Category Archives: Presidential Race

11 May

Obama On Obama

Sources: Examiner. Examiner Quote from Barack Obama’s book, Dreams Of My Father: “THE PERSON WHO MADE ME PROUDEST

10 May

B.Hussein Obama On National Anthem

Obama Explains National Anthem Stance ‘LTG Bill Ginn’ USAF ret forwarded: Hot on the heels of his explanation for why

10 May

B.for BUFFOON Hussein Obama Wants 57 States

At a campaign event in Beaverton, OR, Obama claimed to have visited 57 U.S. States during the campaign. Wacth VIDEO.

10 May

Obama Sacks His ME Policy Adviser For Doing What BHO Said He Would Do As President

Barack Obama sacks adviser over talks with Hamas Times Online One of Barack Obama’s Middle East policy advisers disclosed yesterday

08 May

Democrat Vote For Sale $20 Million Askng Price

Hillary, Barack, want my vote? Just $20 million, please LOS ANGELES (AP) What will it take for a Democratic presidential

08 May

B.Hussein Obama On After the Campaign

Video of Barack explaining how he is going to change the country through the work of his campaign once he

08 May

Mickey Mouse Barack Obama Shirt

Mickey Mouse Obama t-shirt ….Thank you Mark, this is so funny.

07 May

Michelle Obama:”I want to rip (Bill Clinton’s) eyes out. Kidding!”

‘I want to rip (Bill Clinton’s) eyes out. Kidding!’ Michelle Obama’s latest gaffe: ‘See, this is what gets me into

07 May

Split Decision :Obama Camp Credits ‘Operation Chaos’ for Clinton Lead in Indiana

Obama: Limbaugh to Blame for Clinton Indiana Lead Obama Camp Credits ‘Operation Chaos’ for Clinton Lead in Indiana Fox News

06 May

McCain Loyal To America or Aztlan

Statement by John McCain on Cinco de Mayo and Announcement of New Spanish Website McCain ENGLISH speaking website ARLINGTON, VA