05 Jan

UFC Champ Jacob Volkmann Wants To Fight Obama

UFC Champ Jacob Volkmann Wants To Fight Obama
UFC Champ Jacob Volkmann told reporters for his next fight he’d like to take on “that idiot” Obama.
Volkmann is a chiropractor and small business owner.

“I just don’t like what Barack is doing. The health situation is not good but he’s making it worse.”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
heh heh good for this guy, even if he said he is not a Palin fan.
LOL The interviewer’s response was also very entertaining to watch, “Are you a Sarah Palin fan? Please tell me no.” Like you might expect to hear when a gun is stuck in someone’s face. “Is that gun loaded?. Please tell me no.” They really are scared.

Mark says:

Obama would need more that a few stitches in his lip after this one.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

This fight would outdraw the Ali-Foreman fight. People would pay big bucks to see obama stomped.

Wild Thing says:

heh heh ha ha ho ho. Yeessss to both of you.