24 Jul

Rev. Manning: Hail Hitler……Hail Obama

James David Manning compares Obama to Hitler. This message was preached on 7 June 2008.


Wild Thing’s comment………..
I was wondering what Rev. Jeremiah Wright was up to and found this latest video by Rev. Manning.
I see his devotees creating havoc no matter what the outcome of the election is.

23 Jul

Hurricane Dolly Headed Toward Texas

Hurricane Dolly strengthening as it approaches the southern Texas coast.
Hurricane Warning remains in effect for the coast of Texas from Brownsville to Corpus Christi…and for the northeastern coast of Mexico from Rio San Fernando northward to the border between Mexico and the United States.

A Tropical Storm Warning remains in effect from north of Corpus
Christi to San Luis Pass.
A Tropical Storm Warning and a Hurricane Watch are in effect from La
Pesca to south of Rio San Fernando.
For storm information specific to your area…including possible
inland watches and warnings…please monitor products issued
by your local weather office.
At 800 am CDT…1300z…the center of Hurricane Dolly was located
near latitude 25.9 north…longitude 96.9 west or about 40 miles…
60 km…east of Brownsville Texas.
Dolly is moving toward the northwest near 8 mph…13 km/hr…and
northwestward to west-northwestward motion with a slight decrease
in forward speed is expected today. On the forecast track…the
center of Dolly will be along the coast near the Texas/Mexico
border around midday today.

To all of you in Texas near Dolly’s arrival I am thinking about you and praying all will be ok.

23 Jul

Obama RATS Gone Wild Tour 08

Obama takes on airs of inevitability
The Washington Times
Barack Obama is only a candidate, but don’t tell that to the Germans, some of whom have leapfrogged that whole election thing and already are calling him “President Obama” in advance of his visit.
For that matter, his own campaign could use a reminder. For the second time in as many days, reporters traveling with Mr. Obama on his overseas trip corrected campaign staffers for saying White House practices also govern his campaign in dealing with the press, or in delivering speeches.
Even the King of Jordan gave the senator from Illinois special treatment – personally driving the presumed Democratic nominee to the airport in his Mercedes.
Meantime, Mr. Obama has met with top U.S. military commanders and engaged in negotiations with foreign leaders, prompting strong criticism from a former White House adviser who accused him of crossing the line by talking about his conversations with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

“We have a long tradition in this country that we only have one president at a time. He’s the commander in chief and the negotiator in chief. I cannot remember a campaign in which a rival seeking the presidency has been in a position negotiating a war that’s under way with another party outside the country,” David Gergen, who has served four presidents in both parties during his career, said on CNN Monday night.

The freshman senator has run into similar self-perception troubles before for a faux presidential seal on his speaking podium and for considering an address at Berlin’s iconic Brandenburg Gate, where President Kennedy delivered his “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech during the Cold War.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel opposed Mr. Obama’s site selection, calling it “inappropriate” for politics.
Instead, Mr. Obama will speak Thursday at Berlin’s Victory Column, a far less lofty site commemorating Austria’s defeat in the Austro-Prussian War, in an event that is expected to draw thousands and provide footage for the campaign’s TV ads.
On CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Mr. Obama said the objective of his trip was “to have substantive discussions with people like Afghan President Karzai or Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki or French] President Sarkozy or others who I expect to be dealing with over the next eight to 10 years.” That comment, and another in which he said he “never” has doubts, became fodder for another “Audacity Watch.”
A Berlin hotel staffer told a reporter Tuesday she was “very excited” that “President Obama” would be speaking just down the street, and mentioned her parents’ emotions of love for the United States when Mr. Kennedy spoke there in the 1960s.
At the site of the upcoming speech, a security officer explained that he and others had blocked off traffic ……“because the president from America is coming.”
The role of president and presidential candidate was further blurred Tuesday when a senior campaign official on the trip, who spoke to reporters on background, denied that Mr. Obama’s address in Berlin had any political overtones.
“It’s not going to be a political speech. When the president of the United States goes and gives a speech, it is not a political speech or a political rally,” the senior adviser said.
“But he is not a president of the United States,” a reporter told the adviser.
“He is going to talk about the issues as an individual … not as a candidate, but as an individual, as a senator,” Mr. Obama’s aide replied. The adviser insisted that the Berlin speech “is not for campaign purposes.”
However, after the briefing, campaign media adviser David Axelrod said in a statement that the aide’s description of the Berlin rally was inaccurate.
“The answer is that, of course, any event outside of a congressional delegation trip is a campaign event. But it is not a political rally. He will not engage his American political opponents. It is a speech to our allies and the people of Europe,” he said.
The Republican National Committee was having a field day with these stories Tuesday, sending out press releases with the headline, “Senior Obama foreign policy adviser: Obama is president of the United States.”

If Mr. Obama’s upcoming speech in Berlin “is not political, why shoot footage for campaign ads?” the RNC said.

The Obama campaign’s efforts to elevate the candidate, who has served 3 1/2 years in the U.S. Senate, has come under increasing criticism from pundits who say his fame does not live up to his accomplishments.

“Americans are beginning to notice Obama’s elevated opinion of himself. There’s nothing new about narcissism in politics. Every senator looks in the mirror and sees a president,” Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote last week.

“Nonetheless, has there ever been a presidential nominee with a wider gap between his estimation of himself and the sum total of his lifetime achievements?” he asked.

Earlier this month, Los Angeles Times reporter Peter Nicholas wrote a story saying, “He’s not president yet, but Barack Obama has already given some thought to White House decor.”

Asked at a town hall meeting in Fargo, N.D., whether he had any decorating plans for the Lincoln Bedroom, he recalled a visit to the White House soon after he came to the Senate and seeing “this flat-screen TV in there. That didn’t seem to be appropriate. So I might take out the TV, I don’t know.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I think it is smack down time. I think that foreigners calling him “Mr. President” is very offensive.
“We have a long tradition in this country that we only have one president at a time. He’s the commander in chief and the negotiator in chief. I cannot remember a campaign in which a rival seeking the presidency has been in a position negotiating a war that’s under way with another party outside the country,” David Gergen, who has served four presidents in both parties during his career, said on CNN Monday night.
LOL for Gergen to say what he did I almost fell off my chair. He is a total lib.

23 Jul

Katie Couric In Amman Interviews Obama- McCain Weighs In


Wild Thing’s comment……..
McCain called for an got the surge strategy in Iraq…and it is clearly working.
Obama can’t grasp, or will fail to acknowledge, due to his own anti-American and marxist tunnel vision, any of the following points regarding the war in Iraq and the impact on Iran.
Going into Iraq in the 1st place was no mistake. An abject tyrant, and friend to our enemies, was brought down and tens of millions of people given an opportunity for liberty. Besides, look at a map. We have Iran, the largest state sponsor of terror hemmed in on three sides. Iran can not got to the bathroom without us knowing about it and being able to do something about it. And they know it, and that geo-political reality is no accident.
The terrorists are hiding in holes, or dying when they come out and are unable to attack us here. They fear our remote controlled, unmanned predator and reaper aircraft, knowing that day or night they can see them and kill them with no chance whatsoever of martydom.
But Obama says we are less safe now and that the “strategy” has failed. Well, I have a question or two about that in light of the foregoing.
How is it less safe for us here to have the principle state sponsor of terror so hemmed in by our forces?
How is it less safe for us here to be developing two free, constitutional republics in the middle east to the chagrin and spite of the totalitarian jihadists there, showing the people of the entire region that there is a hope for freedom?
How it is less safe for us here to have so shut down the terror network that gave us 911 that they have not been able to execute another terror attack on our soil since?
Any objective, common sense look at the geopolitical situation simply punctuates the success of the policy of taking this fight to this enemy…and McCain has improved it, not lessened or weakened it.
Obama is looking more and more desperate, more and more foolish in the face of continued success, and, OBTW, that is a success born of volunteers who reapply for service in large percentages who have been there, seen the enemy, defeated him, and know the importance of the mission.

23 Jul

160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) “Night Stalkers Don’t Quit”

The 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) (160th SOAR (A)) is a special operations force of the United States Army that provides helicopter aviation support to general purpose forces and Special Operations Forces. Its missions include attack, assault, and reconnaissance, and are usually conducted at night, at high speeds and low altitudes, on short notice, and in secret. The force is headquartered at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
The 160th SOAR (A) is also known as the Night Stalkers and its motto is Night Stalkers Don’t Quit (NSDQ).

More of the 160th — God bless you all! Thank you! You guys ROCK! Their job is to take all our Special Forces to the Show, being their support, backup and rescue as needed. They have volunteered to be on a moments notice and go anywhere in the world to do the missions we never hear about. The Video is Great!, but only shows a small portion of their capabilities, because most are cutting edge.—– Wild Thing

23 Jul

Liberal Media Andrea Mitchell Blasts Obama “Fake Interviews”

Backlash from the media on coverage of The Messiah

On Chris Mathews show, Hardball ( MSNBC ) Andrea Mitchell criticizes Obama’s media manipulation during his war zone trip, saying he’s conducting what some would call “fake interviews,” adding we dont’ know what’s really going on because the media has been excluded.
MITCHELL: Let me just say something about the message management. He didn’t have reporters with him, he didn’t have a press pool, he didn’t do a press conference while he was on the ground in either Afghanistan or Iraq. What you’re seeing is not reporters brought in. You’re seeing selected pictures taken by the military, questions by the military, and what some would call fake interviews, because they’re not interviews from a journalist. So, there’s a real press issue here. Politically it’s smart as can be. But we’ve not seen a presidential candidate do this, in my recollection, ever before.
When Matthews inquired about the atmospherics of the trip, Mitchell made clear her frustration as a reporter.
MATTHEWS: Let me ask you about access to the troops, Andrea. A lot of African-American faces over there, very happy, delighted faces. Is that a representation of the percentage of servicepeople who are African-American, or did they all choose to join someone they like, apparently? What’s the story?
MITCHELL: I can’t really say that. Being a reporter who was not present in any of those situations, I just cannot report on what was edited out, what was, you know, on the sidelines. That’s my issue. We don’t know what we are seeing.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
There was Gergen at CNN in my other post saying Obama made a big, big mistake. There’s only one president at a time, and he’s out there negotiating with Maliki and all these other foreign leaders as though he’s the president.

23 Jul

An Open Letter to Barack Obama



An Open Letter to Barack Obama
by David Ha’ivri
We know who you are and who your friends are.
Barack, your visit here is just a waste of time; you’re not wanted or needed here. We’ll do just fine without you and you’ll probably do better with out us, too. Don’t come around here making as if you’re looking out for the good of Israel. We know who you are and who your friends are. Zigzagging back and forth about dividing or un-dividing Jerusalem won’t clear your history.
I’m not talking about your middle name. Any good Christian might have the middle name Hussein (although I can’t think of any others). We won’t hold that against you. There are worse things than having an Arab name; like for instance being supported by a known Jew-hater, bigot Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, who among other statements has accused the Jews of bringing on the Holocaust through cooperation with Hitler – “They helped him get the Third Reich on the road.” But, of course, it would be wrong to hold that against you, because you haven’t been rallying for his support (recently).
We can’t really blame you for the beliefs of Father Michael Pfleger, who embraces Black Liberation Theology, which claims that Jesus was Black – so the Jews have no claim to Israel and, therefore, the Muslims are the rightful heirs of the Holy Land. Those beliefs have nothing to do with you, aside from the fact that you have coined the man your “moral compass.” But one must admit that Pfleger is not your only mentor and also is not alone in looking up to Farrakhan.
Your spiritual mentor is Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who has praised Jimmy Carter for denouncing Zionism. Last year, the Trumpet Newsmagazine of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ gave the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award to Louis Farrakhan and said that he is a man who “truly epitomized greatness.” You are a member of that Church and Jeremiah Wright is its leader and your spiritual adviser.
Now you won’t go so far as to criticize Jimmy Carter, not even for meeting with the heads of Hamas, because, to paraphrase your words, “It’s not your place to criticize him.” That is, not until the next day, when you were seeking the support of Jewish leaders. Then you must have found a new place for criticism. Aren’t the Jews great for giving a guy a new vision and a sense of self-confidence? Is that what you meant by, “It’s time for change”?
Barack Hussein, we won’t hold it against you. But can you tell us what you mean by supporting a Palestinian State along side Israel? Do you mean a replay of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Gaza three years ago? Do you foresee soldiers carrying men, women and children away from their homes, which are to be demolished by bulldozers? Palestinian rule brought on the endless rocket fire on Sderot and the thousands of Jewish refugees who have yet to find permanent homes or means of a steady income. Is that your vision of a new hope that Farakkhan’s Final Call website praises you for?
Barack Hussein, why don’t you just go home? Your visit to Israel this week is not because you’re looking out for the wellbeing of Israel and the Jewish people. You’re coming to Israel looking for the Jewish vote; your goal is to
speak with the Jewish American voters through the press coverage of this tour to the holy land. You want them to think that you took the time off from your busy campaign to further peace in the Middle East. Your hope is that enough stupid Jews will misread the message and take it as an act of support for Israel.
Don’t use us or our land as a photo-op to transmit a twisted call for support to Jewish-American voters. You don’t fool us. We know who you and your friends are.
Barack Hussein, why don’t you just go home? But on the way out, remember the words you heard here from the proud Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria: “This is our land!” We are back after two thousand years of forced exile and we are not about to leave it again.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I’d also like to have Barak go away; perhaps he could go back to Indonesia, or Kenya.
This is an excellent letter/ article.

23 Jul

Anti-War Protestors Crawl Out From Under Their Rocks

This is a recent protest that tookk place in downtown Santa Barbara. The UC Santa Barbara College Republicans decided to stop by and see what it was all about. Can anyone deny that these people hate the military and the country?

Wild Thing’s comment…….
One woman said Bush is wrose then Saddam and should be hung. Another man was too stupid to answer the college students question and asked him to write it down. Slandering our troops oh so typical of these c ommunists.
DAMN these people!! I wish we could legally …………… well ok we can’t do what I wish we could, but we could ship them out of the country to some third world country and leave them there.

22 Jul

American Flag Disappears From Obama Campaign Jet

The plane that Sen. Barack Obama will use on his campaign features his slogan and his Web address (Courtesy Sun-Times)

The U.S. flag no longer appears on the tail of the plane that will be used by presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama (Courtesy Chicago Sun-Times)

Candidate’s trademark ‘O’ replaces stars and stripes
As part of a month-long aircraft makeover, a painted American flag was removed from the tail of Sen. Barack Obama’s official campaign airplane and was replaced with the presidential candidate’s trademark “O” symbol.
The refurbished 757 was unveiled to members of the news media today, 41 of whom boarded the craft and took off to meet Obama in Amman, Jordan, where the presidential candidate will stop as part of a Middle Eastern and European tour.
Obama traveled to the Mideast earlier this week on board a separate airplane.
Fox News blogger Bonny Kapp, traveling on Obama’s new airplane, reported:

“The North American jet that flew Obama and his traveling crew around for much of the primary season was refurbished with new seats and power for each passenger a must on the campaign trail. And the plane that once had an American flag on its tail now sports the Obama ‘O.'”

Obama’s ‘O’ symbol is red, white and blue.
Most official U.S. government aircraft, including Air Force One, have U.S. flags on their tails.
Both Fox News and the Chicago Sun-Times posted pictures of the Obama campaign’s redressed airplane, which does not have an American flag or any other U.S. national symbols on the section that sports the airplane door from which Obama and his team will enter and exit.
The airplane boasts Obama’s anthem, “Change We Can Believe In” and the candidate’s website address.
The plane that Sen. Barack Obama will use on his campaign features his slogan and his Web address (Courtesy Sun-Times)
The aircraft also has required identification numbers and a U.S. flag to identify the nationality of the aircraft.
According to Chicago Sun-Times reporter Lynn Sweet, the refurbished Obama aircraft features a “first class” section for the candidate and his closest advisors; several “business class” seats, and a large coach section, usually meant for the traveling press corps.
Sweet reported fruit and cheese platters greeted reporters on board the flight. Dinner options offered were beef medallions, baked tilapia or eggplant parmesan.
She wrote the Obama campaign provided overnight kits for the flight that include toothbrush, mouthwash, socks, Neutrogena body lotion and lip moisturizer, Scope mouthwash, ear plugs and a blindfold for sleeping


Wild Thing’s comment……..
The USA Flag missing from the plane. I have to wonder did they check the fireplace????
….note Flag in fireplace

It appears as though B. Hussein plans on forming his own country here.
The old Cult of Personality. Hitler had it, Stalin had it, Mussolini had it. Now Obama has it, with the entire MSM acting as his Josef Goebbels.
The article says the flag is still on it someplace.
The Flag is not where the cameras will see it as Obama exits the plane. The photo-op reigns supreme, dontcha know.
Both Fox News and the Chicago Sun-Times posted pictures of the Obama campaign’s redressed airplane, which does not have an American flag or any other U.S. national symbols on the section that sports the airplane door from which Obama and his team will enter and exit.
First he won’t wear the flag pin, then he wouldn’t place his hand on his heart and now he’s just proved to the world that he’s still got a problem with the American flag. His wife is not proud of America except now when her husband might have a chance to be President. Obama has said he is embarassed with America from what Europeans say about us not speaking French????? WTF !

22 Jul

~~ Happy Birthday BobF ~~

Happy Birthday BobF,
May you have many, many more ! Thank you for being here and a part of Team Theodore.
from everyone here at Theodore’s World