13 Aug

Obama Notes ‘tragic’ US Past

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., walked by a painting depicting an American Indian after an appearance at the UNITY ’08 Convention in Chicago.

Obama notes ‘tragic’ US past
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
American history’s “sad” aspects require action, the senator tells cheering journalists
Sen. Barack Obama, speaking to a gathering of minority journalists yesterday, stopped short of endorsing an official U.S. apology to American Indians but said the country should acknowledge its history of poor treatment of certain ethnic groups.

“There’s no doubt that when it comes to our treatment of Native Americans as well as other persons of color in this country, we’ve got some very sad and difficult things to account for,” Obama told hundreds of attendees of UNITY ’08, a convention of four minority journalism associations.

The Hawaii-born senator, who has told local reporters that he supports the federal recognition bill for native Hawaiians drafted by U.S. Sen. Daniel Akaka, noted other ethnic groups but did not mention native Hawaiians when answering a question about his thoughts on a formal U.S. apology to American Indians.

“I personally would want to see our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged,” the Democratic presidential hopeful said.

“I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it’s Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds.”
Obama, who appeared tired in his first major appearance since returning Saturday from a 10-day trip abroad, met with a receptive audience at the Chicago convention. Some journalists had waited three hours for the 40-minute appearance.
The group had expected Obama and Sen. John McCain to speak on Thursday night, but because of scheduling conflicts, only Obama could attend yesterday morning’s talk.
When Obama walked on stage at the McCormick Center, many journalists in the audience leapt to their feet and applauded enthusiastically after being told not to do so. During a two-minute break halfway through the event, which was broadcast live on CNN, journalists ran to the stage to snap photos of Obama.
The Illinois senator talked about his trip overseas, reiterating his opinion that violence is down in Iraq but worsening in Afghanistan. And he expressed his approval of the Senate’s passage of a major housing bill to help homeowners avert foreclosure.
Obama, who acknowledged that he needed a nap, stood up to say farewell to the audience of journalists, many of whom gave him another standing ovation.

Wild Thing’s comment………
This was an article from Monday, July 28, 2008, Obama speaking about reparations. Obama is the 21st century code-talker. Every person in that room understood reparations were being promised.

“I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it’s Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds.”

Deeds, eh? So, let’s see, trillions spent on welfare programs, taxpayer-funded but government-run education systems, “affirmative” actions programs at the expense of white people, Black History months, set-asides for minority contractors, “diversity” awareness, and of course 620,000 dead white guys in the Civil War which ended slavery in this country centuries ago, before any of our grandparents were even around. Isn’t that enough for this ‘Rat-brain? I guess not.
Obama really does despise the United States. Hussein you pinko schmuck ……America has nothing to be ashamed of…and much to be proud of!!!

13 Aug

Pelosi Indicates Openness To Offshore Drilling Vote

Pelosi indicates openness to offshore drilling vote
The Hill
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday night dropped her staunch opposition to a vote on offshore oil drilling in the House.
Republicans, reacting to high gas prices, have demanded a vote on additional oil exploration in the Outer Continental Shelf, where drilling is currently blocked by a moratorium.
Until now, Pelosi (D-Calif.) has resisted the idea as a “hoax.” But in an interview on CNN’s Larry King Live, she indicated that she was open to a vote.

“They have this thing that says drill offshore in the protected areas,” Pelosi said. “We can do that. We can have a vote on that.”
She indicated such a vote would have to be part of a larger package that included other policies, like releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which she said could bring down prices in a matter of days.
“But it has to be part of something that says we want to bring immediate relief to the public and is not just a hoax on them,” Pelosi continued.
She even indicated that she might support a package that includes drilling. She said her decision on whether to support such legislation would depend on how the policies are packaged.
“It’s not excluded, let’s put it that way,” Pelosi said.

In a year in which Republicans expected to take a beating at the polls, their support for drilling in protected areas has been a sudden bright spot. They have relentlessly demanded a vote on drilling as Democrats rearranged House business to avoid such a vote.
But the pressure has only grown. Republicans demanded a drilling vote before the House went home for the summer recess, and when that didn’t happen, some stayed behind in the chamber to protest.
A bipartisan group in the Senate came up with a plan that would include drilling, and Democratic presidential contender Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has said he’s “willing to consider” it.
And Democrats realize that it will be difficult to end their legislative year in September without a vote because the offshore drilling moratorium must be renewed every year.
Pelosi had previously said she would allow a vote on drilling and then backed off. On July 30, the last day Congress was in before the August recess, she was interviewed by the Capitol Hill press corps. She was asked if she could envision a vote on drilling in new areas this year, and she answered, “Of course.”
But her aides later released a statement saying she was not announcing a change in her stance on a drilling vote.

Wild Thing’s comment……….

“She indicated such a vote would have to be part of a larger package that included other policies, like releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which she said could bring down prices in a matter of days.”

This way Pelosi and her fellow-traveling comrades can cripple our reserves intended for military and defense.
Luckily, GOPers in both houses are too smart for that.
Oh, wait, Lindsey Graham et al. will go for it if it includes some 50 mile drilling restrictions.
Nancy does nothing without a reason.
Possible scenariio–Dems are getting creamed by drill now demands from public. Five Repubs. of the wonderful NEW gang of ten, rushing to be bipartisan (Chambliss of GA, Graham, & 3 others) are agreeing to offshore drilling–50 miles out, only 4 states, allowing all sorts of orgns. to have a say. In other words, just enough of a come on to take away a winning Repub. cause and to get the drilling question off the backs of vulnerable Dems. This paper/bill still says no ANWR, no reopening of drillrigs shut down since Katrina that are closer in than fifty miles, etc.
Why wouldn’t Nancy agree to a vote on a bill that, in effect, gives nothing, but looks like they are for drilling?

In a letter to House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Republicans have been obstructing Democratic bills aimed at lowering gas prices through releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, investing in alternative fuels and conservation and cracking down on oil speculators.

“While a very small band of your colleagues remain on the House floor to discuss gas prices, their constituents deserve to know why their representatives in Congress have failed to support serious, responsible proposals,” she wrote. “Using yesterday’s solutions to today’s problems will not allow us to achieve energy independence.”

Hoyer disappointed over Boehner’s ‘hang Pelosi’ comment, calls for apology
When asked about an idea floating around that Pelosi call a special session only to vote on issues like childrens’ health insurance and other Democratic agenda items, Boehner became indignant.

“She’s gonna bring us back and not deal with [offshore drilling]? The American people are gonna hang her.”

Tell Hoyer I am part of the American public that will ‘Hang Her,’ if she calls back the House and they end up doing nothing to address the concerns of the public! Noose = vote and people WILL vote against this freak witch.
There, now Boehner doesn’t need to apologize for speaking the truth.

13 Aug

Faith Is A Very Special Dog

Faith, the biped dog from Oklahoma City. She is a Sgt. in the Army as well. This is so special and inspirational.

Wild Thing’s comment…………
What a precious dog and her face so full of love.

….Thank you Mark so much for sending this to me.

12 Aug

Bush Tells Moscow To Leave Georgia ~ Followed By Russia Response

Bush tells Moscow to leave Georgia
The Australian
Bush has warned Russia to reverse course in Georgia, saying Moscow’s military strike there had damaged its world standing and endangered ties with the United States and Europe.

“Russia has invaded a sovereign neighbouring state and threatens a democratic government elected by its people,” Mr Bush said at the White House today.

“Such an action is unacceptable in the 21st century.”

He said the Georgian Government already had accepted outlines of a peace agreement that the Russian Government previously suggested it would accept.

Its terms include “an immediate ceasefire, withdrawal of forces from the conflict zone, a return to the military status quo as of August 6, and a commitment to refrain from the use of force,” Mr Bush said.

He noted that European leaders and officials were pressing for Russia’s agreement to the peace plan.

“Russia’s Government must respect Georgia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty,” Mr Bush said. “Russia’s government must reverse the course that it appears to be on as a first step toward resolving this conflict.”

“Russia’s actions this week have raised serious questions about its intentions in Georgia and the region.”

Mr Bush’s comments came just after the UN Security Council began fresh talks on draft text calling for an immediate truce in the Russia-Georgia conflict, agreed by US and European diplomats after several days of discord.
Few details were immediately available about the draft UN resolution, but the proposed text was based on a three-point peace plan that French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner is trying to sell to Tbilisi and Moscow.
The French blueprint called for “an immediate cessation of hostilities; full respect of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia” and “the re-establishment of the situation that existed before” Georgia sent forces into its breakaway South Ossetia enclave last week to wrest control from Moscow-backed separatists.
Earlier a diplomatic source, speaking on condition of anonymity, reported “good progress” after the expert-level meeting at France’s UN mission and said the participants were consulting with their capitals on the next step.
The diplomat said the US side wanted tougher language condemning what Washington saw as Moscow’s “disproportionate” response to the Georgian offensive.
But the Europeans were much more interested in crafting a text that would enjoy broad support, particularly from Russia, a veto-wielding permanent member of the council, he added.

“This is going to take some time, except if you want a Russian veto, which is not the solution,” the diplomat said.

Meanwhile, as Russian forces punched deeper into Georgian territory to crush any resistance to their withering assault, Mr Kouchner discussed his peace plan with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili before heading to Moscow.
The two visited the Georgian city of Gori, close to South Ossetia, and were forced to take cover when an unidentified helicopter flew overhead.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy was also to visit Moscow and Tbilisi tomorrow, according to Mr Saakashvili.
Despite the flurry of international diplomacy to head off a wider conflict, Russia maintained an uncompromising stance, with its ambassador to NATO saying Moscow could not deal with Mr Saakashvili, a man it now views as a war criminal.

“Saakashvili is no longer a man that we can deal with,” Dmitry Rogozin said in Brussels.

“He must be punished for breaching international law. He is responsible for many war crimes (against South Ossetian civilians and Russian peacekeepers).”

And Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov dismissed the peace initiative, saying it did not amount to a ceasefire.

A “ceasefire agreement is signed by two sides when they meet,” he told CNN, adding first “we need a written agreement between Georgia on one side, South Ossetia and Abkhazia .. that they will never use force in the future.”




Russia set to reject French peace plan
The Australian
INTERNATIONAL efforts to mediate an end to the conflict between Georgia and Russia were set to intensify today, but Moscow signalled it opposes a peace plan calling for an immediate truce.
President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, which currently holds the rotating EU presidency, was due in Moscow to hold talks with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on a plan to end the conflict.
But Russia’s ambassador to the UN yesterday rejected the proposed Western draft resolution in the Security Council based on a three-point French peace plan.

“I cannot see us accepting this French draft,” Vitaly Churkin told reporters, referring to a French-drafted text agreed by Western ambassadors.

The plan, which Tbilisi has accepted, calls for an immediate truce, respect for Georgia’s territorial integrity and a return to the status quo that prevailed before Georgian troops punched into South Ossetia last week to wrest control from Moscow-backed separatists.
Churkin objected to the fact that the draft resolution did not refer to “Georgian aggression and to the atrocities we have seen”.
Moscow has accused Georgian forces of killing 2,000 civilians as well as Russian peacekeepers in what it described as war crimes.
Churkin however expressed hope that an acceptable draft would eventually be worked out and listed two Russian conditions: Georgian forces must pull out of South Ossetia and “the Georgians (must) agree to sign agreements on the non-use of force with the Ossetians and with the Abkhazians.”
Earlier yesterday Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov dismissed the EU efforts.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Putin’s a two-bit thug.
“…We no longer know the limits of the invading Russian army—Russia seems intent on overthrowing the democratically elected government of Georgia and occupying the country,” said Alexander Lomaia, the Secretary of the National Security Council. “As a consequence, the National Security Council has just decided to bring the Georgian army to Tbilisi in order to defend the capital and prevent the fall of Georgia..” — Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia
LINK for quote
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia

12 Aug

Putins Push

Putin Makes His Move
Washington Post …for complete article
The man who once called the collapse of the Soviet Union “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the [20th] century” has reestablished a virtual czarist rule in Russia and is trying to restore the country to its once-dominant role in Eurasia and the world. Armed with wealth from oil and gas; holding a near-monopoly over the energy supply to Europe; with a million soldiers, thousands of nuclear warheads and the world’s third-largest military budget, Vladimir Putin believes that now is the time to make his move…..
His war against Georgia is part of this grand strategy. Putin cares no more about a few thousand South Ossetians than he does about Kosovo’s Serbs. Claims of pan-Slavic sympathy are pretexts designed to fan Russian great-power nationalism at home and to expand Russia’s power abroad.
Unfortunately, such tactics always seem to work. While Russian bombers attack Georgian ports and bases, Europeans and Americans, including very senior officials in the Bush administration, blame the West for pushing Russia too hard on too many issues.
It is true that many Russians were humiliated by the way the Cold War ended, and Putin has persuaded many to blame Boris Yeltsin and Russian democrats for this surrender to the West. The mood is reminiscent of Germany after World War I, when Germans complained about the “shameful Versailles diktat” imposed on a prostrate Germany by the victorious powers and about the corrupt politicians who stabbed the nation in the back. …
Now, as then… they are being manipulated to justify autocracy at home and to convince Western powers that accommodation — or to use the once-respectable term, appeasement — is the best policy.
But the reality is that on most of these issues it is Russia, not the West or little Georgia, that is doing the pushing.


Wild Thing’s comment………….
“Europeans and Americans, including very senior officials in the Bush administration, blame the West for pushing Russia too hard on too many issues.”
This is BS! The Russians are to blame for their own actions and no one else. I am tired of our country being blamed for things we did not start.
Russia is not just standing by doing nothing, they are ACTIVELY trying to thwart us, causing the deaths of our troops, and HELPING Iran get the bomb.
And with Putin, they have drifted massively backwards to becoming almost what they were before.

12 Aug

McCain’s ‘celebrity’ Taunts Are Bugging Obama

McCain’s ‘celebrity’ taunts are bugging Obama
In a presidential campaign freighted with war, recession and energy woes, a jibe featuring Paris Hilton, of all things, seems to have struck a nerve in Democrat Barack Obama. For the second time in two weeks, he aired a TV ad Monday rebutting Republican John McCain’s claim that Obama is little more than a celebrity, like the blonde hotel heiress.
The first time, Obama dismissed the assertion as “baloney.” On Monday, Obama took a different tack with a commercial that says McCain, not he, is “Washington’s biggest celebrity.”
The back-and-forth may seem as frothy as a boardwalk milkshake in mid-August. But it suggests McCain is making some headway in trying to fight the campaign on his terms.
For weeks, Obama has tried to frame the election largely as a referendum on President Bush, using every chance to tie McCain to the unpopular incumbent. McCain has tried to make it about Obama by arousing concerns about the first-term senator’s experience and depth.
McCain has aired a series of TV ads that showed far more images of Obama than himself, a somewhat risky approach. All of them tried to turn Obama’s crowd-pleasing talents against him.
A July commercial blaming Obama for high gasoline prices — which the watchdog group FactCheck.org called “a tank full of nonsense” — portrayed crowds chanting Obama’s name. A subsequent ad mixed images of Obama on his recent European trip with video clips of pop figures Hilton and Britney Spears.
Obama is “the biggest celebrity in the world,” the announcer said. “But is he ready to lead?”
Even some Republican strategists questioned whether the strategy was smart or dignified. And Hilton herself produced a video poking fun at McCain that drew large Internet viewership. But Obama’s latest ad suggests the “celebrity” taunt has some sting, and efforts to dismiss it as silly have not been effective.

“They woke up this weekend and figured out that that ad resonated and they needed to do something about it,” said Terry Holt, a Republican strategist.

Although the McCain campaign was lampooned for its Hilton ad on late night television and blogs, it kept hammering at the celebrity theme. A McCain TV ad introduced last week showed Obama waving to cheering crowds, along with his picture on the covers of the magazines GQ, US Weekly and Vanity Fair.
In his new ad, Obama tries to turn the celebrity theme to his advantage, grafting it to his claim that a McCain presidency would amount to a third term for Bush. That claim has generated a defensive response from McCain.
McCain daily tries to beat back the idea that he’d represent a continuation of Bush, as he did Monday while campaigning in Erie and Harrisburg, Pa. Nearly 85 percent of Americans think the country is on the wrong track, McCain told workers at an Erie manufacturing facility, and “we’ve got to reform and reform and reform.”
The new Obama ad shows McCain hugging Bush while the voiceover says, “as Washington embraced him, John McCain hugged right back.”
Obama spokesman Bill Burton said the ad is designed to say voters have a choice between Obama, who stands for change, and McCain, “who overwhelmingly favors the status quo.”

Holt, the GOP strategist, said, “If the celebrity issue were not hurting them, they would have ignored it.”

Wild Thing’s comment…………
Thin skinned B. Hussein Obam, gosh, and after being the bully on the playground. Thin skinned and also because Obama knows what is being said about him is true. knows its true. Nothing to back up anything he’s ever done. “Community Planner” doesn’t cut it.
Obama whine
“don’t talk about my ears”
“don’t use my middle name Hussein”
don’t call me a liberal”
don’t say fairytale that is a rascist word
don’t talk about my wfie
and the list goes on and on….
The Madison Avenue campaign is in full effect. Just wait for the display and hype built up around his speech at the convention at a freaking football stadium filled with 72,000 screaming people.
The Georgia situation illustrates what we elect a President to do.
I am not a fan of McCain and you all know that, but McCain would be a man in the White House; Obama by comparison, would be an 18 year old college freshman with long hair and a bong.

12 Aug

Obama Camp STILL Can’t Verify Return Of Arab Cash

Obama camp still can’t verify return of Arab cash
More questions than answers in illegal Middle East donor affair
JERUSALEM – One week after WND reported Palestinian brothers inside the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip illegally contributed to Barack Obama’s campaign, the Democratic presidential candidate’s team has not responded to repeated WND requests for a clarification regarding how purported refunds were returned. The brothers told WND their money was not refunded.
Last week it was exposed Palestinian Gazans Monir, Hosam and Osama Edwan made a series of donations online at Obama’s official campaign website totaling more than $30,000.
The donations violate election laws, including prohibitions against receiving contributions from foreigners and accepting more than $2,300 from one individual during a single election.
The Wall Street Journal reported it spoke to Obama officials who said the nearly $33,500 in donations were received between Sept. 20 and Dec. 6 of last year and that most of the money was returned by Dec. 6. The campaign claimed, however, the refunds were not reported to the Federal Election Commission due to a technical error.
The Obama camp insisted the remaining $2,500 was refunded Aug. 4 and that all the refunds will be reflected soon in an amended report. The campaign said new controls are in place to prevent any similar attempts in the future.
But WND spoke to the brothers, who denied the Obama campaign refunded their money.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Tick Tock Tick Tock……
“More questions than answers in illegal Middle East donor affair”
This will be one to watch…..LOL

12 Aug

The Vandals at PB Volunteer, Baghdad, Iraq

The Vandals at PB Volunteer, Baghdad, Iraq 2004
Check out the Vandals playing “America, Fuck Yeah!” in Sadr City, Baghdad for our troops. Shhhh! Please don’t tell our guys that you think they’re bullshit troops fighting a bullshit war against bullshit terror, they might not appreciate that too much. And they have really big guns. Heh heh I love our troops!! — Wild Thing

“This video was shot by a fellow soldier at Patrol Base Volunter, Baghdad, Iraq. Unsure if he wants his name published, thanks, CPT. The Vandals played around 5-6 shows in the Iraqi country side, dodging mortar fire and ambush risk like anyone else. Of their set at PB Volunteer, this video was the perfect song to play, as Team America was a big thing at the time. Mad high props to The Vandals! -Med Plt, 2/162 INF BN. “

11 Aug

Republicans Draw Bigger Numbers Than Pelosi’s Book Sales

Drill Here Drill Now Link
Republicans Draw Bigger Numbers Than Pelosi’s Book Sales
Human Events
Republicans are extending their energy vote revolt to a second week this morning in the House of Representatives. Buttressed on Friday by burgeoning crowds attending the protest and glowing praise coming into their offices from voters across the country who are demanding relief from staggering gasoline prices, Republican leaders reiterated their demand that Speaker Nancy Pelosi come off of her book tour to re-convene Congress and bring to a vote the comprehensive “drill and” bill that would authorize as a supply solution drilling into American energy resources.
As week one of the protest came to a close on Friday, there was a settling-in of sorts by short-handed staffers juggling extra duties while some of their colleagues were off on long vacations. The newness of the extraordinary events that so abruptly engulfed congressmen and staff alike had waned just a bit, and folks appeared to have gotten a handle on merging home district and D.C. schedules and systemizing the chaos that engulfs any attempt to put the brakes on something as unrelenting as a federal government timetable.
Prominently visible again on Friday were Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) and Rep. Tom Price (R-GA). Pence and Price, along with a few of their colleagues, began this protest over a week ago when Pelosi hastily adjourned Congress for a five-week vacation without a vote on a legislation aimed at increasing the oil supply by opening offshore drilling. Pence returned to the Capitol on Friday from a day and a half trip home to his district in Indiana. His packed schedule reflected the gravity of the issue to this man on a mission.
At a breakfast for bloggers Friday morning sponsored by Americans for Tax Reform and the American Spectator, Pence was asked if he was frustrated by the lack of major media coverage. Pence replied, “I don’t know how people define ‘major media coverage.’ Whether the network evening news that comes on before Wheel of Fortune is covering what we’re doing, the American people know what’s happening and the American people are with us. I saw that with my own eyes when I was home in Indiana, people stopping me on the street, stopping me at the state fair, coming up to me at gas stations saying keep doing what you’re doing. It’s working.”
At the morning press conference, Pence reached out to his Democrat colleagues who favor a vote that includes drilling, saying, “Join us. Come to the floor of the House or call a press conference in your district. Call on your Speaker to call this Congress back into session. We would welcome with open arms any of the dozens of House Democrats who have said in the past that they support more drilling into America’s domestic resources.”
Pence and his colleagues moved from the presser to and through the staging point for entrance to the House floor speeches, which is now the hallway outside of the Republican cloakroom. Cheers and handshakes greeted the parade of Republican congressmen on duty Friday as they made their way through the hallway, which is blanketed in security and packed with people standing in winding lines that slowly filter through the entrance to the cloakroom.
No more buzzers ringing and a Republican member of Congress answering the door from inside of the cloakroom. That was abandoned out of necessity by Friday. The entrance and exits were propped open to accommodate the flood of people passing through the cloakroom where their electronic equipment is left (to accommodate House rules) before they step onto the House floor and take their seats for back-to-back-to-back speeches.
Pelosi’s ban on the broadcast to the peasants of the revolution outside the House chamber remains in effect and a very frustrated C-SPAN continues broadcasting limited coverage of press conferences in Statuary Hall.
Pence and his colleagues took the floor again on Friday and began the day as they always do, whether the House is in session or at the commencement of the protest in the chamber: they lead with a prayer. Then the Pledge of Allegiance was recited and they were off to their charts, signs, and props used to explain America’s need for energy independence — and their ideas to accomplish that goal — to a cross-section of Mr. and Mrs. America and family seated before them.
The crowds had so broadened in scope by Friday that there was amused talk in the cloakroom of the none-too-happy Democrat staffers spotted in the hallways with their tours in tow asking for directions to the Republican cloakroom.
Estimates on Friday from staffers on hand throughout the day were that upwards of 4,000 people had listened to speeches on the House floor by the end of the day. That number was up around 1,000 from the estimates on Thursday, and the vastly increased congestion in the hallways and the small cloakroom lent support to those claims.
The people who attended the protest in the first week were comprised of mainly two groups. First there were the people who have travelled to the District specifically for the purpose of having their Republican member of Congress escort them to the House floor to be a part of these events. The second and much larger group is comprised of vacationers on the Capitol Hill tour who have asked to be escorted to the House protest — the kind of rank and file Americans from every race, creed, color and economic station that the Democrats claim are their supporters.
The volume of people who attended the speeches in the House chamber literally dwarfs the number of total sales of Nancy Pelosi’s book released two weeks ago (July 29th).
As of deadline Sunday night, Pelosi’s new book, Know Your Power: A Message to America’s Daughters, was ranked a dismal 2,326th in sales on Amazon.com. Last Thursday’s Drudge Report listed anemic book sales totaling 2,737 copies, yet an estimated 3,000 American vacationers attended the protest in the House chamber last Thursday alone.
Perhaps Madame Speaker should move her book tour to the hallway outside of the Republican cloakroom for the duration of the protest.

Wild Thing’s comment…………
Now if we could just get rid of those 5 Republican pukes that sided with the 5 demorats.
LOL oh my so they are saying Nancy Pelosi’s book book, “Saving the Planet with Face Lifts”, is not doing so great. heh heh

Quote from Mike Pence in the article: Whether the network evening news that comes on before Wheel of Fortune is covering what we’re doing, the American people know what’s happening and the American people are with us. I saw that with my own eyes when I was home in Indiana, people stopping me on the street, stopping me at the state fair, coming up to me at gas stations saying keep doing what you’re doing. It’s working.”

It is my fervent hope that this will help to drive the stake deeper into the chest of the ENEMEDIA.

“Estimates on Friday from staffers on hand throughout the day were that upwards of 4,000 people had listened to speeches on the House floor by the end of the day. That number was up around 1,000 from the estimates on Thursday, and the vastly increased congestion in the hallways and the small cloakroom lent support to those claims.”

IT’S GROWING!!! And the contrast is extreme. Also from the article:

“Last Thursday’s Drudge Report listed anemic book sales totaling 2,737 copies, yet an estimated 3,000 American vacationers attended the protest in the House chamber last Thursday alone.”

So hundreds more ordinary Americans attended the Tea Party on one day (and NOT our biggest day) than the number of books 9% Nan could peddle in WEEKS!
Plus, she had the full support of the Enemedia which is all but ignoring US! Bwahahahah.

Some links you might like to see or save:
The Republican Cloakroom
U. S. House of Representatives
Energy prices continue their slide
Nazi Pelosi email

11 Aug

Obama Pays Visit To His Grandmother In Makiki (Alone)

Democratic presidential hopeful Illinois Sen. Barack Obama waited yesterday afternoon for the doors to close in the elevator that would take him up to visit his grandmother in a Punahou-area apartment.

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., walks with his daughter Malia Obama, 10, and carries gifts after going to his grandmother’s home in Honolulu, Hawaii Saturday, Aug. 9, 2008

The second photo must be AFTER he saw his Grandma and she must have given him a gift basket. He did not have it with him NOR his daughter when he was on the elevator to go up to her apartment. — Wild Thing

Obama pays visit to grandmother in Makiki
Star Bulletin
After delivering a campaign speech, Sen. Barack Obama’s first stop on his Hawaii vacation was a visit to his grandmother’s Makiki apartment, where he also lived during his youth.
Obama — escorted by Secret Service and accompanied by a few campaign staff and a pool of reporters and camera crews — arrived at about 4:10 p.m. yesterday and spent an hour with his 85-year-old maternal grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, who helped raise him.
He was not accompanied by his wife, Michelle, and two daughters.
Dunham, a retired Bank of Hawaii vice president, still lives in the same apartment where she and her husband helped raise Obama, who attended nearby Punahou School.
Obama’s half sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, is his only other living relative left in Hawaii.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
This is so weird. Why aren’t the Grandkids crawling all over Grandma? Michelle doesn’t like her? Kids have never met her? What is the real story. Is it because the white hating Michelle won’t let the kids near her. Sorry but this is jsut very odd. hahaha
Wow, he visited with her for a whole hour after not seeing her for 19 months. What a guy. Or I guess I should say, this Grandma is not just A typical white person, but THE typical white person. And he spent a whole hour with her. Wow.
This could have been a grand photo op to show how INCLUSIVVE he is towards his WHITE Grandma and how his family loves white folks too.
So which person went to see the Grandma, Barry Soetoro or Barak Hussein Obama?
There is something deeply wrong with this family. Remember Barack didn’t go to see his mother when she was dying of cancer.