13 Sep


Jonah Goldberg
The day after 9/11, as part of its “get tough” makeover, the Obama campaign is mocking John McCain for not using a computer, without caring why he doesn’t use a computer. From the AP story about the computer illiterate ad:

“Our economy wouldn’t survive without the Internet, and cyber-security continues to represent one our most serious national security threats,” [Obama spokesman Dan] Pfeiffer said. “It’s extraordinary that someone who wants to be our president and our commander in chief doesn’t know how to send an e-mail.”

Can ALSO be seen at Obama’s website
I guess it depends on what you mean by “extraordinary.” The reason he doesn’t send email is that he can’t use a keyboard because of the relentless beatings he received from the Viet Cong in service to our country. From the Boston Globe (March 4, 2000):

McCain gets emotional at the mention of military families needing food stamps or veterans lacking health care. The outrage comes from inside: McCain’s severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. Friends marvel at McCain’s encyclopedic knowledge of sports. He’s an avid fan – Ted Williams is his hero – but he can’t raise his arm above his shoulder to throw a baseball.

In a similar vein I guess it’s an outrage that the blind governor of New York David Patterson doesn’t know how to drive a car. After all, transportation issues are pretty important. How dare he serve as governor while being ignorant of what it’s like to navigate New York’s highways.
From Forbes, and Ace of Spades

In certain ways, McCain was a natural Web candidate. Chairman of the Senate Telecommunications Subcommittee and regarded as the U.S. Senate’s savviest technologist, McCain is an inveterate devotee of email. His nightly ritual is to read his email together with his wife, Cindy. The injuries he incurred as a Vietnam POW make it painful for McCain to type. Instead, he dictates responses that his wife types on a laptop. “She’s a whiz on the keyboard, and I’m so laborious,” McCain admits.

Wild Thing’s comment………
That is the sound of Obama’s campaign hitting the windshield of the StraightTalkExpress.
What a colossal backfire for the Obama camp!
While HO-bama is renting football stadiums and handing out free beer, McCain has been dissecting him with sharp witty internet ads! Much of this campaign has been fought on YouTube, Bar-ack… And guess what? That old geezer you deride for not being able to send an e-mail has been kicking your tail all over not just YouTube, but cyberspace in general. Givce it up, Zero!
In one week Obama has managed to alienate half the women in America with his lipstick on a pig comment and now he is taking a shot at a war hero’s disabilities.
The Obamanation is out of touch with the Internet function we call “google”. Ha! PRICELESS!!!
This insulting ad pretty much puts a fork in Obama’s vapid campaign. Obama is Insulting a disabled POW war Veteran and Veterans and servicemen and servicewomen of this country!!!!
Remember when the dems made fun of Dole holding a pen in the hand and arm he cannot use because of his war injuries?
I swear the left comes from a place beneath hell, that even hell is too good for them.
This ad serves to illuminate the state of the Obama campaign. They are falling apart at the seams.
The left has no class at all, none. They are violent, mean and cruel and could care less about out military and our Veterans.

13 Sep

Democrat Party War Room

Wild Thing’s comment…………
LOL It is a total satire on the vetting of Sarah Palin, and how it has created chaos with the Democrats.

13 Sep

Deep Purple, Ozzy Osbourne, AC/DC and Quiet Riot Bands Visits CAB, Rocks Camp Taji

The classic rock ‘n’ roll band Big Noize played to a standing room only crowd their brand of 70’s and 80’s hits for service members and civilians on Camp Taji, Sept. 11, 2008.(U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Brent Hunt, CAB PAO, 4th Inf. Div.,

Sgt. 1st Class Daryl Yost, platoon sergeant, Company A, 1st Battalion, 4th Aviation Regiment, Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, Multi-National Division – Baghdad from Cumberland, Md., shows Carlos Cavazo, guitarist for the classic rock ‘n’ roll band Big Noize an AH-64D Apache helicopter on Camp Taji, Sept. 11, 2008. The band, comprised of members from Deep Purple, Ozzy Osbourne, AC/DC and Quiet Riot, visited the CAB and were at the camp north of Baghdad to entertain the troops with their musical selection of rock classics from the 70’s and 80’s.

Soldiers from the Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, Multi-National Division ? Baghdad and the classic rock ‘n’ roll band Big Noize stand in front of an AH-64D Apache helicopter on Camp Taji Sept. 11. The band, comprised of members from Deep Purple, Quiet Riot, Ozzy Osbourne and AC/DC visited the CAB and played a standing room only concert for service members and civilians stationed on the camp north of Baghdad. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Brent Hunt, CAB PAO, 4th Inf. Div.,

From left, Carlos Cavazo, guitarist, and Joe Lynn Turner, lead vocalist for the classic rock ‘n’ roll band Big Noize rocked the house for service members and civilians during a concert on Camp Taji, Sept. 11, 2008. The legendary band comprised of members from Ozzy Osbourne, Quiet Riot, Deep Purple and AC/DC played their rendition of classic rock ‘n’ roll songs from the 70’s and 80’s for a packed house on the camp north of Baghdad, Sept. 11, 2008.

1st Sgt. Rodolfo Lopez, Company A, 1st Battalion, 4th Aviation Regiment, Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, Multi-National Division – Baghdad from Torrance, Calif., talks with Phil Soussan, bass guitarist for the classic rock ‘n’ roll band Big Noize, while he sits in the cockpit of a AH-64D Apache helicopter on Camp Taji, Sept. 11, 2008. The band, comprised of members from Ozzy Osbourne, Quiet Riot, AC/DC and Deep Purple visited the 4th Inf. Div.’s CAB to see the aircraft they use in the Global War on Terrorism. Later that night, the legendary ensemble band from the 70’s and 80’s played a standing room concert for more than 300 screaming Soldiers, Airmen and civilians who work and live on Camp Taji.

Classic Rock ‘n’ Roll Band Visits CAB, Rocks Camp Taji
By Sgt. 1st Class Brent Hunt
Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division
In an effort to increase morale and bring the gift of music to Soldiers serving in Iraq, a rock ‘n’ roll band comprised of top-notch acts from the ‘70s and ‘80s visited Soldiers from the Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, Multi-National Division – Baghdad, and performed a live concert on Camp Taji, Sept. 11, 2008.
The members of Big Noize, a band consisting of members from Deep Purple, Rainbow, Ozzy Osbourne, Quiet Riot and AC/DC, were provided first-hand knowledge during the day on combat aviation operations throughout MND-B by Soldiers from the CAB.
Later that evening, the band provided everyone working and living on the camp first-hand knowledge on how to rock.

“I got this project together, named Big Noize, and this is a perfect mixture of guys,” said Joe Lynn Turner, lead singer for the band who also sang for Deep Purple and Rainbow. “This is something we wanted to do – to help the guys [service members stationed in Kuwait and Iraq]. Also, we wanted to show the people back in the U.S. and the whole world all the great things going on over here.

“This is a life-changing experience for us, and we want to let people know all the sacrifices you are making for world peace,” he said. “Most people don’t realize – ‘To have world peace, you have to make sacrifices.’ With all the rebuilding going on in this country, it is unbelievable. You are doing a great, great job. You guys are the real rock stars.”

During the day’s events, the band was escorted to the Camp Taji Airfield where Soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 4th Aviation Regiment, showed off one of the AH-64D Apache attack helicopters.
Then after spending more than an hour taking turns sitting in the cockpit and being shown how the combat aircraft operates, the band was whisked to the Apache helicopter simulator, where each rocker took turns flying combat missions in the high-tech piece of equipment.

“This [the simulator] is way harder than I thought it was going to be,” said Carlos Cavazo, lead guitar player for the band who also was one of the founding members of the ‘80s rock band Quiet Riot. “There is so much to think about when you are flying in the simulator.

“I’ve always wanted to be an Army guy, and being here for ten days gives me a brief chance to do that,” said the head banger, whose classic songs include “Metal Health” and “Come on Feel the Noize.” Quiet Riot was an American Band whose success in 1983 and 1984 contributed to launching the glam metal scene during the ‘80s.

During their visit, Big Noize visited service members stationed in Kuwait and Iraq for ten days and they put on five electric guitar-pumping shows. The band consists of Turner’s lead vocal talents, Phil Soussan, who played bass guitar for Ozzy Osbourne, Cavazo and Simon Wright, who played drums for AC/DC and Ronnie James Dio.
Camp Taji was the last gig on the bands world wind tour, where the group belted out heavy metal classics to a crowd of more than 300 screaming Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and civilians working on the dusty camp surrounded by Iraqi farmlands.
Some of the hits performed by the group were “Crazy Train,” originally sung by Osbourne, “Smoke on the Water,” originally performed by Deep Purple, “Hells Bells” originally performed by AC/DC, and “Holy Diver,” originally sung by Ronnie James Dio.

“I grew up on classic rock, and this concert is the biggest morale booster since I’ve been here,” said Pfc. Johnathan Shufeldt, 23, Company G, 2nd Bn., 4th Avn. Regt., CAB. “My favorite songs they performed were by Ronnie James Dio. They rock, and I love Dio. These types of events definitely help you blow off steam from the long work days.”

Wild Thing’s comment………
Thank you to Sgt. 1st Class Brent Hunt for a great write up and photos.
I just love how the bands talked about our troops and what it meant to them ( the bands) to be able to go there and meet our soldiers. There are some wonderful quotes on how they felt about it that mean a lot.
God bless our troops!

12 Sep

Gov.Sarah Palin Interview with Liberal Charlie Gibson Parts 1 and 2

Sarah Palin Interview with Charlie Gibson Part 1 of 2

Sarah Palin Interview with Charlie Gibson Part 2 of 2

Palin had a very brilliant answer when responding to Gibson’s charge that she thinks the Iraq war is God’s plan. She said:

“The reference there is a repeat of Abraham Lincoln’s words when he said — first, he suggested never presume to know what God’s will is, and I would never presume to know God’s will or to speak God’s words.
But what Abraham Lincoln had said, and that’s a repeat in my comments, was let us not pray that God is on our side in a war or any other time, but let us pray that we are on God’s side.
That’s what that comment was all about, Charlie.”

Lou Dobbs on how Sarah Palin did: ” I think Joe Biden better start hitting the books”

Wild Thing’s comment…………
Sarah Palin came across as smart, courageous, sophisticated, competent, prepared, and savvy.
Gibson came across as a Democrat Party partisan hack and a very ugly, nasty one at that.
Sarah Palin stood her ground. She did not allow this man to bully her–though he was trying to do so.
Sarah handled herself beautifully.
Charlie Gibson did not. Sarah Palin was authentic and real.
Charlie Gibson, on the other hand, blew his chance to have a meaningful interview and to explore who this woman is. It was nothing but a string of mostly meaningless ‘gotcha’ questions – all of which Sarah handled quite well.
Gibson is an elitist and he spent the whole interview looking down his nose and patronizing her.
What foreign policy experience does the Muslim Messiah have and why haven’t these slimeball reporters asked him those questions.???? IMO, Charlie Gibson is a biased horrible person who is showing his true Liberal colors! I’m disgusted by all these slimes. None of these buffoons are questioning the “community organizer’s” experience.
Charlie just didn’t seem to get it. Terrorists bad, Charlie, once again, terrorists are bad. Those who fight terrorists and evil are GOOD. Did you need to ask Charlie or did you really not know?
You could see by her body language and the way she squinted her eyes that she was on to Gibson re the “gotcha” kind of questions. Sarah did not seem to let Gibson intimidate her. She sidestepped each and every one while wearing that smile on her face. You could see it in her eyes that she knew that he was trying to set her up and cause her to make a sound bite gaffe. It didn’t work out.
I think she did a great job.
Bottom line this was not an interview it was an interrogation!

This interview is supposed to air ABC Evening News, 20/20 on Friday ( tonight)
Just one more thing , this interview was done on the very day that Sarah and Todd’s son was deployed. So adding that too to how she handled herself, it tells me Sarah can handle stress under pressure when it calls for being present and accounted for. FANTASTIC!

The following GOVERNORS have been elected PRESIDENT:
Thomas Jefferson
James Monroe
Martin Van Buren
Grover Cleveland
Theodore Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
James Polk
Andrew Johnson
Rutherford B Hayes
William McKinley
Woodrow Wilson
Calvin Coolidge
James Earl Carter
Ronald Wilson Reagan
William Jefferson Clinton
George Walker Bush

12 Sep

Charlie Gibson Past Interview Of B.Hussein Obama

Just to show the difference in how Gibson did his interview with Sarah Palin and how he did his interview with B. Hussein Obama. Careful Charlie your treatment of women is showing and it isn’t pretty. Add in to that I guess Charlie can go pick up his good Commrade medal now from the communist/ socialist Democrat party any time now.
OH Charlie you are just soooo obvious! This video is a perfect example of a double standard….the tone…the attitude….Charlie’s smiles….body language.
— Wild Thing

12 Sep

Gov. Sarah Palin Son Track to Deploy To Iraq

Now 19, Private First Class Palin enlisted last year and is assigned to the 1st Stryker Brigade’s Delta company. That’s in Palin’s home state. The Army says his being posted there was luck of the draw.
1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team

“He’s just like any other infantry soldier here,” said Army Col. Burt Thompson, who heads the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team at Fort Wainwright, Alaska. “He tries to remain as anonymous as he possibly can.”

In military parlance, Palin is a “dismount.” He and other soldiers operate armored vehicles called Strykers. Their job is to ensure brigade commanders and their communications remain protected as they move around the country. The Stryker is an eight-wheeled truck that weighs 19 tons. “They’re the secret service for the brigade commander,” said brigade spokesman Maj. Chris Hyde.

Republican vice presidential candidate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, is escorted by Col. Edward Daly, deputy commander of the U.S. Army in Alaska, after she spoke to the troops and families during a deployment ceremony for the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division at Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, Alaska Thursday, Sept. 11, 2008. Palin’s son Track Palin is a member of the brigade being deployed to Iraq.

Soldiers from the 1st Stryker Brigade march into place at a deployment ceremony Thursday, Sept. 11, 2008 in Fairbanks, Alaska. Gov. Sarah Palin, whose son Trak Palin is serving with the Brigade, was a guest speaker at the ceremony

Republica vice presidential candidate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, speaks during a deployment ceremony for the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division at Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, Alaska Thursday Sept. 11, 2008. Palin’s son Track Palin is a member of the brigade being deployed to Iraq.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
Adding Track and the entire Palin family to my prayers and 1st Stryker Brigade. God bless each one of them and protect them.

12 Sep

911 – Ground Zero tribute – Sen. McCain vs. HUSSEIN Obama

Wild Thing’s comment………..
The differences between McCain and Obama at ground zero marking the 7th anniversary of 911.
Obama threw his flowers into the reflecting pool and both John and Cindy McCain respectfully placed their bouquets.
McCain was accompanied by his charming wife, Cindy.
I also noticed that afterwards as the two were glad-handing the crowd, McCain talked to both the cops and the second liners in the crowd . One of the police or firemen not sure which gave a pin to John and Cindy and pined the pin on each of them. Many of the first liners pulled McCain close and whispered something in his ear. There was NO pin given to Obama and I am glad. With the comments he made after 911 the day after it happened I would not give him a pin either if I was a policeman or a firefighter.
There was also Obama’s rude behavior toward 3 of the 4 people who were standing in a receiving line. While Senator McCain and his wife and the mayor was greeting the 4 people and shaking their hands, Obama spent a lot of time speaking with the first woman; he gave her a pat or a nudge on the shoulder, as if in support.
And then he completely ignored the remaining 3 people: a woman, a man in a firefighters hat/cap, and a workman in a hardhat. They were standing there, expecting to shake his hand as he walked past them, but and he made an obvious detour to avoid them. It didn’t appear to be that he even made eye contact.
It was very embarrassing to watch.
Obama hasn’t the slightest idea of proper courtesy or protocol. He is a jerk.
The graciousness of both John and Cindy is in stark to Barack Hussein Obama. He needs to get some coaching from his left wing liberal friends. And the realness of the Mccains shaking hands, engaging the folks on the sidelines just proves the point again olf why John and Cindy belong in the White House and NOT the trashing America Obama couple.
McCain always looks people in the eye to speak with them and has that look of interest in what they are talking about. I notcied Obama does not, he does not have that look of really listening only the how do I respond to this next look instead.
Obama isnt worthy of shining John McCain’s shoes! and that is just a true fact! John must be ready to throw up having to deal with the POS! Obama must NOT BE ELECTED!
Obama was in NY since yesterday, and appeared on Letterman last night. This morning John McCain was in Shanksville, Pa. and spoke at the memorial. And what did Obama do? He met Bill Clinton for lunch at his Harlem’s office to plan campaign strategy. He spent more time with Bill Clinton working out campaign plans, than he did at Ground Zero. My take on him is that all the time he was there, he was thinking about getting it over with so he could move on to more important things. He wasn’t very reverent, and acted flippant, like it was an inconvenience for him to be there…preoccupied.
Why am I making a big deal about the flower being thrown? Because everything matters……everything when a person is a public figure, when a person is running for President of our United States of America! Everything.
McCain is physically disabled to a certain degree, and yet he made every attempt to lean down as best he could and with shoulders not allowing much movement at all he reaches out to carefully and respectfully lay the flower down.
Obama who is NOT disabled in any way except his BRAIN made his choice to throw the flower like one would do if tossing a pebble in a pond or lake. That would not be bad except this was about showing respect and his actions simply did not.
If the media is going to give Obama a free pass as they have been doing on all things Obama then by God I will make sure I point the things out he does that should be brought to the front.
Obama should have organized a community ETIQUETTE class!
From Obama’s book , “Audacity of Hope” : ’I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
God is in the details.

12 Sep

Michelle Obama Missing From 9/11 Commemoration Ceremony In New York

Why Wasn’t Michelle Obama at the 9/11 Ceremony?
Barack Hussein Obama was without his wife Michelle at the 9/11 commemoration ceremony yesterday in New York City.
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., was accompanied by his wife Cindy.
Where was Michelle?

Wild Thing’s comment……….
The Obama campaign responded that Michelle was back in Chicago with her daughters Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, since this is the first week of school.
I feel if her husband is running for President her place is next to him especially on something like this. They could afford someone to be with the children for a day when they got home from school.
I mean, here she is with this controversy surounding her comment “For the first time in my life I am proud to be an American…” and now she is conspicuously absent from the 9/11 memorial ceremony?
It makes you wonder what she was feeling on the morning of 9/12/01? Was she proud to be an American that day? And if so, where is she today?
I think people would have wanted to see her being proud to be an American at Ground Zero today. At best a lost opportunity in my opinion…at worst, something far darker.

12 Sep

Cindy McCain Takes The Wheel In Her Own Race

Jack McCain, left, shown with his father, John, this past December, helped get his mother, Cindy, involved in drift racing.

Cindy McCain takes the wheel in her own race
ESPN sports special
There is also a VIDEO AT THIS LINK ……..just CLICK TO SEE VIDEO
Cindy McCain doesn’t remember all the details. It might have been six years ago. Maybe seven. But this much, at least, McCain recalls with perfect clarity: She was watching television with her oldest son, Jack, when footage flashed across the screen of race cars skidding sideways as though they were on ice.
Looks kind of cool, McCain thought to herself, but how’d they do that?

Drift racing, or “drifting,” refers to a style of racing in which a driver intentionally skids the back of a car through turns, as shown in this 2006 drifting exhibition at the Toyota Grand Prix on the streets of Long Beach, Calif.

For most people, the curiosity probably would have ended there. But McCain, the wife of the Republican nominee for president, Sen. John McCain, is anything but ordinary. Although a wide swath of the public views her as reserved and distant, she is actually quite the opposite in private. When Cindy McCain, 54, encounters something that intrigues her, she embraces it with the zeal of a toddler on Christmas Eve.
And so McCain began to learn as much as possible about this mysterious driving technique. It turned out it was called drifting and had origins tracing back to the mountains of central Japan in the early 1990s. Months after first seeing drifting on television, McCain traveled to Japan with Jack, now a senior at the Naval Academy and an avid fan of motorsports, to take drifting lessons with a top instructor.

“I love it,” McCain said, though she described herself as a below-average drifter. “I’m probably a little too cautious with it because it is abnormal from what you’re taught when you’re taught to drive. You’re taught to keep control of your car. Everything you were taught in driver’s ed, forget. That’s what drifting is about.”

For people who have never seen it, drifting occurs when a driver intentionally skids a car sideways through a turn on a road or a marked course, usually at speeds that exceed the legal limit. It’s known among pockets of auto-racing enthusiasts in about 15 countries, and to anyone who has seen the movie “The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift.”
The difference between driving and drifting through a turn is dramatic. When a car on a highway approaches a sharp left turn at, say, 75 mph, the driver slows down and turns the wheel to the left.

“But that’s not what happens in drifting,” said Justin Gardiner, a British journalist who covers the auto industry from Japan and has drifted numerous times. “First, a drifter must have a powerful rear-wheel-drive car, something like a Corvette. When they head into a left turn, they pull the wheel sharply to the left and mash the accelerator, which would get the back end of the car to slide out. Then they quickly turn the steering wheel [all the way] to the right.” With the wheels pointing to the right, the car then slides sideways through the left turn before proceeding normally again.

Some drifters employ the emergency brake; others rely more on the clutch. But every method requires lots of practice, not to mention a modicum of chutzpah.

When told that McCain was into drifting, Gardiner was speechless for a few moments. “It’s … absolutely … incredulous,” he said. “If you look at Sen. McCain, he looks like the archetypal grandfather. And to find out that his missus is into drifting is, frankly, astounding.”

Here’s another fact many might find surprising: Cindy McCain, an heiress to a multimillion-dollar fortune, has had a passion for racing nearly her entire life.
Her father, the late James Hensley, was known for founding one of the largest Anheuser-Busch distributors in the United States. But he also loved cars and first took McCain, raised as an only child, to the Indy 500 when she was about 12 years old. That inspired her in high school, when she took a class in auto mechanics and regularly attended drag races with friends.

“I’m a gearhead,” McCain said with a smile in an interview last month in Phoenix.

McCain’s love of sports carried into adulthood. In 1986, six years after marrying John McCain, she got a pilot’s license and bought a small plane so she could fly him around Arizona in his first U.S. Senate race, which ended in victory. She owns a small percentage of the Arizona Diamondbacks, finished a half-marathon in 2005, regularly attends NASCAR races, and participates in water sports with her husband, who is 72, and the four children they have together.

“She has a spirit that’s very difficult to keep down, and she’s always looking for something new to do, something new to get into,” said Jack, who generally doesn’t speak to the media but recently granted “E:60” an exclusive interview. “And whatever it is, she always excels at it.”

And what does John McCain think of his wife’s passion for racing? “Oh, he loves it,” Cindy McCain said. The McCain campaign, however, did not make the senator available for an interview.

In April 2004, just one day after returning home to Arizona after one of her many trips to Japan to drift with Jack, Cindy McCain’s spirit was put to the test. She collapsed while having lunch with friends and couldn’t talk or walk. At the age of 49, McCain had suffered a mild stroke and was hospitalized for four days.

Cindy McCain suffered a stroke in April 2004. After she left the Barrow Neurological Institute at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix, she began a course of physical therapy.

Six weeks later, McCain was still limited physically and, she said, mired in depression. Jack knew exactly what type of therapy was needed. As a 50th-birthday gift, he bought her a four-day course to the Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Driving in Chandler, Ariz.
Driving? Six weeks after a stroke? McCain thought the idea was crazy.

“I don’t think I can do this,” she recalls telling Jack. “And he said, ‘Mom, yes you can.'”

The course was called Executive Protection. Students learned to ram parked cars, perform 180-degree spins and handle perilous situations such as drive-by shootings and hijackings.
For McCain, the course offered all that and more. It helped restore her confidence and improve certain skills, such as coordination and concentration.

“I remember her wanting to build up that driving skill set again,” said Danny Bullock, her instructor at Bondurant. “I think she was a little nervous that she wouldn’t be able to react in time with the car if she needed to make a turn.” He added: “She did exceptionally well.”

In fact, McCain did so well that, a year later, in May 2005, she returned to Bondurant to hone her drifting skills. She and Jack then rebuilt a Nissan 240SX, installing a tricked-out engine and other parts conducive to drifting (the car is not street-legal). They even competed in amateur drift competitions in the U.S. as a mother-son tandem, finishing as high as second place.
Yes, drifting is more than just a driving technique. It has become a sport, albeit one on the fringe and not sanctioned by the FIA, the governing body for motorsports worldwide. A professional drifting circuit in Japan has existed since 2000. The governing body for drifting in the United States, Formula Drift, was formed in 2004. It hosts about 10 competitions a year, with winners receiving $5,000.
The competitions are held nationwide, but the sport is most popular in Southern California. Although drifting fans in this region relish the sport’s cult status, Formula Drift now has a handful of recognizable sponsors, from Mazda to Circuit City to BF Goodrich. There are even technological signs of growth. Tens of millions of people have gone to YouTube to watch drifting. And gamers can drift from the comfort of their sofa using Nintendo’s Wii steering wheel.
About 50 professional drifters are listed on Formula Drift’s Web site, including Tanner Foust, who won a gold medal in rally car racing at the 2007 X Games. They compete, sometimes two at a time, on small, often curvy portions of standard racetracks. Winners are determined not by who finishes first but by who gets higher marks in a variety of categories, including form, speed and style. Judges seem to have a soft spot for screeching sounds and smoke from burning tires.

“We are kind of a hybrid between action sports and motorsports because drifting is the only motor sport in the world that’s actually subjective,” said Ryan Sage, a co-founder of Formula Drift. “It’s not how you get from Point A to Point B, which most motorsport fans find difficult to swallow at first.”

There are other obstacles that have prevented drifting from going mainstream. Amateur drifting has taken place on public roads, which is dangerous and harmful to the sport’s image. According to Gardiner, the auto journalist, police in Japan have cracked down on reckless drifting, putting video cameras on notorious roads. Authorities in Saudi Arabia reportedly have installed speed bumps to discourage street drifters.
By all accounts, the best way for racing fans to explore drifting is to take lessons, then enter amateur competitions. McCain has done both. But what would happen if a drifter suddenly found herself living in the White House as first lady? Would she be able to maintain her penchant for drifting? It’s a scenario most aficionados of the sport never imagined possible.

“Camp David’s got a lot of space,” McCain said, laughing. “The only thing I can say is that if we are lucky enough to be able to represent the United States of America, I’ll do it the best I can. And I also want to have some fun, too.”


Wild Thing’s comment………..
I LOVE it this is awesome. This is so great Cindy and Sarah and how they do so many things. I just love it.
It is always so fantastic to see people do things they want to do if they possibly can . I know from experience it is always worth it, taking that dream and making it real. The main thing is never give up the dream .

….Thank you Tom for sending this to me.

12 Sep

“Its too Late Obama” ~ PUMA ad

“Its to late for Obama he lost this election when he turned his back on Hillary for old Jo. Sarah Palin for VP John McCain for President ”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is another video from PUMA, they sure know how to hit hard and it is excellent.