07 Sep

Wittle B. Hussein Obama At Bon Jovi Event: ‘We Won’t Be Bullied’

Obama At Bon Jovi Event: ‘We Won’t Be Bullied’
Presidential Nominee Vows To Fight Back Against Character Attacks Better Than John Kerry Did In ’04
Democrat Barack Obama turned Friday to rock legend Jon Bon Jovi for help.
Bon Jovi and his wife, Dorothea, hosted more than 100 people for dinner on their mansion lawn by the Navesink River in Middletown, N.J. The price was $30,800 a person, to be divided between the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

“When I look at Barack, I see an old man,” Bon Jovi said in introducing his guest. Obama is 47, Bon Jovi is 46.

Obama spoke for about eight minutes before greeting guests individually. He vowed to fight Republican attacks on his character and background more fiercely than John Kerry did in his losing campaign four years ago.

“We’re not going to be bullied, we’re not going to be smeared, we’re not going to be lied about,” Obama said. “I don’t believe in coming in second.”

Earlier in the evening, Obama attended a $2,300-per-person reception at the nearby home of veteran party fundraiser Phil Murphy. About 200 people, including the Bon Jovis and New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, attended.

“I hope you guys are game,” he said, “because I haven’t been putting up with 19 months of airplanes and hotel food and missing my babies and my wife –- I didn’t put up for that stuff just to come in second. I don’t believe in coming in second. The American people can’t afford for us to come in second. We’ve got to win this thing and we’re going to win it with your help.”

Obama said that the assignment of his Republican opponents is “to see if they can snuff out that spirit in this campaign and to knock me down more than one peg,” he said. “The reason that events like this are so important, we’ve got to have the resources and the energy and the determination to say ‘No’ to that. To say ‘enough.’ We’re not going to be bullied, we’re not going to be smeared, we’re not going to be lied about. We’re not going to resort to the same tactics, but we are going to confront them.”

And this one…………..
Don’t Believe in Coming in Second,’ Obama Tells Bon Jovi Fundraiser
September 05, 2008 10:18 PM
NEWARK, N.J. — Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., hit a couple swanky Garden State fundraisers this evening, starting at the house of Democratic National Committee treasurer Phil Murphy and his wife Tammy.

“Are you guys fired up?” bellowed Gov. Jon Corzine to the $2,300-per-person crowd. “You better be, because I think you’re liquored up!”

Obama again said that the GOP convention didn’t discuss solutions to problems facing ordinary Americans, unlike the Democratic gathering.

“The Republicans had a different approach to their convention,” he said. “They had a different theory, which was that ‘We are just sarcastic. We spent a lot of time talking about John McCain’s admittedly compelling biography, and we spent a lot of time lying about Barack’ — that, somehow that’s a political philosophy or an economic theory.”
Obama told the appreciative crowd, “They don’t have a record to run on, so what they’re going to do is they’re going to try and just tear me down. Because it worked four years ago, and it worked eight years ago, you can’t blame them for trying it again, but I don’t think it’s going to work this time.”


Wild Thing’s comment………
Is that mean governor from Alaska picking on you Hussein??
re: “we won’t be bullied”
oooooh, Obama’s scared of a g-i-r-l
LOL Waaaa Waaaa! This kid beat me up at school and her name was Sarah!!!! Waaaaaaa!
They wont be bullied? After the savaging these animals have given Sarah Palin? Yo Hussein, fewer and fewer people are buying the garbage you are peddling.
Doesn’t he see how defensive he’s become? it’s funny to watch… this is part of the unraveling of terrorists associator.
The self proclaimed champion of the common man goes to a $30,000 a head fund-raising dinner and sees no irony whatsoever in hanging out with a rock star! LMAO I tell you. hahhaha
Obama is the manipulator and bully and race card peddler.

07 Sep

Crowd Enthusiastic About McCain-Palin Rally In New Mexico

McCain, Palin wow supporters with a big entrance in Albuquerque


Republican presidential nominee John McCain was introduced Saturday night by Hollywood actor and Oscar winner Robert Duval at the Albuquerque Convention Center. But Duval wasn’t the biggest surprise of the night.
That came in the way McCain entered the convention center: in an entrance worthy of any rock star, the Straight Talk Express drove straight into the convention center, emerging from a smokescreen to ignite thousands of supporters.
“We must win New Mexico,” McCain said to the crowd after his introduction. “There is no doubt we are going to win New Mexico,” McCain added to a cheering crowd that waved McCain/Palin signs and small American flags in the air.
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who joined McCain in his latest visit to New Mexico, received a rock star’s welcome as well, fresh off her performance at the Republican National Convention. The crowd chanted “Palin! Palin! Palin!” numerous times during the rally – even when she wasn’t speaking. Palin also continued her role as the “pit bull with lipstick” in attacking Obama.
“There are those candidates who use change to promote their careers,” Palin told the crowd. “And then there are candidates like John McCain who use their careers to promote change.”
She attacked Obama and praised McCain by saying, “He’s the only man in this race who’s got what it takes to lead this country” and “There is only one man in this election who has ever really fought for you.”
One teenage Palin fan beamed as she showed off her autograph from Palin on her hand.

Actor Robert Duvall (L) and his wife Luciana Pedraza at a campaign rally with U.S. Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain (R-AZ) in Albuquerque, New Mexico September 6, 2008. REUTERS/Brian Snyder (UNITED STATES) US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN 2008

Eleven year-old Amber Lynn has “John McCain” written on her cheek at a campaign rally with U.S. Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain (R-AZ) in Albuquerque, New Mexico September 6, 2008. REUTERS/Brian Snyder (UNITED STATES) US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN 2008

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Great responses and another ‘packed house’ as they say. Thank God because we cannot let Obama win!!!
The left is really throwing everything they can come up with at Sarah Palin. I never saw anything like it in my life. Honestly if they keep this up the Republican party is going to have to get some big guns out to speak out about Obama on Ayers, Hamas endorsement, PLO fund raisers for Obama and his saying the most beautiful thing he ever heard was the Islam call to prayer.
I have no idea who their big guns would be but someone that can get on the talking head shows and fight back. There is stuff out there I will not post here, gossip type of things that I will not post at my blog.
Obama is the one with the associations that are terrorists and law breakers and America haters and known racists. NOT McCain and Palin.
Obama is the one that has a wife with an ugly soul that dishes out her not being proud to be an American. And both she and Barack with their bringing race into things. NOT McCain and Palin.
This election is life or death for America and she looks to her Patriots to defend her and keep her the land of the free. With Obama America will take on a whole new meaning and represent something ugly and sick just like Obama is in what he thinks and wants to do to our country.

07 Sep

Obama Calls Himself President in Terre Haute, IN

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Maybe he can be a superhero tomorrow after he gets bored being president. LOL
The Pomposity of ‘O’!
Look at what they have put on Wikipedia!
scroll down the page and it is right there…..

In the 2008 presidential campaign, during a stop in Pennsylvania, Barack Obama called them the “Nitally lions” as he called on someone during a question-and-answer session.

06 Sep

TONIGHT ~ FOX News Special Documentary: Gov. Sarah Palin, An American Woman

FOX News Special Documentary: Gov. Sarah Palin, An American Woman
Fox News
“Gov. Sarah Palin: An American Woman”; hosted by Greta Van Susteren, premieres Saturday at 8 p.m. EDT on the FOX News Channel, with an encore at 8 p.m. Sunday.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
This was just announced a little while ago. It was not in our TV guide so it is something they just added. I wanted to let you all know about it.
I think this was just put together, since there has been no mention of it until this morning. So I have not seen it yet and have no idear if they do a good job on it or not. I hope they do the right thing.

06 Sep

McCain Camp ‘Rescues’ Flags From Obama Rally

McCain Camp ‘Rescues’ Flags From Obama Rally
On August 29th, I post …… Democrats Trash Old Glory, and YES Democrats Are NOT Patriotic! ….. I shared with you how the Democrats were given our American Flag to have for their Convention. Once the convention was over the Flags were found on the ground with the rest of the trash to be thrown away. — Wild Thing

I was shocked and posted about it. I was angry and this was just another thing the Democrats have done to prove and I do mean PROVE they are NOT Patriotic and could care less about our Flag and our country. –Wild Thing

A worker at Invesco Field in Denver saved thousands of unused flags from the Democratic National Convention that were headed for the garbage. Guerrilla campaigning. They will use these flags at their own event today in Colorado Springs with John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Before McCain speaks today, veterans will haul these garbage bags filled with flags out onto the stage — with dramatic effect, no doubt — and tell the story. The flags are on their way to a McCain Palin rally in Colorado Springs where the Boy Scouts and Veterans of Foreign Wars will distribute them to the GOP faithful.
From Fox News

McCain supporters, claiming they rescued 12,000 miniature American flags from the site of Barack Obama’s nomination acceptance speech last Thursday, redistributed the orphan flags to audience members ahead of a McCain rally in Colorado Springs on Saturday.
McCain supporters said the flags were discovered by a vendor at Denver’s Invesco Field after the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention. The vendor supposedly found trash bags full of flags in and near garbage bins, and turned them over to the McCain campaign.
Boy Scouts were sorting through 84 bags of flags in Colorado on Saturday, before a McCain supporter had veterans distribute them to the audience.
“We want to find good homes for these flags,” radio host Dan Caplis said at the rally, adding that whatever flags remained would be placed at memorials throughout Colorado.
Audience members, who booed when Caplis announced that the flags were left in Denver, waved the flags and chanted “U.S.A” before McCain arrived at the rally with his running mate, Sarah Palin.
Damon Jones, spokesman for the Democratic National Convention Committee, released a statement saying McCain should applaud the fact that thousands of American flags were “proudly waved” at their convention.
“But instead his supporters wrongfully took leftover bundles of our flags from the stadium to play out a cheap political stunt calling into question our patriotism,” he said.
Obama has faced attacks on his patriotism since the beginning of the Democratic primary race and has set up a Web site specifically designed to fight such charges.
The McCain campaign has denied questioning Obama’s patriotism, and even released a statement Friday calling Obama’s most recent comments on the matter “hysterical.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
To Democrats American Flag’s are is merely “props”. “Props” that had served their purpose and were now to be discarded along with the styrofoam Greek columns. AMERICAN flags discarded like so much used Kleenex.
Libs HATE the flag – that’s why they burn it so often. I am only surprised that so many of them were willing to hold them long enough for the cameras to capture that historic moment.
To the Democrats, this election is not about the country, it’s about the Democrats. To Obama, it’s about Obama. Love of country, in their order of priorities, comes somewhere after ‘free’ government money and the latest edition of the stupid horrible Oprah show…………..way after.

06 Sep

McCain, Palin Fire Up Cedarburg, Wisconsin


Note the sign that says…… Read my Lipstick!

Here is a local news report on the rally held by John McCain and Sarah Palin in Cedarburg, Wisconsin, September 5, 2008.
The reporter says State Troopers estimate that a crowd of 20,000-30,0000 turned out to greet them, far more than the expected .

This video has me crying. Remember how Obama had that rock group play before he spoke .They were a socialist communist rock group and played anti-government songs.
Here in this video is what America is to me. The National Anthem and people loving Americia with all their hearts and wanting the best for our country. — Wild Thing

McCain, Palin fire up Cedarburg crowd Cedarburg – At a packed street rally here this morning, Republican John McCain used his first post-convention stop to promise a war on special-interest influence and excessive partisanship in Washington, D.C.
“We’re going to start to work for the people of this country,” McCain shouted. “It’s over for the special interests. It’s over!”
The Arizona senator joined Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, his vice presidential pick, in front of an ice cream shop on a well-preserved main street the city says is virtually unchanged since 1900.
Without mentioning specifics in a brief address downtown, McCain said the duo would visit small towns across America to talk about real change.
Palin drew the loudest cheers and chants of “Sarah! Sarah! Sarah!” Both repeated popular lines from their convention speeches.

After Rally ice cream

06 Sep

McCain and Palin Rally in Sterling Heights, MIchigan

i heard the crowd was 50,000 at this event.
Sterling Heights is a suburb of Detroit. A mostly blue collar automotive community. Best known for Reagan democrats.
Sarah Palin and John McCain5. 2008
Palin slams Obama for finally admitting “what John McCain knew all along” about the surge.
Crowd chants ” USA USA USA”
The crowd is eating it up. Very, very pumped.

06 Sep

~ McCain, Obama tied in TV audiences!! ~

McCain, Obama tied in TV audiences
As a television draw, John McCain was every bit the equal of Barack Obama.
The GOP presidential candidate attracted roughly the same number of viewers to his convention acceptance speech Thursday as Obama did before the Democrats last week, according to Nielsen Media Research.
It marked the end of an astonishing run where more than 40 million people watched political speeches on three nights by Obama, McCain and Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. The Republican convention was the most-watched convention on television ever, beating a standard set by the Democrats a week earlier.
Three times in two weeks, political speeches were watched by more people than the “American Idol” finale, the Academy Awards and the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics this year.
“It clearly suggests that a great number of Americans think that who will be the next president is important and worthy of their time,” said Tom Rosenstiel, a former political reporter and director of the Project for Excellence in journalism.
Television ratings throughout the primary season had already indicated an intense interest in the election, but viewers clearly were more fascinated in the Democratic contest between Obama and Hillary Clinton than the Republican nomination fight.
This week’s ratings, with an average of 34.5 million viewers watching the GOP convention over three days, proved people are becoming more interested in what the Republicans have to say. The Democrats had an average audience of 30.2 million over four days, Nielsen said.
“No one really thought they had it in them in terms of pulling off this amazing convention,” said Jay Wallace, vice president for news and editorial at Fox News Channel. But Hurricane Gustav pulled people into the news networks over the weekend, he said. People were also intensely curious about McCain’s pick of Palin as a running mate, he said.
Nielsen said that 38.9 million people watched McCain accept the GOP nomination Thursday on either ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News Channel or MSNBC. PBS, which has a more imprecise estimate based on samples in a few big cities, said 3.5 million watched on its network.
Last week, Obama’s speech in Denver was seen by 38.4 million on 10 different commercial networks, and an additional 4 million on PBS.
Add it up, and that’s McCain, 42.4 million, to Obama, 42.4 million.
No one can really tell who truly had the biggest audience, since C-SPAN also showed the speeches, and Nielsen doesn’t measure the cable channel’s viewers. But if the presidential vote is this close on Nov. 4, it will be a long night.
McCain may have caught a break Thursday when the opening NFL game between the New York Giants and Washington Redskins finished a couple of minutes before the Republican took the stage, Wallace said.
More men (17.9 million) watched McCain speak than watched Obama (16.2 million), Nielsen said.
“The storylines this year have been so amazing,” Wallace said. “It really got started with Hillary and Obama—that got everyone in middle America watching. They got caught up in the drama of it.”
The numbers put to rest the thought that politics has been a turnoff and death for ratings, which has long been gospel at the TV networks, Rosenstiel said.
That has particularly applied to convention coverage, which broadcast networks have backed away from over the years because executives saw them as stage-managed events. ABC, CBS and NBC each added an hour this year to convention coverage, but it didn’t halt one trend: Viewers are just as likely to watch the conventions on cable news networks.
Fox was the most-watched network all three nights of the GOP convention, duplicating its feat from the 2004 GOP convention. CNN was the most popular destination for Obama’s speech.
Fox had 9.2 million viewers for McCain’s speech, followed by NBC—which aired the football game—at 8.7 million. ABC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC followed in order, Nielsen said.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
OOHRAH! Obama the Messiah wasn’t any hotter then what we have on our side. hahaha I LOVE it!
And he went to all that trouble to have the Greek columns and the whole thing. I loved how ours had the flag flying in the background.

06 Sep

Joe Biden Using the old Muhammad Ali “rope a dop” On Palin

Joe Biden on CNN Predicts Sarah Palin Will Win the Debate
Sarah Palin vs Joe Biden CNN interview
John Roberts quizzes Joe Biden for his views on Sarah Palin’s great speech and he mentions the future debate with her.


Wild Thing’s comment……….
He has Barracuda Phobia haha
Governor Palin has him shacking in his boots. Can you sense the fear in him of having to go up against her? He just witnessed what she did to Obama. She will soon be setting her spotting scope on him.
He can’t win unless she falls apart, and that isn’t going to happen, so I think he is covering his bases ahead of time. He is no nice guy this is all to protect his butt. And he is setting her up. Biden is a stuffed shirt liberal but he isn’t stupid. He knows that he loses if he comes off mean or condescending to Palin. So he finds himself in the position of playing down the debate, chastising the media on her behalf, and setting expectations for her very high.
The game is all about beating expectations. There’s been too much hype over her speech – if she doesn’t blow Biden out of the water, it will be viewed as a failure. it is all strategy. he is over building her up (too much). he is building up excessive expectations. japanese would say “kadai hyouka”`….then the whole mass media chorus will say, “disappointment” and they will go on and on how she is not up for being a VP.
We all know she can do it, but they are giving too much rope……I don’t like it. Even the man asking Biden the questions points this out. Biden tries to laugh what he says off but he knows John Roberts is saying the truth about what he ( Biden) is donig.
Heh, it’d be cool if Palin could work this into her campaign speeches and thank Biden for the vote of confidence but that she prefers to actually have the debate before declaring a winner. hahaha
Yes he’s being smart, but she is smarter. This is just another transparent attempt to set a trap for her. I doubt that he’s ever really trapped anything in his life and she’s probably set many a trap line with Todd. There’s just no substitute for a home grown Alaskan upbringing.
Personally I think she’ll have him for lunch.

06 Sep

Dear Mr. Obama

An Iraq Veteran has a personal message for Barak Obama :
Dear Mr. Obama


Wild Thing’s comment………..
That was a great personal message.
Sir, I don’t know you and I may never meet you, but I sure respect you! Thank you for your service and your sacrifice for us and our country.
One of America’s Heroes!!! The finest men and women the rest of the world may never know. I am crying seeing the soldier walking away. I love our troops and the thought of them having Obama as their CIC would break my heart.