11 Sep

McCain/Palin Rally in Fairfax, VA

OMG LOOK at this, Todd and Sarah’s daughter Piper has a Fan Club. This is absolutely adorable!!!!!!!

More of the sweet children

This made me cry…..someone has a sgin for Track , Sarah and Todd’s son that will be deployed today.

sources :
wizbang blog
The rally was held at Van Dyke Park in Fairfax, VA. Attendance, as at their other recent campaign stops, was massive and enthusiastic. Former Rep. Tom Davis, and Former Sen. Fred Thompson introduced them.
When McCain and running mate Sarah Palin appeared this morning at Van Dyck Park, in the city of Fairfax, Virginia, the people spilled out of the natural amphitheater, over the sides, out the back, and nearly all the way to the Old Lee Highway. The rally had originally been scheduled for Fairfax High School, but some school board members objected. With controversy brewing, the McCain campaign moved the event to the park. It was a good idea; the high school facility could handle 6,500 people, which would have been a huge crowd in pre-Palin days. But today, the school wouldn’t have been nearly big enough. After the rally, McCain officials told me 23,000 people had been there.
Everybody else seemed to think the same thing. I approached a woman named Carolyn, from Arlington, who told me she helped found the Independent Women’s Forum several years ago. “I am so proud of what she represents,” Carolyn said of Palin. “I wish my friend Barbara Olson were here to see this, because she would be thrilled. This is an incredible moment.”
NOTE from Wild Thing….Barbara Olson was killed in Flight 93 on 9-11
Carolyn’s friend, Colette, was standing nearby, nodding. “I’ve been a member of Feminists for Life for 25 years,” she told me. “I am the mother of seven, including twins — six girls — and I am just so proud today for all women. Sarah Palin is showing that a certain segment does not speak for women, that we have something else to say.”
With an audience primed like that, it almost didn’t matter what Palin said. When she appeared onstage, dressed in black, the crowd whooped it up with chants of SAR-AH! SAR-AH! SAR-AH! It wasn’t quite as loud as the O-BA-MA! chants two weeks ago at Denver’s Invesco Field, but it was pretty big. When Palin reached the microphone, she hit all of the main points from her speech at last week’s convention. And while her performance was a little rote, she seemed to put something extra into the section of her speech devoted to energy. She clearly knows a lot about the oil and gas business, and it shows when she speaks. Whatever the other hoopla about McCain’s choice of Palin, the fact is, in the midst of an election dominated by concerns about energy, he picked someone with real knowledge of energy. Not a bad idea.
As for McCain himself, he does appear to be jazzed by the Palin pandemonium that he has set off. When he began to speak, he got right into it: “My friends, the Commonwealth of Virginia is a battleground state, and we must win it,” he said. “We will win it.” When McCain is feeling good on the stump, there’s none of that weak, sing-song delivery that creeps into his big speeches. Here in Fairfax, he was making his points quickly and clearly.
And this……………………
Overflow crowd, scattered over a plane the size of a football field, with hills surrounding it and packed with people. I’d put it closer to 30,000 people, none with seats. Young, old, newborn babies, ladies with walkers, veterans, Hillary-types, and a smattering of Obama lunatics across the street.
Cindy McCain in a green dress, John McCain was filled with energy and all smiles , a sporty looking Todd Palin and THE star of the show, Governor Palin, who was radiant and sophisticated in a black dress and gold broach. She is stunningly beautiful in person, and the crowd hung on her every word.
There was a massive bottleneck to exit Van Dyke Park, but timing is everything. As we reached Old Lee Highway, the secret service stopped traffic and here came the motorcade. Two or three SUV’s with real serious looking secret service, and suddenly, the Straight Talk Express bus emerged.
When it got about thirty feet from our curb, it suddenly stopped and McCain got out and shook hands. I couldn’t believe my fortune. I didn’t get close enough, but he got back in and stood in the sunlight through the windshield, both he and Cindy waving to the raptuous street scene.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Thank you God! There is so much joy and happiness and confidence too. And yesss hope for America the best country in the entire world.
God bless our troops and Sarah and John and their families.
Does anybody else notice the contrast between the people you see at McCain/Palin rallies and the ones for Obama?
I see smiling, happy and energetic people at McCain/Palin rallies.
Whereas, the Obama’s crowds look like they could have been background extras in “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.” They look miserable and if they aren’t before his rallies they would have to be when he is done talking to them or Michellle is done talking to them how horrible America is and how they can’t do anything without the government helping them.

11 Sep

Alaska Welcomes Home Gov. Sarah Palin and Todd Palin

Sarah and Todd Palin landed in Fairbanks, Alaska tlast night after an exciting couple of weeks in the lower 48.
She was welcomed home a hero.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin looks at the crowd gathered outside an airplane hangar while walking down a jetway with her husband Todd Palin to a welcome home rally in Fairbanks, Alaska, Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2008

Confetti rains inside an airplane hangar after Republican vice presidential candidate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin spoke at a welcome home rally in Fairbanks, Alaska, Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2008.

Ruby Riddle, the city hostess of Fairbanks, laughs at a campaign button while waiting in line to attend a welcome home rally for Republican vice presidential candidate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin at an airport hangar in Fairbanks, Alaska, Wednesday

Annaka O’Donoghue, 7, of Fairbanks, stands in line to attend a welcome home rally for Republican vice presidential candidate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in Fairbanks, Alaska, Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2008.

Wild Thing’s comment………
I love how it is all ages, young and older that are excited about Sarah Palin. What a great Welcome Home they gave her.

11 Sep

Remembering September 11th, 2001


For the WTC Jumpers

He came back,
This time for me.
On the 110th floor I was so close to God
I could almost grab his beard.
Never before has heaven been this close to hell.
I can feel its fire on the floors below
Raising ash and paper and smoke
Thick as Satan’s laughter.
At the window, shattered,
I look for salvation and he tempts me,
Dares me to jump,
Whispering a psalm in my ear
He spits as he speaks:
“He will bid his angels watch over you.
With their hands they will support you.”
I mumble “Amen,”
Close my eyes and sense the rush of air.
I cannot breathe until I finally feel
Those hands of angels
Hard as cement against my face.
………………….By Doug Seubert

Those delivering death and destruction, the terrorists

“I don’t think you can overstate the importance
that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism
will have to the rest of the world in the
century ahead-especially if, as seems possible,
its most fanatical elements get their
hands on nuclear and chemical weapons
and the means to deliver them
against their enemies.” –Ronald Reagan

11 Sep

McCain vs.Obama on TAXES ~ How Do They Compare

There is no opinion or propaganda here…. the following information is purely factual.

0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home
(couples). McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.
28% on profit from ALL home sales.
How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes.
This proposal will adversely affect the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income.)

15% (no change)
39.6% – (How will this affect you?
If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president.
The experts predict that ‘Higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market, yet do
absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.’)

(no changes)
Single making 30K – tax $4,100
Single making 50K – tax $8,845
Single making 75K – tax $15,094
Married making 60K- tax $8,198
Married making 75K – tax $11,438
Married making 125K – tax $23,938
(reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K – tax $8,400
Single making 50K – tax $14,000
Single making 75K – tax $23,250
Married making 60K – tax $16,800
Married making 75K – tax $21,000
Married making 125K – tax $38,750
Under Obama, your taxes could almost

0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)
Restore the inheritance tax
Many families have lost businesses, farms, ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will only lose them to these taxes.

New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet. New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren’t high enough already) New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity)
New taxes on retirement accounts, and last but not least….New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!

You can verify the above at the following web sites:


Please see corrections at this site:
Tax Policy Center
2008 Presidential Candidates’ Tax Proposals
Regarding a comparison of Obama and McCain tax proposals, the Chicago Sun-Times put together its figures in June, 2008.
By their estimates, for example, a person with taxable income of $19,000 or less would pay $597 less under Obama and $19 less under McCain.
A person with taxable income of $19,000 to $38,000 per year would pay $892 less under Obama’s plan and $113 less under McCain’s.
A person with taxable income between $112,000 and $227,000 would pay $2,300 less under Obama and $3,200 less under McCain.
A person with taxable income of $227,000 would pay $23,000 more under Obama and $15,000 less under McCain.
The eRumor says that the inheritance tax was repealed under George W. Bush, which is not true, although there have been numerous attempts to repeal it.
According to the Chicago Sun-Times article, McCain would seek to lower the inheritance tax while Obama would raise it on estates more than $3.5 million.
Obama wants to stick It to the rich and take big portions out of things he shouldn’t have his paws on. The Tax Policy Center “estimates the Obama plan would cut taxes by $2.9 trillion from 2009-2018. McCain would reduce taxes by nearly $4.2 trillion. Obama would give larger tax cuts to low- and moderate-income households and pay some of the cost by raising taxes on high-income taxpayers. In contrast, McCain would cut taxes across the board and give the biggest cuts to the highest-income households.”

….Thank you Brad for sending this to me.

11 Sep

Sights and Sounds of the Lancaster, PA Rally ~ Feel The Love!

I found this and thought you might lilke to hear the sound of the cheers. I didn’t have it yet when I posted the photos of the rally in Lancaster, PA. So here it is now. I just love hearing all the cheering.

11 Sep

Biden: Clinton would have been a better VP

OOPS! Biden might be sorry he said this! I don’t know for sure if he was kidding or not. But if we go by his past gaffe’s I would say it is for real and not a joke.
Sometimes thinking out loud while giving a speech may not be such a good idea if one is a total idiot. LOL
heh heh

11 Sep

New Video “Bump in the Road Ahead”

Caution: Bump in the Road Ahead
from Carpetride


Wild Thing’s comment…….
Excellent video by PUMA.
Obama is racking up some very bad Karma for sure. Like they say bumps in the road and Obama is feeliing every one of them.
This video is made by Hillary supporters and they do an excellent job on them.

10 Sep

McCain / Palin Campaign Stop at Lancaster, PA

Traffic heading to Franklin and Marshall College on the Harrisburg Pike is backed up almost to U.S. Route 30.
Outside, long lines wrap around the Alumni Sports and Fitness Center Field House waiting to go through the security screenings required for entry into the event.


Pittsburgh Tribune Review
Penn Live.com
and Google, Yahoo and Reuters sites for photos
and additional notes from news sources

It’s official, Sen. John McCain’s crowds are now Obama-sized.
The event was sold out with 7,500 tickets distributed within 48 hours. According to a Pennsylvania State trooper, they have an over-flow section in the parking lot for an expected 4,000 more.
Karen Miller, 50, of Lancaster, was in line with her husband, Tom. A registered Democrat, she voted for Sen. Hillary Clinton in the Pennsylvania primaries.

“Palin is a strong woman going after the big boys in Washington” said Miller, “she has made the McCain ticket a powerful one and one of reform.”

Husband Tom, 54, said he didn’t need Palin to persuade him. He was already on board with McCain after Hillary lost: “McCain is not afraid to buck the Republican Party he belongs to, he belongs to the people.”

Three hours before the event was to begin, the line of cars stretched over a mile from the exit off of the Lincoln Highway to the event site at Franklin and Marshal College. A line a few thousand deep wrapped it’s way around F&M college.

Supporters of Republican vice presidential candidate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, hold up campaign signs of her as ‘ Rosie the Riveter’ as they wait in line to see Republican presidential candidate Sen., John McCain, R-Ariz., and Palin, Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2008, at a campaign rally at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa

Amish are usually apolitical, but this election is special and my thinking is they are very aware of the kind of person McCain and Palin are running against. And also the kind of person especially that Sarah and McCain are with their stance on abortion too. The Amish were big supporters of Dubya in 04. I think the presence of Sarah Palin on the ticket will bring out millions of deeply religious people who might otherwise have stayed home. People that believe in religious freedom, family, and moral values.

Huge American flag with lights reflecting on and behind it. Also music played setting the mood perfectly.
Matt Goss Band playing “Raisin’ McCain.”
Also on hand for entertainment are the band and cheerleaders from nearby Hempfield High School.
There were women that that wore pink “Hot Chicks Vote Republican” buttons; one hoisted a McCain placard bearing a hand-scrawled message: “Guns, God, Lipstick.”

McCain-Palin enthusiasts begin filling the floor of Franklin & Marshall’s Alumni Sports and Fitness Center Field House prior to this afternoon’s Republican rally in Lancaster.

Photo of the bitter,religious, gun clinging people in Pennsylvania….. take that Obama freakazoid!

With electricity in the air of excitment and the audience like a roar…….. Palin and McCain were introduced…….
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the next President and Vice President of the United States!’

A local minister who asked the crowd to pray for President Bush, Vice President Cheney, the Republican candidates and U.S. troops. Conspicuously absent from the prayer requests were Obama and his running mate, Sen. Joe Biden.
The biggest cheers have come each time Palin’s name is mentioned, underscoring her popularity with the Republican base.
The Hempfield cheerleaders took the stage a few minutes ago to lead the crowd in a cheer of “When I say John, You say McCain” and “When I say victory, you say now.”

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, center with her husband Todd Palin, reacts to cheers from supporters during a campaign rally at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa.

McCain stepped up to the microphone and said:

‘I am privileged to have been introduced to you by Sarah Palin. But I am looking forward even more to introducing Sarah Palin to Washington D.C.’

… at which point seven thousand south-central Pennsylvanians lost their composure, and the cheers and applause were (literally) deafening. Once the din subsided, a powerful chant of ‘Sa-rah! Sa-rah! Sa-rah!’ filled the hall.

Palin’s speech is long on praise for McCain the veteran and former prisoner of war, and short on policy. Speaking with McCain beside her, flanked by her husband, the “First Dude” Todd Palin, the vice presidential nominee praises McCain’s “determination, resolve and sheer guts,” reminding the crowd several times of McCain’s military record, because “he won’t say it on his own behalf.”
“There is only one man in this election who has fought for this country,” she said.
Palin also seeks to reinforce McCain’s image as a maverick and an agent of change, saying the senator, who has been in Washington since he was elected to Congress in 1982, “doesn’t run with the Washington herd. He’s willing to shake things up.”
Several lines of her speech were familiar to those who watched her acceptance speech at last week’s GOP convention
“We prefer candidates who don’t talk about us one way in Lancaster and another way in San Francisco,” she said, subbing Lancaster for Scranton in her referring to Obama’s oft-quoted comments about bitter voters clinging to guns and religion.
“There are candidates who use change to promote their careers and those like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change,” she said.

McCain got big cheers at all the expected places — “Drill here, drill now”; “I would rather lose a political campaign than see America lose a war”; “All you ever ask of government is to stand on your side, not in your way.”
But without a doubt, the biggest reaction came when he told the crowd, “I can’t wait to introduce (Palin) to Washington.” That brought a thunderous ovation, followed by a loud chant of “Sarah, Sarah, Sarah.”
McCain proclaimed the surge in Iraq a success, promised to drill offshore and to build nuclear power plants, pledged to reach across the aisle to get things done and promise to veto pork-barrel spending.

McCain spoke and shook hands outside, Palin and her husband signed autographs and posed for photos with supporters inside, who pressed against the barriers on the floor to try to get closer.

Palin also made a stop at the outside overflow area to shake hands and sign autographs.


Wild Thing’s comment………….
It is reported that more than a thousand were turned away.
This is an absolute political Tsunami that is going to engulf and wash away the Obama presidency aspirations.
I caught a shot of McCain about a month ago from the side and thought he looked old and tired and kind of hunched. It surprised me because looking at him straight on you get a different impression. But ever since he made the Palin announcement he seems to be reborn. He looks healthy and energized and more than ready to take on Obama!
McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin and the manner in which he has conducted himself since he chose her speaks so highly of his character as a leader. Good leaders want other leaders around them, and are not threatened by the abilities of those leaders. McCain is energized by Sarah Palin’s leadership abilities, and it shows.
On the other hand, petty tyrants are petrified of the abilities of others, and so the character of B. Hussein Obama is seen in his choice of VP candidates. He could never chose a running mate who might steal any of his limelight.
They also made a special place along the railing in the front for those in wheelchairs and there were a lot of Veternas there wearing VFW hats adorned with a buttons and medals. I could not find any photos of this but one of the write ups online mentioned this and it touched my heart, because they thought of everything for the crowd attending the rally.
I got this below late in the evening after the rally, from one of Nicholas’s cousins that lives in Maryland. It is from a frieind of his he works with and I thought you might like to see it too.

“Got to tell you my story. Sunday I got an email from the McCain camp about the rally in Lancaster. I immediately got on the horn with my friend and asked if she wanted to go. YES!!! was the answer, so we zipped up to Gettysburg to get tickets for us and another friend.
This is the first political rally for any of us, and that is something since I am 72 and my younger friends are in their 60’s.
Well,we can’t go to any more rallies since this one was perfect. We got there at 10:30 and found a spot right near the building. We got in line with great people: registered Democrats, and women holding the “Rosie the Riveter” pic. Media were everywhere, we got to speak to Molly H from Fox.
We were allowed in the building at 12:30 and found places right in front of the Speakers stand. We got great pictures, got to shake John’s, Sarah’s and Todd’s hands, and got my “Sarah for VP” button signed by Sarah.
My friends and family are so excited for me. Such a fantastic day, great excited crowd. great people.
Something we both noticed too, Johon McCain has a genuine respect and admiration in which he appears to hold Sarah Palin. It was extraordinarily obvious today on the speakers’ platform.
And I know it isn’t important, but Sarah is more beautiful in person than on TV. Molly H from Fox is a tiny little thing. And I tell you, John McCain was fantastic and looked great.. Can you tell I’m pumped!

10 Sep

GREAT Story! Family With Down Syndrome Child Meets John McCain And Sarah Palin

RUSH: Kurt in Pittsburgh, hello, sir. Nice to have you on the EIB Network, and how about the Steelers defense?
CALLER: How about those Steelers, huh?
RUSH: How about that?
CALLER: Hey, listen, Rush, long-time listener, first-time caller, one of those Bible, family, gun clingers from western Pennsylvania.
RUSH: Thank you.
CALLER: And I wanted to share a story with you. A week ago last Saturday we went to the Palin-McCain rally in Washington, Pennsylvania, was the day after he announced her, and we have a five-year-old daughter with Down syndrome, and we made a sign that said: “We Love Kids with Down Syndrome.” So when they pulled in their bus the sign did catch their, McCain and Palin and the rest of their family, it caught their eye, we could tell, they gave us a thumbs-up from the bus, so we were all excited just by that —
RUSH: Wait, wait, wait. Who gave you the thumbs up, McCain and Palin?
CALLER: McCain, Palin, Cindy McCain, we could see them from the bus. We were in a position where we had eye contact with them —
RUSH: Oh, cool!
CALLER: My wife was holding our daughter.
RUSH: Very, very, very cool.
CALLER: It was really cool, Rush. I was like, “Wow, that’s awesome,” because I love Governor Palin and so I thought that’s really neat. So then we moved around as the bus was getting ready to pull out, we kind of positioned ourselves so we could just wave them on and a Secret Service agent came up to us and said, “Hey, can you come with us?” I was like, “Do we have a choice?”
RUSH: (laughing) You shouldn’t have worried. It’s not the Clinton administration.
CALLER: Right. So we accompanied them up the hill, we went right to the bus, where it was, and Governor Palin, Senator McCain, Cindy, Todd Palin, they’re all standing there. We’re in this inner circle with just us and them, and the Secret Service agent, and they came right up to us and thanked us for coming out, said they loved our sign, and Governor Palin immediately said, “May I hold your daughter?” and our daughter Chloe, who’s five, went right to her, and I have some pictures I’d love to send you maybe when I’m done here, but Governor Palin was hugging Chloe, and then her little daughter brought their baby Trig who has Down syndrome from the bus, he was napping, and Chloe went right over and kissed him on the cheek, and my son Nolan who’s nine, he thanked her.
RUSH: This is amazing.
CALLER: I will send you all the stuff, Senator McCain was talking to my son, and he thanked him for his service, and he asked my son if he wanted to see the bus, and we were hanging out and it was very surreal. I felt like we could have had a pizza and a beer with them, they were so warm.
RUSH: You know what? I want to put you on hold. I want Snerdley to give you our super-secret, known-only-to-three-people here, e-mail address.
CALLER: I will send you everything, Rush.
RUSH: And then could you send us these pictures? Would you mind if we put them on the website?
CALLER: I would be honored, and my main thing is they are warm, kind, genuine people, and they represent the best of this country.
RUSH: That’s right. And when you send these pictures, make sure you identify them. I mean, we’ll know Palin and McCain, of course. Identify yourselves.
CALLER: I will, I will identify everybody in the picture, Rush, and God bless you for being a beacon of hope and truth in this country.
RUSH: Oh, no, no. It’s nothing, it’s nothing. You’re doing the Lord’s work.
CALLER: Well, we’re very blessed and I want people to know what a blessing it is to have a child with Down syndrome. These kids, they’re angels.
RUSH: That’s the thing. There’s always good to be found in everything that happens. It may be a while before it reveals itself.
CALLER: Absolutely.
RUSH: Right, and when she hugged my daughter I said, here’s the difference, this candidate embraces life and all it’s limitless possibilities.
RUSH: All right.
CALLER: That’s what she is.
RUSH: Terrific, okay, I gotta run here but I’m going to put you on hold.
CALLER: Thank you, Rush.
RUSH: Thank you, Kurt. I really appreciate it.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
What a beautiful family Kurt has.
Beautiful, moving and very touching! That’s what we need in this country more of. I’m proud of our ticket! And I am proud of Rush too.
I heard the caller today on Rush and was hoping to see the pictrues. Rush got right on it and his web guy. Rush always keeps his word and he love things from the heart like this too.
I have to say because it is so very true too. This is a nightmare scenario for libs. This is they type of child the work so hard to abort and Obama worked hard to re-abort, if the killing didn’t work the first time. And look at the McCain/Palin families taking them on and loving them.
This girl is adorable.
God bless all three of these families.

10 Sep

~ Mark, Happy Birthday! ~

Happy Birthday Mark and many, many more.
The best of wishes for you in all things.
Thank you for being a part of Team Theodore
and for your kindness and friendship.
Chrissie and all of us here