10 Sep

Joe Biden Latest Attacks On Sarah Palin

Joe Biden Attacks Sarah Palin on Abortion, Calls Her “Backwards Step for Women”
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) — In a potential preview of the lone debate between the vice-presidential hopefuls that will take place this fall, pro-abortion candidate Joe Biden is attacking Sarah Palin on abortion. In an interview, Biden said it would be a “backwards step for women” if Palin becomes the first female Vice President.

During a campaign stop in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a local television reporter asked Biden, “Do you think, if she does win, that would be a step forward for women.”

Biden, a Delaware senator who is Barack Obama’s running mate, disagreed and pointed to Palin’s pro-life views on abortion as the reason why.

“Well look, I think the issue is what does Sarah Palin think? What does she believe?” he said.

“I assume she thinks and agrees with the same [pro-life] policies that George Bush and John McCain think,” Biden added. “And that’s obviously a backward step for women.”

Dorinda Bordlee, a prominent attorney who is the senior counsel of the Bioethics Defense Fund, told LifeNews.com she was flabbergasted by Biden’s remarks.
She said she is not surprised that a man like Joe Biden, who has a long pro-abortion voting record, would attack Palin.
By saying pro-life policies are a “backward step for women,” Biden is apparently “completely unaware of the mountain of evidence showing abortion’s traumatic impact on women’s physical and psychological health,” she explained.


And this one……………………….
Joe Biden Slams Sarah Palin on Down Syndrome Son, Stem Cell Research
Joe Biden, Barack Obama’s pro-abortion running mate, is coming under fire for comments he made today attacking vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin. After attacking her on abortion, Biden then slammed Palin on the birth of her son, who has Down syndrome.
During her acceptance speech last week, Palin promised the parents of disabled children that she would be their advocate in the White House.
Biden questioned that commitment by attacking Palin’s stance on the issue of embryonic stem cell research, which has never helped a single patient.

“I hear all this talk about how the Republicans are going to work in dealing with parents who have both the joy, because there’s joy to it as well, the joy and the difficulty of raising a child who has a developmental disability, who were born with a birth defect,’ Biden said.

“Well guess what folks? If you care about it, why don’t you support stem cell research?” Biden asked, questioning Palin’s commitment.

The McCain campaign released a statement to LifeNews.com on Tuesday responding to Biden’s accusation and saying Biden’s comments on stem cell research were “offensive.”

“Barack Obama’s running mate sunk to a new low today launching an offensive debate over who cares more about special needs children,” McCain spokesman Ben Porritt said. “Playing politics with this issue is disturbing and indicative of a desperate campaign.”

Marjorie Dannenfelser, the head of the Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life women’s group, also took strong exception to Biden’s “caustic” comments.

“Biden outrageously implied that Americans who refuse to sacrifice innocent human life in the name of unproven, desperate attempts to cure our nation’s ills through embryo-destructive research somehow don’t really care about children,” she told LifeNews.com.

“I am a mother of five children, one with a mental disability. The fact that Joe Biden questioned the compassion of parents like me – Governor Sarah Palin, among them – makes me sputter in disbelief,” she added.


Wild Thing’s comment………
Obama-bin-Biden are running against Motherhood, Apple Pie, love for special needs children, everything AMERICAN.
They are in full-bore self-destruct mode.

10 Sep

Red State Update: Obama Admits He’s A Muslim?

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL this is sooooo funny. These guys are so good. hahahaha

……Thank you Cuchieddie for the video.

10 Sep

Barack HUSSEIN Obama Obsessed with Lipstick, Pigs and Fish

“You can put lipstick on a pig,” he said as the crowd cheered. “It’s still a pig.” “You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It’s still gonna stink.”

Obama Says McCain Is Offering Fake Change: ‘You Can Put Lipstick on a Pig, But It’s Still a Pig’
ABC news
“That’s not change,” Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said of what Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is offering.

“You know, you can put lipstick on a pig,” Obama said, “but it’s still a pig.”

The crowd rose and applauded, some of them no doubt thinking he may have been alluding to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s ad lib during her vice presidential nomination acceptance speech last week, “What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick.”

“You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called ‘change,'” Obama continued, “it’s still gonna stink after eight years.

“We’ve had enough of the same old thing! It’s time to bring about real change to Washington. And that’s the choice you’ve got in this election.”

Obama added that “it is not going to be easy … John McCain has a compelling biography, you know Sarah Palin is an interesting story.”

The crowd booed.

“No, she’s new!” Obama said. “She hasn’t been on the scene, you know, she’s got five kids and my hat goes off to anybody who’s looking after five. I’ve got two and they tire Michelle and me out!”

Wild Thing’s comment………..
Obama is a crass, crass man.
He’s panicking at the poll numbers and the direct hits by McCain/Palin. If Obama were President, I honestly believe that he’d come unglued at the wrong time and we, as a country, would be in deep doodoo.
He is no man, he is a limp wristed coward that hides behind his race and he is going to find that his affirmative action is running out when November comes.
He does not belong in government on any level.

09 Sep

Excellent! New McCain Ad: Education

Wild Thing’s comment………
I love it when McCain throws a punch!

09 Sep

Obama to Palin: ‘Don’t Mock the Constitution’

Obama to Palin: ‘Don’t Mock the Constitution’
Washington Post
Sen. Barack Obama delivered an impassioned defense of the Constitution and the rights of terrorism suspects tonight, striking back at one of the biggest applause lines in Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s speech to the GOP convention.

It was in St. Paul last week that Palin drew raucous cheers when she delivered this put-down of Obama:”Al-Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America and he’s worried that someone won’t read them their rights.”

Obama had a few problems with that.

“First of all, you don’t even get to read them their rights until you catch ’em,” Obama said here, drawing laughs from 1,500 supporters in a high school gymnasium. “They should spend more time trying to catch Osama bin Laden and we can worry about the next steps later.”

If the plotters of the Sept. 11 attacks are in the government’s sights, Obama went on, they should be targeted and killed.

“My position has always been clear: If you’ve got a terrorist, take him out,” Obama said. “Anybody who was involved in 9/11, take ’em out.”

But Obama, who taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago for more than a decade, said captured suspects deserve to file writs of habeus corpus.

Calling it “the foundation of Anglo-American law,” he said the principle “says very simply: If the government grabs you, then you have the right to at least ask, ‘Why was I grabbed?’ And say, ‘Maybe you’ve got the wrong person.'”

The safeguard is essential, Obama continued, “because we don’t always have the right person.”

“We don’t always catch the right person,” he said. “We may think it’s Mohammed the terrorist, but it might be Mohammed the cab driver. You might think it’s Barack the bomb-thrower, but it might be Barack the guy running for president.”

Obama turned back to Palin’s comment, although he said he was not sure whether Palin or Rudy Giuliani said it.

“The reason that you have this principle is not to be soft on terrorism. It’s because that’s who we are. That’s what we’re protecting,” Obama said, his voice growing louder and the crowd rising to its feet to cheer. “Don’t mock the Constitution. Don’t make fun of it. Don’t suggest that it’s not American to abide by what the founding fathers set up. It’s worked pretty well for over 200 years.”

He finished with a dismissive comment about his opponents.

“These people.”


Wild Thing’s comment………
He is just breath-takingly stupid. These people are not covered under the constitution. The problem is the far left keeps trying to apply the constitution to any breathing person.
It was in St. Paul last week that Palin drew raucous cheers when she delivered this put-down of Obama: “Al-Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America and he’s worried that someone won’t read them their rights.”
Nope. The Washington Post misquotes Governor Palin. That wasn’t a statement, it was a question. It read: “It was in St. Paul last week that Palin drew raucous cheers when she delivered this put-down of Obama: “Al-Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America and he’s worried that someone won’t read them their rights?”
Mocking the constitution? When I ask did liberals ever care about that? They don’t just mock it they systematically try to go around and undermine it by whatever means possible.
Terrorists should have no “rights” under the Constitution because they are foreign, non-combatants and thus should not be afforded the same protection as U.S. citizens.
Get this too, regarding Obama’s two rallies in in the same day.1500 people , 250 people earlier today. That’s two rallies in MICHIGAN of all places, and Obama pulls in less than 2000 people.
John McCain is a political genius (what did Rush call him…”McGenius.”) He has the Democratic Presidential nominee on the defensive, but not against the Republican Presidential nominee, but against the VP candidate. Doesn’t Obama get the fact that this diminishes his so called “political stature.” Why does it take Hillary, Biden, and Obama to all face off Sarah Palin??? heh heh
The Founding Fathers of the United States of America DID NOT WRITE the U.S. Constitution for a bunch of Islamofascists killing Americans and trying to destroy OUR country! If Obama had spent more time in the United States and less time in Indonesia, who would know that.
The guy is a walking contradiction. On the one hand he says, “Take them out” which, by his standard, would be violating the terrorists habeus corpus “rights” and then on the other hand, if you don’t kill them but catch them, they are to be considered innocent until proven guilty. That is if we kill them they were guilty but if captured they are innocent until proven guilty. Of course Obama ignores the legal reality that illegal combatants that wear no uniform and belong to no national government are not to be given the same rights under the Geneva Convention that identified members of a military force of a recognized nation are to be afforded.
This guy is flailing around without any use of logic. Obama is, himself, a walking, breathing affront to the Constitution. His view that federal judges are there to do whatever they think is right, rather than to understand and apply the Constitution, is an assault on the very concept of having a written Constitution.
Obama is also trying to stifle free speech by trying to get the justice department to go after The American Issue Project for running a Ayers add.

09 Sep

McCain/ Palin Rally in Lee’s Summit, Missouri To Overflow Crowd

McCain/ Palin campaign rally in Lee’s Summit, Missouri to overflow crowd of supporters.
Barack Obama’s campaign angrily bared its teeth Monday, accusing his Republican foes John McCain and Sarah Palin of brazen hypocrisy with their claim to be “mavericks” ready to shake up Washington.

Republican presidential candidate Sen., John McCain, R-Ariz., walks down a hill to greet an overflow crowd of supports outside a campaign rally in Lee’s Summit, Mo., Monday, Sept. 8, 2008. Campaign aid Brook Buchanan is in the foreground

The crowd waiting to get inside went on for blocks. Inside the place was packed

09 Sep

Sarah Palin and Interview Planned To Be Done By ABC’s Charles Gibson

McCain plans new Palin rollout
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will speak at her son’s Army deployment ceremony on 9/11 and spend two days with ABC News crews later this week as part of a McCain campaign plan to increase Americans’ comfort with her as a leader.
Campaign and network officials had said on Sunday that her first television interview would be a sit-down with Charles Gibson of ABC’s “World News.”
But it turns out that she is spending much of Thursday and Friday with Gibson — at the ceremony in Fairbanks, Alaska, and at her home in Wasilla, Alaska.
Campaign aides said the anchorman will get extensive, repeated access to Palin throughout her first trip home since becoming the nominee.
“ABC News will have plenty of time to question her and examine her and spend time with her,” a campaign official said. “They’ll do multiple interviews over two days. No topics are off-limits – there are no ground rules. There’s tons of time to talk to her about every topic.”
The remarkable rollout reflects new confidence in Palin by her handlers, who initially had suggested it would be a while before she did interviews. Now, there will be several.
Until now, Palin has been “sequestered,” as Sen. Joseph Biden (Del.), her Democratic counterpart, put it on NBC’s “Meet the Press” — delivering rousing speeches, but not giving interviews or holding news conferences or answering questions on the fly. She was the only one of the four national candidates not to appear on a Sunday show this weekend.
“Once you start, you don’t stop,” a Republican official said with a chuckle. “That doesn’t mean you run the faucet on high. But once you turn it on, you don’t really ever turn it off.”
The official said Gibson will have the chance to “speak to her on 9/11 about her ideas for keeping America safe in the future; to speak to her as she goes back to Wasilla, where she grew up, about her life and her views and her vision for the country.”
Two interviews with Gibson are planned for Thursday, including a conversation about her support for a natural-gas pipeline – a key applause line in her convention speech. Then on Friday, Palin will talk to Gibson in Wasilla and Anchorage, the official said. She will fly into Anchorage and then drive to Wasilla.
Palin riveted last week’s Republican National Convention with a witty, rousing speech, and has injected huge excitement into the party’s ticket in the 10 days since Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) named her as his surprise pick for running mate.
“People don’t understand how to cover women politicians in a way that is completely fair and enlightened yet,” the official said. “And somehow, she has managed to transcend that.”

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Sarah was a point guard , which means she does even better when the pressure is on.
When she gave her speech at the convention, the teleprompter was not working so she had to wing a lot of her speech and it was marvelous. Sarah is a person who is comfortable in her own skin. I have total confdidence in her for this interview or any interview and any debates as well.

09 Sep

Muslim Lover Obama: Terror groups have ‘legitimate claims’

Obama: Terror groups have ‘legitimate claims’
Asserts U.S. needs foreign policy that ‘looks at the root causes of problems’
The Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist organizations have “legitimate claims” that are being “weakened” by the violence the terror groups carry out, Sen. Barack Obama recently stated in largely unnoticed remarks in the New York Times.

Speaking in May with columnist David Brooks, Obama said the U.S. needs a foreign policy that “looks at the root causes of problems and dangers.”

The presidential candidate compared Hezbollah to Hamas, stating they both need to be compelled to understand that “they’re going down a blind alley with violence that weakens their legitimate claims.”

Brooks was speaking to Obama for clarification on an earlier statement the Illinois senator made implying Lebanese militias should be tempered with enticements.
Regarding Hezbollah, Obama earlier declared:

“It’s time to engage in diplomatic efforts to help build a new Lebanese consensus that focuses on electoral reform, an end to the current corrupt patronage system, and the development of the economy that provides for a fair distribution of services, opportunities and employment.”

Brooks took issue with that statement, writing it has the “whiff” of “appeasement.”
Is Obama naïve enough to think that an extremist ideological organization like Hezbollah can be mollified with a less corrupt patronage system and some electoral reform?” asked Brooks, who said he called Obama today to clarify his remarks.

Obama immediately affirmed Hezbollah is “not a legitimate political party.” Instead, “It’s a destabilizing organization by any common-sense standard. This wouldn’t happen without the support of Iran and Syria.”

He continued by stating Hamas and Hezbollah violence weakens the groups’ “legitimate claims.”

Hamas’ official charter calls for the murder of Jews and destruction of the Jewish state. It also calls for Muslims to “pursue the cause of the Movement (Hamas), all over the globe.”
~ snip ~
Obama previously was embroiled in controversy regarding Hamas after Ahmed Yousuf, the terror group’s chief political adviser in the Gaza Strip, said in an interview in April with WND and with WABC radio that he “hopes” Obama becomes president.

“We like Mr. Obama, and we hope that he will win the elections,” said Yousef. “I hope Mr. Obama and the Democrats will change the political discourse. … I do believe [Obama] is like John Kennedy, a great man with a great principal. And he has a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community, but not with humiliation and arrogance,” Yousef said, speaking from Gaza.

If your opponents are looking for your destruction it’s hard to sit across the table from them,” but, he continued: “There are rarely purely ideological movements out there. We can encourage actors to think in practical and not ideological terms. We can strengthen those elements that are making practical calculations.”

Obama’s comments about “legitimate causes” of terror groups and “root problems of causes and dangers” seems to echo little-noticed remarks the presidential candidate made eight days after 9/11 in which he said the attacks were carried out because of a lack of “empathy” for others’ suffering on the part of al-Qaida, whose terrorist ideology “grows out of a climate of poverty and ignorance, helplessness and despair.”

Obama went on to imply the Sept. 11 attacks were, in part, a result of U.S. policy, lecturing the American military to minimize civilian casualties in the Middle East and urging action opposing “bigotry or discrimination directed against neighbors and friends of Middle-Eastern descent.”

“Even as I hope for some measure of peace and comfort to the bereaved families, I must also hope that we, as a nation, draw some measure of wisdom from this tragedy,” Obama wrote in a piece about 9/11 published Sept. 19, 2001, in Chicago’s Hyde Park Herald.

~ snip ~

“We must also engage, however, in the more difficult task of understanding the sources of such madness. The essence of this tragedy, it seems to me, derives from a fundamental absence of empathy on the part of the attackers: an inability to imagine, or connect with, the humanity or suffering of others. Such a failure of empathy, such numbness to the pain of a child or the desperation of a parent is not innate; nor, history tells us, is it unique to a particular culture, religion or ethnicity. It may find expression in a particular brand of violence, it may be channeled by particular demagogues or fanatics.

“Most often, though, it grows out a climate of poverty and ignorance, helplessness and despair.

“We will have to make sure, despite our rage, that any U.S. military action takes into account the lives of innocent civilians abroad. We will have to be unwavering in opposing bigotry or discrimination directed against neighbors and friends of Middle-Eastern descent. Finally, we will have to devote far more attention to the monumental task of raising the hopes and prospects of embittered children across the globe – children not just in the Middle East, but also in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and within our own shores,” he wrote.


Wild Thing’s comment……….
Obama is just a stupid as every other leftist who thinks all terrorist groups really want is a group hug. BUT the difference is HE is the one running for President,
He continued by stating Hamas and Hezbollah violence weakens the groups’ “legitimate claims.”
The following are some of their “legitimate claims”, right out of the Hamas Charter, visible in all its glorious splendor at this link.
“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”
“There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”
Hamas, Hezbullah et al. are salivating at the feast they see before them if Hussein Obama is elected.
Code Pink founder Jodie Evans, one of Obama’s top 500 fundraisers, known to Obama by her first name, recently said in an interview that Osama bin Laden had valid reasons to attack the USA on 911, citing the presence of US bases in Saudi Arabia.
How about we send Obama to the Hamas, Hezbullah and he can be their Community Organizer.

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

09 Sep

Hillary’s Visit To Tampa, Fl. She Refuses To Criticize Palin

Sen. Hillary Clinton greets supporters after speaking during a “Change We Can Believe In” rally Monday in Tampa.

In Tampa Visit, Clinton Refuses To Criticize Palin
The Tampa Tribune
In her first appearance in Tampa since losing the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Rodham Clinton strongly endorsed Barack Obama Monday, but refused to criticize the newer woman on the presidential campaign scene, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

“Barack and I may have started on two separate paths, but we are on one journey now,” Clinton said.

She reprised lines from her speech at the Democratic National Convention two weeks ago saying, in effect, that anyone who supported her ought to support him.

Referring to her 35 years working in politics and public policy issues, she said, “I haven’t done that to see us squander this opportunity. This is bigger than any one person – it’s way bigger than Barack and me.”

Clinton spoke to a crowd estimated by organizers at about 2,300 at the All People’s Life Center in East Tampa.
Several times, she declined to discuss Palin, chosen by John McCain as his running mate, who has been criticized as lacking experience. Instead, she shifted the discussion to differences between Republicans and Democrats and the errors she said Republicans including President Bush have made during the past eight years.
When an audience member shouted out during her speech, “Tell us about Palin,” she responded, “I don’t think that’s what this election is about,”
“This election is about the differences between us and the Republican Party. Anybody who believes that the Republicans, whoever they are, can fix the mess they created, probably believes that the iceberg could have saved the Titanic.”
Asked by reporters after her speech whether she considers Palin qualified to be president, she again declined to answer directly.

“I’m going to stay focused on the issues and I’m going to keep talking about the issues because I think that’s what matters to the American people,” she said.

She added that having Palin on the ticket is “a great milestone for our nation.”

“The Democrats did it in 1984; it took a while but the Republicans got around to doing it this year,” she said. But, she added, “That’s not the determinant as to who should be our president.”

But Clinton also couldn’t help referring to her own quest for the nomination, and to the fact that Florida was one of her strongholds.
When an audience member shouted, “I love you Hillary,” she responded, “I love you too — I especially love Tampa and Hillsborough County for supporting me in the primary.”
Cindy Bauer, a lifelong Democrat from Tampa, said she was “very disappointed” by Clinton’s loss. “It took a few days, but I got over it. … There’s too much at stake for the future of our country,” she said.
Bauer said McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin only solidified her decision to support Obama. “Anyone who tells me that I shouldn’t get an abortion if I choose to, that’s it,” she said.
But not all Democratic women who supported Clinton have boarded the bandwagon.

Julie Harris, a longtime local Democratic Party activist who worked in Clinton’s campaign, wasn’t at the rally, but said in an interview Monday she’s backing McCain

Clinton, however, said she’s not concerned that significant numbers of her backers won’t get behind Obama.


Wild Thing’s comment……
It looks like Hillary is just going through the motions of demonstrating party loyalty.
Bauer said McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin only solidified her decision to support Obama. “Anyone who tells me that I shouldn’t get an abortion if I choose to, that’s it,” she said.
Abortion, abortion, abortion. Is killing babies all these “women” care about?
Hillary just doing her job, Obama can’t ask for more. He really should be doing his own campaigning.

09 Sep

The Loony Left Hemisphere by Russ Vaughn

The Loony Left Hemisphere
James Lewis in his September 6th posting, ‘The End of Boomer Weirdness,” sent me scrambling to Wikipedia to find the meaning of the term hebephrenic. What I found there led me to this:

A form of schizophrenia in which affective changes are prominent, delusions and hallucinations fleeting and fragmentary, behavior irresponsible and unpredictable, and mannerisms common. The mood is shallow and inappropriate and often accompanied by giggling or self-satisfied, self-absorbed smiling, or by a lofty manner, grimaces, mannerisms, pranks, hypochondriacal complaints, and reiterated phrases.

Upon reading that, the first light bulb that popped on was, Alan Colmes! followed closely by, Ellis Henican and Bob Beckel!” But then with further reflection, I realized that many, if not all, of these diagnostic terms could be applied fairly to far too many of the liberal spokespersons we see on television, in particular the references to self-satisfied, self-absorbed smiling, or by a lofty manner, grimaces. Just think of all the smug, smarter-than-thou, liberal talking heads those words describe: Olbermann, Matthews, those View broads, all through the major networks, ad infinitum. And consider how the self-satisfied smile usually comes at the end of a successful rattling off of a string of memorized DNC talking points. The lofty manner and grimaces accompany the rebuttals from their conservative counterparts.
Think about what you’ve been watching for the last few years and tell me I’m wrong.
Now he’s not one of my favorite talk show hosts because of his bombastic style but, to his credit, Michael Savage has been saying for several years that Liberalism is a mental disorder. I believe I’m beginning to agree with him. Suddenly, expressions like Loons on the Left and Kool Aid Drinkers are beginning to take on new meaning. Lewis, in his AT article cites Polish scientist and author, Count Alfred Korzybski who coined the term unsanity to describe this sort of collective, unhinged behavior by entire segments of society. By the Count’s accounting, they may not be certifiably, committably insane but they are definitely operating with far too many screws loose. That’s not the Count’s medical terminology, by the way, but mine.
When I talk to family members and friends who are readily sucking up Obama’s version of Jim Jones’ purple, Flavor-Aid cocktails, I am aware that no amount of reasoning is going to sway them from their feelings that Obama is The One. What does provide a ray of hope and sanity is that those truly unsane are still in the minority and suddenly an antidote has arrived for those only minimally afflicted: Sarah Palin.
The Glamorous Gov, possesses an oft-noted, naughty librarian look that conceals an iron-willed political competence that when they get glimpses of it in her public pronouncements is turning the unsane on the left totally insane. Just when Us magazine, with their frothing denunciation of McCain’s butt-kickin’ BatGirl thinks they have her teetering on the edge of the topmost floor of the New York Times Building, they look down and its their own toes they see tottering feebly on the edge of the abyss. Holy Palony, Pinch!!! What mystical powers are we up against???
And Pinchy Boy’s New York Times, which is the institutional exemplification of full-blown, beyond treatable hebephrenia, has deployed a battalion (or is it a brigade? Libs have problems with math and military terms, you know) of investigative reporters to the Far North to dig up dirt on the Gov which could explain their lack of manpower to send any investigative reporters to Chicago to conduct any sort of professional journalistic probe of the nefarious Daly Machine which has seemingly produced a presidential candidate out of thin air with an even thinner résumé. All of which leaves me to ponder:
Has the whole damned world gone crazy? Nope, just the freakin’ Left Hemisphere.
Russ Vaughn
Vietnam 65-66

….Thank you so much Russ.