Obama Team Begins Work On Presidential Transition
The Atlantic
With less than six months to go before he would be sworn in as the nation’s 44th president, Sen. Barack Obama has directed his aides to begin planning for the transition.
“Barack is well aware of the complexity and the organizational challenge involved in the transition process and he has tasked s small group to begin thinking through the process,” a senior campaign adviser said. “Barack has made his expectations clear about what he wants from such a process, how he wants it to move forward, and the establishment and execution of his timeline is proceeding apace.”
Last month, the Post’s Shalaigh Murray reported that campaign advisers were sounding out John Podesta, a former White House chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and currently the president of the Center for American Progress, for his advice.
An aide confirms that Podesta will probably be asked to head the transition team, which would take over from the campaign if Obama wins in November, and would be tasked with ensuring a smooth handover of power.
Podesta’s Center for American Progress is working with the Third Way think tank on a Homeland Security Presidential Transition Initiative; its director is Michael Signer, a former senior policy aide to Ex-Sen. John Edwards.
Cassandra Butts, a longtime Obama friend who is a CAP executive vice president, is working closely with Podesta.
Butts, via e-mail, would not confirm her participation in the project.
Podesta remains a close friend of both Clintons and his participation will help assuage the concerns of Clinton-era Democratic policy and political appointees who might have felt abandoned in an Obama administration.
New Presidents have only three months to complete a herculean remaking of the equivalent of ten of the world’s biggest companies. Most presidential candidates don’t spend precious campaign time thinking about to do, so the questions come fast and furious: how do you your turn your ideas into policy? What do you do first? What does Congress expect? What last-minute executive orders should you overturn? What will your first 100 days look like? How will you vet and when will you appoint major cabinet secretaries and political appointees? What’s he proper balance of power between executive department? Budgets, costs, logistics?
A campaign spokesperson confirmed that transition planning had begun but would provide no further details. An adviser said that the campaign wants to keep the process as low profile as possible in order to minimize distractions.
A public announcement is planned for the fall.
“Given the myriad challenges that will face the next president, Barack would encourage Sen. McCain to begin to undertake a similar process,” the adviser said.
A McCain spokesperson said the campaign would not discuss the subject with reporters.

Wild Thing’s comment………
One word………… presumptuous! The absolute arrogance of this marxist dimwhit astounds me.
Who am I?
* Speeches in stadiums filled with mesmerized, adoring audience – Check
* An uninspiring background before meteoric rise – Check
* Creates his own new symbols of power – Check
* Associates with racists, hatemongers and Violent radicals – Check
* A propaganda machine willing to show him only in the best possible light – Check
* Uses, “glorious leader” style Agitprop posters common in totalitarian nations – Check (see German
campaign poster for example)
* Wants Secret Police force – Check
* Somebody powerful people think they can control – Check
* Often dismissed as a light-weight by his opponents – Check
* Seeks to replace God with the State – Check
* People adopting his name as their own – Check
* Inspires adoration art – Check
* Appropriates symbols of past German glory – Check
* Never plans on giving up power – Check (Obama to be president for the next “eight to 10 years”)
* A narcissistic megalomaniac – Check
* Brazenly Takes credit for other people’s accomplishments – Check
Barack Obama.
Frightened yet?

RUSH: Now, as promised, we turn to the official Obama criticizer on the EIB Network, Bo Snerdley.
SNERDLEY: Thank you. This is Bo Snerdley, Official Barack Criticizer for the EIB Network, certified, black enough to criticize with organic slave blood. I have a message. Mr. Obama, your overseas visit to, uhhh, um, Iraq, um, the war zones is (sigh), uh, proving to be a world-class embarrassment. Uh, aside from giving report to the efforts of, uh Mu-muk-muk… Muqtada al-Sadr who hates America, you’ve really said nothing there that you, uhhh, didn’t say here, which, uhh, um it calls into question the — let me think about it — the, I should say the whole purpose of the trip. You continue to denigrate the efforts of our military and won’t acknowledge their success — and to make matters worse, your, uh, stuttering performance, uh, is, uh, now being, uh, held up to ridicule despite all the glowing reports from your public, uh, public relations, uh, uh, specialist, uh, agents in the media. Your performance, sir, has not made you look presidential. It has really, I want to say “harmed” your presidential chances in the eyes of those who take foreign policy seriously, uh. This has, uh, truly been a sad performance, sir.
And now an extended translation for our EIB brothers and sisters in the Hood.
A’right, dog. I’m going to come with it on you today. First up B. What’s up with this Iraqi dealy, yo? We got to chill over there. We got issues here, my brother. Like gas prices, my man. You know what I’m saying? You’re posing, man. You even got words how you’re “pimping Bush’s ride” over there, mang. And then you go over there and what’s the first thing you do? You dis our troops, man! You givin’ props to Mookie! Gee, man! Sadr yo? His boys was the ones flaming the IEDs on our boys and you are claiming they are the ones who want to cool us out? It was our guys that did that, yo? What you should have done if you had to go over there anyway, was just have a sit-down with old Mookie, mang. Pull out that New Yorker magazine cover — you know, the one with you in the turban and Shelly with that AK wrapped on them, man. Tell them, “Yo, you see this, Bro? This is me and my shorty. We’re going to come over there and whip some ass after I get in, yo, if you don’t get things chilled.” That’s what diplomacy is. But then, no. What you do, man, is you give this guy props. And then, yo, look. Yo, what’s up with all this stutterering, mang? You running for president, man, or are you trying to get Porky Pig’s job with, “T-t-t-that’s all, folks.” Come on, main. Did Jesse snatch them baby makers from you, bro? What’s up with that, man? You went to Harvard, yo! That’s all you got: “Uh, uh, uh, uh”? Yo, even Reverend Wright doesn’t come out like that. He makes it flow, man. You ever heard him say, “Uh, God d-d-d-damn America”? He make it flow, man. What’s with you? Then, on top of all this, you, you go over there and you say the biggest problem in Iraq is that so many men are unemployed? No, no, no, man! The biggest problem over there is they ain’t giving us our props, yo. We are the ones that killed off old Hussein — I’m sorry, Saddam-y — for them, man. We freed them, yo! We looking for work? You ought to go over there and tell them brothers, “Y’all need to start busy to build a pipeline to break us off some of that oil, you know what I’m saying?” But no, mang. You go over there and start talking about their unemployment? When was the last time he was in Kill-adelphia, yo? Brothers is trying to get paid over here, man, can’t find no jobs. They unemployed? When’s the last time you was down in Katrina, mang? Come on, Bro, what’s up with that? You, you know, I’m about to check you off, Obama, man. You need to start listening. Every time you step out, you’re chumping yourself, chumping off our country and our military, yo. This is not cool!
That concludes our statement.
RUSH: And that was the Official Obama Criticizer Bo Snerdley.
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