02 Aug

Obama and Heckler

Hecklers in Florida have accused Barack Obama of ignoring the plight of the “oppressed” black community.
Three protestors holding a banner reading “What about the black community Obama?” stood up during a meeting in St Petersburg where the democratic presidential candidate was speaking about the US economy.

Wild Thing’s comment……
He probably paid them to show up, thinking the average American would see that sign and think, “Hmm, he’s not one of those Jesse Jackson types–he doesn’t really care about the African American community.”
If he did at least he should have had his reaction written down in front of him. He is absolutely pathetic as a speaker in every way. Again, Presidential material, I think NOT.

02 Aug

Happy Birthday To Rhod and His Wife


Happy Birthday Rhod to you and your wife. Thank you for being a part of Team Theodore and for all you have contributed here and for your kindness and friendship.
Have a wonderful birthday and many more.
from all of us here at Theodore’s World

02 Aug

Tyson Drops Labor Day Holiday For Eid al-Fitr

Tyson drops Labor Day holiday for Eid al-Fitr
Times Gazette
Workers at Tyson Foods’ poultry processing plant in Shelbyville will no longer have a paid day off on Labor Day, but will instead take the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr in the fall.
A recent press release from the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) stated that a new contract at the Shelbyville facility “implements a new holiday to accommodate the … Muslim workers at the plant.”
The RWDSU stated that “the five-year contract creates an additional paid holiday, Iidal Fitil, a Muslim holiday that occurs toward the end of Ramadan.”
Eid al-Fitr falls on Oct. 1 this year.
Tyson’s Director of Media Relations, Gary Mickelson, stated that while the new contract does not provide an additional holiday, as the union claimed, “the new contract includes eight paid holidays, which is the same number provided in the old contract.”
“However, the union leadership did request and receive Eid al-Fitr (which is apparently spelled various ways including Id al-Fitr and Eid ul-Fitr) as a paid holiday in place of Labor Day,” Mickelson confirmed in an e-mail to the T-G.
“Since all Team Members will still have eight paid holidays, the change will not affect production,” Mickelson said.
Eid al-Fitr means “Festival of the Breaking of the Fast” in Arabic, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, and marks the end of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting.
The festival “is distinguished by the performance of communal prayer (salat) at daybreak on its first day. It is a time of official receptions and private visits, when friends greet one another, presents are given, new clothes are worn, and the graves of relatives are visited,” the encyclopedia said.
Mickelson said that “Eid al-Fitr is one of eight paid holidays for all Team Members covered by the contract, while Labor Day is not a paid holiday.”
“Based on the contract, the other paid holidays include: The Team Member’s birthday, New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day,” Mickelson said.
“Implementing this holiday was a challenge, since it falls on a different day every year and is declared on fairly short notice,” RWDSU Representative Randy Hadley said in the press release. “But the negotiating committee felt this was extremely crucial, since this holiday is as important to Muslims as Christmas is to Christians.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
What the heck??!!!
Come to America and WE will conform to YOUR ways instead of the other way around. So that is what Tyson is doing. I could care less about Tyson Foods, but it does not matter. This is wrong no matter who or what company it is.
This is an outrage and a slap in the face of every American, especially those that have worked the factories, served their country, and have stood tall for the things that represent what our founding fathers envisioned when this great nation was found and came of age. I am disgusted.

01 Aug

Dr. Danny Jazarevic Statement About Obama’s Canceled Visit

The McCain campaign issued the following Statement On Barack Obama’s Canceled Troop Visits
The McCain campaign issued the following statement today:
Today, Dr. Danny Jazarevic, who served as the Chief of Trauma, Critical Care and Vascular Surgery at Landstuhl, issued the following statement on Barack Obama’s canceled visit to Ramstein and Landstuhl:

“Last week, Senator Obama skipped a visit with wounded U.S. troops at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany because the Pentagon would not allow campaign staff or media to accompany him into the hospital. I served as director of trauma surgery at that hospital for nearly four years and saw the effect that a visit from a celebrity like Senator Obama could have on morale. During that time, I do not recall a single member of Congress canceling a visit with the troops despite being just a few hours away, but Senator Obama seems to have been more concerned with how the visit would affect him than how it would affect the soldiers recovering from wounds received in the service of their country.”

Decorated Army colonel, vascular surgeon

Dr. Danny Jazarevic wears many hats (and coats), including that of a surgeon, an Army colonel, husband/father, musician, karate enthusiast and history buff.

Dr. Danny Jazarevic served as the Chief of Trauma, Critical Care and Vascular Surgery at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. In 1984, Dr. Jazarevic joined the United States Army and later the Florida National Guard. He has since served in Honduras, Africa, Saudi Arabia, Bosnia, and Iraq. From December 2002 through January 2006, Dr. Jazarevic was assigned to the U.S. Army Hospital in Landstuhl, Germany, where he served as Chief of Trauma, Critical Care and Vascular Surgery. During this period, he deployed to Iraq numerous times, including with the 101st Airborne Division Forward Surgical Team and as Director of Operations for the 44th U.S. Army Medical Command. He is currently the Chief Trauma Surgeon at a civilian medical center in Florida, and also serves as a full Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve. Dr. Jazarevic has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal.

And this from The Mountaineer
Imagine attending a dinner with six fascinating people.
The first to arrive is a U.S. Army colonel in charge of all the clinical operations in Iraq, including dealing with all wounded American soldiers.
Next to arrive is the son of a diplomat who speaks seven languages proficiently.
Third to arrive is a brilliant vascular surgeon with an active career in critical care at five county hospitals Palm Beach, Fla.
Next to join the group is a man who defected to Austria from Croatia in 1982 and was shot in the leg while crossing the border.
The fifth man to be seated is a black belt in karate, a former bouncer, bodyguard and trumpet player. The last man to arrive holds a doctorate in history and enjoys classical music, painting and military scale modeling.
What is even more extraordinary is that all six men are actually one man, Dr. Slobodan “Danny” Jazarevic, a new vascular surgeon, a specially trained doctor who performs surgery on blood vessels, at Haywood Regional Medical Center.
It would take many dinners with Jazarevic, also called Dr. J., to scratch the surface of everything he has done in his lifetime.
His nine-page resume neatly sums up his many accomplishments. Most recently, he just returned from Iraq where he was the director of clinical operations for the 44th U.S. Army Medical Command in Iraq, 18th Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg, N.C.
As the director, he was in charge of about 17,000 service personnel, six combat army surgical hospitals and four forward surgical teams in addition to all first, second and third echelon U.S. Army medical facilities in the Iraqi theater, including the eight air ambulance companies with 56 helicopters and ground medical transportation assets.
He said there were times when three planeloads of wounded soldiers would arrive within four to five hours or 20 wounded soldiers could arrive in 20 minutes at one of the U.S. military hospitals.
“There were times when I would operate for 37 to 38 hours at a stretch,” the 48-year-old Jazarevic said. “Yet, if a patient reached a U.S. surgical facility alive, his or her chances of survival were more than 95 percent.” Prior to becoming director, he was the chief of vascular surgery and trauma surgery/critical care at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany in 2003.
Since 1994, Jazarevic (pronounced Ya-zar-a-vich) has served in the Florida National Guard as a lieutenant colonel and in capacity of senior surgical consultant to the National Guard’s state surgeon. He has participated in various medical military activities, especially since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
In January 2003, he requested a transfer to Army active duty to contribute to the War on Terror.
Jazarevic was also a trauma and vascular surgeon and a critical care specialist at various hospitals in Palm Beach, Fla., where he introduced endovascular surgery and endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm in 1999.
Jazarevic graduated from the University of Zagreb and the Yugoslav Military Medical Academy in Belgrade. He interned at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and the Lankenau Hospital at Jefferson University in Philadelphia. He completed his fellowship in surgical critical care/trauma at the State University of New York at Stony Brook Health Sciences Center, where he was the clinical instructor in surgery.
Jazarevic also served as chief surgeon for the 12th Evacuation Hospital VII Corps in Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia and Iraq from 1990 to 1991.
He was the Mission Chief Medical Officer for the 502 MASH, or Medical Readiness Exercise in Zambia, Africa, in 1992; he was a special assignment intelligence officer for the territories of former Yugoslavia in the 18th Military Intelligence Battalion and the 66th MI Brigade. He has 28 military honors and decorations, including a Bronze Star, an Order of Military Medical Merit and a Meritorious Service Medal. So how did this larger-than-life, experienced trauma surgeon find Haywood County?
Dr. J. and his wife, Lori, camped in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park for many years. After seeing a house in Waynesville in Log Home Living Magazine, the couple bought it so Lori could have a place to live while her husband was in Germany.
“I love it here; I love the town,” said Lori Jazarevic, director of rehabilitation services at the Brian Center. “We were robbed five times in Palm Beach.”
The couple was married in 1997 and had a baby girl named Gabriella on Oct. 12, 2005.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Obama is so completely out of his element there is no way he would ever get it.
This fine Doctor hit the nail on the head! But even this doctor would not be able to get through to a person like B.Hussein Obama.
More and more Obama is sounding like an elevated street thug, not an educated black man. I have noticed he has lapsed into his ghetto accent lately, it appears this is what he does when he gets ticked off.
God bless this Doctor and his family.

01 Aug

Jerome R. Corsi’s New Book “The Obama Nation”

Jerome R. Corsi’s new book “The Obama Nation”

The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.
In this thoroughly researched and documented book, the No. 1 New York Times bestselling co-author of “Unfit for Command” and senior staff reporter for WND explains why the extreme leftism of an Obama presidency would leave the United States weakened, diminished and divided, and why Obama must be defeated — and how he can be.
By tracing Obama’s career and influences from his early years in Hawaii and Indonesia, the beginnings of his political career in Chicago, his voting record in the Illinois Legislature, his religious training, his religious conversion through his recent involvement in Kenyan politics, his political advisers and fund-raising associates and his meteoric campaign for president, Jerome Corsi shows that an Obama presidency would, in his words, be “a repeat of the failed extremist politics that have characterized and plagued Democratic Party politics since the late 1960s.”
Corsi examines:
Obama’s extensive connections with Islam and radical politics.
His 20-year religious affiliation with the black-liberation theology of Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Obama’s continuing connections with Kenya.
Obama’s involvement in the slum-landlord empire of Chicago political fixer Tony Rezko.
Obama’s far-left domestic policy.
Obama’s anti-war, anti-nuclear foreign policy.
Soon after Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Corsi began investigating Obama’s personal and political background. This book, with more than 700 footnotes, is the result.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Corsi was on Hannity’s show last night. He was excellent!!!

01 Aug

House Apologizes For Slavery and Jim Crow

One hundred and forty years after any slave was legally held anywhere in the United States, the House of Representatives voted on a resolution apologizing to African-Americans for slavery and Jim Crow laws that discriminated against blacks mostly in the South.

House apologizes for slavery and Jim Crow
Resolution does not mention reparations; commits to rectifying ‘misdeeds’
WASHINGTON – The House on Tuesday issued an unprecedented apology to black Americans for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow segregation laws.
“Today represents a milestone in our nation’s efforts to remedy the ills of our past,” said Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, D-Mich., chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus.
The resolution, passed by voice vote, was the work of Tennessee Democrat Steve Cohen, the only white lawmaker to represent a majority black district. Cohen faces a formidable black challenger in a primary face-off next week.
Congress has issued apologies before — to Japanese-Americans for their internment during World War II and to native Hawaiians for the overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom in 1893. In 2005, the Senate apologized for failing to pass anti-lynching laws.

Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) said that he would consider introducing a similar resolution in the Senate. Passage of the bill marks the second time this year that Congress has issued an apology for past injustices. The Senate earlier apologized to Native Americans for mistreatment during the settling of the American West.

Obama comment about this
Obama notes ‘tragic’ US past (title from article)
star bulletin

“I personally would want to see our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged,” the Democratic presidential hopeful said.
“I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it’s Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds.”

The US House of Representatives late Tuesday approved by voice vote a resolution [HR 194 materials] apologizing to African Americans for slavery and Jim Crow laws [backgrounder].
The resolution declares:That the House of Representatives–
(1) acknowledges that slavery is incompatible with the basic founding principles recognized in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal;
(2) acknowledges the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow;
(3) apologizes to African Americans on behalf of the people of the United States, for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow; and
(4) expresses its commitment to rectify the lingering consequences of the misdeeds committed against African Americans under slavery and Jim Crow and to stop the occurrence of human rights violations in the future.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
When can the Irish, Jews, Poles, etc. expect their apologies for discrimination and quotas?
The Democrat members of the House are the ones who should sign the apology, since it was their party that advocated and fought for both slavery and Jim Crow laws.
Is this apologizing for American white people only….or also the Africans involved in the slave trade????
Is this part of a campaign to pave the way for an Obama presidency (i.e., a black president would help to “make up” for slavery)?

….Thank you Mark for sending the article to me.

01 Aug

Poser Obama : Wants Reparations To Blacks, Native Americans

The debt has already been paid!

Obama suggests reparations to blacks, Native Americans
Says ‘the most important thing to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds’
Sen. Barack Obama told a meeting in Chicago the U.S. should review how it can make amends for “offenses” committed during its history.
And one author is speculating that might even include reparations for al-Qaida soldiers, since, after all, they’ve been held in violation of their “rights.”
Obama’s comments came in a meeting with members of UNITY ’08, an event for journalists who claim membership in various minorities.
Obama, according to the report in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, stopped just short of endorsing an official U.S. apology to various groups. He said instead the nation should acknowledge treating certain groups poorly.

“There’s no doubt that when it comes to our treatment of Native Americans as well as other persons of color in this country, we’ve got some very sad and difficult things to account for,” Obama told the convention.

He has told Hawaii reporters he supports a federal plan to recognize native Hawaiians. He was asked for his thoughts about a formal U.S. apology to American Indians.

“I personally would want to see our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged,” he told conventioneers.

“I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it’s Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds,” he said.

The issue of reparations to African-Americans for the historic slave trade or Native Americans for the “invasion” by Europeans periodically has been raised. Several years ago a lawsuit was filed claiming damages for labor at a current value of $1.4 trillion.

Obama said, “The biggest problem that we have in terms of race relations, I think, is dealing with the legacy of past discrimination which has resulted in extreme disparities in terms of poverty, in terms of wealth and in terms of income. Our inner cities are a legacy of what happened in the past. And the question is less assigning blame or rooting out active racism, because that’s not the reason that those inner cities are in such bad shape, but rather figuring out are we willing to make the investments to deal with that past history so we can move forward to a brighter future? And that involves investing in early childhood education, fixing the schools in those communities, being willing to work in terms of job retraining. And those are serious investments.”

But at the American Spectator, Jeffrey Lord, CEO of QubeTV and former Reagan White House political director, said the logical extension of such thought obviously could include reparations for al-Qaida.
“Does Barack Obama believe it’s time for America to apologize to al-Qaida?” he asked. “You think I’m joking, right? Wrong.”
“The push has begun among Obama’s fellow-liberals for reparations to Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida warriors. Look no further than the Los Angeles Times review of the new book by liberal journalist Jane Mayer, ‘The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How The War on Terror Turned Into a War on American Ideals.’ Mayer’s indictment of the Bush administration’s fight against terrorism has predictably received glowing reviews from the gatekeepers of liberalism, including a July 15th review from Times staff writer Tim Rutten.
Please GO HERE to read entire article , thank you.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Reparations – Extortion paid by those who were never slaveowners to those who were never slaves!!!!
I’ve had enough of leftist whackos telling us what to do.
Barack Hussein Obama doesn’t have any African-American ancestors. He does, apparently, have ancestors who were slaveholders. So logic dictates that he pay up.

….Thank you Mark for sending this article to me.

31 Jul

Moron Obama’s Energy Plan:Inflating Your Tires



“There are things you can do individually, though, to save energy. Making sure your tires are properly inflated — simple thing. But we could save all the oil that they’re talking about getting off drilling — if everybody was just inflating their tires? And getting regular tune-ups? You’d actually save just as much! “

Wild Thing’s comment……..
What no one is fainting???? No one is holding their arms up in the air chanting OH-BAM-AH???? I didn’t hear one peep of….”YES WE CAN” !
Hussein inflated his head in Europe, he is stuck on inflating fer’sure! OH I could really have some fun with this one, but I will keep it PG rated. hahahahaha
I watched the clip on Fox today. The thing I noticed was the dead silence from the crowd. I had the feeling BHO knew he had goofed. hahaha

31 Jul

Terrorists New Underwear Fruit of the Boom! What’s left for the virgins? LOL

Terrorists develop ‘suicide underwear’
Daily Times Pakistan
Would-be suicide bombers could be using explosives “underwear briefs” rather than explosives jackets to evade “conservative” body searches, sources said on Wednesday.

Sihala Police College forensic lab sources told Daily Times that the study of recent suicide attacks showed that suicide bombers used “explosives-laden” under-garments, briefs in particular, to carry out the attacks.

The sources said that the explosives could weigh between five kilogrammes to seven kilogrammes, made deadly by adding glass splinters, metal ball bearings and bullets.
The law enforcers normally search upper body parts sparing the “privates”, the sources said, hence assailants are increasingly using the lower body parts to dodge the searches.
The sources said that forensic experts were trying to devise methods to pre-empt suicide bombing. The experts have achieved successes in “Post Bombing Investigation,” the sources said, adding that resources are sharpening “Pre Bombing Investigation” techniques.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
OUCH! LOL oh my gosh I guess this gives new meaning to hot pants. How stupid they are to begin with and now this?
And they say that the islamists are stuck in the 7th century!! LMAO …no pun intended..heh heh
Israel develops medical breakthroughs, Japan sophisticated consumer electronics, Germans excel at precision optics, the US cutting edge military technology, and the islamists come up with exploding underwear.

31 Jul

Rabid Obama Supporter Ludacris zand His Obama Video

There’s a new celebrity tribute to Barack Obama, but his campaign isn’t exactly loving it.
The rapper Ludacris has a video, titled “Obama is here,” that predicts the Democrat will win the presidency and urges blacks to get out and vote. It features footage of Obama dancing on the “Ellen Degeneres Show” and shooting hoops with US soldiers.

B. Hussein Obama and Chris “Ludacris” Bridges

“you can’t stop what’s bout to happen, we bout to make history the first black president is destined and it’s meant to be the threats ain’t fazing us, the nooses or the jokes so get off your ass, black people, it’s time to get out and vote! paint the White House black and I’m sure that’s got ’em terrified!”

All of the Lyrics to Ludacris, Obama supporter
I’m back on it like I just signed my record deal
yeah the best is here, the Bentley Coup paint is dripping wet, it got sex appeal
never should have hated
you never should’ve doubted him
with a slot in the president’s iPod Obama shattered ‘em
Said I handled his biz and I’m one of his favorite rappers
Well give Luda a special pardon if I’m ever in the slammer
Better yet put him in office, make me your vice president
Hillary hated on you, so that b^$&%* is irrelevant
Jesse talking slick and apologizing for what?
if you said it then you meant it how you want it have a gut!
and all you other politicians trying to hate on my man,
watch us win a majority vote in every state on my man
you can’t stop what’s bout to happen, we bout to make history
the first black president is destined and it’s meant to be
the threats ain’t fazing us, the nooses or the jokes
so get off your ass, black people, it’s time to get out and vote!
paint the White House black and I’m sure that’s got ‘em terrified
McCain don’t belong in ANY chair unless he’s paralyzed
Yeah I said it cause Bush is mentally handicapped
Ball up all of his speeches and I throw em like candy wrap
cause what you talking I hear nothing even relevant
and you the worst of all 43 presidents
get out and vote or the end will be near
the world is ready for change because Obama is here!
cause Obama is here
The world is ready for change because Obama is here!
And this………………………….
Late that year he met with the rap giant Ludacris in his Chicago office. Ludacris, who Pepsi dropped as a spokesman in 2004 after Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly exposed his putrid lyrics, said afterwards that Obama felt like family to him. In March 2007 Ludacris, whose hit songs include “Move B——,” headlined an Obama fundraiser in Atlanta.
Obama even recorded a voice over for a new album out this June from rapper Q-tip. Will it contain lyrics like these sonnets from another Q-tip song? “Close the door, ‘ight let a n—— rock. Cause we ‘bout to eat real s-—, not s-— slop.”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Is Obama going to RENOUNCE this intolerant attack on women, the elderly and the disabled?
The bus is waiting.
Let’s see something like this…….”Ludicrous isn’t the person I thought he was.” mayb e???? Like he has with the others. Yeah, that will fly!
As usual, Obama hasn’t condemned anything. One of his campaign people Bill Burton did! In fact in the past Obama called this guy a great artist.
Well one thing for sure this probably sealed the deal on the PUMA crowd ( Hillary’s fans) where before some might have decided to hold their nose and vote for him now no one will.LOL Well at least the Hillary people will be ticked for sure.
Obama and his followers are extremely dangerous. They have some serious psychological issues that are overshadowed by a profound hatred of white Christian Americans. The damage they have in store for America will be irreversible.
Obama will set this country back on having equal rights and good racial relations.