25 Aug

The Gangs All There Sheehan, Ward Churchill and Terrorists Lovers

A collection of far-leftists address the crowd at a DNC anti-war rally on August 24th in Denver.

Speakers (Alphabetical order):
Ida Audeh – Palestinian Refugee
Kathleen Cleaver – Black Panthers
Ward Churchill – Long-time Author, Activist, and Scholar
Mark Cohen – Re-create 68 Alliance
Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. – Prisoners of Conscience Committee
Larry Hales – World Worker’s Party and Re-create 68 Alliance
Larry Holmes – Troops Out Now Coalition
Ron Kovic – anti-war activist, veteran and author of Born On The Fourth of July
Cynthia Mckinney – Green Party United States Presidential Candidate
Glenn Spagnuolo – Re-create 68 Alliance
Special Guest Speaker to be announced at Monday’s Press Conference
David Rovic – State Capitol Steps, kicking of the rally
M1 and Stic.man of Dead Prez – Free Concert at the State Capitol Steps, prior to the march
Blue Scholars – Free Concert at State Capitol, after the march
Jim Page – State Capitol Steps, during the rally
Monday, August 25
The Freedom March and Rally, Civic Center to the Federal Courthouse, 10am
The event will be focusing on political prisoners and human rights violations. It will include speakers, music and a march to the Federal Courthouse.
Speakers (Alphabetical order):
Pamela Africa – MOVE Organization
Rosa Clemente – United States Vice Presidential Candidate for the Green Party
Kathleen Cleaver – The Panther Nine from San Francisco
King Downing – National Coordinator of the ACLU’s Campaign Against Racial Profiling
Jenny Esquiveo – Spokesperson for Eric McDavid (Political Prisoner)
Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. – Prisoners of Conscience Committee
Mumia Abu Jamal – Current Political Prisoner (Recorded from Death Row)
Cha Cha Jimenez – Founder of the Young Lords (Puerto Rican Resistance Prisoners)
Gloria Estela La Riva – Spokesperson for the Cuban Five
Ricardo Romero – National Coordinator for the Mexican Liberation Organization
Natsu Saito – Author, Activist, and Human Rights Scholar on Guantanamo Inmates
Ann Erika White Bird – American Indian Movement Spokes Person – Leonard Peltier Defense and Sacred Sites


Wild Thing’s comment………
Not one of these people would I alllow on our property! But in a way they are because they are on the property of the USA! Grrrrr !
I thought since I posted the schedule for the Democrat Convention and the Republican Convention coming up I might as well post the nuts cases too that will be outside the Democrat Convention. I have no idea if they plan on showing up at the Republican Convention as well.

* Rocky Mountain Right thanks for the video.

25 Aug

Connection of Obama, William Ayers and the CAC

William Ayers in t-shirt saying Cuba

Obama’s role in the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC)
Extra Sources:
The Annenberg Challenge
Clarice Feldman lays out the reasons why the William Ayers/Annenberg Challenge story will seriously damage the candidacy of The One. A sample:

“…the story was that Ayers was an old professor in Mr. Obama’s neighborhood who just happened to host a fundraiser for him in 1995 which launched his political career.
Some mush was thrown in along the way about having served with him on a charity board, but Obama did not correctly describe the charity or the dates or the extent of their association on it.
The truth is that the two men worked closely together for years, beginning several months before that 1995 fundraiser. The fund Obama chaired and which was supposed to improve public education in Chicago never met its stated purpose of improving public school pupils’ performance and, in fact, probably hindered it, despite having blown through $110 million in the process. And as chairman of this group Obama funneled this money to politically useful types including Fidelistas and Maoists who like Ayers (now vice-president elect of the American Education Research Association) are working to make our public schools indoctrination centers for the left .
Once the public learns more of the CAC, will the voters decide that the manner in which Obama exercised his sole opportunity at executive authority was so good that he deserves the keys to the Oval Office? ”

And this……….
Chicago Annenberg Challenge Shutdown?
A cover-up in the making?
By Stanley Kurtz

Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn were terrorists for the notorious Weather Underground. Ayers and Dohrn remain unrepentant for their terrorist past. Ayers was pictured in a 2001 article for Chicago magazine, stomping on an American flag, and told the New York Times just before 9/11 that the notion of the United States as a just and fair and decent place “makes me want to puke.”

Although Obama actually launched his political career at an event at Ayers’s and Dohrn’s home, Obama has dismissed Ayers as just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood,” and “not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis.”

…We already know a good deal about Obama’s service at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. That information paints a disturbing picture, and one sharply at odds with Obama’s claim that Bill Ayers was just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood.”

photo of Mike Klonsky

And last but most assuredly not the least is this. The owner of the link to the blog is a Democrat but even so he wants the truth exposed about Obama. ………..
Global Labor and Politics
from one of his posts dated June of this year

…..it must be pointed out that a notorious ally of Bill Ayers for many years, Mike Klonsky, is an open member of the Obama campaign. Klonsky runs a blog on the official Obama website here where he claims to be a “professor of education” (the website of the Small Schools Workshop that he directs says only that he teaches some graduate courses, though it appears he was a visiting professor for one year at Nova Southeastern University in Florida in 2006-07) and says he blogs for Obama on “education politics and teaching for social justice.”

Who is Mike Klonsky? Well, on one level, he might just appear to be a protege of Bill Ayers in the education world. He received, as I detail below, a $175,000 grant from the Ayers/Obama-led Annenberg Challenge to run the Small Schools Workshop that he and Ayers started in Chicago to push their school reform agenda.

But that is only half the story. Klonsky was one of the most destructive hardline maoists in the SDS in the late 60’s who emerged from SDS to form a pro-Chinese sect called the October League that later became the Beijing-recognized Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist). As chairman of the party, Klonsky travelled to Beijing itself in 1977 and, literally, toasted the Chinese stalinist leadership who, in turn, “hailed the formation of the CP(ML) as ‘reflecting the aspirations of the proletariat and working people,’ effectively recognizing the group as the all-but-official US Maoist party.” (Elbaum, Revolution in the Air, 228).

I know of no indications that Klonsky has ever expressed any regrets about that activity. Perhaps like his SDS comrade, Ayers, he, too, thinks he did not do enough back then. In my view they did more than enough.

An excellent profile of that maoist milieu is available in a book called Revolution in the Air by Max Elbaum, a first hand participant whose sympathy for the maoism of the period does not get in the way of an excellent account of these idiot savants of the left.

How is it possible that someone of Klonsky’s ilk would now be playing a visible role in the Obama campaign itself on such an important issue as education policy – apparently with free reign to push his authoritarian “social justice” agenda?


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Can you imagine if this extensive information was presented by the media, I mean all they have to do is give these facts which are the truth. Put it out there and let people decide if they want to vote for a man like Obama or not. But instead the media has taken the road of propaganda and information control. The media by giving a lack of information is attempting to brain wash the public with non or little information about their candidate B. Hussein Obama.
We keep hearing over and over again by Wolf Blitzer ( CNN) and others how people are still saying they don’t know enough about Obama. I am so sick of this, but then I see how all of us …..we seek out information, we go online and do research about all the candidates. The people saying there is not enough information about Obama as an excuse to why they have not decided are lazy and just want to be told whom to vote for. And they will get what they deserve that’s for sure.
But Wolf finishes his stupidity with ……” Perhaps after the Democrat Convention the voters will know Obama better.”…… LMAO Oh sure, a controlled convention of hand picked speakers giving speeches kissing up to The One will give you all kinds of NEW information…… NOT!

25 Aug

Remembering …Obama Plans Muslim Summit IF He Wins

Just looking at something Obama has said he would do when he becomes President. — Wild Thing
Obama would hold Muslim summit
US presidential hopeful Barack Obama has told a French magazine he wants to organise a summit of the Muslim world if he makes it to the White House.
Muslim and Western leaders would be invited to the summit for “a discussion about how we can prevent the widening misunderstandings and gaps between the Muslim world and the West,” Obama said in the interview to Paris Match.

“I will ask them to join us in battling terrorism but we should also be willing to listen in terms of some of their concerns,” he said in the interview to be released Thursday.

In the interview, Obama also said he wanted to shut down the US Guantanamo prison camp in Cuba and end the war in Iraq.
“As long as we are maintaining an occupation in Iraq, it’s going to be hard to focus on other things,” he said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Obama represents a foreign policy disaster of untold proportions. And Biden is no better, the left offers to put our country at high risk just so these two can play nice with Muslim nations.

24 Aug

Rudy Giuliani on “This Week” Hammers the “Obama-No Clinton” Ticket

Here is video of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani on ABC News “This Week” discussing the Democratic ticket of Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Giuliani says the choice of Biden is a real insult to Hillary Clinton, and describes the ticket as essentially the “Obama-No Clinton” Ticket.

Wild Thing’s comment…………
I don’t know if Rudy is a Hillary fan, but it seems to me he is trying to rub salt in the wound with the so called feminist types. Keep them agitated—better for us.
Operation Chaos continues unabated hahaha

24 Aug

Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows ~ OMG

Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) (R) embraces Jill Biden, the wife of his vice presidential running mate Senator Joe Biden (D-DE), as Biden embraces Obama’s wife Michelle (L) during a campaign event at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois, August 23, 2008. (John Gress/Reuters)

Wild Thing’s comment……….
YUK! Why does Obama always look like he is trying to kiss men and women. And just one other thing, there is no way Nicholas would go for my kissing another man on the lips. Nope nada. A hug sure, kiss on their check no problem for good friends or family, but smack dab on the lips, no way. And I am glad.

24 Aug

Hillary Supporters Outraged and Ready For Denver

Remember this when it happened????? Obama and his glare at Hillary then the snubbing her a few minutes later.

Some in Clinton circle ‘outraged’

Evan as Hillary Clinton praised the newly-minted Democratic presidential ticket Saturday, some in her circle are furious Barack Obama did not appear to give the New York Democrat serious consideration for the No. 2 spot, or even ask for her consultation on the matter.
“Set aside that Obama said she’d be on anybody’s short list, set aside anybody’s feelings on whether she was deliberately snubbed and the pros and cons of whether it should be her,” a former Clinton strategist told CNN’s Candy Crowley. “Focus on the politics of it and you have about a quarter of Clinton loyalists still not joining the caravan…for God’s sake, not to even make a show of taking her seriously is flatly stupid.”
A top Clinton advisor also told CNN they were “outraged,” over how the process was conducted.
“You can’t put [Obama VP vetters] Eric Holder and Caroline Kennedy on an hour plane ride to Chappaqua just to check the box? They should have done it just for the optics,” this person said. “Barack never even said to her, ‘Here’s how I envision the job’– not one discussion with her about [the position].”
“They thought her supporters were mad before? They are really mad now,” this person also said. We knew it was never going to happen but you would have thought they might at least make a show of it.”
Former Clinton strategist Paul Begala echoed similar frustrations on CNN Friday night.
“I think there are a lot of Hillary voters who are going to say, ‘Hey, wait a minute, man You said you were going to put her on the short list. You know, you didn’t even vet her. You didn’t call her. You didn’t seek her advice,'” Begala said. “By the way, he didn’t seek President Clinton’s advice either. He’s actually the guy who I think picked the best vice president in American history. You would think maybe you would sort of check in with him.”

Hillary fans come to terms with ticket (Not!)

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s hardy troupe of die-hards hoped against hope until the last minute—and reacted to the announcement Barack Obama had chosen Joe Biden as his running mate with a mixture of anger, resignation and gallows humor.
Hillary supporter Rep. Loretta Sanchez, (D-Calif.) predicted the move would further anger many of the New York senator’s most hardcore supporters.

The Confluence ( a pro Hillary website)

And this from ther same pro Hillary site:

“The DNC has lost its mind. Not only have they perpetrated fraud after fraud on the voters this year but they send me an email seeking my help in promoting this stupid meme that McCain doesn’t know how many houses he has. Tell me they aren’t really this clueless.
It doesn’t matter how many houses McCain has. It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t know about all of them. The point is, men who live in million dollar mansions (that they purchased with help from a convicted felon) have no right to point to the abundance of his opponent’s living arrangements. Neither one of them knows what it’s like to live in a Philly row home or a trailer park or a modest three bedroom townhouse or a California ranch. Pursuing this line of attack is a waste of time and effort.
Oh, what do I care?
Who is running the DNC these days? They are really amatuers. Someone should keep them away from sharp objects. They are a danger to themselves and others.”

And there is this…………….
Some man named John Siegal of WeWillNotBeSilenced has been working on a documentary to expose how the game was rigged and who pays for the damage to the process.

“The information in the film is especially jarring for those who were not in caucus states, but it is information that our party must face. There is a reason why half of all Hillary voters are not currently willing to vote for Obama, and this is a big part of it.As I told my friend Rep. Lois Capps, whose son in law is Obama’s National Communications Director, it would be unfair and unethical to delegates, both pledged and super, to withhold this otherwise untold story prior to their floor votes in Denver. This is, oddly, also an opportunity for unity; if the Obama campaign stated that they played rough in a caucus system that should be abolished, it would heal a lot of wounds.”

Here is an interesting Video called WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED – DOCUMENTARY PREVIEW
Please allow approx. 10 – 20 seconds for video to start buffering.
There are a few places in the video that go black ( dark ) just let it keep gonig and the visual comes right back.

And here is one last link of Hilllary people that are extremely upset and the site has even included McCain’s Ad’s and the information on Ayers and Rezko.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
I believe it is quite a bit more than “some” who are outraged! I would say there are a lot of them upset.
The way their votes were stolen from them and just handed to Obama was disgusting. All to help Obama get elected in the Primary’s.

….Thank you Mark for sending me information on this.

24 Aug

New McCain Ad “Passed Over”

McCain’s new ad echoes the grievance that Clinton voiced at the end of her campaign, and that some of her supporters still feel.
McCain Ad………..“Passed Over”

Wild Thing’s comment………
I am hoping and praying for utter chaos, rioting, floor fighting, hair pulling, bats and chairs over heads, during the DNC.

24 Aug

Obama’s Swift Boat? by Russ Vaughn

Obama’s Swift Boat?
A week ago an old Marine buddy sent me a link to a You tube video that after viewing it, caused me to sit momentarily stunned by the horror of what I had just seen and heard. The video was that of nurse, Jill Stanek, who had in a completely straightforward and highly effective manner related how she had cradled a dying infant that had been dumped in the dirty laundry room of the Chicago hospital where she worked, following an abortion procedure the unfortunate baby had just survived.
Stanek’s wrenching account of how that baby had fought for forty-five minutes to live but finally died in her arms, is one of those rare experiences that reaches into you and grabs you like a heart attack. If you have not seen it by now, here it is:

If you come away from that video with less than a heavy heart, I don’t think you’d be someone I’d care to number among my friends. Do not, however, think that I am some kind of hard core, under any and all circumstances pro-life conservative because I’m not. However, I am adamantly opposed to the cold, heartless infanticide depicted in this video and I am totally opposed to any politician who would permit it to be public policy as Barack Obama apparently did while serving in the Illinois Senate.
While watching Sean Hannity interview Ms. Stanek, it suddenly occurred to me, Jill Stanek could very well be Obama’s Swift Boat Veteran. Her recounting of how Obama coldly disregarded her heartfelt testimony regarding the issue of these induced labor abortions and the horrifying consequences which she had personally experienced as a result, gives us a glimpse into the heart of this so-called Messiah that is nothing less than chilling. I believe every American who views that video can’t help but come away from it with questions about whether or not this is the kind of man we want as the leader of our nation.
But then, we must realize, he was merely a state senator and not a presidential candidate so decisions about leaving live infants alone in a hospital’s cold, dirty laundry room to helplessly die without any human warmth, love or contact were obviously above Mr. Obama’s pay grade.
Last week at Saddleback, he reminded us they still are.
Russ Vaughn
Vietnam 65-66

…..Thank you Russ. This is so important!!!

23 Aug

It’s A Boy, It’s Biden (Obama Picks Biden for VP)

Barack Obama has chosen Delaware Sen. Joe Biden to be his vice-presidential running mate.

‘Just Words’ That Joe Biden Would Like To Forget-The curse of a loose mouth and Nexis
National Review
Biden on McCain:
Biden, on a post-debate appearance on MSNBC, October 30, 2007:

“The only guy on the other side who’s qualified is John McCain.”

Biden appearing on The Daily Show, August 2, 2005:

“John McCain is a personal friend, a great friend, and I would be honored to run with or against John McCain, because I think the country would be better off, be well off no matter who…”

On Meet the Press, November 27, 2005:

“I’ve been calling for more troops for over two years, along with John McCain and others subsequent to my saying that.”

Biden On Obama:
Reacting to an Obama speech on counterterrorism, August 1, 2007:

“‘Look, the truth is the four major things he called for, well, hell that’s what I called for,’ Biden said today on MSNBC’s Hardball, echoing comments he made earlier in the day at an event promoting his book at the National Press Club. Biden added, ‘I’m glad he’s talking about these things.’”

Speaking to the New York Observer:

Biden was equally skeptical — albeit in a slightly more backhanded way — about Mr. Obama. “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

“You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking . . .”
— Senator Joseph Biden (D-Del)


Wild Thing’s comment………..
Dang, midnight. That’s a GREAT time to break the news! They just borke this and it is after midnight. LMAO Does this mean that if Ho-Bama if he wins will be doing his State of the Union Speeches after midnight? hahaha
Bwahhaaaaaa! Biden is a walking and talking gaffe machine! OH wait Obama and Michelle are too.
I bet the Obama fans who signed up for that “first to know” text message feel duped now. Obama can’t even make the VP pick smooth. Just think of all the people waiting all day to get their text message from Obama and the cable news shows are breaking the news first. Obama was too inept to get this out in the afternoon, scheduled the announcement for 10 a.m. this morning.
I just read where Drudge had it linked. From the article – ” The official who spoke did so on condition of anonymity, saying they did not want to pre-empt a text-message announcement the Obama campaign promised for Saturday morning.”
Uhmm…I don’t think that this ‘official’ is too bright. He/she did exactly that by roughly 9 hours or so.
This whole VP selection is just a continuation of the Obama hype machine. All about theater and no substance.
The man of CHANGE ( B.Hussein Obama) picks a man who has been in washington for 35 years .
Isn’t Biden the RAT who said Obama is a clean, articulate black man? This must be Obama’s way of saying thanks for the “clean, articulate” compliment. hahaha
Considering that they’re both plagiarists, they will be some pair. Joe Biden was shamed from his own presidential ambitions because he plagiarized Neil Kinnock’s speeches and LIED about his class rank. He was called on this and was done.
So HO-Bama has choosen someone as arrogant and with a higher opinion of themselves as the Chosen One . LOL
MSNBC Chuck Todd just said- “Republican” Dick Lugar told Obama to pick Biden.
It shows you what a sorry state the DC GOP is in when we have our own senators trying to help RATS .
I just checked the DUmmy board, they are all crying cause they didn’t get their text message! ROFLMAO! WAKE UP DUMMIES, OBAMA LIED TO YOU TOO!
Bye bye bye ….. Barack.
Let the fun begin!


Rush Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Ruish Limbaugh Wants Obama-Biden Ticket

Conservative talk radio titan Rush Limbaugh relished the prospect of an Obama-Biden Democratic presidential ticket on his broadcast Wednesday.
“I really hope it’s Biden,” Limbaugh told his listeners. “You don’t want to say that too loud, but I really do hope that it’s Joe Biden, because we’ve got mountains of archival audio on Joe Biden.”
“Plus, the arrogance factor times two,” Rush added. “Biden and the Messiah would just be delicious.