his plans to double the size of the Peace Corps and nearly quadruple the size of AmeriCorps and the size of the nation’s military services, he made this rather shocking (and chilling) pledge: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
What does it mean?
If we’re going to create some kind of national police force as big, powerful and well-funded as our combined U.S. military forces, isn’t this rather a big deal?
I thought Democrats generally believed the U.S. spent too much on the military. How is it possible their candidate is seeking to create some kind of massive but secret national police force that will be even bigger than the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force put together?
Now, maybe he was misquoted by the Congressional Quarterly and the Chicago Tribune. I guess it’s possible. If so, you would think he would want to set the record straight. Maybe he misspoke. That has certainly happened before. Again, why wouldn’t the rest of my colleagues show some curiosity about such a major and, frankly, bone-chilling proposition?
Are we talking about creating a police state here?
The U.S. Army alone has nearly 500,000 troops. That doesn’t count reserves or National Guard. In 2007, the U.S. Defense budget was $439 billion.
Is Obama serious about creating some kind of domestic security force bigger and more expensive than that?
If not, why did he say it? What did he mean?
So far, despite our attempts to find out, the Obama campaign is not talking.
At this point all I can do is enlist your help – and the help of every other journalist who still thinks the American people have a right to know the specifics about a presidential candidate’s biggest and boldest initiatives before the election. I also want to ask radio talk-show hosts across America to start asking this same question. I have a feeling if others join our quest, we might yet get clarification on this proposal from Obama.
Who will Obama appoint to administer this new “civilian national security force”? Where will the money come from? Where in the Constitution does he see justification for the federal government creating such a domestic army?
The questions are endless.
But before we can hope to get to the specifics, we need much more in the way of generalizations from Obama.
Certainly there have been initiatives like this elsewhere – Cuba, the Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, North Korea. But has anything like this ever been proposed in a free country?
I have a feeling there would be more questions from the press if I myself had proposed the creation of something as preposterous as a “civilian national security force” than there has been about this proposal by the presidential candidate currently leading in most of the polls. I’m quite sure I would be hung out to dry as some kind of Nazi thug. Meanwhile, Obama makes this wild suggestion and it is met with a collective yawn from the watchdogs.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
OK. Now this guy is really starting to scare the crap out of me. More then before, more then he ever has. OMG, it sounds like Germany in the 1930’s, or Bolshevik Russia.
“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
Lifted straight from Schicklgruber’s writings. Anyone who votes for this guy is mad.
Obama’s going to create a civilian national security force as strong as the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines — combined? With the same budget? And hardware, apparently!!
The SS was an elite military unit.
The Gestapo watched the people.
The Gestapo is what this sounds like to me……Obama’s little plan would be more along those lines I am sure. Keep an eye on the people to see no one gets out of line or mutters a bad thought about the “administration”. Scary stuff indeed.
Freedom means you building your dream. Your government exists to defend your right to build your dream.
A free country is the sum total of free people each dedicated to building his family and his dream, three hundred million dreams being made real daily. Thats a free country.
A free citizen is not the agent of his government, his government is his agent. Government in a free country is not a king, it is an employee. It guards the gate and takes out the trash.
History tells us what ends such an internal security force will be used for.
Clealy, as an abject marxist and militant anti-American, he will need such a force to counter those bitter, christian, rural folks who are clinging to their guns. Molōn labe!
This nation is going to be thrown into absolute chaos if he becomes President. Obama doesn’t understand the people of this nation. We aren’t going to sell our freedom to some wannabe hippy marxist skipping across the country offering “hope” and “change”.
Now I wonder if THIS is why Obama suddenly supported FISA. It certainly can’t be what it is meant for regarding terrorists, Obama may have other plans for it.

….Thank you Mark for this article and information as well.
From Mark:
In 1945 Hitler decided to make a Home Defense force, called the Volkes Sturm, the Home Guard. Many of the boys ages 10 or 12 years old wer recruited to this. Many didn’t have a choice, they were ordered to report.
There were given parts of uniforms and some hats and a ‘Panzerfaust’, like an RPG, anti-tank weapon and these kids and old men were told to go out there and stop Pattons Tanks. Then they were loaded onto trucks and taken out to the front, which in 1945 was not to far away. Many of the children, after the leaders had left they threw down their weapons, uniforms and hats and ran home. These were kids for God sake. Sadly though, many did not throw down their weapons, and stayed and died for Hitler. This was a huge shock for our own troops to confront kids and have to kill them.

16 Jul

~ Happy Birthday Lynn ~



Happy Birthday and may all your wishes come true. Thank you for being a part of Team Theodore
and for your kindness and friendship.
Chrissie and everyone here

16 Jul

USO Tour,Cheerleaders, Drew Brees, Osi Umenyiora,Jack Lengyel, Roger Goodell, Milo Ventimiglia Visit Rakkasan

Sgt. Richard High, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd Special Troops Battalion, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), poses for a picture with Drew Brees, Osi Umenyiora, Roger Goodell, Jack Lengyel, Milo Ventimiglia and two Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders during an USO tour at Camp Striker on July 8.

Capt. Holly Brewer, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd BCT, 101st Abn. Div. (AASLT), poses for a picture with Milo Ventimiglia, star of the television show “Heroes,” during an USO trip at Camp Striker on July 8.

USO Tour Visits Rakkasan Soldiers
By Spc. Justin Snyder
3rd Brigade Combat Team,
101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)
Celebrities paid a visit to Soldiers from 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) at Camp Striker as part of a United Service Organizations tour on July 8.
The group included National Football League stars Drew Brees and Osi Umenyiora, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, former college football coach Jack Lengyel, actor Milo Ventimiglia and two Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders.
The stars posed for pictures and answered questions with all of the Soldiers before sitting down to sign autographs.
The NFL has a long-standing reputation of supporting the troops, working with the USO for the past 40 years, and was the first sports organization to send athletes overseas when they visited Vietnam in 1966. With Goodell joining in on this trip, it marks the first time that a commissioner from any sport has ever visited the troops.

“I am inspired by the many NFL players that, over the decades, have volunteered to visit our troops overseas and have talked about it being a life-changing experience,” Goodell said in a recent interview with the Pegasus News. “I want to do my part and emphasize that the entire NFL appreciates and supports the work that our military does to protect our country.”

Brees, quarterback for the New Orleans Saints, was making his third USO tour. He traveled to Kuwait in 2007 and Okinawa, Japan, earlier this year. He joked with Soldiers and said he was glad that he could show his support for the service members overseas.

“I do these trips for these men and women,” said Brees. “Whatever I can do to show my support – whether it’s signing footballs or just talking to them – is worth it.”

This was the first tour for Umenyiora, defensive end from the Super Bowl-champion New York Giants. A few Soldiers got the opportunity to wear his championship ring that he received following the Giants victory in Super Bowl XLII.
The Cowboys cheerleaders, often known as “America’s Sweethearts,” have made 66 USO trips over the years in support of the troops. The two cheerleaders smiled, posed for pictures and talked to the Soldiers.

“It’s always good to see high-profile people like that over here,” said Capt. Seth Palmer, personnel officer for 1st Squadron, 33rd Cavalry Regiment, 3rd BCT, 101st Abn. Div. (AASLT). “It’s a very good morale booster.”

Ventimiglia, who plays Peter Petrelli on the hit show “Heroes”, said he has wanted to do something for the troops for the last three years and was glad to finally get the opportunity to come over and show his support.
His family has a long legacy of military service, with his father serving twice in Vietnam and his grandfather serving in World War II. Before turning to acting, he had an appointment scheduled at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md.; however, he never went.

“The tendency is for people to just read the news and talk about the war. That wasn’t enough for me,” Ventimiglia said. “To be able to come out here and say ‘thank you’ was important to me. It made me really happy to see smiling faces. That’s what it is all about, knowing I made their day.”

For some Soldiers, meeting Ventimiglia helped make what can be a long day at work a little easier.

“It really made the females in our office’s day. He plays our favorite character on ‘Heroes,’” said Capt. Holly Brewer, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd BCT, 101st Abn. Div. (AASLT) executive officer. “All of us are big ‘Heroes’ fans and we are always talking about the show. It was really cool to meet him and take pictures.”

Lengyel is most notably known as the coach who succeeded Rich Tolley at Marshall University in 1971 following a plane crash that killed a majority of the team and the inspiration for Matthew McConaughey’s role in the movie, “We Are Marshall,” said he was glad to be a part of this special trip in honor of our troops. He also spent 14 years working as the athletic director at the U.S. Naval Academy.

Ventimiglia, who has also been on the popular sitcom “Gilmore Girls” and played Rocky’s son in “Rocky Balboa,” said he was glad to make some Soldiers’ day. He added, unlike the character on television, he wasn’t the real hero.

“The sacrifices these guys make over here is way more than anything I could ever do on television or in the movies,” he said. “These Soldiers are the real heroes and I respect them a lot for what they do for our country.”