An amazing song..hitting home ..for many of us. The song ‘Nineteen’ by the group WAYCROSS- A song realizing the sacrifice
Category Archives: They Cover Our SIX
We keep coming to take you away, A-ha!
Operation Phantom Phoenix air strikes take out al-Qaeda training area (Arab Jabour ) By Sgt. Jason Stadel, 2nd BCT, 3rd
The New Marine Commercial
The Commercial and The Rest of The Story “We traveled to 10 different states and 15 locations across the U.S.
Chicago Lawyer That Damaged Marines Car Goes Before Judge~ OOHRAH Judge!
Chicago Lawyer goes before judge for damage to Marines car. Judge is a former Marine. Regarding: Anti-Military Lawyer Damages Marine’s
UH-60 MEDEVAC Callsign Dustoff . In a scene all too familiar to US Servicemen past and present, a UH-60 MEDEVAC
Gen. Petraeus visits Combat Outpost 9
Gen. Petraeus visits Combat Outpost 9 By Spc. Jaime Avila Petraeus met and spoke with Paratroopers of the 1st Brigade
Troops Ignore Cold To Finish Victory 455
Army Cpt. Janelle Lohman, Information Operations executive officer, Joint Fire Cell, MNC-I, assists a Soldier who is regeristering to participate
Army Chinooks Help Carry Work Load
Soldiers with 1st Battalion, 52nd Aviation Regiment prepare their aircraft for missions in which they transported 25,000 total pounds of
Army Closes Ray Barracks in Germany
The main gate of Ray Barracks in Friedberg, Germany, is shown here in 1963 Photo Lt. Col. Thomas Salo, commander,
Awesome Speech Fits Our Troops ~ Inch by Inch
Wild Thing’s comment………. This is a speech, Inch by Inch”, that Al Pacino’s made in the movie ” Any Given
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