This is an article from last August (2005) Under US noses, brutal insurgents rule Sunni citadel Taken from Jihad Watch
Rummy and Doolittle Tokyo Raiders Attend USAF Academy Graduation
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld delivers his commencement speech to the 2006 graduating class of the U.S. Air Force
Toby Keith USO Tour FOB Marez
Famous country music star Toby Keith performs a free concert for Soldiers at Freedom Rest in central Baghdad on Memorial
Terrorists Combat Unit Arrest al-Batawi
This photo released by the Iraq Government on Tuesday, May 30, 2006 is said to show Ahmed Hussein Dabash Samir
Spain Gives Sentence ‘Lite’ to Terrorist
Thu Jun 1, 9:38 AM ET – Eddin Barakat Yarkas (C), also known as Abu Dahdah, during a trial of
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Soldiers Discover Weapons Caches & Capture Terror Suspects DOD WASHINGTON, June 1, 2006 – In separate incidents in Iraq, U.S.
A Special Video of Our Troops
Please click HERE to wacth this VIDEO, you will not be disappointed. Wild Thing’s comment……..God bless all our troops may
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To all our troops…..Thank you for all you do! Prayers for you and your loved ones! Stay safe and know
Stop the ACLU Blogburst
The above banner and slogan is quite deceptive and an utter joke to those that are truly aware to the
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