Category Archives: News Around The World

16 Mar

Sad News, Actor Ron Silver Passes Away

Actor and longtime political activist Ron Silver died this morning, succumbing to a long battle with cancer, friends of the

16 Mar

Tea Party Washington, DC

This was held in Lafayette Park across from the White House. Wild Thing’s comment…….. This is a grand thing seeing

09 Mar

Professor Called Police After Student Presentation

Indoctrinate U Our Education. Their Politics. Documentary filmmaker Evan Coyne Maloney investigates political censorship at colleges and universities in the

06 Mar

$500-a-day Fine for Posting Constitution

UPDATE: please scroll down to see update Herb Quintero says a mural of marine life on his store is artwork,

05 Mar

U.N. Resolution Seeks to Criminalize Opinions That Differ With Islamic Faith

U.N. resolution seeks to criminalize opinions that differ with the Islamic faith by Christopher Hitchens The Muslim religion makes unusually

01 Mar

Paul Harvey, Good Day and Goodbye

Paul Harvey, News Commentator and Talk-Show Pioneer, Dies at 90 Paul Harvey, the news commentator and talk-radio pioneer whose staccato

26 Feb

B.Hussein Obama Depicted in Carnival Floats in Duesseldorf, Germany

A carnival float depicting a flying U.S. President Obama with Europe being dragged along is seen during the traditional carnival

24 Feb

Rancher Cleared in Rights Case Arizona Jury Awards Illegals $$$$

Roger Barnett Rancher cleared in rights case Arizona jury still awards damages to illegal immigrants The Washington Times A federal

20 Feb

College Ousts Marine for LEGALLY Concealed Gun

Marine that was ousted Jeffrey Maxwell College ousts Marine for legally concealed gun wnd A Marine has been arrested, suspended

19 Feb

Incredible Footage of a Rescue at Niagara Fall

Wild Thing’s comment…….. God bless the firefighters for what they do. This is amazing and very scary. I have no