02 Jan

Come On Down To The Farm – Birds & Bees Explained


Wild Thing’s comment…….
LOL Love it.

……Thank you so much Dap22 for sending this to me.
Major ( RET) Dustoff 22 (Dave)
Dustoff 22
45th Medical Company Fort Bragg to Long Binh
VN (67-68)
Flight Instructor
USArmy Helicopter Training Center

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Clever. However, I would not invite gays down to the farm. That pig or sheep might look beautiful and sexy to them.

Carlos says:

Excellent post.
This video and the Reagan video from yesterday should be played on endless loop within our schools.
The other side has their way in our schools for far too long and look at what we’ve reaped.
And our good friend here singing “Come on down to the Farm” and Reagan are of course right fearing it only takes one generation to lose it all.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, LMAO hahaa

Wild Thing says:

Carlos, I agree so much. Good point about the schools and what has been happening with them.