14 Aug

Russia Tells USA To Choose Sides


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday says the United States should choose sides.

Russia to U.S.: Choose us or Georgia
Russia pressed the United States on Wednesday to choose between “a real partnership” with Moscow or an “illusory” relationship with U.S. ally Georgia.
Washington said it’s sticking with Georgia.

“As to choosing, the United States has made very clear that it is standing by the democratically elected government of Georgia,” Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Wednesday.

She spelled out the Bush administration’s stance after Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called Georgia’s government “a special project for the United States.”

“And we are aware that the U.S. is uptight about this project,” Lavrov said in remarks broadcast on Russian television. “But a choice will have to be made someday between considerations of prestige related to an illusory project and a real partnership in matters which indeed require collective efforts.”
Rice, amid reports that Russian troops remained on the move Wednesday, pushed Russia to abide by a cease-fire signed Tuesday by the Russian and Georgian presidents.

Russian military action in Georgia “must stop and must stop now,” Rice said.

Rice said Moscow already faced “quite significant” diplomatic consequences over its conflict with Georgia before Tuesday’s cease-fire agreement, which calls for Russian and Georgian troops to return to pre-conflict positions.
Bush said reports he had received were contrary to Russian assurances that it had halted military operations. Bush said he was told the Russian military had blocked Georgia’s major east-west highway, and had soldiers at the main port at Poti. There were reports that some ships had been attacked, he said.
Russia has likely moved additional troops into the disputed Georgian provinces and into Georgia proper over the past several days, several administration officials told CNN on Wednesday.
The officials said the United States now believes Russia may have 15,000 or more troops in the region. That would be an increase from the 8,000-10,000 the U.S. government estimated when the fighting began. A Bush administration official stressed that the scope of Russia’s military effort remains unclear.
Any violations of the cease-fire would call into question Russia’s “suitability” as an international partner, Rice told reporters before leaving on a diplomatic trip to Europe.
Bush administration officials told CNN the United States and its European allies were considering kicking Russia out of the G-8, the group of the world’s largest industrial economies, and other international organizations as punishment for its actions in Georgia.
Rice discounted concerns that Moscow would no longer assist Washington on thorny diplomatic issues such as efforts to halt nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea, saying it had its own interests at stake.

“Let’s be very clear whose interests are being served by the partnership that Russia and the United States have engaged in on Iran or North Korea,” she said. “Again, it’s not a favor to the United States.”

Russia’s move into Georgia came amid a struggle between the United States and Russia for influence within Eastern Europe. From Russia’s point of view, American support for Georgia is a direct threat to its influence.
By striking heavily in Georgia, Moscow is sending a signal to other former Soviet republics, such as Ukraine and Moldova, said Sarah Mendelson, the director of the Human Rights and Security Initiative at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

“If I were a neighbor of Russia and I saw what Russia had done in Georgia, I would be very nervous,” Mendelson said. “I think those countries that are leaning toward the West are very nervous today.”

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Hmmmmm Russia to U.S.: Choose us or Georgia…..ok …….answer is Georgia.
Next question please.
The choice is not Russia or Georgia, but Tyranny or Liberty. So they are giving us a choice; to live on our knees as a slave or fight like free men and women. Well, for at least the next 4 1/2 months I know what the answer will be.
For us democracy is a universal project. That’s exactly why it frightens the rulers in the Kremlin.

14 Aug

Kerry’s New Website “Truth Fights Back” ~ LOL Got a Bandaid?


Kerry arrested…..Operation Dewey Canyon III began on April 18, 1971, as he and others gathered on Washington’s Mall for what they called “a limited incursion into the country of Congress.”

Kerry vs. Corsi
John Kerry is launching a website, Truth Fights Back, to defend Obama and other Democratic candidates against attacks.
The site, paid for by his leadership PAC, goes after the “80 lies” in a new book by Jerome Corsi, whose 2004 attack on Kerry’s military record helped sink the Democrat’s campaign, but whose Obama book seems likely to remain on the margins this year.
Kerry writes in an e-mail going out shortly to his (massive) list:

“Pick up the New York Times this morning and read the headline: “Book on Obama Hopes to Repeat Anti-Kerry Feat”
Yes, Jerome Corsi, the right wing fringe author who made his bones smearing the Catholic Church and lying about my military record, is back atop the best-seller list with an anti-Obama book chock full of lies.
If your blood isn’t boiling yet, read this: “This is a fact: Today Barack Obama is subject to what is probably the greatest concentrated attacks of smears, lies and innuendo in the lifetime of anyone who reads these words.”

The site’s focus isn’t so much on debunking as on “tracking” the attacks, and promises to watch their spread in real time.
It also defends a pair of Senate candidates, and Kerry’s staff says it’ll focus more heavily on congressional races going forward.
Kerry continues:

“By signing up, you’ll stay on top of what the right wing is doing and help fight for the truth. And you can report smears when you see them to keep us on track on what the smear machine is up to at every moment. You will be our eyes and ears.
We know the game, we’ve learned some things, and we have a fired-up movement of activists like no party has had in decades, all networked together with great Internet tools.
So sign up to help. This is a massive undertaking, so we need your help to pull it off.”

KERRY’S e-mail:
From: John Kerry
Subject: the liars are back. Time to finish them off
Pick up the New York Times this morning and read the headline: “Book on Obama Hopes to Repeat Anti-Kerry Feat”
Yes, Jerome Corsi, the right wing fringe author who made his bones smearing the Catholic Church and lying about my military record, is back atop the best seller list with an anti-Obama book chock full of lies.
If your blood isn’t boiling yet, read this: “This is a fact: Today Barack Obama is subject to what is probably the greatest concentrated attacks of smears, lies and innuendo in the lifetime of anyone who reads these words.”
Those are the words of Brent Budowsky in Editor and Publisher. He knows what he’s talking about.
And it’s not just Barack: up and down the ticket and all across the country, the rightwing smear machine is ramping up attacks on Democrats.
We’ve seen this movie before. The Republicans, without ideas, start running a negative campaign filled with personal attacks and misleading ads. The attacks get condemned, but they get lots of attention and get played on TV endlessly.
We’ve got to fight every way we can. I’m going on television and the radio pushing back every chance I get – just like I did on MSNBC a few days go – but I need your help.
Click here to watch that clip on MSNBC and sign up to our new, grassroots project to beat back the rightwing machine wherever it operates!
We’re launching a new website that empowers you to fight back across the country in ways no campaign has attempted. It’s called TruthFightsBack.com, and we can use all the help you can give.
By signing up, you’ll stay on top of what the rightwing is doing and help fight for the truth. And you can report smears when you see them to keep us on track on what the smear machine is up to at every moment. You will be our eyes and ears.
We know the game, we’ve learned some things, and we have a fired up movement of activists like no party has had in decades, all networked together with great Internet tools.
So sign up to help. This is a massive undertaking, so we need your help to pull it off:
You can’t just play defense against smears, pointing out how they aren’t true. You’ve got to play offense, too, exposing the whole cynical game for what it is: an attempt to keep us from talking about the real issues and ultimately changing our country for the better.
The Republicans have nothing to run on, no ideas to push, no solutions for America. They’ll run a campaign of laughable gimmicks and outright distortions and lies. But we can fight back with the truth – and the truth can win this time.
Let’s do it.
John Kerry


Wild Thing’s comment……….
Bwahahahahahahaha nice try, Lurch. John Kerry couldn’t launch a rubber ducky!
First thing he’ll post is his military record. Right?
He (or his staff…) also put into the Congressional record a statement about Kerry’s proud “Irish” heritage. Another lie.
And he’s going to represent “TRUTH” Fights back???

14 Aug

US Planes Begin Delivering Humanitarian Aid To Georgia

Georgians holding Georgian and U.S. flags celebrate Wednesday’s arrival of U.S. humanitarian aid at the airport in Tbilisi, Georgia’s capital. (AP)

US planes begin delivering humanitarian aid to Georgia
IRISH Times.com
US military planes have begun delivering aid to Georgia as Washington stepped up support for a shaky ceasefire with Russian troops around the breakaway region of South Ossetia.
Russia said today it will soon pull out from Gori, a town 60km east of the capital Tbilisi, just outside South Ossetia and which contols the key road between eastern and western Georgia. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is set to hold talks with French president Nicolas Sarkozy before heading to Tbilisi.
Her trip comes six days into a conflict that has shifted from artillery, tank and gun battles at the weekend to increasingly sharp diplomatic and political exchanges out of Washington, Moscow and Tbilisi.
US president George Bush, flanked by Ms Rice and Defence Secretary Robert Gates in the Rose Garden, demanded Moscow end the crisis, abide by an agreed ceasefire and withdraw Russian troops sent into Georgia after fighting began last Thursday.
“The United States of America stands with the democratically-elected government of Georgia. We insist that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia be respected,” Mr Bush told reporters at the White House.
Moscow has denied violating a ceasefire and rejected claims its troops and armour had advanced on Tbilisi or looted Gori.
Speaking in Moscow, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, told by Ms Rice that Russian servicemen were failing to prevent looting by irregular militias in Gori, said such actions would not be tolerated.
“I said from the very beginning that if any such facts prove true, we will react in the most serious way…The peaceful population should be protected. We are investigating all these reports and will not allow any such actions,” Mr Lavrov said.
Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has urged France, which is mediating in the conflict, to encourage Tbilisi to sign a binding agreement

Wild Thing’s comment………
We lead…UN follows ONLY after how many nations individually contributed to the cause.
Australia to offer humanitarian aid to Georgia
Slovakia to send humanitarian aid to Georgia
Romania decides to send aid to Georgia
Norway announces more humanitarian aid to Georgia
France, Germany contribute aid for Georgia, UN feeds displaced
Netherlands pledges emergency aid to Georgia
Italy gives 200 thousand euro in aid to Georgia
Canada pledges one million dollars for Georgia
United Nations Steps Up Aid To Georgia

14 Aug

A New Obama Book From Two Of His Kool-Aid Drinkers

The Dream Begins: How Hawaii Shaped Barack Obama (Paperback)
by Stu Glauberman (Author), Jerry Burris (Author)
Product Description
from amazon.com
Born and raised in the most multicultural state in the union, United States presidential candidate Barack Obama bears the indelible stamp of his native Hawaii. Here is a coming-of-age story set in Hawaii’s storied “melting pot—a revealing look at what makes Obama tick.
Authored by veteran political writers Stu Glauberman and Jerry Burris, this 152-page book examines Obama’s early years in Hawaii. The self-described “skinny kid with the funny name” flourished in the Islands, where local values foster tolerance, compromise and mutual respect—and where diversity defines people rather than divides them. The social mores of the Aloha State and the experience of growing up in an island culture have had a deep and lasting influence on the candidate. Obama himself has noted, “What’s best in me, and what’s best in my message, is consistent with the tradition of Hawaii.”
Glauberman and Burris offer concise lessons in Hawaii history to help the reader understand its racial and social climate, and how such an environment could impact a young man like Obama. For, as his wife, Michelle Obama, has said, “You can’t really understand Barack until you understand Hawaii.” Interviews with Obama’s Punahou School classmates and teachers, as well as others who knew the Senator in his youth, add a personal dimension to the narrative. Obama’s paternal and maternal family history and his years in Indonesia are also thoroughly covered.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Alternate title: “Hawaii Jive-O”
Well I guess we will be seeing a ton of books now on how wonderful B. Hussein Obama is and how he is the solution to all the problems in the entire world.

14 Aug

Lindaaaaaaaa Prayers and Well Wishes

Today Linda will be having her brain tumor, zapped, whacked, annihilated, destroyed, slayed and kung fu’d.
She has explained it better then I could at at Something….and Half of Something her blog. The LINK is the post she has done to explain about it.
Linda, you are in our prayers and our thoughts and from now on we will only be celebrating good health for you for the next 100 years. And with all this new fangled medicine stuff maybe we can push it for 200. After all we only just started to fix all the things wrong in the world. heh heh
LOVE ya bunches,
This is s photo of Linda on one of her visits to our home. The photo is of Nicholas and Linda.

“End result, tomorrow, I have an appointment have this MFCS of a tumor eradicated. I’m out of my insurance network, which means I’m going to be out-of-pocket a bit but so what. I’m getting the best treatment available and I’m getting it right now. I’ll deal with the financial fallout later.
Tomorrow, the battle begins.

Linda SoG is one of the finest people I know and I adore her. Lots of us do. If you all wouldn’t mind sending some of your fantastic healing powers her way I’d really appreciate it.
You’ve all done so well by me the last week or so that I don’t need them so much any more…..
Because it just never hurts to ask, if anyone cares to offer a little financial help towards her medical bill I’ll be taking donations all week. I’d like to pull the post after tomorrow so we could surprise her but that’s really not as important as giving people a little time.
If anything we can buy her a nice get-well present. I know all of mine did wonders to cheer me up.
Headmistress Sondrak
SondraK has “the First Never Going To Need Another LindAthon “
Curmudgeonly & Skeptical Blog

13 Aug

Wright pressured by Obama into scrapping book?

New York Magazine reported that Reverend Wright is publishing a book and going on the road to promote it in October. However, there seems to be some question as to whether this is true. His daughter told Essence that this New York Magazine story was false. An alert reader notes that Daily Kos has reported the story is false and that Reverend Wright will be issuing a statement denying he is publishing a book upon his return from Ghana.
At the very least, this will put Wright back in the news again. The real question is whether Wright was pressured by Team Obama into shutting up until after the election.
I can remember that back in the spring that Wright was talking about his upcoming book tour in October. Not only that it was discussed last spring on the political talk shows on Sunday morning’s.

13 Aug

Required To Volunteer? Obama Ticket Giveaway Causes Confusion

Obama ticket hopefuls told that volunteer gig is involved
Rocky Mountain News
Some of those hoping to wrangle a seat for Barack Obama’s speech were told this week they have to put in six hours of volunteer work for his campaign by Friday to have a shot at a ticket.
And that ruffled at least a few feathers.
“My whole reason why I’m so mad about it is because Democrats need to act like Democrats,” said Heather Kreider, a working mother from Centennial.
“Democrats work for a living, and they have to work and take care of their families. And they say these are open to those in the community, so they shouldn’t ask people to drop everything in their lives for this,” Kreider said Tuesday.
Doing the volunteer work only makes someone eligible for a ticket and doesn’t guarantee one, according to the phone message from the campaign.
Obama’s decision to move the last night of the Democratic National Convention to Invesco Field at Mile High, where he will speak to a crowd of more than 75,000, sparked a frenzy for tickets.
Campaign organizers pledged that more than half of those in the stadium would be Coloradans, but they have been vague about how they would decide who got tickets. Kreider was among more than 80,000 people who applied for tickets to Obama’s Aug. 28 speech accepting his party’s presidential nomination.
As part of the application process, people were asked to check a box if they were willing to volunteer for the Obama campaign.
Matt Chandler, a spokesman for the Obama campaign, said the only people who were asked to volunteer were those who said on their applications that they were willing to do the work.
Those who don’t volunteer will still have a chance at the tickets, Chandler said.
“The vast majority of people who get credentials won’t have to volunteer,” he said. “The folks who might have accidentally hit the ‘volunteer’ tab, they don’t have to worry. They’re in the same place in line.”
People asked to volunteer are those in line for “all star” tickets that will put them closer to the stage, and they are being contacted first, said Stephanie Mueller, campaign spokeswoman. Applicants who didn’t offer to volunteer will be contacted later this week, she said.
But Kreider said she is certain she didn’t hit the “volunteer” box on the online application. Still, Kreider got a message telling her that she had to do six hours of volunteer work by Friday if she wanted a chance at a ticket. Kreider said she will not do the work.
“Absolutely not,” she said. “Now, it’s pure principle. I was a Hillary Clinton supporter, and this is literally my first touch with the Obama campaign. And it’s just disappointing.”

Wild Thing’s comment………..
LOL but of course they’re required to do something at the direction of Obama and the RATS. Maybe one or two of these dimbulbs will get a clue that this is what’s in store if Obama and the rest of the leftists take power.
People giving of themselves to help Obama so that the sick can be healed and the oceans recede, how wonderful. We are just a few million morons short of Marxist Utopia!
This just gets better and better. Just one step away from forced “volunteerism” just to have a potato to eat for dinner.
I need to watch Dr. Zhivago again.

….This was sent in from the Greta Wire. ( Greta Van Susteren )

13 Aug

Democratic Convention Chief Wants Reparations For Blacks

Democratic convention chief wants reparations for blacks
The woman commissioned by the Democratic Party to direct its presidential nominating convention in two weeks espouses the same black liberation theology pursued by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, whose church presumptive nominee Barack Obama was forced to leave because of its controversies.
Those included Wright’s condemnation of America and a vicious attack on Hillary Clinton from the pulpit, and WND reported when, finally, the Obama campaign announced the candidate resigned his 20-year membership in the church.
Now a profile in the New York Times reveals Rev. Leah Daughtry, a Pentecostal minister who leads a congregation of 20 in Washington, embraces “black liberation theology” beliefs such as the “debt” the U.S. “owes” all blacks for slavery.
The Times describes the congregation in which Daughtry was raised – the House of the Lord Church in Brooklyn, N.Y., where generations of family members, including her father Herbert Daughtry, have preached for decades:

“Below the sanctuary, in the fellowship hall, a banner for slavery reparations proclaimed, ‘They Owe Us.’ Fliers recounted Herbert Daughtry’s arrest, a few weeks earlier, as he led marchers protesting the not-guilty verdict in the police killing of Sean Bell, an unarmed black man. His ministry has always combined consuming spirituality with black liberation theology – the theology Jeremiah Wright invoked this spring to defend his controversial sermons – and zealous political activism. Leah holds these forces within her.”

Judi McLeod, a former Toronto Sun columnist, opined it will be “Rev. Jeremiah Wright in a skirt” as Daughtry leads the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

When Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, announced Daughtry’s appointment to the post of convention CEO, he cited her “strong guidance, skilled leadership and counsel.”

McLeod writes, “Like Wright, Daughtry is in your face about her activism,” noting Daughtry told the Capitol Hill publication The Hill in May 2007, “That’s why I work in politics. My family, we’re activists.”

Said McLeod: “Some would say with Marxist Momma in the top job, it’s little wonder why Barack Obama is the DNC’s Golden Boy coming to Denver with mainstream media garnered rock star status.”

Daughtry supports abortion, as does her father’s church.
Throughout her Times interview, Daughtry did not put any distance between herself and the black liberation theology of James Cone.

“At the basis of black liberation theology is the understanding that God has a special place in His heart for those at the bottom of the ladder,” said Daughtry.



Wild Thing’s comment………
“Reparations!” The new “american” dream! And you don’t have to work for it! This reparations crap is the most enabling rascist whoremongering tact yet. This is socialist redistributionist theory that must never happen.
The Democrat party, the party of anger and bitterness! These people are steeped in their Marxist thinking. I wonder if they will be singing the BLACK National Anthem?

….Thank you Mark for sending this article and link.

13 Aug

Nancy Pelosi’s Take On The November Election

Pelosi: “This Election is Like Death for Life on This Planet as We Know It”
Pelosi was interviewed by Rabbi Robert Wexler of the American School of Judaism in West Los Angeles before a sometimes hostile crowd of leftist agitators who harangued her for her failure to end the war in Iraq and impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney.
Speaking about the upcoming presidential election between leading candidates Republican John McCain and Democratic Barack Obama, Pelosi let loose with what is may well become her ‘Dean scream’ moment if camera were present to record it, according to a report by the liberal publication The Public Record:
“Whether it’s the deficit or the challenges to the constitution we have to dig our way out, this election is like death for life on this planet as we know it today.”
Pelosi has been under enormous pressure from the right and left during her year-and-a-half tenure as the first woman Speaker of the House. Under her leadership, Congress’ approval rating has plummeted to a humiliating nine percent.
Pelosi’s feminist book, Know Your Power, has been a miserable failure in bookstores, with only a few thousand copies sold despite a publicity blitz worthy of the most powerful woman in America.
According to the results of the July poll, 72 percent of voters believe Congress is more interested in furthering their own political careers. Fourteen percent believe members of Congress are genuinely interested in helping people.
Pelosi responded to the statistics by defending her performance and the performance of her Democratic colleagues in Congress.
“I preside over the greatest collection of integrity and idealism,” Pelosi said.
Wexler, however, continued to press Pelosi to elaborate on her response given that the Rasmussen poll suggested that a wide-range of issues beyond the Iraq war was responsible for Congress’s single-digit approval.
Pelosi, visibly flustered, said she was well aware that “much more work needs to be done.”
Prior to her appearance in West Los Angeles Monday evening, CNN’s Larry King interviewed Pelosi.
…….please see my other post about her visit on the Larry King show — wild thing)


Wild Thing’s comment………
This woman is a nutcase!
Pelosi has been mocked for her recent interview before this event happened, where she adamently described her goal as Speaker: ““I’m trying to save the planet; I’m trying to save the planet.” And now she continues on with similar dialogue with her, “This Election is Like Death for Life on This Planet as We Know It”. LOL
Pelosi’s delusions of grandeur and hysterical ravings about apocalyptic visions could very well cost her the Speakership as Americans look for sane leadership in the upcoming election.
The RNC should do an ad like the Obama “The One” ad using clips of Nancy spouting her delusions. We might pick up a bunch of seats in the house.
Pelosi has taken her position and abused her power, she is obsessed with both, being Speaker and the power that comes with that position.
It is Speaker of the House not Speaker of the Democrats or Speaker of the EARTH. Her physical animations of her over use of her hands, her blinking and repeating sentences, her movements of her head ( just watch how she does this when she is interviewed) all these things look like she is on the edge.
Speaker of the House is a position of leadership not dictatorship. Her hate for President Bush is so intense she can’t even control her comments as we have seen when she referred to him with the ever so sarcastic ” Bless his heart” baloney that screams Screw You Bush.
She is getting attacked by both sides of the aisle and Code Pink is flipping out with their disappointment in her, the other far left communist groups are protesting Pelosi almost as much as they protest our soldiers. She knows her friends are few and I would imagine many of the Democrats in the House wish they never heard of her since they are connected to the lowest rate for Congress at 9%. They must be worried about their own re-elections just by their connection to this nut case.
Pelosi lost it, she lost it the day she had the lights turned off and thought it would be OK to take her 5 weeks vacation and do her book tour when America needed this energy problem to be settled.
Yes she has an agenda and a plan but it is based on hate and loathing and not common sense or solution solving for a problem. It is based on more power and that can be a fragile thing. If this was a football game the solution would be to make a touchdown to win, not a teams hate for the opposing coach and players of the other team. That might be a driving force but without doing what needs to be done when the time comes, that driving force is just wasted energy.