08 Sep

Effects of Bovine ‘Burps’ on Global Warming ~ Udderly ridiculous!


Argentine scientists are strapping plastic tanks to the backs of cows Photo: REUTERS

Cow farts collected in plastic tank for global warming study
Scientists are examining cow farts and burps in a novel bid to combat global warming.

Experts said the slow digestive system of cows makes them a key producer of methane, a potent greenhouse gas that gets far less public attention than carbon dioxide.
In a bid to understand the impact of the wind produced by cows on global warming, scientists collected gas from their stomachs in plastic tanks attached to their backs.
The Argentine researchers discovered methane from cows accounts for more than 30 per cent of the country’s total greenhouse emissions.
As one of the world’s biggest beef producers, Argentina has more than 55 million cows grazing in its famed Pampas grasslands.
Guillermo Berra, a researcher at the National Institute of Agricultural Technology, said every cow produces between 8000 to 1,000 litres of emissions every day.
Methane, which is also released from landfills, coal mines and leaking gas pipes, is 23 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide.
Scientists are now carrying out trials of new diets designed to improve cows’s digestion and hopefully reduce global warming. Silvia Valtorta, of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Investigations, said that by feeding cows clover and alfalfa instead of grain “you can reduce methane emissions by 25 percent”.


Greenhouse gassy cows – LOL

But ……but that’s not all……..why no there is more ………..look at this……..

UN says eat less meat to curb global warming
guardian. co.uk
Or ..Fight Global Warming One Steak or One Cheeseburger at a Time ….LOL — Wild Thing
People should have one meat-free day a week if they want to make a personal and effective sacrifice that would help tackle climate change, the world’s leading authority on global warming has told The Observer
Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which last year earned a joint share of the Nobel Peace Prize, said that people should then go on to reduce their meat consumption even further.
His comments are the most controversial advice yet provided by the panel on how individuals can help tackle global warning.
Pachauri, who was re-elected the panel’s chairman for a second six-year term last week, said diet change was important because of the huge greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental problems – including habitat destruction – associated with rearing cattle and other animals. It was relatively easy to change eating habits compared to changing means of transport, he said.
However, he also stressed other changes in lifestyle would help to combat climate change. ‘That’s what I want to emphasise: we really have to bring about reductions in every sector of the economy.’
Pachauri can expect some vociferous responses from the food industry to his advice, though last night he was given unexpected support by Masterchef presenter and restaurateur John Torode, who is about to publish a new book, John Torode’s Beef. ‘I have a little bit and enjoy it,’ said Torode. ‘Too much for any person becomes gluttony. But there’s a bigger issue here: where [the meat] comes from. If we all bought British and stopped buying imported food we’d save a huge amount of carbon emissions.’
Tomorrow, Pachauri will speak at an event hosted by animal welfare group Compassion in World Farming, which has calculated that if the average UK household halved meat consumption that would cut emissions more than if car use was cut in half.
The group has called for governments to lead campaigns to reduce meat consumption by 60 per cent by 2020. Campaigners have also pointed out the health benefits of eating less meat. The average person in the UK eats 50g of protein from meat a day, equivalent to a chicken breast and a lamb chop – a relatively low level for rich nations but 25-50 per cent more than World Heath Organisation guidelines.


Wild Thing’s comment………
LOL but the Aussies will save the day. hahahhahahahha
Look at this……

Kangaroo farts could ease global warming
AUSTRALIAN ….scientists are trying to give kangaroo-style stomachs to cattle and sheep in a bid to cut the emission of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming, researchers say.
Thanks to special bacteria in their stomachs, kangaroo flatulence contains no methane and scientists want to transfer that bacteria to cattle and sheep who emit large quantities of the harmful gas.
Even farmers who laugh at the idea of environmentally friendly kangaroo farts say that’s nothing to joke about, particularly given the devastating drought Australia is suffering.

See now we have nothing to worry about. LOL Sheesh these people are totally nuts.

08 Sep

The One Who Didn’t Get The Vetting Right Was Soros ~ Obama’s Muslim Past Dogs Campaign

He trys to correct himself via Stephanopolous’s suggestion, but he didn’t say “muslim connections”, he said, “my muslim faith”. Very much “possessive”.

This is a longer version that I posted yesterday, a better one that starts off with his complaining about McCain and right off the bat Stephanopolous’s corrects Obama that the McCain campaign has never said anything about it. LOL Obama caught in another lie. If Stephanopolous’s had not corrected Obama it would have stood as fact what he said about the McCain/Palin campaign. — Wild Thing

Obama’s Muslim Past Dogs Campaign
Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama has launched a tirade against John McCain, claiming he and his campaign are behind reports tying him to the Muslim faith.
Obama, a committed Christian today,was born to the Muslim faith and raised as a Muslim in his early youth, though he did not actively practice his religion.
Obama began his broadside last Friday at a campaign stop in Scranton, Pa.

“When they say this isn’t about issues, it’s about personalities, what they’re really saying is, ‘We’re going to try to scare people about Barack. So we’re going to say that, you know, maybe he’s got Muslim connections, or we’re going to say that, you know, he hangs out with radicals, or he’s not patriotic,'” Obama told his audience.

McCain’s campaign chairman quickly responded to Obama, calling his comment “a cynical attempt to play the victim.”

On Sunday, Obama again tried to connect McCain to questions being raised about his faith.

“These guys love to throw rocks and hide their hand,” Obama said on ABC’s “This Week.”

He then claimed McCain’s campaign is working behind the scenes, saying the Islamic talk is “being promulgated on Fox News … and Republican commentators who are closely allied to these folks.”

“What I think is fair to say is that coming out of the Republican camp there have been efforts to suggest that perhaps I’m not who I say I am when it comes to my faith,” Obama said, which he described as “my Muslim faith” in apparent verbal gaffe.

Obama’s campaign clearly is concerned about the persistent discussion of matters involving him and Islam, and it even has paid search ads on Google when words like “Obama Muslim” are plugged in. One Obama search ad is headlined “Barack Obama Muslim Myth” with the following statement: “Barack Obama is a Christian. Get the facts at his official site. BarackObama.com.”
Obama’s media offensive over the Muslim issue suggests he wants any discussion of his religious past taken off the table as the campaign enters its most heated period after the convention.
Obama’s Ties to Islam

Obama’s ties to Islam are hereditary. His father was a Muslim, though Obama claims he was nonpracticing. According to Islamic law, Obama was born a Muslim, as religion is passed paternally. (Judaism, for example, passes religious identification maternally.)
Apparently in deference to his father, his full name, Barack Hussein Obama, is an Arabic name. The name Barack is a derivation of “Barak” — the horse that took the prophet Muhammad on his flight into heaven.
Though Obama’s biological father disappeared from his son’s life soon after he was born and returned to his native Kenya, he was raised by his Kansas-born mother and her second husband, an Indonesian who was also a Muslim.
Obama has described his mother as a Christian, but Newsweek recently noted she had eschewed her parents’ faith in favor of secular humanism.
Obama’s mother and her Indonesian husband moved with young Barack from Hawaii to Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital, in 1967. Obama lived there from ages 6 to 10.
Reports dating back as far as early 2007 held that Obama was educated at a radical Islamic school in Indonesia. Such reports are false. He never attended such a school.
In fact, Obama first attended a Catholic school for almost three years. However, his mother registered him in the school as a Muslim. As such, he was required to spending time each week praying with Muslim students and studying the Koran.
In the wake of the controversy over Obama’s Muslim upbringing, The Los Angeles Times sent a reporter to Jakarta to ferret out the truth.
The Times report, published on March 16, 2008, revealed:
A close boyhood friend of Obama, Zulfin Adi, said Obama “was a Muslim. He went to the mosque.”
Obama’s first-grade teacher at a Catholic school, Israella Dharmawan, said: “Barry (Barack’s nickname) was Muslim. He was registered as a Muslim because his father was Muslim.”
In the third grade, Obama transferred to a public school, where he was also registered as a Muslim. At the school, Muslim students attended weekly religion lessons about Islam.
Some of these details have been confirmed by Obama himself. In his autobiography, “Dreams From My Father,” Obama mentions studying the Koran and describes the public school as “a Muslim school.”

Going by what Obama calls a right winger……..Someone better tell FightTheSmears.com that Libyan leader Mu’ammar al-Qadhafi is a ‘right-winger’
Qadhafi goes on to mention that Obama should be proud of his African, Muslim dentity.

Earlier this year, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs claimed: “Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian.”

His campaign Web site hosts a page titled “Fight the Smears” — which is dedicated to fighting what his campaign says are false claims about Obama and Islam.

The web page states categorically: “Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised as a Muslim, and is a committed Christian.”

But the facts suggest that his campaign’s statements are not exactly true.
Middle East Forum director Daniel Pipes wrote on FrontPageMag.com that his research led him to conclude that “Obama was born a Muslim to a nonpracticing Muslim father and for some years had a reasonably Muslim upbringing under the auspices of his Indonesian stepfather.”
After The Los Angeles Times conducted its own investigation, Gibbs amended his previous statement on behalf of Obama, telling the Times: “Obama has never been a practicing Muslim,” the key word being “practicing.”
The Times and other outlets that have reviewed the facts relating to Obama’s upbringing as a Muslim have come under withering criticism from Obama and groups that support him.
But Pipes insists the facts are indisputable, with several pro-Obama sources confirming his ties to Islam though downplaying the intensity of his faith.

“The campaign appears to be either ignorant or fabricating when it states that ‘Obama never prayed in a mosque,’” Pipes argues.

“In sum: Obama was an irregularly practicing Muslim who rarely or occasionally prayed with his stepfather in a mosque,” Pipes writes on his blog DanielPipes.org. “This precisely substantiates my statement that he ‘for some years had a reasonably Muslim upbringing under the auspices of his Indonesian stepfather.'”

Indisputable also is the fact that Obama says in the early 1990s he converted to Christianity after attending services at Chicago’s Trinity United Church, whose pastor was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr.
Obama’s campaign is clearly worried that his ties to Islam could become a major problem for swing voters.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Did I mention that his middle name is HUSSEIN. But you’re not supposed to mention that, so I won’t.
“The name Barack is a derivation of “Barak” — the horse that took the prophet Muhammad on his flight into heaven.”
Listen, my children,
And you shall hear
Of the man, Barack,
A horse’s rear…

Seven of 8 of Obama’s great-grandparents were muslim. When Barak (real spelling) went to school in Indonesia his mother registered him as a muslim and the school required all muslim’s to go to prayers and study the Koran at least once a week.
Barak (real spelling) himself speaks of changing his religion to Christianity approximately 20 years ago. Barak is 46 or 47 years old so for the first 26 or 27 years of his life he was not a Christian.
He was born and raised as muslim. Barak may have not practiced his muslim faith often when he became a young man, but he certainly didn’t formally renounce it either until he started attending Rev. Wright’s church at any rate.
I am just as concerned about his Marxist connections as I am his Muslim connections.
In 1997, Obama sponsored a bill in Illinois for setting aside an Islamic Day and requiring Islamic food inspections:
It did not pass:
90th General Assembly Summary of SR0110
Senate Sponsors: Obama
Short description: 11/1/97-ISLAMIC DAY
Synopsis of Bill as introduced: Declares November 1, 1997 to be South Shore Islamic Day.

What does one do on “Islamic Day” anyway? Blow up buildings?

And anolther bill:
Also Obama sponsored Illinois Senate Bill 750 creating the “Halal Food Act,” providing for inspections by the Department of Agriculture to REQUIRE that all food labeled Halal is prepared according to Islamic law.
“Halal Food Act”
In his book he said he would stand with the Muslims if the political winds shifted.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

08 Sep

Hey Hillary, leave the gun, take the canolies ~ Obama and Bill Clinton to Hold Summit

Here’s what the meeting will look like between the Clinton Crime Family and the Chicago Syndicate.

Obama and Bill Clinton to Hold Summit
New York Times
Senator Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton plan to meet for lunch on Thursday at Mr. Clinton’s offices in Harlem, their first extended face-to-face encounter after more than a year of tense relations, aides said Sunday.
The current plan is for Mr. Obama and Mr. Clinton to have lunch at the Clinton Foundation headquarters on West 125th Street in Harlem with one close aide each. There have been discussions about the men possibly then doing a walking tour of the neighborhood, but that has not been settled.
Thursday is the seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and Mr. Obama will be in New York for a memorial ceremony at Ground Zero that morning with his Republican presidential rival, Senator John McCain, an event that both candidates say is intended to be non-political.
When Mr. Clinton learned that Mr. Obama would be in New York on Thursday for two appearances, he invited him to lunch at the foundation offices, aides said.
The terms of the Clinton-Obama meeting have been negotiated warily for weeks through a veil of mutual suspicion. Mr. Clinton has felt for months that Mr. Obama has not paid him the proper respect as a former president and many close to Mr. Obama believe that Mr. Clinton dealt dismissively with him during the campaign.
The icebreaker may well have been Mr. Clinton’s effusive speech at the Democratic National Convention, in which he – for the first time – declared Mr. Obama fit to be president. During the long primary season, Mr. Clinton, speaking on behalf of his wife, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, repeatedly questioned Mr. Obama’s experience and qualifications for the presidency.
In his convention speech, however, Mr. Clinton heaped praise on Mr. Obama, the new leader of the Democratic Party, and promised to do everything he could to get him elected. He acknowledged with a smile, however, that he would have preferred that Mrs. Clinton were preparing to accept the nomination.
Mr. Clinton and Mr. Obama have spoken several times on the telephone since Mr. Obama nailed down the nomination in early June, but aides described those conversations as generally businesslike, even at times frosty.
The two men spoke the Friday before the Democratic convention about Mr. Clinton’s speech and the campaign ahead, but there was no resolution of several issues, including the Obama campaign’s desire to see a copy of Mr. Clinton’s speech well in advance of its delivery the following Wednesday. Mr. Clinton did not share a draft of his speech until a couple hours of before taking to the podium in Denver.
Mr. Clinton has privately complained that Mr. Obama has courted major figures in the Democratic Party, including Senator Edward M. Kennedy, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and former North Carolina Senator John Edwards, while making little effort to seek Mr. Clinton’s support or guidance.
But aides said that both men are now focused intently on the fall election and have put aside whatever resentments or rivalry they may feel.
The lunch will be private and it is not known whether Mr. Clinton and Mr. Obama will have any statement afterward. But Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain have agreed to suspend all negative advertising aimed at each other on Sept. 11 and it seemed unlikely that Mr. Obama and Mr. Clinton would use their meeting for overtly partisan purposes that day.


Wild Thing’s comment………
The Clintons must be loving every minute of Obama crawling on his belly to them, kissing up for their support now.
What will be their price? Will Bill Clinton tell Obama to put some ice on it?
I think Bill Clinton will hate Obama with the heat of a thousand suns forever and ever. There is nothing Obama can do now to change that.

08 Sep

Some Video’s From PUMA

Chain of Fools in the Democratic Party
On A Carpet Ride blog


Waterloo for Pelosi and gang


Wild Thing’s comment……
I’ve been watching the talking heads and everytime someone brings up the pumas they get shot down and the pumas are dismissed. If I were them watching, I’d be getting ticked – first dismissed by Obama and now laughed at and dismissed by the media.
B. Hussein and the DNC hierarchy stole the nomination from their Hillary. And they are mad as heck and they’re NOT backing down. 30% of Hillary’s 18 million voters say they’re voting for McCain.

08 Sep

Obama Thinks He Is The Savior

Obama Amazing Audio Surfaces, HE THINKS HE IS OUR SAVIOR!!!!

Wild Thing’s comment……..
He really is insane!! LOL

07 Sep

America United To Support Our Troops ~ Highlight Reel

Where : ABC
Time: 2000 EST

You can go HERE to their website and see a short Video of what they will show tonight.

….. Thank you Jack for leltting me know about this.

07 Sep

Obama Slip – “My Muslim faith…”

B. Hussein Obama slipped on his own faith by saying “John McCain has not… talked about… My muslim faith”
Of which Stephanopolous carried the water and corrected him by saying “Christian faith”.

07 Sep

McCain/Palin Speak at Huge Rally in Colorado Springs, Colorado

From a friend that was there…..

” Chrissie, We got up at 6am, drove to the event before 7:30am. The line of cars went back for 2 miles in 4 directions. We had to walk 25 minutes to the line. The line was 2 miles long. I have been to KISS concerts and The Who which were shorter lines. It took over an hour to get to the event in the line. Finally we got inside around 9:45am, and we were FAR in the back of the large crowd. The count of tickets for the event EXCEEDED FIFTEEN THOUSAND!! And people were still trying to get tickets and get inside around 11am while the local candidates were speaking. Finally, they just began to let anyone in, even if they did not have a ticket. These photos do NOT do justice, as you cannot really judge the depth or width of the hanger space.”

McCain – Palin Rally in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Rally today in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The rally will began at 11:00 AM local Mountain time.
Here are my notes from the Rally………………………..

Retired U.S. Army nurse Anne Lucas holds a shirt reading “Pitbulls for Palin” at a campaign rally with U.S. Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Republican vice-presidential nominee Alaska Governor Sarah Palin in Colorado Springs, Colorado September 6, 2008.

Cheerleaders from local schools leading crowd in chants…Blue red and White…Fight Mccain Fight
Campaign staff say more than 10,000 people are expected to crowd into and overflow out of an airplane hangar at the Colorado Springs airport. They began lining up as early as 5:30 a.m., even though doors for the event didn’t open until 9 a.m.
Palin is scheduled to start speaking at 12:30 p.m., followed by McCain.
By the time doors did open, traffic jammed for miles around the airport and the line of people waiting to get in wound for several hundred yards around large hangars.
“We wanted to be here for this memorable day,” explained Patricia Strawser, who left her Denver house with her husband, Tom, at 5 a.m.
They arrived at the airport at 6 a.m. and found 50 people already in line ahead of them.
“I’ve never done anything like this before,” said Tom Strawser, who wore a cowboy hat adorned with little American flags. “Nothing.”
The crowd was made up of both veterans of political rallies and first-timers.

The reporters on earlier said there were far more people trying to get in to the event than they had room for. The crowd was estimated at more than 11,000.


They passed out the flags that the Dems just decided they would throw away – veterans passing out the flags to the crowd. OMG I love this!
They announced that they are distributing flags that were thrown away at the DNC. The man speaking named a man who had rescued the flags. He apologized that there were many flags that were unsaveable, but they saved what they could.
The discarded flags now waving proudly!!!!!!!!!!!! They were really waving when Lee Greenwood’s song “I’m proud to be an American” was sung.
I have goosebumps and tears watching this.
McCain was criticizing Carter’s decision to ban the reprocessing of nuclear fuel and said there is now a pro-American President of France “which just proves if you live long enough anything is possible!”
McCain attacking MoveOn.org
Talking about Obama not voting to condemn General Betray Us ad! Good job, Mac.
Palin is adding new material into every speech. There were two new sections today. That’s smart. Repetition is how people learn. They must keep drilling many of the same points home in every speech, and mix in a few new sections with each event. The lines she is delivering are so good, and delivered so well, people look forward to hearing her say them even if they’ve seen them on TV before.
Fox News reporting that Obama camp states that flags were stolen. Obama is such a jerk.

UPDATE this evening about this rallly:
The Colorado Springs Police Department declined to provide an estimate of the crowd size, but a campaign spokesman, Tom Kise, said 13,000 had gone through security checks.

07 Sep

Michelle Obama Disses Palin and Promises Gay Adoption rights

Michelle Obama disses Palin, promises gay adoption rights
While Sarah Palin was speaking to the Republican National Convention Wednesday night, Michelle Obama was hitting two Hollywood fundraisers, giving subtly different messages to different audiences.
Patrick Range McDonald of LA Weekly, who covered the events as the designated pool reporter. Here’s his description of the first stop of the night:
Dressed in a purple tank top with a purple floral skirt and black high heels, Obama first addressed a largely gay and lesbian audience at the home of Bryan Lourd, managing partner of Creative Artists Agency (CAA), and Bruce Bozzi, Lourd’s companion.
The event was described by the Obama campaign as an “LGBT Reception.” Approximately 300 donors attended the fund raiser, which took place in the wealthy, Los Angeles neighborhood of Holmby Hills. Minimum contribution for a guest was $1,000 to get through the door. Supporters who raised $25,000 were given access to a VIP room, where Obama met with them and briefly spoke. All money went to the Obama Victory Fund.
Speaking at the fundraiser, Mrs. Obama insinuated that she doesn’t think Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is very bright:
Obama then moved on to politics, where she first brought up her husband’s vice-presidential choice.

“I think it was a really good pick–Senator Joe Biden,” she said, and later added, “People say they have amazing chemistry, and it’s true.”

Obama continued with talk about Biden when she said, “What you learn about Barack from his choice is that he’s not afraid of smart people.” The crowd softly chuckled.

Later, she spoke about gay rights:
Mindful of the audience in front of her, she then touched up gay and lesbian issues. “In a world as it should be,” Obama said, “we repeal laws like DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act) and ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.'” She also said an Obama Administration would “recognize” gay adoption rights. Both lines received loud applause. Later that evening she spoke at a fundraiser at the home of Samuel L. Jackson:
Located in the gated community of Beverly Park Estates South in the city of Beverly Hills, approximately 300 people attended the event. Minimum contribution for a guest was $2,300, with VIP access for supporters who raised $25,000. All money went to the Obama Victory Fund. Another star-studded crowd was on hand. Among the celebrities were actor Denzel Washington, actress and singer Barbra Streisand, actor and Streisand’s husband, James Brolin, former Lakers star Magic Johnson, actress Scarlett Johansson, actor Ryan Reynolds, and former California governor Gray Davis.
Guests gathered poolside in the backyard of Jackson’s home and drank red and white wine. Golden shallot pancakes with brie and fig preserves and grilled vegetable torte bites with roasted pepper sauce were served. Bread & Butter Catering provided the food at both fund raisers.
she spoke about gay rights:

“Mindful of the audience in front of her, she then touched up gay and lesbian issues. “In a world as it should be,” Obama said, “we repeal laws like DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act) and ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.'” She also said an Obama Administration would “recognize” gay adoption rights. Both lines received loud applause.”

Even in front of a presumably gay-friendly, left-wing Hollywood audience, part of her earlier remarks were omitted from the second appearance:
Obama did not mention anything about gay issues, but much of the rest of the speech was the same.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Michelle will not learn her lesson. Here she goes again mouthing off and attacking Palin this time. Now we are supposed to do what, keep quiet and let her think she can get away with that kind of thing? I think not!
I had to look LGBT up in Google. hahaha I lived all those years in Malibu, Calif. and had no idea what LGBT was.
Not pretty YUK here is what it is…..
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender = LGBT
And they are also at Obama’s campaign website
Obama continued with talk about Biden when she said, “What you learn about Barack from his choice is that he’s not afraid of smart people.” The crowd softly chuckled.
Yeah, flap your jaw you Affirmative Action Poster Child.
She calls Sarah stupid, I hate to inform you Michelle but here it goes……..Gay adoption rights will go over like a lead balloon with 60-70% of the electorate.
“Guests gathered poolside in the backyard of Jackson’s home and drank red and white wine. Golden shallot pancakes with brie and fig preserves and grilled vegetable torte bites with roasted pepper sauce were served.”
I would still be hungry and have to go by the drive-through on the way home. heh heh I mean I have eaten like that and I can tell you it does not last long. haha

“In a world as it should be,” Obama said…

There’s that phrase again. These two are really full of themselves, aren’t they? They’d be laughable if their Marxist vision for this nation “as it should be” weren’t so chilling.
Speaking at the fundraiser, Mrs. Obama insinuated that she doesn’t think Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is very bright:
Why? Because she didn’t get an Affirmative Action pass to Princeton and Harvard Law ? Because she wasn’t promoted to a $320K/year job when her husband got elected to high office? Just how is it Mrs. Obama doesn’t think a woman who got herself elected Governor of a state isn’t very bright ?
Can you imagine the furor if Todd Palin commented about Michelle at a fundraiser?
Now that Michelle has injected herself into the Palin mix, the gloves can come off with her too. Leave family outta it, my ass, Barack.
Can’t wait to see Palin smack this b!tch down. Just get a copy of her thesis and read from it. We’ll see who ‘isn’t intelligent’ enough.
“Obama Administration would “recognize” gay adoption rights”
OK, this is something that really tiicks me off. I am adotped and if it would have been possible to ask me do you want to be adopted by two men or two women? A-hem I would have yelled out….No effing way! ….. as I came out of the womb.
I mean it, please this is soooo against all things Godly. I mean it! There is NO way Michelle and Obama are Christians NO WAY!