Palin disinvited from Iran rally Politico
The organizers of an anti-Iran rally Monday rescinded their invitation to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin after Democrats protested that her presence would turn the event into a political rally, McCain campaign and Jewish community sources said.
The Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations created a political tempest by inviting Palin to speak without clearing her invitation with another speaker, Senator Hillary Clinton. Clinton promptly dropped out of the event, saying it would be seen as unduly political. The McCain campaign then pressed Senator Barack Obama to join Palin on the stage in a show of unity against Iran.
The Obama campaign in turn offered to send Congressman Robert Wexler of Florida .
But the appearance that the non-partisan group was aligning with the Republican ticket put the group and its president, Malcolm Hoenlein, under heavy pressure from Jewish Democrats, including members of the conference, members of Congress, and the liberal group J Street, not to give Palin a platform, sources said. Hoenlein told the McCain campaign that he would have to rescind Palin’s invitation or cancel the rally. The organizers, I’m told, have formally disinvited all elected and political officials, but the move was about Palin.
“In order to keep the focus on Iranian threats and to ensure that this critical message not be obscured, the organizers of the rally have decided not to have any American political personalities appear,” the Stop Iran Now coalition said in a statement. “This issue, opposition to a nuclear-armed Iran, is one which enjoys bipartisan support and the backing of the American people across the political spectrum. On this, all Americans stand together. We acknowledge and deeply appreciate those American political leaders who have been and remain prepared to stand with us as we collectively address the dangers of Iran’s nuclear program and its support for terrorism globally.”
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
633 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Phone: 212-318-6111
Fax: 212-644-4135
Wild Thing’s comment……..
So, it was not “unduly political” when Hillary was going to show up by herself – but it is when Sarah is invited? Do the Dems have ANY idea how stupid they look?
Meanwhile, Iran thanks Hillary for toning down the important voices against it, and can’t stop rolling on the floor laughing at the stupidity of those who “supposedly” oppose it. Some of these organtizatikons that plan rallies and yes like this one they are not as dedicated as they appear.
The best support for Israel comes from Republicans, NOT Democrats. The Clinton’s had Arafat visit them and they snubbed Netanyahu.
Before the flap, they had invited DEMOCRAT HILLARY CLINTON, who is on the campaign of Barack Obama.
So how did “Adding Sarah Palin”, who is Governor of Alaska, make it into a “political event”? It was already a “political event”.
This is just great NOT, what a thing for Achmedenijihad and his boys to see happening. This is beyond disgusting!
Obviously for some the chants, “Death to Israel” and ” Death To America” have been forgotten and politics has been replaced with wanting a country to unite against terrorists.
Vandals Strike GOP Sarasota Headquarters Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Published: September 17, 2008
Vandals sprayed the word “Obama” on the Republican Party of Sarasota’s office on Tamiami Trail near the intersection with Stickney Point Road on Tuesday night.
The culprits also tore up campaign signs, party Chairman Eric Robinson said.
Robinson estimated the damage at $900 and chalked up the incident to growing election fever.
“It just shows that people get very worked up about these races,” Robinson said. “Especially the presidential ones. People take it very personally.”
Robinson attributed the incident to heightened emotions surrounding the election.
Robinson contended that such incidents do not play well with voters.
The spray paint is not the worst problem the office has endured.
Copper thieves broke in three times over the summer and stole $1,500 worth of air conditioning parts.
Wild Thing’s comment………..
Besides this being horrible, it is also weird. Nicholas and I were there that same day, this last Tuesday ( Sept. 16th. ) we got a Veterans for McCain/Palin t-shirt and some stickers.
It is just so typical as can be that Obama people would do something like being vandals. Thanks Obama for the low lifes you have in your realm. They fit right in with Ayers and the rest of his tripe.
Angry Old Salt……..he says his impression of a liberal. hahaha
A little time out from politics and a special day for Angry Old Salt.
Today 50 years ago Nicholas ( Angry Old Salt ) entered his career as a stuntman and actor. He went into this career after he finished serving in the US Navy and his first job was a show called ” Rat Patrol” starring Christopher George.
His specialities were explosions ( being the person inside in the explosion and set on fire) , car chases, high falls, fights, helicopter stunts hanging from the chopper, goiing from one chopper to a plane, dragged by horses, running on top of moving trains, stunts in water and motorcycle stunts, stair falls and many other things.
He used his first and middle name in his career since the last name is too long and hard for some people to pronounce. haha
His Bio and list of some of the work he has done.
He has had 11 operations each one on his knees, and elbows over the years. He still goes to the gym 3 days a week and it now takes him about 45 minutes to get as he puts it the ole body able to move in the morning.
During his 50 years as an actor and stuntmen there were 2 years where work was slow so he joined the carpenters union and worked building sets at the studio’s.
Some of his favorite people he worked with and became good frieinds with over the years were Elvis ( they also played football together on a football team that a lot of the guys were in at one of the parks in the Los Angeles area. James Garner a really great guy, Dean Martin from his work on Matt Helm and several others.
He was a double for action actors Sean Connery and William Smith among others.
He later became a regular in many of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s films, and doubled for the one arm man in the big screen version of “The Fugitive” movie with Harrison Ford.
I have no idea who does these things but when I typed Nick Dimitri into google tons of pages came up. I showed it to Nick and he was amazed that people did things like that about stuntmen/actor.
I wanted to do something on here for Nicholas for this special day. Thank you all for this little time out on a special day. —- Wild Thing
The Rat Patrol ( intro theme ) TV series in the 60’s
They filmed most of The Rat Patrol at Edwards Air Force Base in Calif. And several other locations in Calif.
The series was supposed to appear set in North Africa during World War II, this series chronicles the adventures of a 4-man team of commandos within the Long Range Desert Group
This one is a TV show called ” Norliss Tapes” with Roy Thinnes and Angie Dickinson . Nick plays the husband of Angie and he is an artist that goes over the deep end seeking a way to stay alive forever. giggle So he creates a monster and that has to have blood. Kind of a scary movie back then and Nicholas said he had a lot of fun with the part he played.
From the classic horror film The Norliss Tapes, this scene is the finale, where the Demon Sargoth comes to life, only to be trapped in the blood circle of fire. You can see that he is very bummed.
They had contacts on his eyes that made it almost impossible for him to see, so when they broke for lunch, Angie lead him to the lunch wagon and helped him pick out his lunch. haha
Nick kids that the way they had him made up made him look like a Democrat. heh heh
The Final Fight from the movie of 1975, ¨Hard Times¨, starring Charles Bronson
Charles Bronson as Chaney, a street fighter who travels to Louisiana during the Great Depression to make his living in illegal boxing matches. This kind of fighting for money in streets and warehouses was done a lot during that era during the Depression.
Steven Seagal in Out For Justice, Bar Scene!
” 48 Hours”
Nick is the cowboy that is sitting at the table that tells Eddie Murphy off.
The Fall Guy ( TV show series )
Angry Old Salt did several of the stunts on the into and also worked most of the shows
This was funny when he did this ad ( he is on the left). Nicholas has never smoked.Only in this ad. haha
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer with Lynn Forester De Rothschild on the Dem Ticket and why she is supporting McCain. “You’re the elitist, not me.”
Wild Thing’s comment……….
This is what I was mentioning yesterday in my post about Lynn Forester De Rothschild and her decision to vote for McCain/Palin. I saw this when it happened and am so glad it is at YouTube. hahahahaha
LOL Andrea Mitchell said these women were “uneducated.” . I don’t agree with Rothschild on abortion but it is soooooo marvelous to see her take Wollf down several notches. hahahaha
More and more women are beginning to understand how the democratic party keep them in line with the abortion issue. This lady was articulate and clearly knows what she wants and will take her money with her and her influence on the campaign trail. The Obamanators must be panicking to see this plus the whole PUMA phenomenon.
And you know what I bet Hillary is smiling so big from this. heh heh Obama must need some of those stomach pills for upset tummies. Wolf looked a bit astounded and confused. That is good. She has set him off his game and thrown his neuron pathways into a tizzy
And she quotes Ronald Reagan at the end, “I did not leave the Democratic party. The Democratic party left me.” Perfect.
This is indeed a uniquely weird but oh so exciting election.
Remember how Lynn Cheney did a number on Wolf too when she went on his show and told him off about his showing the snuff film of one of our soldiers being killed.
Palin can change the culture. That’s why the left hates her more than Bush. Just like with Reagan, Palin makes being a conservative cool again and I love it so much.
There is something very special about her. She has an infectious optimism… just like Reagan!
We need to pray daily for Sarah.
Obama mocks McCain in Nevada stops SF Gate
Barack Obama sharpened his attacks on John McCain and mocked the Republican’s recent calls for reform in two stops in Nevada on Wednesday after days of listening to nervous supporters fret about the Democrat’s chances of taking the White House. In Elko, Nevada, Obama tried to anticipate his critics and called on the crowd of about 1,500 to sharpen their elbows, too.
“I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face,” he said.
“And if they tell you that, ‘Well, we’re not sure where he stands on guns.’ I want you to say, ‘He believes in the Second Amendment.’ If they tell you, ‘Well, he’s going to raise your taxes,’ you say, ‘No, he’s not, he’s going lower them.’ You are my ambassadors. You guys are the ones who can make the case.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
So…how long do any of you think it will be before Obamatons get so desparate that they begin beating up or killing Republicans and/or Independents? I think this is dangerous what Obama is telling his supporters to do. Keeping in mind the type of people that are voting for Obama they already are radical and many are from violent backgrounds.
Why did the term “Nazi youth” come so quickly to my mind? Is this what he did as a “community organizer” ?
SACRAMENTO) — Move America Forwards political action committee, MAF Freedom PAC, today condemned Barack Obama for putting his own political objectives ahead of the safety of U.S. military personnel in Iraq. Iraqi government sources have revealed to the New York Post that Presidential candidate Barack Obama demanded Iraqi officials stop negotiations with the Bush Administration to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq. Fearful that the success in Iraq would harm his political aspirations, Obama sought to keep U.S. troops in Iraq so he can continue attacking the Bush Administration for not imposing a timetable for withdrawal.
If these allegations prove to be true, it should be the end of the Obama campaign, asserted MAF Freedom PAC Chairman, Melanie Morgan.
Obama should have the decency to recognize that he lacks the moral character to serve as Commander-in-Chief, and he should withdraw from the ticket. I have never heard of any candidate deliberately trying to get Americans killed to prove their point. According to the New York Post story, not only did Obama seek to get the Iraqis to stop negotiating with Americans on the troop drawdown, he also tried to bully General David Petraeus to agree to a hard withdrawal date.
The hypocrisy of Barack Obama to say in the United States that he wants a speedier troop withdrawal date, while telling the Iraqis to stop negotiating is appalling. Even supporters of a quicker U.S. withdrawal must be sickened by his conduct in Iraq. If there was ever a candidate who has demonstrated the lack of character and leadership to represent the United States in foreign affairs, it is Barack Obama, Morgan concluded.
MAF Freedom PAC is the political action arm of Move America Forward , the nations largest pro-troop organization. The patriotic group is led by San Francisco pro-troop activist and renowned radio & television personality, Melanie Morgan.
And this by Rush Limbaugh Obama Pressured Iraq to Delay Troop Withdrawals
Obama Campaign Confirms Effort To Delay Troop Pullout In Iraq Obama Pressured Iraq to Delay Troop Withdrawals
Despite his insistent demands for a rapid withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama secretly urged Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement that would lead to a draw down in troop numbers. A blockbuster expose in Monday’s New York Post by Amir Tahiri revealed that Obama made his demand for the delay a key theme of his discussions with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad in July, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told The Post.
“He asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the U.S. elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington,” Zebari said in an interview with The Post.
Zabari recalled that Obama insisted that Congress should be involved in negotiations on the status of U.S. troops, and that it was in the interests of both sides not to have an agreement negotiated by the Bush administration in its “state of weakness and political confusion.”
“However, as an Iraqi, I prefer to have a security agreement that regulates the activities of foreign troops, rather than keeping the matter open,” Zebari said.
Obama says he wants U.S. troops out of Iraq by 2010, a development that would be impossible if the status of forces agreement were delayed as he asked the Iraqis. In addition to his backdoor approach to the Iraqis, The Post said Obama also sought to persuade U.S. commanders, including Gen. David Petraeus, to suggest a “realistic withdrawal date,” a request they refused.
The Post noted that, “to be credible, Obma’s foreign-policy philosophy requires Iraq to be seen as a failure, a disaster, a quagmire, a pig with lipstick or any of the other apocalyptic adjectives used by the American defeat industry in the past five years.”
“Yet Iraq is doing much better than its friends hoped and its enemies feared,” The Post stated, adding that “the United Nations mandate will be extended in December, and we may yet get an agreement on the status of forces before President Bush leaves the White House in January.”
NY Post article CONFIRMED! Obama-Biden Reservations Confirmed
The Obama campaign spent more than five hours on Monday attempting to figure out the best refutation of the explosive New York Post report that quoted Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari as saying that Barack Obama during his July visit to Baghdad demanded that Iraq not negotiate with the Bush Administration on the withdrawal of American troops.
Instead, he asked that they delay such negotiations until after the presidential handover at the end of January. The three problems, according to campaign sources:
* The report was true,
* there were at least three other people in the room with Obama and Zebari to confirm the conversation,
* and there was concern that there were enough aggressive reporters based in Baghdad with the sources to confirm the conversation that to deny the comments would create a bigger problem.
Instead, Obama’s national security spokeswoman Wendy Morigi told reporters that Obama told the Iraqis that they should not rush through what she termed a “Strategic Framework Agreement” governing the future of U.S. forces until after President Bush left office.
In other words, the Iraqis should not negotiate an American troop withdrawal. According to a Senate staffer working for Sen. Joseph Biden, Biden himself got involved in the shaping of the statement. “The whole reason he’s on the ticket is the foreign policy insight,” explained the staffer.
And this…………….. OBAMA OBJECTS BUT THE EVIDENCE SAYS I’M RIGHT New York Post for complete article ( it is several pages long so I will just put a little of it here.
IN Monday’s Post, I discussed how Barack Obama, during his July trip, had asked Iraqi leaders not to finalize an agreement vital to the future of US forces in Iraq – and how the effect of such a delay would be to postpone the departure of the US from Iraq beyond the time Obama himself calls for.
The Obama campaign has objected. While its statement says my article was “filled with distortions,” the rebuttal actually centers on a technical point: the differences between two Iraqi-US accords under negotiation – the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA, to set rules governing US military personnel in Iraq) and the Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA, to settle the legal basis for the US military presence in Iraq in the months and years ahead).
The Obama camp says I confused the two. It continues: “On the Status of Forces Agreement, Sen. Obama has always said he hoped that the US and Iraq would complete it – but if they did not, the option of extending the UN mandate should be considered.
“As to the Strategic Framework Agreement, Sen. Obama has consistently said that any security arrangements that outlast this administration should have the backing of the US Congress – especially given the fact that the Iraqi parliament will have the opportunity to vote on it.”
If there is any confusion, it’s in Obama’s position – for the two agreements are interlinked: You can’t have any US military presence under one agreement without having settled the other accord. (Thus, in US-Iraqi talks, the aim is a comprehensive agreement that covers both SOFA and SFA.) And the claim that Obama only wanted the Strategic Framework Agreement delayed until a new administration takes office, and had no objection to a speedy conclusion of a Status of Forces Agreement, is simply untrue.
Here is how NBC reported Obama’s position on June 16, after his conversation in the US with Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari: “Obama also told Zebari, he said, that Congress should be involved in any negotiations regarding a Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq. He suggested it may be better to wait until the next administration to negotiate such an agreement.”
In other words, Obama wanted a delay on the Status of Forces Agreement, not on the Strategic Framework Agreement – as his rebuttal now claims. Continue reading here for the other 4 pages GREAT article! Taheri’s article concluding remarks:
The real news I see in the Obama statement is that there may be an encouraging evolution in his position on Iraq: The “rebuttal” shows that the senator no longer shares his party leadership’s belief that the United States has lost the war in Iraq.
He now talks of “the prospect of lasting success,” perhaps hoping that his own administration would inherit the kudos. And he makes no mention of his running mate Joe Biden’s pet project for carving Iraq into three separate states. He has even abandoned his earlier claim that toppling Saddam Hussein was “illegal” and admits that the US-led coalition’s presence in Iraq has a legal framework in the shape of the UN mandate.
In his statement on my Post article, Obama no longer talks of “withdrawal” but of “redeployment” and “drawdown” – which is exactly what is happening in Iraq now. While I am encouraged by the senator’s evolution, I must also appeal to him to issue a “cease and desist” plea to the battalions of his sympathizers – who have been threatening me with death and worse in the days since my article appeared.
Wild Thing’s comment………..
In another time and place with an honest media….this would sink Team Obama.
So let me see if I have this correct,
first he Denied it,
then called Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari a liar, then admitted to it ….. sort off.
And he wants to be Commander in Chief… he can not even talk with out a TelePrompter….Lord help us!
Barack Obama – Putting his own political and personal interests ahead of our nation’s interests.
Explosive Video, Fannie Mae CEO calling Obama and the Dems the “Family” and “Conscience” of Fannie Mae
The Banking Failures are because of the Housing Crisis, which was caused by mortgage lenders handing out bad loans and the biggest offenders: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
The Democrats have been taking PAYOFFS from Fannie and Freddie to look the other way FOR DECADES!
NOW VIDEO FOUND of the CEO of Fannie Mae in 2005 explaining the “FAMILY” connection with Democrats
And specifically Barack Obama and the Congressional Black Caucus .
In 2005– Senator John McCain partnered with three other Senate Republicans to reform the government’s involvement in lending, after an attempt by the Bush administration died in Congress two years earlier. Democrats blocked the reform.
In 2005– Barack Obama and the Congressional Black Caucus met with Fannie Mae for a “family” event. In 2005 Democrats also blocked reform of Fannie Mae:
This was before Fannie Mae started filling the pockets of Barack Obama with political donations. The junior Illinois senator collected more money from Fannie Mae than any other Washington politician except Senator Dodd in the last decade. Obama was able to accomplish this feat in just 3 years.
This video shows Fannie Mae CEO talking to members of the Congressional Black Caucus:
The Democrats have been taking PAYOFFS from Fannie and Freddie and have looked the other way FOR DECADES!
They’ve blocked reform.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
Blocked reform. Took their money. Where I come from that’s corruption. Thats being on the take.
McCain needs to use this in a TV Add in swing states!
Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator
LOL Mine is
Wild Thing, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:
Hook Tuneup Palin
And with my legal name
Guzzle Red Palin
Nick’s Angry Old Salt name
Falter Locust Palin
Using Nick’s legal name
Beretta Hockey Palin
Some of our relatives names I put in to see what they came up with….. LOL
Can Lightning Palin
Roller Texas Palin
Copper Catfish Palin
Spine Breeder Palin
Moose Roadster Palin
Ammo Canal Palin
Commander Coalfire Palin
Clip Dragon Palin
Fleck Rookie Palin
Turbine Yukon Palin
Hahha this was fun
Prominent Clinton backer and DNC member to endorse McCain CNN
Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter and member of the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee, will endorse John McCain for president on Wednesday, her spokesman tells CNN. The announcement will take place at a news conference on Capitol Hill, just blocks away from the DNC headquarters. Forester will “campaign and help him through the election,” the spokesman said of her plans to help the Republican presidential nominee.
Forester was a major donor for Clinton earning her the title as a Hillraiser for helping to raise at least $100,000 for the New York Democratic senator’s failed presidential bid.
In an interview with CNN this summer, Forester did not hide her distaste for eventual Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.
“This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don’t like him,” she said of Obama in an interview with CNN’s Joe Johns. “I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him.”
Forester is the CEO of EL Rothschild, a holding company with businesses around the world. She is married to international banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. Forester is a member of the DNC’s Democrats Abroad chapter and splits her time living in London and New York.
More about Lynn Forester de Rothschild Her Portfolio
The American entrepreneur—and friend of the Clintons and the Blairs—talks about India, telecom, Conrad Black, and her marriage to Sir Evelyn Rothschild.
When 67-year-old British banking scion Sir Evelyn Rothschild first set eyes on 44-year-old Lynn Forester at the 1998 Bilderberg conference—the matchmaker was none other than Henry Kissinger—she was already a woman of major means.
A corporate lawyer and telecommunications entrepreneur, the sparkly blond ex-wife of former New York politician Andrew Stein had made more than $100 million from the sale of cleverly acquired wireless broadband licenses. She was also sexy, charming, and dazzlingly well connected. Two years later, after the smitten Sir Evelyn divorced his second wife, Victoria Schott, the mother of his three children, Forester became the third Lady Rothschild. After marrying in November 2000 at a London synagogue, they honeymooned at the White House, guests of Lynn’s good friends Bill and Hillary Clinton. Today the New Jersey-born Lady de Rothschild—the flashiest hostess in London—is mates with Tony and Cherie Blair, among other topflight Britons. She’s also mistress of the former John Singer Sargent home in Chelsea and of Ascott House, the 3,200-acre Rothschild family estate in Buckinghamshire, and the chief executive of E.L. Rothschild, the holding company that she owns with her third husband to manage investments in the Economist and various enterprises in India. Those include FieldFresh, a startup that will grow and export Indian fruits and vegetables for markets in Europe and Asia, and a soon-to-be-announced retail venture aimed at the exploding Indian middle class.
In July, Sir Evelyn completed the sale of his stake in the centuries-old English branch of the Rothschild banking empire (for a reported $600 million)—which frees up a lot of capital for them to be major players in the Indian business world.
This week, Lady de Rothschild talked exclusively with about business, pleasure, politics, and society—especially her devotion to the idea of President Hillary. “I’m very comfortable in brand-new spaces,” she says. “I’m very comfortable with a blank sheet of paper. In fact, I’ve made my money by doing what people have never done before.” Wild Thing’s comment……….
Member of the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee”
Wow, I wonder if that has ever happened before.
She was for Hillary and now if going to vote for McCain/ Palin.
heh heh what timing! She was just now on MSNBC and Nick was going through the various news channels as I was posting this. They were interviewing her and when the woman asking her questions got done she made a nasty face like she was not one bit happy with Lynn Forester de Rothschild’s decision. LOL I bet she isn’t happy about it since she is a news person at MSNBC and obviously a dem for Obama. haha
Gov. Sarah Palin interview with Sean Hannity tonight. Time: 9:00 p.m. EST
Fox News channel
Hannity and Colmes show Interview: from healthcare, energy and the exonomy to her strategy to face off in the debates.
There is also this happening tonight ………..
I have never done Live Stream video before so I have way of leltting you know how it works. I would imagine one would just go to the link when it is time and just watch it live as it is happening.
Maybe the networks will cut to it during their regular programing on TV I am not sure. But the Live Stream is what has been recommneded to see it for sure.
Please join John McCain and Sarah Palin for a Straight Talk Town Hall Meeting in Grand Rapids, MI.
Grand Rapids, MI Straight Talk Town Hall Meeting on September 17th
Sen. John McCain and Sarah Palin in a Townhall Meeting
4:30 PM to 10:30 PM
Address: Grand Rapids, MI
Live Video Stream
I just checked at the Live Stream site and it says it begins at 7:00 p.m. EST
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