05 Aug

Illegal Obama donors: Middle Eastern Arabs

Illegal Obama donors: Middle Eastern Arabs
Gazan brothers’ illicit contributions listed in government campaign filings
JERUSALEM – Palestinian brothers inside the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip are listed in government election filings as having donated $29,521.54 to Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign.
Donations of this nature would violate election laws, including prohibitions on receiving contributions from foreigners and guidelines against accepting more than $2,300 from one individual during a single election, Bob Biersack, a spokesman for the Federal Election Commission, told WND in response to a query.
The contributions also raise numerous questions about the Obama campaign’s lax online donation form, which apparently allows for the possibility of foreign contributions.
Last week, the Atlas Shrugs blog outlined a series of donations in 2007 made to Obama’s campaign from two individuals, Monir Edwan and Hosam Edwan, totaling $29,521.54.
In an online form on Obama’s campaign site, the Edwans listed their street as “Tal Esaltan,” which they wrote was located in “Rafah, GA.”
Rafah is not a city in Georgia. The Atlas blog immediately raised concerns that the money may have been donated from the Gaza Strip town of Rafah.
The Edwans’ donations are listed in both FEC filings and other election filing sites, such as CampaignMoney and donordata.org.
Monir made 20 donations ranging from $717 to $2017.50 from October through November 2007. His donations totaled $24321.41. Hosam made seven donations ranging from $508.63 to $1725.96, totaling $5,200.13, all in October 2007.
A WND investigation tracked down the Edwans, who are brothers living in the Tal Esaltan neighborhood of Rafah, a large refugee camp in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.
The Edwans are a large clan that include top Hamas supporters.
Speaking to WND, the two brothers praised Obama and admitted giving the money online to his campaign. They said they are not U.S. citizens or green card holders but are citizens of “Palestine.”
The Edwans denied they are affiliated with Hamas. Palestinian sources in Gaza confirmed the Edwans in question are secular, but could not say whether they supported Hamas.
Monir and Hasam Edwan denied their financial transactions online – listed as donations in U.S. government election filings – were actual donations to Obama’s campaign. Instead they claimed they purchased about $30,000 in Obama T-shirts from the presidential candidate’s online store – a contention that did not hold up during a WND interview, when they changed their story several times.
“My brother Hosam and I knew that Obama will be a big hit even before he became a candidate. We knew the guy would be a celebrity in Gaza so we decided to invest the amount of $29,000 to buy Obama T-shirts from his website and sell them in Gaza,” Monir Edwan told WND, speaking by cell phone from Gaza.
“I know on the back of this story Obama rivals will present our business as a donation and they will try to use this story to let Obama fall, but I’m telling you, we bought T-shirts,” Edwan maintained.
Edwan said any profit made from purportedly selling the Obama T-shirts was not returned to the Obama campaign.
“We have nothing to do with the Obama campaign. We just like Obama and believe he will be the best for the Palestinians and for the world.”
At first Monir Edwan claimed he sold the T-shirts in Gaza for around $9 and that a profit was made.
“Some young men even bought the T-shirts for 60 shekel ($17.29), which is a lot to spend in Gaza on a T-shirt, but that is how much Gazans like Obama,” Edwan claimed.
But it was pointed out to Edwan the T-shirts for sale on Obama’s website are listed as $20.08 and that selling the merchandise for less would not yield a profit.
“Maybe we sold the shirts for a lot more. I can’t remember now,” said Edwan.
Asked why he would purchase T-shirts at such a high rate and pay the cost of shipping when he could pay a company to produce T-shirts for less, Edwan replied, “We wanted the shirts to come from the campaign.”
But Edwan could not explain how he managed to get shipments of T-shirts into the Gaza Strip during the months he claimed to have purchased the merchandise, since Israel imposed a tight closure of the Gaza Strip starting in June 2007 that lasted until June 2008, when the Israeli government agreed to a cease-fire with Hamas in Gaza.
“We don’t want to cause any damage to Obama’s campaign,” was Edwan’s reply.
Edwan said he wants Obama to be president.
“Not just the people in Gaza but people from all over the world are rooting for this great man,” he told WND.
FEC spokesman Biersack told WND contributions from overseas are allowed if the donations are coming from U.S. citizens or green card carriers. But he said accepting money from foreigners would violate election provisions.
He said there are strict guidelines against accepting more than $2,300 from one individual during a single election.
“I am not familiar with the particulars of the case, so I am commenting in general. The FEC will have to examine all the circumstances before determining any wrongdoing,” Biersack clarified.
Obama’s campaign did not return WND phone calls or e-mail queries.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
It would be no surprise to find out that EVERY enemy of America was funneling money to Obama through many channels to “clean it” -— it is in the interest of our enemies that he be elected for obvious reasons, a list of which would be too long to list.
You would think that most Americans would realize that Obama is not fit to be president based solely on the type of people who are supporting him.

….Thank you Mark for sending this article to me.

05 Aug

Happy Birthday Tincan Sailor

Happy Birthday Tincan Sailor and may all your wishes come true.
Have a wonderful birthday!
From everyone here at Theodore’s World!

05 Aug

I Had No Internet Connection ~ Now It Is Back

I am so sorry everyone. Starting last night around midnight I lost internet connection in my area. Comcast was having a problem, only in my area and it was down.
All is back now, thank goodness. yipee!
Thank you for your patience, I really appreciate it.

04 Aug

Political Columnist Robert Novak Retires

Sun-Times political columnist Robert Novak retires
Chicago Sun Times
Robert Novak has announced his immediate retirement following the diagnosis of a brain tumor, a prognosis the Sun-Times’ political columnist describes as “dire.”
“The details are being worked out with the doctors this week, but the tentative plan is for radiation and chemotherapy,” Novak said.
The Evans-Novak column was first distributed by Publishers Newspaper Syndicate on May 15, 1963, with the New York Herald-Tribune, the flagship newspaper. When the Herald-Tribune folded in 1966, the Chicago Sun-Times became their home newspaper.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Prayers for Robert Novak and his family.

04 Aug

Happening Today Republicans Meet About Energy

The House Gallery is FULL!!!
Bush is still saying no special session but I am still thinking postivie about this.

Cantor to Obama: Tell Pelosi to Bring Congress Back
abc news
A Virginia congressman who is reported to be under consideration to be Sen. John McCain’s, R-Ariz., running mate urged Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., on Monday to pressure the Democratic leadership of Congress to take action on off-shore drilling.

“If Barack Obama is serious about trying to fix this problem,” said Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., “the first thing he should do is pick up the phone and call Speaker Pelosi and tell her to bring Congress back so that we can begin a process of getting an off-shore drilling bill across the floor of the House.”

Cantor’s effort to pressure Obama on Pelosi and off-shore drilling comes in the wake of the presumptive Democratic nominee softening his opposition to off-shore drilling. Obama told a Florida newspaper on Friday that he does not see off-shore drilling as a solution to the U.S. energy crunch while saying that he would go along with expanded off-shore drilling if it were necessary to win a broader policy overhaul focused on renewable sources of energy.
Asked Sunday on ABC News’ “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” why the House Democratic leadership won’t allow an up or down vote on the issue of drilling, Pelosi accused House Republicans of doing the bidding of Big Oil.

“We have a debate every single day on this subject,” said Pelosi, calling the GOP protest “the war dance of the handmaidens of the oil companies.”

The Associated Press reported on Saturday that McCain’s campaign has asked Cantor, who serves as chief deputy Republican whip in the House, for personal documents to aid in the search for a running mate.
During Monday’s McCain campaign conference call with reporters, Cantor refused to discuss the vice-presidential selection process when he was asked about it by the author of Saturday’s Associated Press story.

“Congratulations on being on the short list,” the AP’s Bob Lewis told Cantor “would you care to comment any about your conversation with the senator over a possible choice.”

“No I wouldn’t,” said Cantor, “this a press conference about the energy plan and the difference between the visions that Barack Obama has and John McCain.”

“Thank you, Bob. Thanks for trying,” said McCain spokesman Brian Rogers.


Rob Wittman up on Twitter
These are just some of the updates:
Taken from here……CLICK to see latest as it is live and not being shown on C-Sapn
Also there is this…………..
If you want to listen to my live teletown hall with VA-01 constituents, call 209-244-7073. The event ID code is 11718#
Rep. Mike Pence just said that Congress has a responsibility to America to address the number one issue in the land. 8 minutes ago from web
Conaway says she’s the Speaker for the entire House and she owes it to all members to allow the will of the people to be carried out. 24 minutes ago from web
Rep. Conaway is speaking about the responsibility of the Speaker to call for a vote on an American energy policy. #dontgo 25 minutes ago from web
He said this is the opposite of the Congressional leadership today which refuses to take action for American energy independence. #dontgo 29 minutes ago from web
Rep. Jordan is speaking and pointed to John Adams and how the first Congress fought to establish American independence. #dontgo 29 minutes ago from web
He said that this Congress should do the business of the American people- we must have a debate and vote on a comprehensive energy policy. 39 minutes ago from web
Rep. Gingrey is now speaking about how the Speaker has turned off the lights and the sound system to quell debate about energy. about 1 hour ago from web
Rep. Herger talked about his constituents and how folks that live in his district and work in Nancy Pelosi”s distrct want Congress to act! about 1 hour ago from web
Rep. Don Manzullo just gave an impassioned speech about the freedom this nation fought for to have the debate about energy. about 1 hour ago from web
The House floor is nearly full with Members, staff and tourists. People are clapping and screaming “vote,vote,vote”. about 1 hour ago from web
Rep. Wolf said this is a travesty for Americans because those resources must be accessible for the economic and strategic needs of the US. about 1 hour ago from web
Rep. Frank Wolf (VA) just spoke about the leases that Cuba has granted to China to drill for oil in areas next to US territorial waters. about 1 hour ago from web
Rep. Musgrave said that the Speaker should allow a vote because it was what the American people want. about 1 hour ago from web
Rep. Musgrave relayed stories of constituents and their suffering and called upon the Speaker to allow a vote. about 1 hour ago from web
Rep. Cole points out that previous energy bills passed by Congress were vetoed by President Clinton. about 2 hours ago from web
Tom Cole is speaking now. Americans are demanding a comprehensive energy policy. Congress must act. about 2 hours ago from web
He said that we are helping our enemies each day we are without a comprehensive energy policy that creates energy independence. about 2 hours ago from web
Lynn Westmoreland is speaking about the lack of action by the majority party and the rhetoric they have professed about energy policy. about 2 hours ago from web
Tom Price is leading off asking for the House to be called back into session. about 2 hours ago from web

you can listen here:

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Nancy Pelosi is going to learn one way or another that it is NOT HER HOUSE it is the people’s house.
They are on a roll today. Mike Pence was on Laura Ingraham’s radio show as well. Laura was reporting on the Republicans , and talking about the people (tourists) cheering in the gallery.
Sometimes it is really WONDERFUL to be wrong. And I was wrong. The House Republicans ARE serious about this!

Game plan change. LOL
After reading what Mark, Tom, Jack, RWB, Les …all of you ……and all of you have written. I was wrong. I had wanted the win now and that is not a good idea, it would be better to have a really big win and a better win later.
Thank you ALL for your input.

04 Aug

House Republicans Go Back On The Floor Today (Monday) To Talk Gas Prices

Strother Martin protraying Nancy Pelosi


House Republicans go back on the floor Monday to talk gas prices
Continuing with their guerilla tactics from last week, House Republicans will be back on the floor Monday to talk gas prices, even though Congress is in recess, and they may stay there all week.
More than a dozen Republicans have already committed to make appearances, according to House GOP leadership aide, including National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Cole (Okla.).
Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) and Mike Pence (R-Ind.), who lead Friday’s five-hour talkathon after the House shut down for the August recess, are also expected to be there, according to this aide.

“In an urgent memo sent to GOP Members and staff Saturday (“A Call to Action on American Energy”), Republican Leader John Boehner (R-) and Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) hailed Friday’s action, and encouraged House Republicans to return to the Capitol beginning Monday morning to help keep the historic effort going,” said a press release just released by Minority Leader Boehner’s office.

“It’s not a request we make lightly. But the American people are suffering,” Boehner and Blunt said in the memo. “The consequences of continued congressional inaction on gas prices are unacceptable. We’ve called on the Speaker to call Congress back into an emergency session this month and schedule a vote on the American Energy Act. We must continue to make a stand until the Speaker complies.”

Update – Neither Boehner nor Blunt are expected to be in attendance at Monday’s talkfest, and its unclear if they will show up at any point during the week, according to GOP leadership aides.
The session will not be televised, since C-Span does not control the cameras inside the House chamber. Rather, those come under the purview of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the Democrats, and they’re unlikely to do anything to help Republicans.
Pelosi was grilled by host George Stephanopolous on ABC’s “This Week” over her refusal to allow an offshore oil drilling vote on the floor before the House adjourned for the five-week August recess, but Pelosi was having none of it.

“What you saw in the Congress this week was the war dance of the hand maidens of the oil companies,” Pelosi said. That’s what you saw on the Republican side of the aisle.”

This was last Friday and you can hear how angry they were.

Toll free Capital switchboard numbers are:
Helping the House Heroes
(202) 224-3121
TTY: (202) 225-1904
Boehner’s office: (202)225-4000
Blunt: (202)225-6536
Putnum: (202)225-1252
Repub Conference: (202)225-5107
Fox’s main number 888-369-4762


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Nice to see forward progess instead of the old side to side shuffle…lets hope they maintain their momentum, symbolic acts can be very powerful.
This is a good time to call our reps and get them to DC.
These few are doing the right thing now, and even if the motivation is that they’ve finally awakened to the anger of the American people in an election year, it beats the hell out of more of the same. I believe the only way we’ll get more of this behavior is if they see and hear our enthusiastic support.
A dozen is better than none. It started with 5 on Friday and grew to 50, no telling how many will come back on today.
Pelosi: “What you saw in the Congress this week was the war dance of the hand maidens of the oil companies”
I wonder if someone fired her soundbite writer. That’s just wincingly bad.

….Thank you Les for sending me the article.

04 Aug

Obama Asks Panel to Restore Michigan and Florida Votes

Obama Wants Full Voting Rights for Florida and Michigan Delegates
NY Times
It seems like another lifetime ago, but remember all the fuss about Michigan and Florida?
After those states held their primaries in violation of Democratic Party rules, the party cracked down on them and said their delegates would not have a voice at the national convention in Denver. Then in May, the rules committee agreed to let their delegates have half a vote each.
Now Senator Barack Obama, the party’s presumptive nominee, has asked the credentials committee to let the two states have full voting rights at the convention after all.
The request is likely to be granted since it comes from the all-but-certain nominee, who now controls the party apparatus.
The move was not unexpected. No nominee could afford to alienate the delegates, and voters, from two such important states.
Moreover, Mr. Obama had essentially promised the two states that he would seek to restore their full voting strength, as we wrote on June 2 after the rules committee restored only half a vote to each of the states’ delegates.
Why would their voting strength matter when it is clear who the nominee will be?
Because, as Senator Carl Levin, Democrat of Michigan, said at the time, party conventions do more than pick a nominee; they also begin to establish the framework for the primary calendar in the next presidential election. And Michigan, for one, has been trying for years to topple Iowa and New Hampshire from their first-in-the-nation voting perches. Having full votes at the convention will give Michigan more power to pursue that agenda.
At the same time, Mr. Obama’s “request” to restore full voting strength to Florida and Michigan is likely to cause heartburn for party officials, who have struggled to maintain some authority over the primary calendar.
By granting Mr. Obama’s request, the party will essentially be giving a green light to other states to ignore the calendar next time because there will be no consequences.
The credentials committee is to meet Aug. 24, the day before the convention begins in Denver, to determine who will be seated.
In a letter today to committee officials, Mr. Obama asked that a resolution be passed to entitle each delegate from Florida and Michigan to cast a full vote.

The party must be united in the fall, he said, adding, “To that end, Democrats in Florida and Michigan must know that they are full partners and colleagues in our historic mission to reshape Washington and lead our country in a new direction.”

The party sent back a noncommittal response noting that it had received Mr. Obama’s request.

“We deeply appreciate and value Senator Obama’s perspective on this important issue,” the Democratic National Committee said in a statement. “This matter will be the top priority for the credentials committee when we meet on August 24th. As always our goal is to ensure a fair process and a unified Democratic Party so that we can win in November.”

The status of the two states was an explosive issue throughout much of the primary season. Back then, the Obama camp was on the other side, arguing that the two states broke the rules by moving up their primaries and should be punished.
His chief rival, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, had received more votes in both states but Mr. Obama had taken his name off the ballot in Michigan, and neither campaigned in Florida.
Mrs. Clinton had campaigned fiercely for the delegates in Florida and Michigan to be given full voting status, hoping this would legitimize their primaries, which in turn might bolster her argument that she had won more popular votes than Mr. Obama. Still, she trailed him in delegates, which is the standard by which the nominee is chosen.
The whole subject remains a sore point with some Clinton supporters.
But Mr. Obama’s letter today seems timed to try to minimize any damage, coming almost two months after Mrs. Clinton threw her support to him and after it appears unlikely that she will be his choice for vice president.
Later in the day, Mrs. Clinton urged the party to grant Mr. Obama’s request to restore full voting rights for Michigan and Florida. Here is her statement:

“During the campaign, I strongly advocated for the Democratic Party to seat the Florida and Michigan delegation with their full votes. The Democratic Party has always stood up for the principle of counting every person’s vote. Today, Senator Obama has requested that the Credentials Committee give Florida and Michigan delegates their full votes. This is the right position for the Democratic Party and for the country and I urge the Credentials Committee to restore full votes to Florida and Michigan delegates.”


Wild Thing’s comment…………
The Messiah has spoken it seems.
My first thought was why would he do this? It stands to help Hillary. What could Obama stand to gain?
Wanna see some examples of the “reaction” to the Obamassiah’s “request”?
Here is a link to the same information as above that the NY Times publised but this one is at ABC News Blog. They have a special palce under the article to leave comments.
If you want to just Click on this link for a real eyeopener, especially from the Hillary supporters.
IMHO, if the reactions I read so far are an indication of what’s coming Obamassiah’s way, he might want to try to find a new FULL TIME employee, with full health coverage and an excellent life insurance policy, to start his “Obama ’08 Campaign Bus” for him until AFTER he loses the election.
The “replies” are in “reverse order” with the “latest” on top. Just th ereverse as how it is on here.
Here are just a few examples:
* “Oh – NOW you want to count all the delegates in FL & MI – you sure are arrogant! How dare you even suggest this after you blocked re-votes in both states, and demanded your “fair” share of votes – that you did not earn.
Senator Hillary Clinton EARNED her votes – she is qualified to lead our country – you are NOT and will never win.” – Perry
* “This is one of the slimiest things he’s done, and that is saying a LOT. I cannot express how angry I am. Obama has gone too far this time. I disliked the way he ran his campaign before, but now, you can bet, I (and millions of other ticked off democrats) will work day and night to work against Obama. “- Jersey
* “Obama is now telling us that those delegates should count in full now that it won’t count toward who will win the nomination (since he has been crowned). Now, he wants justice???? Now, he wants those delegates to count in full???? Does he even understand how arrogant and self-serving this appears? He is truly in his ego-filled bubble. This makes my vote for McCain easier as a lifelong Democrat. “- Katherine
* “So now, he is the ruler of the DNC rules committee as well. So even though they were doing his bidding, he now throws them under the bus. I hope he gives back those votes in Michigan that were NEVER cast for him. Obama is the worst candidate the Dems could have put forth. He is the most politically expedient flip-flopper I have ever seen in my lifetime. Please, superdelegates, give us Hillary at the convention.
Hillary ’08” – JO CHGO
* “Obama is attempting to “unite” the party so he can squeeze out Hillary as a VP choice. Did you hear David Gergen’s warning to Obama today on This Week? Get ready for the Republican Attack Machine, they were just priming the pump this past week, with great success, so you better have Hillary to watch your back. I really don’t think Obama’s brain, Axelrod, is smart enough to do it.” – West Coast Messenger
* “All I can say is I watched the whole DNC rules committee hearing on that Saturday. This is like asking the rape victim to fall in love with the attacker.” – won’t _forget
* “Illegitimate candidate now wants legitimacy and validation. I guess those pesky poll numbers can sober anyone up. I guess ‘Da Rulz’ don’t matter anymore.
The DNC can ignore the rigging of the caucuses, keep a complicit silence while you play the race card in your own party, carry you over the finish line to hand you the nomination, now they can try and help you with the unity pony.
But don’t expect a reward vote from people who see through this chicanery.
PUMA!!!! ” – lamecandidate
* “OMG people…the DNC should not have given votes at ALL on this. Those states were told NOT to move their primaries or their votes would NOT be counted. Period. Unfortunate. But they did it anyway. Yes, the voters had no say, their elected officials made this decision. However, rules are rules. Supposedly. In this democracy. Supposedly. I am a PROUD Hillary supporter and it is the ONE thing I disagreed with her on. Once those decisions were made to not count the votes, that should have been the end of it. But as an earlier poster stated, the DNC does whatever the hell it wants to get “The Precious” in office. And no, he does NOT have the nomination, officially. Period GO PUMA ” – Dawne
* “Hillary suspended her campaign. She never conceded. She hasn’t released her delegates. She is the real nominee of this party and they better own up to it. Obama can not be trusted. He is a empty suit.
Now there will be a fight on the convention floor.
This is a whole new ball game.
DNC wake up and stop drinking the Kool Aide. You have a winning nominee-Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. Super Delegates wake up with Obama you lose. He is tanking. He tried the race card against Mc Cain and it backfired. Now he wants Michigan and Florida-he’s desperate. Even he knows he can’t win. Give Hillary the nomination which she won or lose big time in November and risk losing the voters of the Democratic Party. Without them you have no party. The party will be over.
The last one to leave turn the lights out.” – basil

04 Aug

McCain Going To Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Week

McCain to roar into motorcycle haven in South Dakota
Sturgis Motorcyclwe Rally.com
On: 2008-04-30 17:12:33
Senator John McCain is scheduled to appear at the Buffalo Chip on Monday, August 4th, just before performances by Kelly Pickler and Kid Rock. Senator McCain will be participating in the Chip’s annual ceremony in honor of American servicemen and veterans.
“We are honored that a patriot of Senator McCain’s stature would take time during his Presidential campaign to help us honor our veterans and active duty military personnel,” said campground owner Rod Woodruff.
The Buffalo Chip has conducted a veteran’s tribute for many years. Past tributes have included The Patriot Guard Riders, The U.S. Army Golden Knights, B-1B fly-bys and numerous color guards and flag-folding ceremonies.
Senator John McCain is scheduled to appear at the Buffalo Chip on Monday, August 4th, just before performances by Kelly Pickler and Kid Rock. Senator McCain will be participating in the Chip’s annual ceremony in honor of American servicemen and veterans.

“We are honored that a patriot of Senator McCain’s stature would take time during his Presidential campaign to help us honor our veterans and active duty military personnel,” said campground owner Rod Woodruff.

The Buffalo Chip has conducted a veteran’s tribute for many years. Past tributes have included The Patriot Guard Riders, The U.S. Army Golden Knights, B-1B fly-bys and numerous color guards and flag-folding ceremonies.
McCain will also be joined by Kelly Pickler and the mercurial Kid Rock, according to the Sioux Falls Argus Leader newspaper online.
With a population of 780,000, South Dakota on the Great Plains is hardly an election-day prize for either McCain’s Republican Party or rival Democrats.
But the state doubles in population during the annual August motorcycle rally in Sturgis, at the foot of the Black Hills, that draws an estimated 500,000 to 600,000 out-of-state “wild hogs” who roar cross country to celebrate their bike culture.
McCain plans to maximize on the crowds by providing the opening act at an annual concert that honours American military veterans at the Buffalo Chip campground, his campaign said Sunday.
The annual motorcycle rally – from August 4-10 this year – is one of the country’s largest, with a reputation for notorious and outrageous behaviour.
A novelty draw to the Buffalo Chip campground this year will be a firing range for cyclists to try out automatic rifles, including vintage World War I machine guns, camp owner Rod Woodruff told the Argus Leader.
It was not known if McCain would take a turn at the firing range – or if he would draw a crowd as large as the 200,000 who flocked to hear Democratic presumptive nominee Barack Obama in Berlin recently.


Wild Thing’s comment………
I can’t imagine any of these guys getting a thrill up their leg over Obama’s oratory skills. LOL
OK Now imagine Obama on a Harley……….heh heh Yeah, thought so.
Can you imagine Obama wading into a huge crowd of bikers with his body guards in tow. Body guards from Farakhan.
How would Obama start his talk?
“Any of you all been to Berlin?”
“Hope you all got your tires inflated?”
“We’re all here to save the planet”
Any other suggestions?

04 Aug

Ant and the Grasshopper ~ Old and New Version

The Ant and the Grasshopper
There is an ‘Old Version’ and a ‘Modern Version’
Two Different Versions! Two Different Morals!
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.
The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Be responsible for yourself!


The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the s ummer away.
Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.
CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, Fox and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast.
How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?
Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper, and everybody cries when they sing, ‘It’s Not Easy Being Green. ‘
Al Sharpton stages a demonstration in front of the ant’s house where the news stations film the group singing, ‘We shall overcome.’ Jesse then has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper’s sake.
Nancy Pelosi & Barack Obama exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant ha s gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.
Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer.
The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.
Hillary gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper in a defamation suit against the ant, and the case is tried before a panel of federal judges that Bill Clinton appointed from a list of single-parent welfare recipients.
The ant loses the case.
The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant’ s food while the government house he is in, which just happens to be the ant’s old house, crumbles around him because he doesn’t maintain it.
The ant has disappeared in the snow.
The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the once peaceful neighborhood.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Be careful how you vote in 2008!!

….Thank you Mark.