
31 Oct

President Trump Rally in Fort Myers, Florida

TODAY – 7PM ET. in Fort Myers, Florida President Trump campaigns for Republican candidates at a “Make America Great Again”

30 Oct

President Trump Congratulates Brazil’s Bolsonaro On Presidential Win

Trump Congratulates Brazil’s Bolsonaro On Presidential Win President Trump on Sunday evening called Brazilian president-elect Jair Bolsonaro to congratulate him

30 Oct

Jair Bolsonaro WINS Brazilian Presidency in a Landslide!!!

Jair Bolsonaro WINS Brazilian Presidency in a Landslide!!! Watch the video ……..Here’s why Brazil is but the latest nation to

30 Oct

President Trump’s campaign manager on 2020

President Trump’s campaign manager on 2020 As President Trump looks for a successful 2018 midterms, he will soon set his

30 Oct

Blexit’ (Black Exit rom movement gets design help from Kanye West

Blexit’ movement gets design help from Kanye West Kayne West Rapper designs hats for the campaign urging black voters to

30 Oct

Polish film The Clergy sparks hundreds of allegations of abuse in Catholic Church

Based on real events, Kler has broken box office records and divided Catholic country A film depicting Polish clerics as

30 Oct

Happy birthday Ivanka!

Happy birthday Ivanka! Born: October 30, 1981 (age 37 years)

28 Oct