22 Aug

Butting Heads at the Border by Chuck Norris

Butting Heads at the Border
Human Events
By Chuck Norris
This past week, a 10-year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol shot and wounded a man in the left buttock who assaulted agents at a violent stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border.
Despite the fact that the man was among a group that was trying to enter the United States illegally and was throwing rocks and concrete chunks at agents, officials at the Mexican Consulate in San Diego are criticizing the agent and demanding the U.S. conduct a full investigation. Consul General Remedios Gomez Arnau said,

“Any kind of shooting toward Mexican territory is rejected by the Mexican government. They should have waited for response of the Mexican authorities.”

Are you kidding me? Do I smell another Compean-and-Ramos case in the making? Do illegals think border crossing is nothing more than a game of cat and mouse? Do Mexican officials think we only are playing “rock, paper, scissors” at the border? When will we finally draw a line in the sand and stop this insanity at our nation’s boundaries? When will we back our agents and their Bill of Rights? When will we give them the complete resources, permission and support they need to carry out their duties fully?
Supervisory Border Patrol Agent Daryl Reed reports that there have been 330 assaults on agents already this year, compared with 254 reported incidents in 2007. It’s time for our government to ante up and protect and secure our borders and agents better.
Border security is so critical, of course, because it is about far more than just illegal immigrants. It affects the transport of drugs, weapons, gangs (such as MS-13) and terrorists, and it even affects issues surrounding national sovereignty. That is why I address our border troubles as one of eight major problems threatening America most in my upcoming (Sept. 7 release) book, Black Belt Patriotism, which is available for pre-order at Amazon.com. In the book, I give my critique of what is destroying our country and offer my solutions for rebuilding America and restoring the American dream. In particular, I lean heavily upon our Founders’ work and wisdom, looking to them for possible solutions to our present problems. In the next couple of columns, I’ll be giving readers a few first-seen excerpts from the book.
Here’s a glimpse from the chapter “Secure and protect our borders,” in which I also give (but not here) my solutions to deal with the 12 million or so illegal immigrants already residing in America:

“A few years ago I had the opportunity to fly along America’s borders with my good friend John Hensley, who was the assistant commissioner of U.S. Customs. We flew on a Black Hawk helicopter and checked out locations along the California border, where there was heavy traffic of drug dealers and illegal aliens coming into the United States from Mexico.

“As we were flying over the desert, we landed in the middle of nowhere. We stepped out of the helicopter and John asked me, ‘What do you see?’ I replied, ‘Absolutely nothing but desert.’ As soon as I said that, up popped U.S. border agents, who were hiding in holes covered by beige tarps that blended in with the terrain. They were waiting for illegal traffic trying to sneak into our country. I thought, what dedication this takes to hide out here in this intense heat for hours at a time — just waiting.

“There’s no doubt that Americans possess the resources and passion to close off our borders and ports from illegal immigration and contraband. If we can overthrow another country, we ought to be able to protect our own. Yet to this day, our national borders and ports of entry are like lattice work with plenty of holes through which illegals now come in.

“I don’t lay the blame on our dedicated border agents. But I do blame an overly bureaucratic government that still has not given agents the proper resources and permissions they need to get their job done. I also blame government for undermining national security by being more concerned with global commerce than national sovereignty. They would rather please the international masses than enforce our own laws.

“Let’s ask ourselves, why is Congress not securing our borders? Could it be they have greater global goals that will ultimately dissolve this Union? Whether intentionally or not, government has failed for decades to secure the borders. It is up to us to make sure it gets done, by taking several points of action that I’ll be outlining in this chapter. The time is now. And if we don’t do our part, America as we know it will dissolve like a sugar cube in coffee. From the coastland to the heartland, we will lose our distinctions and no longer even recognize our country. As President Ronald Reagan said, ‘A nation without borders is not a nation.'”

Wild Thing’s comment………….

“Any kind of shooting toward Mexican territory is rejected by the Mexican government. They should have waited for response of the Mexican authorities.”

And mexican military actually crossing the border into the USA and holding BP and citizens at gunpoint is A-OK I guess?
The bad guys around the world smell weakness and lack of resolve on our part.

21 Aug

McCain Prepares Rezko Ad; Wright “Now Fair Game”; GOP 527 Attacks

The American Issues Project today announced the debut of a new television advertising campaign examining the relationship between Sen. Barack Obama and unrepentant 1960’s domestic terrorist, William Ayers. The ad — entitled “Know Enough?” — begins with a simple, yet pointed question: “Beyond the speeches, how much do you really know about Barack Obama?”
Supported by over one hundred pages of back-up documentation and historical accounts, the American Issues Project is using this ad to shed light on Obama’s friendship with Ayers, the former leader of an American terrorist group known as Weather Underground.

McCain Prepares Rezko Ad; Wright “Now Fair Game”; GOP 527 Attacks
The Atlantic
Sen. John McCain’s campaign is finishing a hard-hitting television ad highlighting Barack Obama ‘s ties to shady Chicago land dealer Tony Rezko, the one-time Obama patron who was convicted earlier this summer of fraud.
A campaign official said that the decision to Go Rezko was Obama’s. “He’s opened the door to this,” the official said.
The ad will be released to network news divisions in time for their broadcasts tonight.
Though McCain is widely perceived to to drawn first blood by attacking Obama’s character, the official said that the difference between Obama’s mocking McCain for his wealth and his shaky answer on the number of homes he owns was that McCain’s charge “reflects an existential reality,” where Obama’s charges “attack Cindy. She owns the homes. I thought he said the wives were off-limits.”
McCain strategists hope that Obama’s brass knuckles punch doesn’t work. “Americans don’t like this class warfare stuff,” the official said. They aspire to be rich, the official said. They don’t aspire to eat arugala or hang out with celebrities.
Earlier in the news cycle, McCain’s press team invoked Obama’s friendship with a former member of the Weatherman, William Ayres, and an official said that even Obama’s former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, “is now fair game.” The official declined to say whether the campaign was contemplating running an advertisement linking Obama to Wright.
McCain also released a second web video mocking Obama as “The One.”
A group called the American Issues Project said it launched a 2.8 million television ad buy highlighting Obama’s ties to Ayres. The group calls itself “an organization representing a coalition of activists committed to raising conservative issues both during and after the election.”
It includes longtime Republican activists like Ed Failor, Jr. of Iowa. Failor was a McCain adviser in the state. The ad will air in Ohio and Michigan.
Here’s the script:

“Beyond the speeches, how much do you know about Barack Obama?
What does he really believe?
Consider this:
United 93 never hit the Capitol on 9/11.
But the Capitol was bombed thirty years before –
By an American terrorist group called Weather Underground that declared ‘war’ on the U.S. –
Targeting the Capitol, the Pentagon, police stations and more.
One of the group’s leaders, William Ayers, admits to the bombings, proudly saying later:
‘We didn’t do enough.’
Some members of the group Ayers founded even went on to kill police.
But Barack Obama is friends with Ayers, defending him as, quote,
‘Respectable’ and ‘Mainstream.’
Obama’s political career was launched in Ayers’ home.
And the two served together on a left-wing board.
Why would Barack Obama be friends with someone who bombed the Capitol…and is proud of it?
Do you know enough to elect Barack Obama?
American Issues Project is responsible for the content of this ad.”


Wild Thing’s comment…………
John and Cindy McCain could own 1000 homes, so what? I could care less. There’s no showing he got any of them illegally or as a result of shady political deals.
McCain’s people aren’t playing softball. He clearly has an expert team. I hope that 527 really hits Obama with Wright again. He spent 20 years in that church and you better believe if McCain was caught dead being a member of a church pushing White supremacy he’d be dead meat. Black Liberation theology is racism pure and simple.
Obama has been going ballistic because HE got caught in a lie when he said he didn’t vote for killing innocent babies after they had been aborted and might still be alive. He brought up the houses the McCain’s own to try and get the press off his butt so Obama by doing that he is the one that opened the gate.
So a question for Obama, since you attacked Cindy McCain, does this mean that “Michelle Angry Mabelle” is now fair game too??? Just curious.
It’s the mid 1970s and the Weather Underground Organization (WUO), a radical (and violent) offshoot of the Students for a Democratic Society.
Documentary/interviews with the Weatherman Underground while they were on the run for bombings and deaths.
UPDATE on information: For the Democrats that lurk and read this blog. ……..
According to this John McCain himself dows not own any of the properties.
McCain family owns 8 properties
John McCain’s family owns at least eight properties — not the seven Democrats are alleging.
Sen. McCain himself does not own any of the properties. They’re all owned by Cindy McCain, her dependent children and the trusts and companies they control.
Brian Rogers, a McCain spokesman, did not question Politico’s analysis, but said his boss’s bungling of the how-many-homes question is a nonissue.
“Voters care a lot more about candidates’ personal ethics than about how many houses or residences or doghouses that John and Cindy McCain own,” he said. He questioned efforts by McCain’s Democratic rival, Barack Obama, to exploit the issue, given that Obama benefited from a 2005 land deal with the wife of convicted Chicago businessman — and former Obama fundraiser — Tony Rezko that expanded the Obama family’s newly purchased $1.65 million homestead.
“The reality is that Barack Obama purchased his million-dollar mansion in a shady deal involving a convicted felon, and it raises questions about his ethics and judgment,” said Rogers.

21 Aug

Obama’s Latest Ad Attack On McCain and The Response! Whoa!

Obama camp links McCain to Abramoff scandal
Barack Obama’s campaign is linking John McCain to the infamous Jack Abramoff scandal that ended several Republicans’ political careers three years ago in a new campaign ad hitting Georgia airwaves Wednesday.
The 30-second spot is the Obama campaign’s second negative ad in the past 24 hours.
It attacks the Arizona senator for his association with former Christian Coalition head Ralph Reed, one of the Republicans implicated in the scandal.
The ad also seems to suggest McCain didn’t call Reed to testify before a Senate panel he chaired in return for political favors.
“When the Senate investigated, the senator in charge never even called Reed to testify….And that senator? John McCain. And who’s now raising money for McCain’s campaign? Ralph Reed,” the ad’s narrator says. “For 26 years in Washington, John McCain’s played the same old games. We just can’t afford more of the same.”
The TV spot sparked a sharp rebuke from McCain campaign spokesman Brian Rogers, who called it “ridiculous,” and noted Obama’s connection to Bill Ayers, the current University of Chicago professor and one-time leader of the militant group “Weather Undeground.”

“If Barack Obama wants to have a discussion about truly questionable associations, let’s start with his relationship with the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, at whose home Obama’s political career was reportedly launched,” Rogers said. “Mr. Ayers was a leader of the Weather Underground, a terrorist group responsible for countless bombings against targets including the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon and numerous police stations, courthouses and banks.”

Reed, who lost a bid in 2006 for lieutenant governor of Georgia, had promoted a McCain fundraiser last week in the Atlanta area that netted the presumptive Republican nominee $1.75 million in campaign cash.


From McCain campaign:
The Corner
Please see comment from me on Barack Obama’s new ad supposedly running in Georgia:

“Barack Obama’s ad is ridiculous. Because of John McCain, corruption was exposed and people like Jack Abramoff went to jail.
“However, if Barack Obama wants to have a discussion about truly questionable associations, let’s start with his relationship with the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, at whose home Obama’s political career was reportedly launched. Mr. Ayers was a leader of the Weather Underground, a terrorist group responsible for countless bombings against targets including the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon and numerous police stations, courthouses and banks. In recent years, Mr. Ayers has stated, ‘I don’t regret setting bombs … I feel we didn’t do enough.’
“The question now is, will Barack Obama immediately call on the University of Illinois to release all of the records they are currently withholding to shed further light on Senator Obama’s relationship with this unrepentant terrorist?”

—McCain spokesman Brian Rogers


They send one of yours to the hospital. You send one of theirs to the morgue. heh heh

Wild Thing’s comment…………….
What do Obama and Osama have in common?
Friends that have bombed the Pentagon!!
Hello Obama do you really want to go there? You are playing with the big boys now Obama and you better double and tripple check your research before you bring on your attacks. hahaha
From one of my past posts..dated November 15, 2006
Abramoff Ready To Flip On Senate Dems

Sources close to the investigation say Abramoff has provided information on his dealings with and campaign contributions and gifts to “dozens of members of Congress and staff,” including what Abramoff has reportedly described as “six to eight seriously corrupt Democratic senators.”

With his (Obama’s) list of associations and friends this is nothing less then an invitation to bring it on! LOL
Regarding McCain spokesman Brian Rogers, that is the way to play ball! Smack the indignant liberal and smack him hard! It’s time to shove it back at the Socialist!
So many things to pick from this is just too juicy. Ayers, Obama was the Chairman of an organization that Ayers founded, Hamas endorsement, terrorists in Gaza funds to Obama, Rezko and also the connection through Rezko to Saddam Hussein’s Oil for Food briber, Wright, and the list goes on.
Jerome Corsi has so quietly driven the stake into the Marxist vampire’s heart the sound of the hammer hitting the stake was barely audible. This is vampire slaying. heh heh

21 Aug

B. Hussein Obama Attacking Fox News and Corsi


Obama personally went on the attack Wednesday on a best-selling new book that falsely describes him as a closet Muslim.
Talking about “The Obama Nation,” Obama said author Jerome Corsi was just making “stuff up.”
“But it gets a lot of play on Fox News,” he said to loud boos.
The news network has interviewed Corsi.
Obama said GOP attackers “will run negative ad after negative ad, attack after attack, with the goal of making you lose focus on the issues. … and focus on me and try to make me out to be a risky, scary guy.”
“Now I must say: I don’t find myself particularly scary or particularly risky,” he said.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
I like the calm way Corsi presents himself. It is great how Obama is totally rattled by this book then add in how Obama totally felt short last Saturday night at that interview/debate.
After all the media hype, the people fainting, the propaganda from the left day in day out about Obama it feels good to be able to see him upset like this. One more thing does anyone else find it interesting how the fainters have stopped???? hahahaha
Nicholas said when he used to play football with Elvis he asked him about the fainters at his concerts. In all the years Elvis was around the fainters never stopped and the swooning. They were for real and the ones with Obama had to be a set up and they don’t pay them anymore I guess. heh heh

21 Aug

Republicans Announce Convention Speaker Line-Up

The Republican National Convention announced its speaker roster today for the four days of the convention in St. Paul from Sept. 1-4.
The Wall Street Journal
The roster of speakers announced today includes John McCain, Mrs. Cindy McCain, 10 current and former Republican governors, five current and former U.S. Senators and two well-respected businesswomen.
According to the RNC, approximately 45,000 people will be in attendance

The overall convention theme is “Country First” with each day of the convention intended to “center on a touchstone theme that has defined John McCain’s life and will be central to his vision for leading our nation forward as president” with themes of service, reform, prosperity, and peace.

Monday evening
• Joe Lieberman
• Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
• Vice President Cheney
• First Lady Laura Bush
• President Bush.
• Rudy Giuliani
• Mike Huckabee
• Fred Thompson
• Sarah Palin
• Jon Huntsman
• Linda Lingle
• Tom Ridge
• Rosario Marin
• Michael Steele
Wednesday• Mitt Romney
• Cindy McCain
• Meg Whitman
• Carly Fiorina
• Bobby Jindal
• Norm Coleman
• Prime time slot is reserved for the unnamed vice presidential nominee.
• Tim Pawlenty
• Charlie Crist
• Sam Brownback
• Mel Martinez
then McCain takes the stage


The program of events is as follows:
Monday, Sept. 1
“Love of country, my friends, is another way of saying love of your fellow countryman.” —Sen. John McCain
John McCain’s commitment to his fellow Americans, a commitment forged in service to his country, is one of the defining hallmarks of his life. Monday’s events will highlight John McCain’s record of service and sacrifice and reflect his commitment to serving a cause greater than one’s own self-interest.
Speakers will include:
U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman (Conn.)
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (Calif.)
Vice President Richard B. Cheney
First Lady Laura Bush
President George W. Bush
Tuesday, Sept. 2
“If you find faults with our country, make it a better one. If you are disappointed with the mistakes of government, join its ranks and correct them.” —Sen. John McCain
John McCain’s life is a testament to the fundamental truth that every American can be a force for change. A restless reformer who has dedicated his career to taking on special interests and the status quo, John McCain will deliver the right kind of change and reform to meet the great challenges of our time. On Tuesday, the convention program will underscore his vision of a government that is transparent, principled and worthy of the American people it serves.
Speakers will include:
Former New York City Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani
Former Gov. Mike Huckabee (Ark.)
Former Gov. Tom Ridge (Pa.)
Gov. Sarah Palin (Alaska)
Gov. Jon Huntsman (Utah)
Rosario Marin, California Secretary of the State and Consumer Services Agency and former Treasurer of the United States
Former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson (Tenn.)
Gov. Linda Lingle (Hawaii)
Former Lt. Gov. Michael Steele (Md.)
Wednesday, Sept. 3
“America’s best days are still to come.”—Sen. John McCain
The American story is one of perseverance. Even in the face of tough times, the ingenuity and spirit of the American people has ushered in a new era of prosperity. Wednesday’s program will focus on John McCain’s plans to get our economy back on track and continue our long tradition of meeting the challenges we face and using our prosperity to help others. The day will conclude with an address by the vice presidential nominee.
Speakers will include:
U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman (Minn.)
Meg Whitman, National Co-Chair for McCain 2008 and former President and CEO of eBay
Carly Fiorina, Victory ‘08 Chairman for the Republican National Committee and former Chairman and CEO of Hewlett-Packard Co.
Former Gov. Mitt Romney (Mass.)
Mrs. Cindy McCain
Gov. Bobby Jindal (La.)
Republican Party’s Vice Presidential Nominee
Thursday, Sept. 4
“Our next president will have a mandate to build an enduring global peace on the foundations of freedom, security, opportunity, prosperity, and hope.”-Sen. John McCain
John McCain understands the challenges that America faces in the world and the sacrifice necessary to defend our freedom in a way that few others can fathom. Thursday’s events will reflect his vision of an America in pursuit of peace and seen as a beacon of goodwill and hope throughout the world. The evening will close with John McCain accepting the Republican Party’s nomination for the Presidency of the United States.
Speakers will include:
Gov. Tim Pawlenty (Minn.)
Gov. Charlie Crist (Fla.)
U.S. Sen. Sam Brownback (Kan.)
U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez (Fla.)
John McCain
In the coming days, the 2008 Republican National Convention will announce additional speakers and program details.
About the Republican National Convention
The 2008 Republican National Convention will be held at Saint Paul’s Xcel Energy Center from Sept. 1-4, 2008. Approximately 45,000 delegates, alternate delegates, volunteers, members of the media and other guests are expected to attend the convention. Minneapolis-Saint Paul is expected to receive an estimated $150-$160 million positive economic boost from the four-day event. For more information about the 2008 Republican National Convention, please visit our website at www.GOPConvention2008.com and join our social network sites on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn.””


Wild Thing’s comment……….
I could list the ones I am disappointed in their being there but you all know already who they are. Like all the rino’s and Lieberman is NO Zell Miller.
All I know for sure is we all need to pray for our country, for your troops and that if it is OK dear Lord to know there are those of us that do love America and have tried hard to wake people up including our political party. Amen

21 Aug

McCain Visits Oil Rig, Presses Obama on Offshore Drilling

Republican presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., left, looks at the fish in the ocean with press secretary Brooke Buchanan during a tour the Chevron Genesis Oil Rig Platform in the Gulf of Mexico near New Orleans, La. Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2008

McCain visits oil rig, presses Obama on offshore drilling
As a dip in gas prices barely registers at the pump, presumptive Republican nominee John McCain continued his pressure on opponent Barack Obama over the politically popular policy of offshore drilling with a visit to an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

“We need to start drilling offshore,” McCain said Tuesday, standing on a Chevron oil platform that pumps out 10,000 gallons of oil and 15 million cubic feet of natural gas each day. “Sen. Obama opposes new drilling. He has said it will not ‘solve our problem’ and that ‘it’s not real.’ He’s wrong, and the American people know it. I hope he’ll seize the opportunity to come out and pay a visit like this one and I think it would probably change his mind.”

Both McCain and Obama opposed offshore drilling when the campaign began. But as prices at the pump reached $4 a gallon – and polls showed a significant majority of Americans favor the idea — both men shifted their positions.
The Arizona senator has embraced the policy. His fall rival says he remains personally opposed, but would consider legislation that includes a provision expanding the practice if the compromise was required to pass comprehensive energy legislation.

“Americans across our country are hurting, as we all know, because of the cost of energy,” McCain said aboard the rig. “Gas prices are through the roof. Energy costs have seeped into our grocery bills, making it more expensive to feed our families. Now as we prepare for the winter, it’s time for us to be more serious about our home heating oil needs…”

“New drilling has to be part of our energy solution,” McCain said. “When I’m president there will be a whole more like this, not only here in the Gulf, but also off of our East and West Coasts.”

McCain’s original plans to visit an oil rig in the Gulf several weeks ago had to be scrapped because of Hurricane Dolly. During a Wednesday safety briefing on the rig McCain asked if anyone had ever fallen in the water. “Never,” replied offshore installation manager Joe St. Ann. “Knock on wood.”

Wild Thing’s comment…………

“Both McCain and Obama opposed offshore drilling when the campaign began. But as prices at the pump reached $4 a gallon – and polls showed a significant majority of Americans favor the idea — both men shifted their positions.”

But Obama shifted his position much later and only after he saw his poll numbers plummet because he supports the idiotic Dem energy policy. Obama’s shift was “nuanced,” while McCain is visiting the rigs.
I will always give credit to a person when they see what they are doing isn’t working and they change their stand on something. McCain did this and lead the way, Obama was just a copycat.

21 Aug

Vote Democrat and Stay Poor

Tampa Taxi Driver explaining why he will be voting Republican! This was in Creative Loafing’s “Political Whore” blog page.

20 Aug

Obama: McCain ‘doesn’t know what he’s up against’

Obama reminds me of this guy…………… LMAO

Obama: McCain ‘doesn’t know what he’s up against’
The Anchorage Daily News
A combative Barack Obama said Tuesday that Republican John McCain “doesn’t know what he’s up against” in this election and challenged his rival to stop questioning his character and patriotism.
Obama, campaigning in a state where he hopes to become the first Democratic presidential candidate to win in more than three decades, implored his supporters to fight for the presidency.

“Our job in this election is not just ‘win,’ although I’m a big believer in winning,” Obama said during the rally. “I don’t intend to lose this election. John McCain doesn’t know what he’s up against.”

“He can talk all he wants about Britney (Spears) and Paris (Hilton), but I don’t have time for that mess,” Obama said.

His remarks carried forward a theme of feisty campaigning he debuted earlier in the day.
Addressing the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Orlando, Fla., Obama reaffirmed his early opposition to the U.S. invasion of Iraq and said the strategy of sending in 30,000 additional troops last year had not produced the political reconciliation necessary to achieve lasting peace in the country.

“These are the judgments I’ve made and the policies that we have to debate, because we do have differences in this election,” Obama told the veterans. “One of the things that we have to change in this country is the idea that people can’t disagree without challenging each other’s character and patriotism. I have never suggested that Sen. McCain picks his positions on national security based on politics or personal ambition. I have not suggested it because I believe that he genuinely wants to serve America’s national interest. Now, it’s time for him to acknowledge that I want to do the same.

“Let me be clear: I will let no one question my love of this country,” Obama said to applause.

McCain stood before the same audience a day earlier and said Obama :

“tried to legislate failure” in the Iraq war and had put his ambition to be president above the interests of the United States. He said the Illinois senator did this by pushing for a timetable for withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq and by voting in the Senate against a major appropriations bill to help fund the troop increase.

Responding to Obama’s comments, McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said: “Barack Obama has made it clear that unconditional withdrawal in Iraq is more important to him than victory in Iraq. That’s not a criticism of his patriotism, that’s a criticism of his judgment.”

A decorated Vietnam war veteran and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Arizona Sen. McCain has sharply questioned whether the 47-year-old Obama has the experience and character necessary to serve as commander in chief.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Is that – like – a threat? What the heck does that mean? This man is off his rocker…I’m telling you…we may witness a complete nervous breakdown before this is over. He’s unstable!
Heck I question it too, so take that B. HUSSEIN Obama you ARE NOT Patriotic, not even in your dreams!
Obama is not not qualified to be John McCain’s valet. Hussein is a sniveling twit .
Husseins is trying to be feisty after getting trounced at Saddleback. LMAO
A combative Barack Obama said Tuesday that Republican John McCain “doesn’t know what he’s up against” in this election and challenged his rival to stop questioning his character and patriotism.
What a tough guy! I’m sure McCain is shaking in his boots. LOL! Hey Obama that was 5 years in the Hanoi Hilton NOT the Hawaiian Hiltton. McCain knows what he is up against, Obama is a self-absorbed, socialist, with no core values.
“He can talk all he wants about Britney (Spears) and Paris (Hilton), but I don’t have time for that mess,” Obama said.
Now, is that any way to treat a Harvard education?
So B.Hussein Obama comes by his threats from his background. His Muslim background and relatives and friends.
Check out the link below……..

20 Aug

Cross Us And We Will Crush You, Warns Medvedev


Cross us and we will crush you, warns Medvedev
Times Online
Ceasefire latest: Russia stalls on Georgia pullout
President Medvedev of Russia yesterday promised a “shattering blow” against any foreign power that moved against Russian citizens.
The threat will compound the fears of former Soviet states, which are concerned that they could be next after Russia’s attack on Georgia.

“If someone thinks they can kill our citizens, kill soldiers and officers fulfilling the role of peacekeepers, we will never allow this,” Mr Medvedev told a group of Second World War veterans in Kursk. “Anyone who tries to do this will receive a shattering blow.”

He continued: “Russia has the capabilities – economic, political and military. Nobody has any illusions left about that.”

Russia’s incursion into Georgia, and its reluctance to leave, has alarmed former Soviet states such as Ukraine and the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
The war was designed in part to send a message to the former Soviet states that “you can’t solve your problems by running to give the West a hug”, Liliya Shevtsova, an analyst at the Carnegie Centre in Moscow, said.
At the start of the war, Mr Medvedev said it was his constitutional right to defend the “lives and dignity” of Russian citizens. Georgia’s allies now fear that Russia will begin to throw its weight around in defence of the millions of ethnic Russians who live outside the motherland.
The break-up of the Soviet Union left a huge Russian diaspora outside the country. There are more than 8 million ethnic Russians in Ukraine, 4.5 million in Kazakhstan and 1.2 million in the Baltic states.
Russia justified its attack on Georgia by insisting that it was acting to protect the 90 per cent of South Ossetians who have Russian passports.
How many of the passports are genuine is another question, as the region has long been infamous for smuggling and counterfeit passports and dollars.
Yevgeniya Latynina, a columnist, wrote last week that when the South Ossetian leader, Eduard Kokoity, received his passport, he opened it to find that it contained the picture of Abraham Lincoln from a $5 note instead of his own photograph.
Viktor Yushchenko, Ukraine’s reformist President, who visited Tbilisi last week to support President Saakashvili of Georgia, said that the use of Russian ships for a war violated Ukraine’s neutrality and risked drawing it into conflict.
Ms Shevtsova, however, dismissed the idea that Russia might attack other countries.

“It is not possible,” she said, arguing that Mr Medvedev’s rhetoric was for internal consumption. “It would be suicide for Russia; it is just a show.”


Wild Thing’s comment……….
Dear Comrade Medvedev,
Bite Me.
What’s next? Will he start beating podiums with his shoe? ( channeling Khrushchev)
I wrote in another post how Russian passports had been handed out like candy to people, so this is true that many of the so called Russian passposts are not genuine. And Russia is trying to say they are. LOL

20 Aug

Buyer’s remorse about Obama?

“If you can spare the hours,
I can tells ya why I cowers,
at the mention of McCain.
If I was any good at thinkin’
you might think that I was Lincoln,
if I only had a brain!”

“I can hear the right wing mutters,
that all I does is stutters,
’cause I did too much cocaine!
If I could give a simple answer,
I wouldn’t be the artful dancer,
if I only had a brain!”


Buyer’s remorse about Obama?
Public wary of ‘amateur president’
Washington Times for complete article
As we approach the final weeks of the 2008 presidential election, it is quite possible that the Democratic nominee, Sen. Barack Obama, will be elected to the highest office in the nation. The real consequences of this are difficult to know in advance, but there are some notable qualities of the Obama candidacy beyond the fact that he would become the first African American to become president of the United States.
I think the most notable is the fact that, considering his experience, Mr. Obama would be the first “amateur” to reach the Oval Office. Technically speaking, Mr. Obama is not a pure amateur, having served in the Illinois state Senate, and completed three years of his first six-year U.S. Senate term. But compared to every other major party candidate for president in the past 100 years, with the exception of 1940 Republican nominee Wendell Willkie, he has the slightest political background of any serious aspirant.
In Mr. Obama, whose primary background in politics was as a community organizer in Illinois, there is little executive experience on which to judge how he might govern. His skillful use of the caucus-system aspect of the presidential nominating process, and his endurance through a late resurgence of his major Democratic opponent in the closing primaries tell us that he has excellent political talent. His oratory before large crowds and record-breaking fundraising ability reinforces these campaign skills.
On the other hand, his behavior and response to the recent international crisis following the Russian invasion of Georgia, indicates his lack of experience in foreign affairs. His public comments were those of an amateur statesman, especially in contrast to his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, who had a sober, thoughtful public response.

Wild Thing’s comment…………
There has been so much media hype on Hussein I keep wondering why or when people will tire of having Obama shoved at them.
I worry about Obama and his potential to do heavy damage to our Constitutional republic. He is an angry guy who is used to getting his way no matter what he has to do.