Category Archives: Traitors To America

06 Apr

NBC Ask Muslims To Troll Nascar and Other Events

Dateline NBC is apparently trying to set up a sting, asking “Muslim males” to go to sporting events such as

05 Apr

A Letter To John Murtha (traitor to America) DEAR CONGRESSMAN MURTHA…By JOHN A. LUCAS ISAW YOU ON TV recently. With all the venom and bile you could

01 Apr

For Them It’s April Fools Day 24/7

Congressional Democrats promise to “eliminate” Osama bin Laden and ensure a “responsible redeployment of U.S. forces” from Iraq in 2006

21 Mar

America’s Under The Rock Dwellers Throw A Protest

Cindy Sheehans male version, Michael Berg, father of terror victim Nick Berg. OH and yes Cindy Sheehan was there as

21 Mar

Murtha Hopes Someone Will Take Him Seriously ~ He Is a Fool!

RNC: Murtha’s Iraq Plan: More Pessimism, No Solutions From the The 9/11 Commission Report, 7/22/04 Rep. Murtha: “There’s no terrorism

20 Mar

Patriot Act Game Pokes Fun at Government

New Jersey graphic artist and Arab civil rights advocate, Michael Kabbash, speaks about his newly designed board game the Patriot

19 Mar

Reids Treasonous Illegal Anti-American Plan

…… Harry Reid has put a political game plan in place but wants to call them town hall meetings so

18 Mar

I Love Happy Endings ~ Georgia Senate Defeats Fonda Resolution

The Georgia Senate voted 38 to 1 to defeat a resolution that would have honored Jane Fonda’s charity work in

16 Mar

Hanoi Jane Encounter

I received an email asking me how I felt about posting about Hanoi Jane. I told her I would do

16 Mar

Thank You Senator Douglas ~ May Hanoi Jane Rot In Hell!

Atlanta Journal Constitution Jane Fonda’s name still raises the blood pressure of many Georgia veterans more than 30 years after