11 Aug

Bush, Cheney, McCain and Obama Comments On Russia-Georgia War

President Bush and VP Cheney
Fox News
President Bush has sharply criticized Moscow’s harsh military crackdown in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, saying the violence is unacceptable and Russia’s response is disproportionate.
Bush, in an interview with NBC, said:

“I’ve expressed my grave concern about the disproportionate response of Russia and that we strongly condemn the bombing outside of South Ossetia.”

Earlier, Vice President Dick Cheney said that:

“Russian aggression must not go unanswered, and that its continuation would have serious consequences for its relations with the United States.”

John McCain and Barack Hussein Obama
Moscow Times
McCain, an outspoken critic of Moscow, said it was clear that the situation in Georgia was dire.
“Today, news reports indicate that Russian military forces crossed an internationally-recognized border into the sovereign territory of Georgia. Russia should immediately and unconditionally cease its military operations and withdraw all forces from sovereign Georgian territory. What is most critical now is to avoid further confrontation between Russian and Georgian military forces. The consequences for Euro-Atlantic stability and security are grave. Tensions and hostilities between Georgians and Ossetians are in no way justification for Russian troops crossing an internationally recognized border,” he said.

His first comment UNTIL he heard what McCain’s reaction was…………..

“I strongly condemn the outbreak of violence in Georgia, and urge an immediate end to armed conflict. Now is the time for Georgia and Russia to show restraint, and to avoid an escalation to full scale war. Georgia’s territorial integrity must be respected. All sides should enter into direct talks on behalf of stability in Georgia, and the United States, the United Nations Security Council, and the international community should fully support a peaceful resolution to this crisis.”

Here is how Obama reacted when he heard that Russian troops were attacking targets in Georgia:

Then AFTER Obama checked out McCain’s take Obama made another comment to try and sound more like a man I suppose.

“I condemn Russia’s aggressive actions and reiterate my call for an immediate ceasefire… Russia must stop its bombing campaign, cease flights of Russian aircraft in Georgian airspace, and withdraw its ground forces from Georgia.”

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Just a thought, maybe Cheney can invite Putin to a quail hunt. heh heh Hint hint to Cheney.
And as for Obama….LMAO good grief! The empty-suited marxist, ignorant as always, gave Russia the benefit of doubt, as fellow travelers always do. Until one of his empty suit handlers told him something else to say.

11 Aug

Michelle Obama to Speak On Convention’s First Night

Michelle Obama to Speak On Convention’s First Night
The Washinfgton Post
Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign announced yesterday that his wife, Michelle, will be the star attraction on the opening night at the Democratic National Convention in Denver on Aug. 25.
Following Michelle Obama on Monday, the “headline speakers” for the rest of the convention will be Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Tuesday, Obama’s vice presidential choice on Wednesday, and Obama on Thursday. The convention will move that day to Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium, and Obama will officially accept the party’s nomination before a crowd expected to reach 75,000.
Two of the dates will be rich with symbolism. Clinton, who came closer than any woman to winning a major-party nomination for president, will speak on the 88th anniversary of women receiving the right to vote, and Obama will give his acceptance speech on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
The Obama camp had previously said that Clinton would speak on Tuesday night, although negotiations continue about whether her name will be placed in nomination. The New York Daily News reported that Clinton has raised the idea of being introduced by her daughter, Chelsea. Former president Bill Clinton is scheduled to address the delegates on Wednesday night.
The Obama camp and the Democratic National Committee said additional details about the convention and speakers will be released this week.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
There is something I don’t understand. I thought that ‘pledged delegates’ were technically free to vote for whoever they chose – not legally or otherwise bound to the candidate claiming the pledge.
If I’m wrong, and each and every pledged democrat lackey is bound irreversibly to Obama, then so be it.
But, if I’m right, this announcement means that the DNC has admitted that it has anointed Obamasama as their savior – and no deviation from the party line will be tolerated.
There is no other explanation for calling on the wife of a candidate to be the opening speaker in a convention that is supposed to select the man or woman who will lead the party into a presidential election.
And then it mentions about Hillary’s name might be placed in nomination. Kind of confusing.

11 Aug

Massive Explosion in North Toronto, Ontario

Toronto propane depot explosion ( (Go to 1:50 for HUGE explosion)

Firefighter dies battling huge fire at propane depot
A veteran firefighter died trying to extinguish a massive fire at a propane depot in north Toronto early Sunday, a blaze that closed major highways and forced thousands to flee their homes.
Residents said the explosion was terrifying.
Toronto police ordered the evacuation of neighbourhoods within 1.6 kilometres of Sunrise Propane. Thousands of people living between Keele Street, Dufferin Street, Sheppard Avenue and Wilson Avenue were ordered to leave their homes.

“My whole house shook. The front door came off and I saw fire,” said Shelby Degan, who lives less than a block away from the depot.

“Next thing you know, I’ve got glass in my head and I’m running down the road.”

O’Hallarn said the explosion sent large pieces of metal — likely from tanks that exploded — flying into nearby streets. Homes were damaged, windows shattered and doors were ripped from their hinges. About 200 firefighters battled intense heat to fight spot fires that continued to burn into Sunday evening.
The cause of the fire was still unknown. The area was still too unstable for Ontario Fire Marshal’s Office investigators to enter the site and begin their probe.
Mayor David Miller, on vacation in Vancouver, was rushing back to Toronto to help co-ordinate the relief efforts. In a telephone news conference Sunday afternoon, he said his top priority is to ensure the area is made safe.
A no-fly zone was ordered over the area, as emergency workers feared that propane tankers parked on the site might spark further explosions, although those fears were diminishing by noon.
Natural gas and hydro were shut off to the area as a precaution.
The first explosion, which could be heard seven kilometres away, shook nearby homes and buildings, waking residents.

Robert Halman, who lives on Murray Road, said his ceiling crashed on top of him, and the doors and windows of his home blew out. Flames were everywhere, with fireballs exploding into the sky.

He escaped, but his shirt caught fire, burning his back. His forehead was covered in blood from the debris that hit him.

“I’m lucky that I got out of there alive,” he said, scratches visible on his forehead.


“Police said the company stores and distributes a number of highly flammable welding supplies and gases such as acetylene, argon, nitrogen, propane and oxygen which police say is “highly explosive.”

The cause of the explosion has not been determined.”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
The lack of media coverage of this so far is astonishing. It is so good that few were hurt and killed in this horrible explosion.

10 Aug

Georgian and Russian War News

Report: Russian Navy blockades Georgia
A news agency says the Russian navy has deployed ships to blockade Georgia’s Black Sea coast.
The Interfax news agency says the Moskva missile cruiser and other Russian Black Sea Fleet ships have been deployed to Georgia’s coast to prevent any weapons supplies.
A Russian navy spokesman refused to comment on the report Sunday.

Unclear Whether Georgian Olympic Team Will Stay in Beijing
Russia daily online

The Georgian Olympic team will not participate in the 29th Summer Olympics and is leaving Beijing. Georgian media report that the athletes made that decision after a meeting with Sandra Roelofs, wife of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili in Beijing. The official reason for the decision is that the athletes want to be with their families during this difficult time for their country.

Saakashvili had stated previously that the Georgian athletes plan to stage a protest against Russian actions in South Ossetia, even though, under the rules of the International Olympic Committee, they could be disqualified for doing so. Georgian and Russian athletes were scheduled to face each other for the first time on August 13, during the women’s beach volleyball match.

No UN deal over Georgia
Reuters and video at link
U.N. Security Council fails to reach an agreement aimed at halting the bloodshed in Georgia.
The head of Europe’s main security group says the region is on the brink of a full-scale war.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Russia is not going to stop with just South Ossetia… they want all of Georgia.
Georgian troops have been combating Islamic terrorism in Iraq, while previously Putin attempted to block any and all meaningful military action against Saddam, plus Moscow continues ‘assisting’ Iran’s nuclear weapons quest against the West, and arming all of our and Israel’s worst enemies.

10 Aug

“Gang of 10” Morons With Light On His Feet Lindsey Graham

Republican Energy Fumble
The Wall Street Journal
by Kimberley Strassel
Politics has its puzzling moments. John McCain and most of the GOP experienced one late last week. That was when five of their own set about dismantling the best issue Republicans have in the upcoming election.
It’s taken time, but Sen. McCain and his party have finally found — in energy — an issue that’s working for them. Riding voter discontent over high gas prices, the GOP has made antidrilling Democrats this summer’s headlines.
Their enthusiasm has given conservative candidates a boost in tough races. And Mr. McCain has pressured Barack Obama into an energy debate, where the Democrat has struggled to explain shifting and confused policy proposals.
Still, it was probably too much to assume every Republican would work out that their side was winning this issue.
And so, last Friday, in stumbled Sens. Lindsey Graham, John Thune, Saxby Chambliss, Bob Corker and Johnny Isakson — alongside five Senate Democrats. This “Gang of 10” announced a “sweeping” and “bipartisan” energy plan to break Washington’s energy “stalemate.” What they did was throw every vulnerable Democrat, and Mr. Obama, a life preserver.
That’s because the plan is a Democratic giveaway. New production on offshore federal lands is left to state legislatures, and then in only four coastal states. The regulatory hurdles are huge. And the bill bars drilling within 50 miles of the coast — putting off limits some of the most productive areas. Alaska’s oil-rich Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is still a no-go.
The highlight is instead $84 billion in tax credits, subsidies and federal handouts for alternative fuels and renewables. The Gang of 10 intends to pay for all this in part by raising taxes on . . . oil companies! The Sierra Club couldn’t have penned it better. And so the Republican Five has potentially given antidrilling Democrats the political cover they need to neutralize energy through November.
Sen. Obama was thrilled. He quickly praised the Gang’s bipartisan spirit, and warmed up to a possible compromise.
Of course, he means removing even the token drilling provisions now in the bill. But he’s only too happy for the focus to remain on the Gang’s efforts, and in particular on the five Republicans providing his party its fig leaf.

Equally gleeful was Louisiana’s Mary Landrieu, the Senate’s most vulnerable Democrat. She had been sweating the energy debate, especially after her vote against more oil-shale production — a position her Republican opponent, John Kennedy, had used against her to great effect. Yet there she was, chummily standing with the Gang of 10 and boasting that she is working with “five Republicans” to “lower prices at the pump by increasing offshore drilling here at home.”

Mr. McCain, who had been commanding the energy debate, was left to explain why he, of all people, wasn’t more enthusiastic about a “bipartisan” effort on energy, especially one that includes “drilling.”
His camp was forced to take refuge in taxes, explaining that their boss couldn’t sign up for a bill that included more. If this is what Mr. McCain’s good friend Lindsey Graham considers “helping,” somebody might want to ask him to stop.
And pity poor Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has been working overtime to stanch GOP losses this fall and head off a filibuster-proof Democratic Senate. His dogged efforts to highlight Democratic opposition to drilling has kept energy in the news and laid the groundwork for GOP candidates to use the issue to their advantage.
In the Colorado Senate race, Democrats had christened former GOP Rep. Bob Schaffer “Big Oil Bob” — hoping to smear his oil industry career. “Big Oil Bob” has instead embraced his pro-drilling positions and is pummeling opponent Mark Udall for his antidrilling stance. In recent weeks, Mr. Schaffer has erased Mr. Udall’s lead. Polls show Republican Sens. Norm Coleman (Minnesota) and John Sununu (New Hampshire) both climbing in the polls on the back of strong energy arguments. As two of the GOP’s most vulnerable senators, both might well have run for cover with the Gang of 10. Instead they’re fighting on the merits.
The “bipartisan” Republican senators have undercut these efforts, and boosted Ms. Landrieu. They’ve even put a smile on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s face. He’d been struggling to tamp down the energy debate through November, where he hopes to increase his majority and permanently shelve drilling. He’s now counting on the Gang to fruitlessly continue “negotiations” straight through the Senate’s short September session and solve his problem for him.
Not one of the five Republicans in the Gang is facing a tough election this year. That’s the sort of security that leads to bad decisions. And theirs is the sort of thinking that could leave Republicans in a permanent minority.

Wild Thing’s comment…………
Stupidity par excellence by these 5 Republicans. I can’t believe this. This is what rino’s do best, the screw America to try and make liberals like them. I mean even Paris Hilton knows that McCain is for drilling and then his “little buddy” goes out and makes a deal with the Dems???
This is not an offshore drilling plan, it is an effort to PREVENT serious consideration of rescinding offshore drilling prohibitions. The Congressional prohibition on drilling EXPIRES September 30, 2008, if they do nothing. So they had to throw SOME roadblock in the way.
Just when I thought the GOP finally found their cujones, Lindsey and his “gang” go and cut them off yet again. The Democrat party may be evil but the Republican party is stupid. And unfortunately, evil beats stupid every time.
You can go to link below to contact these Senators and speak your mind.
I get so tired of Republicans snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Pansy Graham’s phone number: (202) 224-5972
And also othe pansy Graham is proudly displaying his “Gang of 10” affiliaiton and this absurd energy bill on his web site.
Right on the front page listed under Recent Headlines
Thank God for the other House Republicans that squished them last Friday and will keep after this. But what the hell who needs these scrum assclowns like these 10 people in our government. I say forget the “yes we can” BS from the left, this calls for a a GET THE HELL OUT!


From Rush Limbaugh transcript from Friday August 8,2008

” I have some news that’s going to anger you, it’s going to chill you. As you know, brave Republicans in the House are continuing their battle to force Nancy Pelosi to bring the Democrats back to have an up-or-down vote expanding the opportunity to drill for oil in ANWR and offshore. They continue to make their points, and they continue to fight. This is an issue, as you know, as I have mentioned it to you, it’s the issue that can change this entire campaign around. Americans are angry, and it’s not just at the price of oil and gasoline. It is the related price increases, everything that happens as a result of that. Food has gone up, practically everything has gone up, airline transportation, everything’s gone up because of the price of oil. The oil is coming down, but it’s a market that’s still fluid, and nobody can predict what’s going to happen. And whether the price continues to come down or not, we’ve gotten a warning here: We need to do what we can to expand our own supply, and the Republicans in the House are doing everything they can to see to it that this happens.”

“However, in the Senate, there is a new bipartisan coalition called the Gang of Ten, five Democrats, five Republicans, led by Senator Lindsey Graham on the Republican side. They have just forged a compromise that basically cuts the Republicans in the House off at the knees, at least temporarily. The Republicans in the Senate have given the Democrats in the Senate everything they want, everything Barack Obama wants in an energy bill. I’ll give you the details when we come back. But just because it happened in the Senate does not mean it’s doom and gloom, does not mean it’s over with, because the Republicans in the House are still fighting this. This is just a Gang of Ten trying to get the Senate moving on this. It’s not an official Senate bill yet. It hasn’t been passed there. But the Republicans on our side caved totally to the Democrat demands on energy in a way that has to have Obama doing cartwheels if he’s heard about it. “

“They’re doing all of this while these brave Republicans in the House are fighting the odds in their own revolution, trying to stop Pelosi and force her back so that we can move forward on a bill that would expand drilling, five Republican senators join five Democrats and basically hand the Democrats everything they want. “

“This is inexplicable. But the Republicans in the House have not signed on to this. This is just ten Senators of that come up with this compromise. The effort here — Ms. Strassel is right, the effort here — is to have a competing bill in the Senate so that nothing on this gets done before the November election, and because the difficulty will be in getting both bills to the floor and getting a compromise version passed, and then go to conference. It’s too much to happen before the election ’cause they’re not going to be in Washington that much, because everybody’s going to be out on their own reelection campaigns. But, aside from all that, it just befuddles me. (sigh) I read this this morning, and said, “This cannot be true,” and yes, it can be. We have a bunch of coward Republicans scattered around both houses of Congress. “

“We’ve got a bunch of Republicans who have been trained by the presidential nominee of their party that the way to advance yourself with the media and in Washington social circles is to agree with Democrats. This is just mind-boggling. We’ll keep you posted on any further developments.”

“If I am for freedom, why should I give away anything? Not saying this is freedom versus tyranny but gosh, folks, if this keeps up we’re going to have tyranny, well I think we do, in terms of property rights and any number of things. So here’s a bipartisan effort that McCain didn’t support. This one included drilling, limitations on drilling, and McCain wants to open up drilling, it’s become his issue, and these five Republican senators last Friday just nuked it, at least in the Senate.”

“Now, this deal, by the way, this Gang of Ten deal, get this. I talked about some of the regulations in this bill that are onerous. Try this. This deal would allow drilling if — if and when — the EPA and PETA and states and cities and counties and the ACLU clear the way. “

“It would put up more barriers to drilling, which is what the Democrats want, because they want no drilling, period. Five Republicans go along with it.”

“Yeah, this did catch McCain by surprise, because it put him in a very ironic situation. McCain has made his bones being the bipartisan guy, working with the other guys, so here’s Grahamnesty (who is McCain, Jr.) and I think he sees this is how McCain got to be who he is. So Grahamnesty says, “Okay, I’ll try it,” and in the process, McCain is saying, “Lindsey, he-he, he-he. (snickering)” So McCain, the only way he could oppose this, is, “I’m not for tax increases, and there are too many tax increases in this bill. That’s not the way.” But it just took the issue away. Well, it hasn’t done it yet because the bill is not passed in the Senate. It’s just an indication we’ve got these five guys. By the way, another explanation.”

” I left off the most important thing to look at. “Folks, I can’t explain it. You can make up whatever explanation you want. They’re stupid; they want good coverage in the media, whatever it is.” Follow the money. Follow the money. Well, in this case, follow the money. Use your imagination, campaign contributions, lobbyists. They’re not up for election this year. They don’t face serious opposition. The answer to almost every question, particularly in politics, can be found at the end of the trail of big bucks.”

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

10 Aug

America Haters and Racist’s Michelle and Barack Obama


Wild Thing’s comment………….
If you notice the date on some of the scenes in the video in the upper right corner…..11/23/2004 it is from Obama’s ” Dreams from My Father” Book Signing, New York, New York

“The Basic Outline of the government we posses and our civic religion as a people is such that potentially at least, we could create a society that is a model for the world, it isn’t right now .”

Michelle and Barack Obama INSULT America Over and Over and Over again. In there own words. These two are totally disgusting. Bashing America, hate for America, preaching, teaching their hate for America every chance they get. What miserable people they are. What vile and horrible Americans they are.
How does she reconcile with the fact that her husband clings bitterly to stereotypes of “typical white person’s”.
Michelle and Barack are showing the world and example of affirmative action , entitlement mentality, and 20 years of the “self-esteem without accomplishment” push in our culture.
Michelle is telling the world if you do not elect obamaboy that you are stupid, ignorant and racist! Calling the voters ignorant is a great way to get elected.

10 Aug

Labor Day Reinstated At Tyson Foods!!

Labor Day Reinstated At Tyson Foods!!
Your Calls and Emails Made a Difference!
Chalk up another victory for people power.
When we sent you the email informing you of the Tyson Foods union agreement replacing Labor Day with Eid al-Fitr, so many of you contacted the company that we were told Tyson stopped answering customer service calls, diverting them to voice mail.
Thank you for taking action !!
Now this morning Tyson Foods has announced that it went back to the union and reached a new agreement that reinstates Labor Day. Clearly, the grassroots pressure and negative publicity “encouraged” Tyson Foods to do the right thing. Just as many of you told us you would no longer buy Tyson Foods because of the original agreement, let’s now reward Tyson Foods for taking this action by buying their products.
And remember this – other companies are watching what just happened.
This is just one more example of how informed and organized grassroots action can make a difference. It’s just one more example of why the mission of ACT! for America is absolutely essential to the long-term objective of stopping the spread of radical Islam.


Labor Day Reinstated as Paid Holiday at Shelbyville, TN, Plant
Tyson Foods Requested Change from Union

Springdale, Arkansas – August 8, 2008 – Tyson Foods, Inc. announced today it has reached a new agreement with the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU), an American union, reinstating Labor Day as one of the designated paid holidays under the contract for covered employees in the Shelbyville, Tennessee, plant.
Tyson made this request on behalf of its Shelbyville plant employees, some of whom had expressed concern about the new contract provisions relative to paid holidays. In an effort to be responsive, Tyson asked the union to reopen the contract to address the holiday issue, and the union agreed to do so.
The union membership voted overwhelmingly Thursday to reinstate Labor Day as one of the plant’s paid holidays, while keeping Eid al-Fitr as an additional paid holiday for this year only. This means that in 2008 only, Shelbyville employees will have nine paid holidays.
For the remainder of the five-year contract period, the eight paid holidays will include: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and a Personal Holiday, which could either be the employee’s birthday, Eid al-Fitr or another day requested and approved by their supervisor.
This issue concerns only the plant at Shelbyville, Tennessee. Labor Day has always been celebrated, and continues to be, at the other 118 Tyson plants across the country.
The Shelbyville complex employs approximately 1,200 people. Approximately 1,000 workers are covered by the RWDSU union agreement at that location.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Well they added Labor Day back and will keep the Muzzzzlem holiday too. LOL What can I say. At least they added Labor Day back.
This really does show us once again how fighting back does work almost every time. I hate that it has to be done, that we can’t just have people do the right thing, the best thing for America, but that just is not the case any longer. Now we have to be in the know of what is going on and keep after the left that want to cave in to things that willl destroy our country step by step.

…..Thank you Darth for sending this update.

10 Aug

Have You Ever Seen A Baby Panda Sneeze?

LOL this is so cute. It is the baby that sneezes and catches the Mommy off guard. hahaha

….Thank you Col. Clary for sending this to me.

09 Aug

U.S. Tells Russia To Pull Forces Out Of Georgia

Richard Holbruck discusses this on CNN
**** Just a correction I have to make. They announced last night that Bush and Putin DID talk before the Opening events at the Olympics. So perhaps this man did not know that before this video interview was done. –Wild Thing

U.S. tells Russia to pull forces out of Georgia
The United States told Russia on Friday to withdraw its forces from U.S. ally Georgia and stop its air attacks on the tiny Caucasus state following fighting in the breakaway region of South Ossetia.
“We call on Russia to cease attacks on Georgia by aircraft and missiles, respect Georgia’s territorial integrity, and withdraw its ground combat forces from Georgian soil,” U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in a statement.
Rice issued her statement as Georgia, a former Soviet state that now wants to join NATO, said it would declare martial law and battled to get control of the rebel enclave, which was fortified by Russian forces.
Georgia said Russian fighter jets bombed container tankers and a shipbuilding plant in the port of Poti, prompting Washington’s sharpest rebuke of Russia since the crisis began.
“We deplore the Russian military action in Georgia, which is a violation of Georgian sovereignty and territorial integrity,” U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad told reporters at a U.N. Security Council meeting in New York.
The State Department summoned the Charge d’Affaires at Russia’s Embassy in Washington, Aleksander Darchiyev, to see Rice’s deputy John Negroponte, who pressed Moscow to stop its military activities in Georgia.
“The deputy secretary said that we deplore today’s Russian attacks by strategic bombers and missiles, which are threatening civilian lives,” said State Department spokesman Robert Wood of Negroponte’s meeting with the Russian diplomat.
“These attacks mark a dangerous and disproportionate escalation of tension,” he added.
Both Rice and the White House urged an immediate cease-fire in South Ossetia, and U.S. officials said they would send an envoy to the region to help mediate.
As fighting raged in and around the South Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili said Russia and Georgia were at war.
Rice said the United States was working with its European partners to launch international mediation, and “we urgently seek Russia’s support of these efforts.”
American military planners reviewed contingency plans for the possible evacuation of up to 3,000 U.S. citizens from Georgia, including about 130 defense personnel there to train Georgian military forces for duty in Iraq.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Russians will ignore America’s wishes is my guess.
“Early Saturday, Interior Ministry spokesman Shota Utiashvili said the Vaziani military base on the outskirts of the Georgian capital was bombed by warplanes during the night and that bombs fell in the area of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline. He also said two other Georgian military bases were hit and that warplanes bombed the Black Sea port city of Poti, which has a sizable oil shipment facility.
Utiashvili said there apparently were significant casualties and damage in the attacks, but that further details would not be known until the morning.”
Also, another site reported that 1200 US special ops forces were present at the Vaizani base for training exercises with Georgias forces…they arrived on TUESDAY. I hope they are ok, the base having come under Russian air attack. ALso, earlier sources mentioned as many as 1000 US Marines were previously in the country.
Georgia is the third biggest contributor of forces in Iraq, with 2500 there. They have been recalled to Georgia because of the emergency. They have been such a good allie to us.

09 Aug

Nissan Ad Has Arabs Calling for Boycott

Check out the commercial as it aired in Israel. LOL

Nissan Ad Has Arabs Calling for Boycott
Fox News
The Arab world is fighting mad about a new commercial being aired in Israel by Nissan.
In the commercial, Nissan brags about how fuel efficient their new car the Tiida is by showing how mad it is making Arab Shieks, who start to attack the car and complain about how Nissan is costing them millions of dollars.
The ad is supposed to be funny, but it plays on old Arab stereotypes. In the commercial, the actors playing the Arab Shieks say the car has “destroyed my home,” and they direct hatred toward the car saying, “May hawks poke at you day and night,” and “May the sun melt you and God take you.”
As the ad comes to a close, the announcer declares “when you consume the least fuel, it’s obvious they won’t like you in the oil emirates.”
The Saudi regime, along with other oil-producing Gulf states, is threatening to boycott Nissan — which is collaborating on the development of the Project Better Place electric car system in Israel — if the automaker doesn’t apologize.


Wild Thing’s comment…………
“The Saudi regime, along with other oil-producing Gulf states, is threatening to boycott Nissan”
I thought their favorite was a Mercedes. And the Nissan Sunny/Sentra is popular for car bombs.
Good for Nissan. This just proves once again that muslims have no sense of humor and will attack anything and everyone that makes a joke about them.

I just could not resist !
Ahab the Arab – Ray Stevens