16 Aug

Obama Needs Salute 101 Lessons


LMAO well I saw this photo and could not resist. I saw it in google and have no idea what the story is that belongs to it. I wonder if he is practicing for his future salutes to our troops.
It almost looks like his thumb is up his nose. hahahahahahahaha

16 Aug

The Second American Revolution

Thomas Paine, author of “Common Sense,” returns to modern times to pleas for a second revolution to take back America, Now!

….Thank you RAC, this is great.

16 Aug

Pool opens in Adhamiyah, Iraq

Col. John Hort (center) along with members of the Iraqi Army and the Adhamiyah District Advisory Council, cut the ribbon to signify the opening of the Adhamiyah Community Pool.

by Sgt. Zach Mott
For most people in Iraq, a dip in the local watering hole is either impossible, or involves tempting fate in the ancient Tigris or Euphrates rivers.

“This is the only swimming pool in Adhamiyah district. All of the children go to the river and that’s very dangerous for them,” said Muhtad Hasan, a member of the Support Council of Adhamiyah who works with youth and education.

The project to refurbish the pool and recreation complex began in March under the direction of the 3rd Squadron, 7th Cavalry Regiment. That unit recently completed its 15-month tour in Iraq and was replaced by the 1st Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, who oversaw the project’s final days.
The $150,000-venture helped reopen the pool after violence and the subsequent damage from criminals left the facility uninhabitable more than three years ago.
During the opening festivities, children ran around the deck with smiles and happily showboated acrobatic feats to gain the attention of the ceremony attendees.

“It’s really money well-spent when you look at the thrill that it’s given these kids,” said Lt. Col. Daniel Barnett who commands 1st Squadron, 2nd SCR, which is currently attached to 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division.

The adjoining recreation center has a boxing ring, a weight room and wrestling mats for children to practice their specific sport of choice.

“It’s an ongoing project,” Barnett said. “One of the first things they asked for, as far as community projects, was to get this pool re-established so the kids didn’t have to swim in the river.”

Temperatures in Iraq historically surpass 130 degrees during the unrelenting summer.
For the Soldiers who patrol these streets in northern Baghdad, the pool is a welcome sight to help the people they’re here to protect.

“This is a good example of what cooperation with the local government officials, the Iraqi Army, with the Coalition Forces — what we can all do together to improve the quality of life here,” Barnett said.
“Every time a Soldier walks by on a patrol here he’s going to say, ‘Hey, you know, we helped facilitate that. We helped make a difference.’ ”

Wild Thing’s comment……….
“Hey, you know, we helped facilitate that. We helped make a difference.”
I hope and pray these soldiers know how much we appreciate all they do, and we know just as the Iraq’s do too, that our troops make a huge difference in people’s lives.

16 Aug

Howad Dean Calls the GOP the “White Party”

Democratic Chair Howad Dean Calls the GOP the “White Party” – 8/15/08
Here is that veritable bastion of wisdom and knowledge – Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean – waxing eloquent on how the Republican Party is the “White Party.” He actually said it – then caught himself, apologized, and went on.


Wild Thing’s comment……………
I thought the Democrats were against racial profiling. LOL
I think of the Republicans Party as the party that ABOLISHED SLAVERY! And the Democrats as the proponents of slavery. And the Democrats are the party of Black Liberation Theology, which is clearly a white-hating religion.

15 Aug

Hillary To Be Entered Into Nomination At Convention


Now imagine this………… Hillary walking onto the stage at the convention with the music from Jaws playing in the background.


Hillary To Be Entered Into Nomination At Convention
Fox News
Sources within Hillary Clinton’s campaign say the New York Senator’s name is likely to be placed in nomination in Denver — at the insistence of the Obama campaign.
Clinton had originally said she would NOT sign a document allowing a vote to be held on her nomination; aides thought it could be divisive, and worried that it could make her seem weak, since many of her nearly 1900 delegates would almost certainly not vote for her almost 3 months after she formally conceded.
But in listening to her staunch supporters — those who are still bitter over the way she lost, and are having a hard time getting behind Obama — the Clinton campaign became convinced that entering her name into nomination at the convention was the best way to give Clinton backers the “catharsis” she said was necessary to move forward.
Turns out, the Obama campaign agreed. They’d independently decided that the move wins friends and costs little.
That being decided, all that remains are the details– as well as the decision on whether to actually press ahead with a roll call vote. As Marc Ambinder notes, Clinton could use the occasion of her nomination at the convention to formally release all of her delegates to Obama, instead of calling the roll and finishing well behind what her delegate count would suggest.
UPDATE: The two campaigns released a joint statement officially confirming the news on the record, saying Senator Obamas campaign encouraged Senator Clinton’s name to be placed in nomination as a show of unity and in recognition of the historic race she ran and the fact that she was the first woman to compete in all of our nations primary contests.

Obama says “” am convinced that honoring Senator Clinton’s historic campaign in this way will help us celebrate this defining moment in our history and bring the party together in a strong united fashion.”


Creep Dick Morris on Hannity and Colmes about the Clinton’s taking over the Democrat convention LOL
He was talking about the DNC Convention and how the Clinton’s are taking it over. Hillary, Bill and Chelsea have all been given speaking roles. In addition.. Hillary has hired a video production team to make a movie about her candidacy.


Wild Thing’s comment………..
Making sure we have popcorn in the house heh heh this is going to be just sooooo much fun. Let the games begin!
Just a thought about all of this besides it will be fun to watch all this happening.
I don’t believe for one minute that the Obama camp “agreed” to this scenario so much as accepted the fact that under DNC rules, this is within Hitlery’s right to demand, including a full roll call vote.
Hillary pushed this hard and intended to from the very moment she “suspended her campaign” (she did NOT concede) and the best Obama’s campaign can manage here is to put on a public face and appearances so this looks like a “unity” thing.
The focus on and stories about Obama’s past, and his continued stupid statements and obvious prejudicial feelings, questions about place of birth, actual name, his ridiculous ideas and solutions, etc. people will eventually (have begun to) lose interest in this bumbler. Hillary is the BEAST and dangerous too. I just wonder if there are Dems besides the ones that have been for Hillary, the ones that were soooo much for Obama are seeing he is a huge problem especially with his birth certificate stuff waiting in the wings with some serious researchers out there not giving up.
It just makes it very interesting and scary too, scary for our country to even have people like this in our country. Marxists, communists, military loathers and American haters wanting to rule and I do mean rule and turn our Nation into some weak third world country.
It appears he’s turned the entire convention over to the Clinton’s. Either the Clinton’s have something on him.. or Obama is a terrible negotiator.The Clinton’s are ruthless. Obama folded with a winning hand showing on the table. There had to be a joker up somebody’s sleeve. I wonder if the items being speculated about that I mentioned might be making him nervous.
It isn’t over till it’s over. And this is one wild turkey chase.

15 Aug

Jeff Beatty a REAL Hero vs. Hanoi John Kerry a Traitor!

Who is Jeff Beatty?
Jeff is a former Army Delta Force Officer (wounded in the first Blackhawk shot down) who earned a Purple Heart and a Combat Infantry Badge helping to rescue hundreds of Americans. He is a former FBI Agent advising the National Hostage Rescue Team and a former CIA Counter-terrorism Officer with service in Europe and the Middle East. Jeff Beatty’s government service is second to none.
After leaving government, Jeff founded TotalSecurity.US an anti-terrorism consulting firm that has helped protect U.S. citizens here in Massachusetts and across our country.
Jeff lives in Harwich, MA with his dog Buddy. Jeff loves dogs and in addition to Jack Russell Buddy, has rescued several dogs – most recently a Belgian Malinois named Major BO. Major BO had been abandoned and was going to receive lethal injection in 72 hours. This situation came to Jeff’s attention and he immediately made the commitment, spent the funds out of pocket, flew to Florida and saved Major BO who is now placed with a great family on Cape Cod..
For relaxation Jeff enjoys motorcycling, fishing from Red River Beach in Harwich, a good Red Sox, Celtics or Patriots game and golf.
Jeff’s Military Honors include the
Meritorious Service Medal (as Delta Force Assault Troop Commander)
Purple Heart (Grenada Rescue)
Combat Infantry Badge (Grenada Rescue)
Army Commendation Medal with “V” (Valor) (Grenada Rescue)
Ranger Tab (Company Commander of Ranger Class)
Parachutist Badge
Army Aviator (Distinguished Honor Graduate – #1 in Flight School)
Army ROTC Rutgers College – Distinguished Military Graduate (top 5% in the country)
Page with some photos from his military service
He has a wonderful website with links to a lot of articles he has written as well as information about his campaign.
Jeff Beatty website
Here is one of the articles he has written:
Now Playing in Massachusetts
Human Events

The thought of Sen. John Kerry and a president named Barack Obama loose on the streets of Washington, D.C. sounds like an idea for a horror movie. But it would just be a sequel to a disaster movie that the people in Massachusetts have already seen — one which stars Kerry and Gov. Deval Patrick.
Here in the Commonwealth, where I am the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, we are fighting to keep this “remake movie” from reaching national screens by prevailing in my election to the U.S. Senate over John Kerry and by giving the Bay State’s 12 electoral votes to John McCain. We have paid the price to see this disaster film once in Massachusetts and will not pay to see it spread across America.
From our view, the only thing sadder than a Barack Obama imperial presidency is the vision of John Kerry bopping from country to country as Obama’s “special envoy.” Recently, their big budget screen test went international — Barack with his long apology about American power before 200,000 at Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate, and Kerry simultaneously chatting away on cable here at home. Kerry’s shilling for Barack cannot mask what we here already know: The combination of Gov. Deval Patrick and Sen. John Kerry has been devastating for the citizens of Massachusetts. Under Kerry and Patrick, Massachusetts now has one of the nation’s highest property tax burdens, is among the highest in per capita debt, and is one of the few states in the country to be losing population. Now, Governor Patrick is flirting with raising income taxes to wipe away the sins of his Democratic buddies. In short, the Patrick/Kerry movie boils down to a series of broken promises and failed leadership.

and some more from the article…………….

To make matters worse, in word and deed, John Kerry has expressed anti-American sentiment throughout his public life — beginning with his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971. Early last year in Davos, Switzerland, Kerry ingratiated himself with Europeans by again making public comments that revealed his true nature and shocked many people here at home.
Speaking at the World Economic Forum, he openly ridiculed the United States to the delight of many in the audience. “The problem with Americans is they have an unfortunate habit of seeing the world through an American lens,” Kerry said. He also referred to the United States as an “international pariah.” This is the John Kerry who could have written Barack Obama’s America-bashing speech in Berlin.


And here is the ad that Hanoi John Kerry has been running
Here is Kerry USING our soldiers and I don’t care what he pushes that he has done for them it is all an act. He is a liar, a phony and anti-American. The damage he has done to our troops in the Vietnam War and the horrible things he said about our troops serving today, MY GOSH this man is so vile he makes me sick to my stomach! — Wild Thing

Wild Thing’s comment………….
Jeff is also on Facebook if any of you have it let me know and you can get on his friends list there as well. Facebook is awesome because there are updates and tons of political information directly from the person running for office.
Jeff is a REAL hero not a bandaid wanna be hero and traitor to America like John Kerry.
I wish I lived in Mass. so I could vote for him. But at least I can get the word out about a good man , Jeff Beatty unning opposite John Kerry.
God Bless Jeff Beatty and I pray he wins!!!!

15 Aug

Poland says “Yes” to American Missile Defense ~ Putin Doesn’t Like It

Chief U.S. negotiator John Rood, left, and Polish negotiator Andrzej Kremer exchange documents they just signed on an initial agreement on conditions for placing a U.S. missile defense base in Poland, in Warsaw, Poland, Thursday, Aug.14, 2008. (AP Photo/Alik Keplicz)

U.S., Poland Reach Agreement on Missile Defense
The U.S. and Poland signed a preliminary accord today that will allow for 10 U.S. interceptor missiles to be based in the eastern European country, completing a defense system that Russia opposes.
The U.S. has agreed to Polish requests including modernization of its armed forces in exchange for the location of the missiles, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said in an interview with private broadcaster TVN24 this evening.

“We are now harvesting the fruit of many months of hard work,” said Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski at a joint press conference with U.S. Undersecretary of State John Rood in Warsaw. “Only people of ill intent should fear this agreement.”

Talks on locating part of the planned missile-defense shield on Polish territory made headway yesterday in the wake of the Georgian conflict.

The Russian incursion heightened Poland’s security concerns and “made the Polish government a little more willing to conclude a deal,” said Wade Boese, research director at the Arms Control Association, a non-partisan group in Washington. “It may also have made the Bush administration more willing to meet the Polish demands.”

White House View

In Washington, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the purpose of the system “is to protect our European allies from any rogue threats such as a missile from Iran” and “in no way is the missile defense aimed at Russia.”

Perino said she “couldn’t say” whether Russia’s attacks in Georgia spurred today’s final action on the agreement.

Poland and the U.S. have been holding talks on establishing an American base in Poland for more than 18 months. While the U.S. signed a final agreement last month with the Czech Republic on locating a radar base there, the Polish government held out for additional security assurances.
The Polish government said before the current round of missile defense talks that the Georgian conflict had underscored its arguments in favor of more security guarantees.
Sikorski confirmed that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had called off a visit to Warsaw, planned for next month. He said he had received the information before an agreement had been reached with Rood over missile defense and said he thought the Russian decision had been made “in connection with Georgia.”
Russian Criticism
Russia has sharply criticized U.S. plans to place elements of the defense shield in the two former Soviet satellite states, saying they threatened its national security. The Russian government has repeatedly warned it would build up military defenses along its frontiers if the project went ahead.
Sikorski will talk to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice next week to find a date for signing a final contract, which also has to be ratified by the Polish parliament, he said today. If completed, the agreement will allow for the deployment of 10, two-stage missile interceptors made by Orbital Sciences Corp., based in Dulles, Virginia.
The missile shield may still encounter resistance from U.S. lawmakers. Congress, controlled by Democrats, has mandated that the interceptors’ effectiveness be proven through tests and that the Polish and Czech Republic parliaments approve the deals before U.S. funding for the programs is approved, Boese said.
New President

“We’re still talking a number of years before any interceptors can actually be deployed, and in the meantime you’re going to have a new administration that could rethink the whole plan,” Boese said.

The Pentagon wants to start construction in Poland by July next year in order to have an initial capability to defend against Iranian missiles by April 2012, according to U.S. Missile Defense Agency briefing charts.
According to Tusk, the U.S. agreed to initially station one battery of Patriot air defense missiles on Polish soil with potentially more to follow. This would be good news to Lockheed Martin Corp. and Raytheon Co., as the two companies are the top contractors on the Patriot missile program.

Wild Thing’s comment………
This’ll make Putin wet his KGB issued panties.
I think Russia will come to regret the day that they decided to invade Georgia.

15 Aug

Obama Hits Back At Jerome R.Corsi’s and His Book

Obama hits back at critical author
msnbc ….for complete article
Campaign releases 40-page rebuttal, calls writer a ‘discredited liar’
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama hit back Thursday with a 40-page rebuttal to the best-selling book “The Obama Nation,” arguing the author is a fringe bigot pedaling rehashed lies.
Jerome Corsi’s anti-Obama book, “The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality,” claims the Illinois senator is a dangerous, radical candidate for president. The book is a compilation of all the innuendo and false rumors against Obama — that he was raised a Muslim, attended a radical, black church and secretly has a “black rage” hidden beneath the surface.
The Obama campaign picked apart the book’s claims in a rebuttal titled “Unfit For Publication,” to be posted on the Obama campaign’s rumor-fighting Web site, FightTheSmears.com. The title is a play on the book Corsi co-authored against 2004 Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry’s military service called “Unfit For Command.”
“Jerome Corsi is a discredited liar who is pedaling another piece of garbage to continue the Bush-Cheney politics he helped perpetuate four years ago,” said Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor. “His is just one of what will likely be many more lie-filled books rushed to print this election cycle, which are cobbled together from debunked Internet sources to make money and advance a partisan agenda. We will respond to these smears forcefully with all means at our disposal.”
Corsi’s book is off to a swift start and is No. 1 on The New York Times’ hardcover nonfiction best-seller list, even though Obama’s campaign would argue the book should be listed as fiction.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
Corsi has hit a home run two elections in a row!
Truth is a big problem for the radical left.
Obama …waaaa waaaa waaaa stop picking on me, I want to be President.

14 Aug

Home Depot, Others Required To Make Day Laborer Shelters

Ronald Reagan – A Time for Choosing (October 27, 1964)

Home Depot, Others Required To Make Day Laborer Shelters
Big-box, home-improvement stores in Los Angeles will have to set aside space for day laborers under an ordinance passed by the City Council on Wednesday.
When the ordinance takes effect — the mayor has to sign it, and most city laws take effect 30 days afterward — it will apply to stores such as The Home Depot that have 100,000 square feet or more, or any structure where 250,000 square feet or more of warehouse floor area is added.
The shelters must be easily accessible and include drinking water, bathrooms, tables, seating and trashcans. The stores may be required to work with Los Angeles police in developing a security plan, according to the unanimous vote by the 15-member lawmaking body.
People who live near Home Depot stores have complained of day laborers drinking beer, urinating in yards or other unseemly behavior.
The National Day Laborer Organizing Network, a nonprofit group started in Northridge in 2001, supports the new requirements.

“It provides for safe and dignified hiring locations where contingent workers can defend their basic rights. It carefully balances the interests of business, residents, day laborers and their employers,” said the group’s executive director, Pablo Alvarado.

Francisco Uribe, senior manager of government relations for The Home Depot, said the corporation does not oppose the day laborer centers.

“Although the complex challenges associated with the presence of day laborers are not specific to one industry nor one company, The Home Depot recognizes that some of our stores in the city of Los Angeles are impacted,” Uribe said.

“The Home Depot has and will continue to work with the city of Los Angeles and other key stakeholders in the various communities where The Home Depot operates to jointly address these challenges,” Uribe said.

City Councilman Richard Alarcon singled out The Home Depot for attracting day laborers, saying other big-box stores do not have the same kind of problems.

“Lowe’s doesn’t have the problem. And you ask yourself ‘why don’t we see massive (numbers of) day laborers at Lowe’s?’ The reason is they target women. It’s very clear that their marketing scheme is more focused on interior design-type customers,” Alarcon said.

The Community Development Department already operates 11 day-laborer sites in the city. Grant funding is used to maintain the facilities at an annual cost of $180,000.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Stuff like this brings to mind Reagan’s “Time for Choosing” speech. He, literally, warned of just this type of behavior…in 1964!!! I am also thinking of our elections and also our stand for what is right in the world and for our country.
Why not arrest them? Why not arrest the people who hire them? Why not spend the $180 grand a year the City spends to maintain these things to help “the poor contingent workers” get legal? Why not tax the companies that hire them?

14 Aug

Limo Shortage For Denver Democrats

New York Post
Limousine liberals may be forced to take the bus at the Democratic National Convention this month because Denver simply does not have enough limos and black cars to go around.
“We just don’t have the cars – Denver just isn’t really big on chauffeurs,” said Barbara Curtis, of Two Step Limousine. “I am totally booked, and have been for six weeks.”
The city has 271 limousine companies, but most have fleets of only two or three cars, Curtis said. She expects there will be no shortage of price-gouging opportunists.
“A lot of the companies put in reservations for black SUVs, and apparently the Secret Service had all of those canceled because they needed the vehicles instead,” she said.
On average, black cars cost $4,000 for the four-day convention and limos twice that.

Wild Thing’s comment…………
All citizens of Denver that can stand the stink of a Democrat, if you have an SUV and it has to be black it seems from the article, here is a chance to make $1000. a day. hahha
One other thing I don’t get. From the time it was planned to hold the Dem convention in Denver up to now has to be well over a year. Couldn’t they bring Limo’s in just for the event??
A friend of mine told me that there was a stretch HUMMER Limo parked in front of 24 Townsend St. Malden, MA last weekend. That address, it is the “residence” of one “Fast Ed” Markey, the Chairman of the House Committee on Global warming. Hahahha what a bunch of phony’s.
LMAO …All these screaming “save the environment” liberals upset they can’t get a limo. heh heh