23 Sep

Liberals Say If Obama Loses It Will Be Due To Democrat White Racism

Rhett Butler to theh Liberals! heh heh …………………….

Liberals Warnings About Obama Loss May Prove Self-Fulfilling
by Dennis Prager
If Barack Obama loses the 2008 election, liberal hell will break loose.
Seven weeks before the 2008 presidential election, liberals are warning America that if Barack Obama loses, it is because Americans are racist. Of course, that this means that Democrats (and independents) are racist, since Republicans will vote Republican regardless of the race of the Democrat, is an irony apparently lost on the Democrats making these charges.
That an Obama loss will be due to racism is becoming as normative a liberal belief as “Bush Lied, People Died,” a belief has generated intense rage among many liberals. But “Obama lost because of white racism” will be even more enraging. Rage over the Iraq War has largely focused on President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. But if Obama loses, liberal rage will focus on millions of fellow Americans and on American society.
And it could become a rage the likes of which America has not seen in a long time, if ever. It will first and foremost come from within black America. The deep emotional connection that nearly every black American has to an Obama victory is difficult for even empathetic non-blacks to measure. A major evangelical pastor told me that even evangelical black pastors who share every conservative value with white evangelical pastors, including pro-life views on abortion, will vote for Obama. They feel their very dignity is on the line.
That is why the growing chorus — already nearing unanimity — of liberal commentators and politicians ascribing an Obama loss to American racism is so dangerous.
Andrew Sullivan of (set ital) The Atlantic: (end ital) “White racism means that Obama needs more than a small but clear lead to win.”
Jack Cafferty of CNN: “The polls remain close. Doesn’t make sense … unless it’s race.”
Jacob Weisberg of (set ital) Newsweek and Slate: (end ital) “The reason Obama isn’t ahead right now is … the color of his skin. … If Obama loses, our children will grow up thinking of equal opportunity as a myth.”
Nicholas D. Kristof of (set ital) New York Times: (end ital) “Religious prejudice (against Obama) is becoming a proxy for racial prejudice.”
Gerald W. McEntee, president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, in a speech to union workers: “Are you going to give up your house and your job and your children’s futures because he’s black?”
Similar comments have been made by Kansas’s Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, a Democrat, and by writers in (set ital) Time (end ital) magazine. And according to The Associated Press: “A poll conducted by The Associated Press and Yahoo News, in conjunction with Stanford University, revealed that a fairly significant percentage of Democrats and independents may not vote for Sen. Barack Obama because of his race.” If you read the poll, it does not in fact suggest this conclusion. The pollsters assert that any person with any negative view of black life means that the person is racist and means that he would not vote for Obama. Both conclusions are unwarranted. But “Obama will lose because of racism” is how the poll takers and the media spin it.
Why do liberals believe that if Obama loses it will be due to white racism?
One reason is the liberal elite’s contempt for white Americans with less education — even if they are Democrats.
A second reason is that it is inconceivable to most liberals that an Obama loss — especially a narrow one — will be due to Obama’s liberal views or inexperience or to admiration for John McCain.
The third reason is that the further left you go, the more insular you get. Americans on the left tend to talk only to one another; study only under left-wing teachers; and read only fellow leftists. That is why it is a shock to so many liberals when a Republican wins a national election — where do all these Republican voters come from? And that in turn explains why liberals ascribe Republican presidential victories to unfair election tactics (“Swift-boating” is the liberals’ reason for the 2004 Republican victory). In any fair election, Americans will see the left’s light.
If Obama loses, it will not be deemed plausible that Americans have again rejected a liberal candidate, indeed the one with the most liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate. Liberals will explain an Obama defeat as another nefarious Republican victory. Combining contempt for many rural and middle-class white Americans with a longstanding belief in the inevitability of a Democratic victory in 2008 (after all, everyone they talk to despises the Republicans and believes Republicans have led the country to ruin), there will be only one reason Obama did not win — white racism.
One executive at a black radio station told me when I interviewed him on my radio show at the Democratic National Convention that he could easily see riots if Obama loses a closely contested election. Interestingly, he said he thought blacks would be far more accepting of a big McCain victory.
I pray he is wrong on the first point. But it does seem that liberals are continuing to do whatever they can to increase anger at America, or at least at “white America.” For 40 years, liberals have described the most open and tolerant society on earth as racist and xenophobic. If Barack Obama loses, the results of this liberal depiction of America may become frighteningly apparent.


And there is also this………………….
AP’s Racist Poll: If Obama Loses It’s Because He’s Black
Are you getting tired of the mainstream media meme that if you’re white and you don’t vote for Barack Obama it’s because you’re a racist? Or that if John McCain wins, it’s because he’s white and Obama isn’t?
Well, on Saturday, the Associated Press and Yahoo News released results of a new poll, and the major take by AP writers Ron Fournier and Trevor Thompson was that if Obama loses, it’s because of “[d]eep-seated racial misgivings” held by “one-third of white Democrats.”
Sadly, like most polls this year claiming to deal with how racism is impacting this campaign, no questions were asked to determine how deep-seated racial misgivings of black Democrats are guiding their choice for president
Deep-seated racial misgivings could cost Barack Obama the White House if the election is close, according to an AP-Yahoo News poll that found one-third of white Democrats harbor negative views toward blacks — many calling them “lazy,” “violent,” responsible for their own troubles.
More than a third of all white Democrats and independents — voters Obama can’t win the White House without — agreed with at least one negative adjective about blacks, according to the survey, and they are significantly less likely to vote for Obama than those who don’t have such views.
Such numbers are a harsh dose of reality in a campaign for the history books.
rest of article and charts HERE


Wild Thing’s comment…………
I’m not going to be threatened by these people. This is a free country, and I hope to see that it stays that way.
President of the United States is not an affirmative action position!!! And it better not ever be!!!!
I’m not too concerned about the Lib elite inciting blacks to riot if they loose. Nothing I can do about that — if the blacks riot, they riot.
But what DOES concern me is that we need to win this by a healthy margin, or the Libs are going to flood close states with thug lawyers to try to tie this up in court, with the goal to steal the election.
This is a pile of BS about it being a black thing. The Democrats have proved this with Clarence Thomas, Michael Steele and others that are black and they could have cared less. They HATED these blacks because of what they stand for, what their beliefs are and their high charater. What the left did to these two fine men is unforgivable!!!
Will blacks riot if Obama does not win? There may be some, but it’s really going to backfire on those perpetrating the violence; I recall the burning and looting of South Central after the Rodney King verdict, just how stupid and crazy Blacks were to destroy businesses and homes owned by other minorities simply because they didn’t want to risk getting arrested and/or shot at in the San Fernando and Simi Valley’s, or Beverly HIlls, Pacific Palisades anywhere else that was not heavily a black area. I also recall Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) encouraging the rage.
The various law enforcement agencies around the country (especially those in the major Blue cities) are probably already planning to be prepared to keep it to a minimum.
Once again with all of this and I bet we hear more of it before Nov. 4th, is that this is a form of a threat to anyone that will not vote for their anti-American B. Hussein Obama.

….Thank you Mark for the article.

23 Sep

Obama Tying To Say Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac At Event in Green Bay

Obama slips up when trying to say Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac at an event in Green Bay.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
LOL He needs some supersecret telemprompter glasses with the screen built into the lenses.

23 Sep

Tancredo Get’s It! We Need Leaders Like This!

Jihad Prevention Act Proposed to Protect US Courts
right side news
Tancredo Proposes Anti-Sharia Measure in Wake of U.K. Certification of Islamic Courts
Friday, 19 September 2008
Tancredo’s website
“Jihad Prevention Act” would deny U.S. visas to advocates of ‘Sharia’ law, expel Islamists already here.
Amid disturbing revelations that the verdicts of Islamic Sharia courts are now legally binding in civil cases in the United Kingdom, U.S. Representative Tom Tancredo (R-Littleton) moved quickly today to introduce legislation designed to protect the United States from a similar fate.
According to recent news reports, a new network of Sharia courts in a half-dozen major cities in the U.K. have been empowered under British law to adjudicate a wide variety of legal cases ranging from divorces and financial disputes to those involving domestic violence.

“This is a case where truth is truly stranger than fiction,” said Tancredo. “Today the British people are learning a hard lesson about the consequences of massive, unrestricted immigration.”

Sharia law, favored by Muslim extremists around the world, often calls for brutal punishment – such as the stoning of women who are accused of adultery or have children out of wedlock, cutting off the hands of petty thieves and lashings for the casual consumption of alcohol. Under Sharia law, a woman is often required to provide numerous witnesses to prove rape allegations against an assailant – a near impossible task.

“When you have an immigration policy that allows for the importation of millions of radical Muslims, you are also importing their radical ideology – an ideology that is fundamentally hostile to the foundations of western democracy – such as gender equality, pluralism, and individual liberty,” said Tancredo. “The best way to safeguard America against the importation of the destructive effects of this poisonous ideology is to prevent its purveyors from coming here in the first place.”

Tancredo’s bill, dubbed the “Jihad Prevention Act,” would bar the entry of foreign nationals who advocate Sharia law. In addition, the legislation would make the advocacy of Sharia law by radical Muslims already in the United States a deportable offense.
Tancredo pointed to the results of a recent poll conducted by the Centre for Social Cohesion as evidence that the U.S. should act to prevent the situation in Great Britain from replicating itself here in the United States. The poll found that some 40 percent of Muslim students in the United Kingdom support the introduction of Sharia law there, and 33 percent support the imposition of an Islamic Sharia-based government worldwide.

“We need to send a clear message that the only law we recognize here in America is the U.S. Constitution and the laws passed by our democratically elected representatives,” concluded Tancredo. “If you aren’t comfortable with that concept, you aren’t welcome in the United States.”

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Yep he gets it and he takes a lot of flack for doing so, yet, he keeps at it. I wish he would stay in office. I heard this is Tancredo’s last year in office…he’s quitting. Duncan Hunter is rather strong on the same issues as well.
Like every other leftist ideal it leads to nothing but the destruction of our civilization as we know it. And if they do not do something now, not a few years from now that would be too late. Our politicians in Washington are too worried about being PC with the Muslims and this will destroy us and our country.
According to some of the CAIR-sponsored legislation now being proposed in Congress, Tom Tancredo’s words would constitute a defamation of Islam and be a form of hate speech.

….Thank you Tom for sending this to me.

23 Sep

If It Was Up to Obama, This Woman Would be Dead

Gianna Jessen of BornAliveTruth.org on Hannity & Colmes

If It Was Up to Obama, This Woman Would be Dead
No, I’m not talking about Sarah Palin, I’m talking about Gianna Jessen.
If it was up to the abominable Obama, the to-be-aborted little baby, Gianna Jessen, would have been turned into worm dirt 31 years ago. Thankfully, Mr. Change and Mr. Hope wasn’t around back then to lay his liberal legislative death-dealing pen to Ms. Jessen’s fate—and the world is a better place for it.
So, who is Gianna Jessen?
Gianna is an abortion survivor. Yep, she kicked death’s butt and survived against all odds. Her medical records state that she was “born during a saline abortion,” and if Barack Obama would have had his way, she wouldn’t be here.
Barack Obama voted four times against affording these “born alives” their most basic human right. Chilling, eh? How progressive of you, liberals. Hitler would be proud, and I’m sure Satan is just giddy with your creative ways to slay that inconvenient little baby even if it survives your initial assault.
Jessen, with a Pit Bull spirit, survived being burned alive in saline solution for eighteen hours. Eighteen hours, ladies and gents! FYI: This is not the same saline solution you use to clean your contacts but a lethal cocktail of death intended to cook the unborn kid from the inside out.
Weighing in at 2 lbs at birth with cerebral palsy (thanks to the effects of the witch’s brew she stewed in), the gloomy doctors said little Gianna would never be able to hold up her head, sit up, crawl or walk.
God had different plans.
Not only did she hold her head up, sit, crawl and walk, but she has run in two twenty-six mile marathons and has spoken all over the world, on TV, in churches and on college campuses about the power of God and the sanctity of life. Put that in your stupid pipe and smoke it, all-wise and all-knowing doctors.
Liberals love being painted as the defender of the underdog. Yeah, if you feel like you are being abused, oppressed, preyed upon, neglected, entitled to something or endangered in any way . . . do not fear! The Dems are here! Their protection extends not only to the human victim, but also to the translucent hair lice, the gargling nut warbler, a warming globe, a rare venereal crab, and a whooping crane’s egg.
Yep, the liberals will ramp up to Mach2, set their hair on fire, and fight, yell, picket, protest and blog their fingers bloody for animal rights and for your rights—that is unless, of course, you’re an unborn child.
It is with the unborn baby that the “protectors of the weak” morph into the party that wreaks havoc upon the truly helpless. It’s interesting to see misty-eyed liberals go quasi-Talibanic for the little animal while they have absolutely no qualms whatsoever endorsing the snuffing out of the life of a tiny unborn human.
One of the reasons the barbaric left uses to convince themselves that they’re right on the issue of killing that inconvenient “little bugger” (as one of their own calls it) is that it is not yet a person.
Something that is really wrecking the “protectors of the weak” BS campaign of killing unborn kids, however, is ultrasound imagery (Oops. Didn’t see that coming, now did you?). These pics and videos are screwing up things for the pro-choicers. Back in the day when they were selling us on the “fetal blob” stuff, all we had at our disposal to contradict their nonsense was common sense and a very grainy 2D sonogram.
With the use of ultrasound imaging increasing daily, how a person can say that an unborn baby is not yet a person and can be killed at Mommy Dearest’s discretion is barbarically beyond me. I guess the left and the pink conservatives callous their hearts to the unborn by rejecting a proposition central to Judeo-Christian thought regarding life and death: namely, that human life (beginning at conception and lasting until the person naturally croaks) is intrinsically good and thus sacred—not just instrumentally good.
In contrast with the secular “elite,” the “stupid,” “non-elite” and “archaic” Judeo-Christian constituency believes that all people—from the embryo to the elderly, including severely developmentally disabled, people in comas and everyone in between—have dignity and value. As Robert George said, “Their significance is not based upon what they can do, or how they make us feel or whether or not we approve of their quality of life, but principally because they live.”
And yet, these secular barbaric “tools” see human beings as tools; and if they don’t somehow fit instrumentally within the secularists’ Darwinian, utilitarian utopia, they get tagged as “inconvenient” and are relegated to the “very expendable” list. That’s why abortion is no big deal, and neither is taking the life of a so-called defective child, or suicide, or “mercy killing” a helpless senior. But God help you if you should ever run a boat’s prop over a manatee’s back! They’ll get pissed!
Not only does Obama’s Party of Death (as Ramesh Ponnuru calls the libtards) advocate the death of the unborn and the inconvenient, but they also want your tax dollars to pay for their death wishes, for all parents to butt out of their teenage daughter’s abortion plans, and for the US to continue to stay left of Europe when it comes to abortion on demand. Consider all the above when you cast your vote in November, those of you on the left and the right who cherish the unborn more than a sea cow.
For all the 411 on Gianna Jessen and what she’s up to, go to www.BornAliveTruth.org. Send her money, watch her videos, play her radio spots and help her wake our nation up to Barack’s barbaric beliefs.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Gianna Jessen is tangible, irrefutable proof of the viability and value of human life, both before and after birth (what’s the difference between a baby one day, week, month before being born and one minute after?). She stands as a stark reminder to the left of what abortion really is, and this enrages them.
There is also this at WND:
Obama ad goes to war with abortion survivor
Video slams woman for ‘despicable lie’
In the increasing flurry of this election season’s negative political ads, the Barack Obama campaign produced a TV commercial that not only attacks Republican rival John McCain, but also takes aim at an unusual target: a 31-year-old woman who was born alive after her mother’s botched abortion.
Obama’s commercial predictably takes shots at the GOP campaign, calling McCain’s ads “the sleaziest ever, truly vile.” But when the screen shows clips of abortion survivor Gianna Jessen and the ad she made asking Obama to reverse his stance on born alive infant protection legislation, the Obama ad calls Jessen’s appeal “a despicable lie.”
Here is Obama’s ad

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

23 Sep

Impeached Bill Clinton On The View Talking Up McCain/ Palin ~ LOL

Bill Clinton in his appearance on the View discusses how Hillary Clinton Did NOT want to be Barack Obama Vice President.
He is very much endorsing McCain and Palin……check it out.
The View liberals were looking for mud thrown and you can almost feel the letdown. I didn’t hear him say anything nice about Obama. Lots of praise for McCain.

Bill Clinton – The View – Condensed

Wild Thing’s comment……………
LOL I don’t trust him heis up to something. He may also be wishing Obama would lose. I would bet in my heart that is what both he and Hillary want. Hahahaha I bet Obama chocked on his coffee if he saw this. heh heh

23 Sep

What’s Obama’s problem with free speech?

What’s Obama’s problem with free speech?
This story appeared in the Antelope Valley Press
Sunday, September 21, 2008
We’re newspaper people, so you won’t be surprised to learn that we hold the First Amendment dear. We value the freedom of expression.
So when word exploded on the national scene that Gov. Sarah Palin was a “book banner,” well, by golly, we paid attention. Can’t have smalltown mayors or anyone else going around banning Harry Potter.
Turns out Palin never banned any books. It was all Internet nonsense from people suffering from PDS – Palin Derangement Syndrome. The Harry Potter books Palin was supposed to have banned hadn’t even been published yet when she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.
But it turns out there is a candidate in the presidential field who actually has tried to stifle free speech. His name is Barack Obama.
Right about the same time those false and defamatory Palin messages were filling e-mail boxes around the nation, Obama was trying to silence a conservative writer named Stanley Kurtz, who was investigating the Democratic senator’s ties to William Ayers.
Ayers is a former member of the domestic terrorist group, the Weathermen. He spent several years on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. Obama often points out that Ayers’ radical activities – the group bombed the Pentagon and the Capitol, you know, little things like that – took place when he, Obama, was just 8 years old.
That is true, but Ayers has never repented and, in fact, in 2001 said that he regretted not having done more.
All of that aside, how many of you make friends with people who’ve been on the FBI’s Most Wanted list?
In the 1980s, Ayers and Obama were colleagues in something called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which was supposed to improve Chicago’s education system but can offer no evidence of having done so, $100 million later.
Writer Stanley Kurtz – unlike, it seems, anyone else in the national press – was curious about exactly what this group did, how it spent its money and just how close Obama was to the terrorist Ayers.
Legitimate questions, we’d say. To whom did they give grants? What grant applications were rejected? What, if anything, did the group accomplish?
Obama was the director of this project, his sole executive experience. Don’t voters have a right to know how he did?
The Chicago Annenberg Project’s papers were on file at the University of Illinois Library. Stanley Kurtz made an appointment to see the papers, but mysteriously, that appointment was suddenly canceled. Permanently.
Through Freedom of Information requests, the papers were finally released, and Kurtz and others are culling them.
We have no idea whether Obama or his campaign had anything to do with the sudden revocation of Kurtz’s permission to see the files. But we do know what happened when Kurtz was scheduled to go on WGN radio in Chicago to talk about it.
When the station sought an Obama campaign spokesperson to give the other side, the Obama campaign declined.
The Obama campaign then put out an “action alert” to all the supporters on its e-mail list. They called on supporters to flood the station with phone calls. “Tell WGN that by providing Kurtz with air time, they are legitimizing baseless attacks from a smear-merchant and lowering the standards of political discourse.”
The Obama campaign lied to its supporters, as well, claiming they had no chance to rebut the claims when, in fact, they’d been invited on.
The dutiful Obama supporters did as asked. The radio host, Alan Rosenberg, asked one caller, a young woman, to refute what Kurtz was saying rather than just toss insults and say that Kurtz should not even be on.
The young woman admitted that she didn’t know anything about the affair and was just calling in because Obama told her to.
Failing to keep Kurtz off the air, the Obama people sought to turn the show into a circus by encouraging callers to, rather than ask questions and engage the guest, simply say that he shouldn’t be on and that the interview should be stopped.
Ironically, WGN is, according to Chicago insiders, largely a liberal station, with most of its hosts openly supporting Obama.
Even the liberal Los Angeles Times called the Obama campaign’s move “a surprising attempt to stifle broadcast criticism of its candidate.”
Well, it’s only surprising if you don’t see through Barack Obama as a candidate who says one thing and does another. If this attempt at suppressing free speech is what Obama does as a candidate, just think what he might do as president.

Wild Thing’s comment………….
Obama’s a commie rat. Commie rats don’t like free speech.
What’s Obama’s problem with free speech?
Answer: With free speech people are allowed to ask questions.
Obama supports HIS free speech. The proletariat is to be silent and listen to his wisdom!! ( YUK! )

22 Sep

The Size of Palin’s Crowd Of 60,000 In The Villages Causes Global Warming ~ heh heh

Look how it looks like the baby Trig is saying his Mom is #1 , I love it.
Arriving in Orlando on Friday , the Palin family spent Saturday at Disney World. Before Sarah’s speaking at the rally on Sunday afternoon.

There was a bi-plane flying in circles over the site carrying a banner that said, “The South is Palin Country”.


Mike Tucker, a local fire marshal, estimated 60,000 And this came with such short notice, they only knew she would be able to do this rallly when the RNC in Florida was notified on Thursday………..unlike “Ceaser’s Roman forum spectacle”.


Joining Palin at the sun-scorched rally was members of her family, including husband Todd Palin; daughters Piper and Willow and son Trig.

Piper Palin started it off by saying, “Thank you for letting us be here.”

Huge big screens for those who won’t be able to get inside the gates.


Please CLICK
photo to enlarge

Palin draws crowd of 60,000 in The Villages
news press.com ….for complete article

Tens of thousands inched along roads into the picturesque town square of the complex, where they stood in sweltering heat for about four hours . Many Military Veterans were there and the crowd was all ages, of young and senior citizens.

“Sa-Rah! Sa-Rah!” they chanted at every mention of her name, applauding loudly and waiving tiny American flags that were distributed — along with free water bottles — by local volunteers. The fire chief estimated the crowd at 60,000.

Admiring throngs mobbed the Palin family’s arrival and departure, snapping souvenir pictures. Autograph seekers thrust campaign signs, caps with the McCain-Palin logo and copies of magazines with her face on their covers, and the Palins responded warmly.

In a theme Palin would pound home, GOP Chairman Jim Greer Greer said Obama and his running mate, Delaware Sen. Joe Biden, have records of voting for higher taxes and have said on the campaign trail that they would increase regulation of financial markets.

“John MCain and I are going to take our case for reform to every voter in every background and every party, or no party at all,” said Palin. “We’re going to Washington to shake things up.”

She said “John McCain warned Congress that we needed to do something before these problems became a crisis,” but that Washington — including Obama and Biden — did not act for months as financial giants teetered and toppled.

“Americans are caught in kind of a perfect storm between high taxes, high gas prices, greed on Wall Street and a shortage of courage in Washington,” she said. “But we need new leadership in Washington — we need serious reform on Wall Street.”

Palin, whose son shipped out for Iraq this month, made a point of asking veterans and military members in the crowd to raise their hands for a round of applause.

Then she recalled that McCain took an early, unpopular stance in support of the Iraq troop surge, a policy shift now widely credited with stabilizing Iraq. “That’s the kind of man I want as commander in chief,” she shouted, as applause and whoops rose in the town square. “John McCain is the only great man in this race.”


From CNN:

Though the audience was one of the Palin’s largest to date, the actual size of the crowd could not be verified. According Mike Tucker, the fire chief of The Villages who was made available to the press by the McCain campaign, 60,000 people crammed into the streets to see Palin speak.

“There were people down the side streets, people down in the parking areas, people who couldn’t quite make it around to the main areas,” Tucker said, adding that many people were let into the rally without tickets, making the crowd count impossible to verify.

The enthusiastic crowd welcomed Palin with shouts of “USA!,” and she chanted back along with them. As in many of her speeches, Palin promised that hard-working Americans will dig the country out of its economic woes, and she laced her remarks with fulsome praise for the nation’s spirit.


And this from FOX News
Palin Draws Crowd of 60,000 in Florida
by FOXNews.com
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sarah Palin played it safe Sunday on her first trip as John McCain’s running mate to the battleground state of Florida, drawing a massive crowd of 60,000 people.
The visit drew a few contrasts between Palin and Obama running mate Joe Biden.
The largest was the crowd — an estimated 60,000 according to the fire chief. Some people had to wait in line about 90 minutes just to park their cars. Biden’s largest crowd during a visit earlier this month was about 2,000.
Tyler Deeds, 19, who made the drive from Auburndale 90 miles away and waited more than 5 hours to see Palin. “I couldn’t even tell you who the governor of Alaska was.”
But Deeds, who plans to enter the Navy soon, said he “tends to cling to my guns and religion” and he quickly grew excited about Palin’s candidacy.
Joan Guay, 81, dabbed bottled water on her arms as she waited for Palin in the broiling heat. She said she previously supported Democrat Hillary Clinton.
“This country needs a woman up there,” Guay said. “I like her background, I like her family. It’s a family that does things together. And I like her work in the community.”


After her Speech:
They are playing background music as she leaves and is signing autographs……
“Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I’m Yours) “music heh heh is playing

Willow Palin

Someone handed her a giant mockup of a lipstick tube to sign LOL Sarah just put her autograph on it!


My NOTES about the rally:
These crowds are reacting to the most exciting thing to hit politics since Ronald Reagan—they sense that she has the stuff of greatness and she does!
Some had to leave they could not take the heat, so there were people there with golf carts that were helping them get the 2-3 miles walk back to their cars.
No one would expect a VP candidate to draw 60,000 people to a political rally. So I am sure those that had to leave due to the heat can understand that this was planned on such short notice that no one had any idea the crowd would be so huge and the parking and walk so many miles from the event. I have not heard any complaints from those that were able to go.
It is unprecedented in American history.
Piper and Willow were both giving autographs. Piper’s was HUGE! ( giggle sooooo cute)
Sarah was dripping sweat as was everyone there. It was really insane to have this event outside in the middle of the afternoon. I’m told one hundred fifty people were carted off on stretchers from heat exhaustion.
There were women holding signs “Pumas for Palin”
Sarah said that Barack the Unabama merely voted ‘present’ on this week’s bill to save the financial institutions.
She quotes from McCain about the fiscal crisis. Going after Obama.
Obama voted present about 130 times; this week he voted present on the financial problems of today (paraphrased)
WOW! I love the line — This is about Obama’s poor judgement!
She’s nailing Obama on how he told people to get in their face. I am so glad she called Obama out on telling his minions to “get in their faces”!! She is leaving no stone unturned.
She used PAPER Notes…… not teleprompter!
Maybe if he (Obama) had been a Governor of an Energy Rich state he would get it!
That was a great double slam against obam! He don’t know energy, and he ain’t got no Governor-level experience.
Crowd yelling Sarah! Sarah again!

Sarah owns the Republican party now. It is her party. Our connection with her is a 20 megaton nuke in the world of politics. There is no substitute and no defense against it if you are on the other side.

22 Sep

Michelle Obama Coming to Pennsylvania

Michelle Obama coming to Pennsylvania
Chicago Tribune
Democratic campaign officials say the wife of presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama will be coming to Pennsylvania this week.
Officials say Michelle Obama will host a roundtable discussion with military spouses on Wednesday in Allentown. Later that afternoon, she is to attend a rally in Philadelphia.
The Obama-Biden campaign says Jill Biden, wife of vice presidential nominee Sen. Joe Biden, will also attend both events.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
What on earth can Michelle Obama tell military wives, hmmmmm let’s see is she going to tell them how mean America is , and that there’s a hole in our national spirit which only the Obambi can fix.
A round table with military spouses — give me a break. Only spouses I can think of would be Reserve or Guard because there is not a military installation near Allentown thatI know of. There is Tobyhanna Army Depot but that is near Scranton. PA. Maybe the Reserve or Guard ???? I think there are two Reserve Units in Allentown.
There is Willow Grove, but has been scaled down to just the Naval Air Base and does not have on base housing. At least that is my understand.
Where ever they are from this is going to be a hand-picked group. 99% of military spouses support McCain and our troops.
I cannot stand this couple and their pandering to the military who they despise.

22 Sep

Despicable Democrats On SNL Stoop To New Low

NBC jokes: Todd Palin has sex with daughters
‘Saturday Night Live’ skit suggests Sarah’s husband guilty of incest
A week after a high-profile send-up of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on “Saturday Night Live,” the NBC comedy show returned to making fun of the Alaskan governor in a skit where New York Times reporters sought to probe the possibility Palin’s husband, Todd, was having sex with the couple’s own daughters.
“What about the husband?” asked a Times reporter during a mock assignment meeting for the paper. “You know he’s doing those daughters. I mean, come on. It’s Alaska.”
The assignment editor for the Times, portrayed by actor James Franco, responded: “He very well could be. Admittedly, there is no evidence of that, but on the other hand, there is no convincing evidence to the contrary. And these are just some of the lingering questions about Governor Palin.”
The skit featured a photo of one reporter and an on-screen message that stated, “In 2009 [reporter] Howland Gwathmey Moss, V was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his Times series on unproven, yet un-disproven incest in the Palin family. Sadly, he was to die 3 months later, run over by a snow machine, driven by a polar bear.”
The final shot showed an image of a New York Times page, with headlines that included:
“While No Direct Evidence of Incest in Palin Family Emerges, Counter Evidence Remains Agonizingly Elusive” and “In a Small Alaska Town, Doubts Still Linger.”
The sketch seemed to be designed to mock how out of touch journalists from the Big Apple are when it comes to their knowledge of Alaska, with left-leaning, Manhattan-dwelling reporters mistaking a snowmobile for a “baptizing machine,” a crucifix and a NordicTrack exerciser in photographs held up for them.
Some viewers expressed outrage.

“It is time the Palin family brought out the big guns. They need to sue General Electric, NBC, ‘Saturday Night Live,'” said Al Barrs of Bascom, Fla. “This is clearly criminal and defamation of character of an entire family and state. All the above needs to be taken to their knees big time once and for all.”

“What if somebody did one with this kind of humor on Obama and his daughters?” asked Jim Cash of Chattanooga, Tenn. “What an uproar there would be. This line of humor is tasteless and moronic and about as low as they could go. There simply must be an uproar over this. We cannot let this just pass.”

But others, such as Ana Jimenez, believe the episode was all in good fun, since the program is a comedy show.

“Anyone that watched Saturday’s show and believed the skit in which it was suggested that there was incest in the Palin household needs to have [his] head examined,” said Jimenez. “The purpose of the joke (tacky and crude as it was, I did not care for it at all by the way) was to show how out of touch journalists are – not an attack on the Palin household. Sheesh, get a grip!”

NBC’s website for “Saturday Night Live” normally contains video clips of the show’s comedy routines, but, interestingly, the clip of the incest sketch was never posted online.

Wild Thing’s comment……………..
I could care less if they were attempting in their skit to strike out at the MSM for their reporting. And USING Palin to do so. What they did was wrong!
SNL got their idea from KOS,DU, and various newspapers. And it is NOT funny! They could have done the same thing and just said Palin was a space alien or somerthing. They did not have to cross the line, that was uncallled for.
The skit can be described as employing satire as a COVER and a VEHICLE for getting a sick political message out to the public.
A carefully-drawn, vivid picture of incest within the Palin family was deftly designed to be IMBEDDED in the minds of the lumpen masses. It was carefully drawn.
Indeed, the “satire” of these types of skits are and will be laughed at uproariously and winked at because “I got it, the rest of the thin-skinned, easily offended dummies in this country don’t get it at all. The sick portrayal is really not aimed at the Palin family, it’s aimed at the liberal media”……..(sure it is).
What’s next, skits about sex with animals, cannabalism, gang rapes, the sex slave trade……each, of course, woven into a “satirical” skit about the Palin’s?
Well, why not??? This incest one was such a hoot, why not a ditto next week??? We’ll ostensibly aim it at the Washington Compost and Air America this time.
Whether the amoral Al Franken wrote this skit or not is irrelevant. SNL writers are undoubtedly all of the same stripe…..or they wouldn’t be working there, or anywhere in their field. We have to realize that these leftist comedy writers are propagandists of the very same ilk as the serious Goebbel’s types except they employ comedy as their vehicle for evil.
Between now and election, SNL’s cleverly-disguised attacks will continue and intensify while the masses will yuk it up thinking they’re being entertained, not brainwashed into voting for “change”.
They could have used the jet sale, or the bridge as the subject. They were having “fun” by saying a really nasty thing about someone they don’t like. Incest is not a fit subject for humor, whatever the purported purpose, any more than rape would be. They were being vicious.

Thanks Mark for the article about this.

22 Sep

Hasselbeck May Leave “The View” For Friendlier Network

Elisabeth Hasselbeck May Leave “The View” For A Friendlier Network
New York, NY (CNS) – Elisabeth Hasselbeck may be saying goodbye to “The View” and hello to Fox News. Hasselbeck co-hosts ABC’s “The View” along with Barbara Walters, Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg and Sherri Shepherd.
Hasselbeck has been a co-host on “The View” since 2003. Rumor has it, however, that Fox News is courting her to come over to their network. Hasselbeck, who has faced challenges on the talk show from Behar, and former co-host Rosie O’Donnell, is said to be considering it.
Hasselbeck, who graduated from Boston College and appeared on the CBS reality show “Survivor: Australian Outback,” is conservative and that’s where the problems arise. Fox is said to favor conservative Republicans so maybe it will be a better fit.
Celebrity News Service wouldn’t be surprised to hear if Hasselbeck left “The View” in favor of more hospitable surroundings. An insider has reportedly said she is tired of defending herself in her current hosting job.
One thing Hasselbeck, a mother of two, has shown us from her days on “Survivor,” is that the girl is tough. She has her opinions and sticks with them. Only time will tell if she finds a new television home, but that same insider has reported that Fox loves Hasselbeck and their ratings increase whenever she is on the show.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Heck Al-Jazeera would be a friendlier network for Elisabeth Hasselbeck than The View has been.
All I can say is it is about time. I never watch that demon fest. She needs to leave and let the demons be left to themselves. Without a “conservative” on the view, the View becomes that goofy left “radio” program that had Al Franken(was it air america?). And we know how long that lasted. Yep, the little cannibals will turn on each other without someone to pick on.
She’s smart and conservative. Its ridiculous, that “The View” needed 3 left wingers vs her – that they increased it to 4 left wingers vs her.