Joe Biden Attacks Sarah Palin on Abortion, Calls Her “Backwards Step for Women”
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — In a potential preview of the lone debate between the vice-presidential hopefuls that will take place this fall, pro-abortion candidate Joe Biden is attacking Sarah Palin on abortion. In an interview, Biden said it would be a “backwards step for women” if Palin becomes the first female Vice President.
During a campaign stop in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a local television reporter asked Biden, “Do you think, if she does win, that would be a step forward for women.”
Biden, a Delaware senator who is Barack Obama’s running mate, disagreed and pointed to Palin’s pro-life views on abortion as the reason why.
“Well look, I think the issue is what does Sarah Palin think? What does she believe?” he said.
“I assume she thinks and agrees with the same [pro-life] policies that George Bush and John McCain think,” Biden added. “And that’s obviously a backward step for women.”
Dorinda Bordlee, a prominent attorney who is the senior counsel of the Bioethics Defense Fund, told LifeNews.com she was flabbergasted by Biden’s remarks.
She said she is not surprised that a man like Joe Biden, who has a long pro-abortion voting record, would attack Palin.
By saying pro-life policies are a “backward step for women,” Biden is apparently “completely unaware of the mountain of evidence showing abortion’s traumatic impact on women’s physical and psychological health,” she explained.
And this one……………………….
Joe Biden Slams Sarah Palin on Down Syndrome Son, Stem Cell Research
Joe Biden, Barack Obama’s pro-abortion running mate, is coming under fire for comments he made today attacking vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin. After attacking her on abortion, Biden then slammed Palin on the birth of her son, who has Down syndrome.
During her acceptance speech last week, Palin promised the parents of disabled children that she would be their advocate in the White House.
Biden questioned that commitment by attacking Palin’s stance on the issue of embryonic stem cell research, which has never helped a single patient.
“I hear all this talk about how the Republicans are going to work in dealing with parents who have both the joy, because there’s joy to it as well, the joy and the difficulty of raising a child who has a developmental disability, who were born with a birth defect,’ Biden said.
“Well guess what folks? If you care about it, why don’t you support stem cell research?” Biden asked, questioning Palin’s commitment.
The McCain campaign released a statement to LifeNews.com on Tuesday responding to Biden’s accusation and saying Biden’s comments on stem cell research were “offensive.”
“Barack Obama’s running mate sunk to a new low today launching an offensive debate over who cares more about special needs children,” McCain spokesman Ben Porritt said. “Playing politics with this issue is disturbing and indicative of a desperate campaign.”
Marjorie Dannenfelser, the head of the Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life women’s group, also took strong exception to Biden’s “caustic” comments.
“Biden outrageously implied that Americans who refuse to sacrifice innocent human life in the name of unproven, desperate attempts to cure our nation’s ills through embryo-destructive research somehow don’t really care about children,” she told LifeNews.com.
“I am a mother of five children, one with a mental disability. The fact that Joe Biden questioned the compassion of parents like me – Governor Sarah Palin, among them – makes me sputter in disbelief,” she added.
Wild Thing’s comment………
Obama-bin-Biden are running against Motherhood, Apple Pie, love for special needs children, everything AMERICAN.
They are in full-bore self-destruct mode.
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