Young Muslims’ Secret Camp
The Young Muslims are in hiding. They are hiding the location of their August 2nd youth camp, and the public has a right to know why.
The Young Muslims (YM) was founded well over a decade ago, as a subsidiary of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), an organization that was created specifically to emulate the violent Muslim Brotherhood of Pakistan, Jamaat-e-Islami. Through ICNA, YM holds events that feature as speakers some of the most radical individuals in the Islamic community. These events include youth camps, which, prior to the attacks on 9/11, were referred to as “jihad camps.”
The latest YM camp, themed ‘Deen and Dunya: Finding the Balance,’ will be held tomorrow, August 2nd through August 6th. The organization has worked hard to keep the location of the destination under wraps. On the YM website, people are explicitly told not to discuss the matter.
Originally, the event was to be held in Villanova, Pennsylvania, at the 23-acre Foundation for Islamic Education (FIE), where many YM events are held throughout the year. [This includes one last April featuring UK Imam Sheik Riyadh ul-Haq, who, just two months later, was banned from entering Canada, “because his views could incite terror and hatred.”] However, the camp was to be a five-day affair – a violation of local zoning regulations – and after years of infractions perpetrated by FIE, the residents complained and got the Township of Lower Merion, where FIE is located, to threaten an injunction against the group.
YM had previously held its August 2004 camp at FIE, the theme of which was ‘A Few Good Men.’ Controversy erupted over it, when, shortly before the camp was to begin, one of the invited speakers, Mazen Mokhtar, had his house raided and his computers confiscated by the FBI. Mokhtar, currently the Youth Director for the New Jersey chapter of the Muslim American Society (MAS), prior to 9/11, created a mirror (replica) website of a site that raised funds and recruited terror fighters for Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The site was also used as a portal to the official website of Hamas, a group that Mokhtar has called “heroic.” He has also said he supports suicide bombings.
REST of article HERE
Wild Thing’s comments……
If you go to google and search for Muslim Youth Camps there are many!
The front lines will soon be Main Street USA. We have been far to complacent, and will soon have to pay the piper. Please know what I have put here is a drop in the bucket. There is more information out there but it is so extensive it would make this post extremely long….longer then it already is.
We need to be aware, we need to learn about our enemy and what they are doing.
More information:
The foundation for Islamic Education is a private institute and is owned and managed by a Board of trustees based in Saudi Arabia . The president of the Board is His Excellency Mahmoud Abdullah Taiba, a member of the Majlis Ash Shura and former Secretary General of the the Energy and Electricity in Riyadh Saudi Arabia.
The speakers at the upcoming Muslim Youth camp (see original announcement below) have documented terrorism ties and reads like a Who’s Who of radical Islamists.
The residents of Villanova have good reason to be concerned about security issues and should do everything possible to stop the planned expansion of the Foundation for Islamic Education. At a 2000 ICNA conference in Baltimore the head of the Young Muslims organisation which is running the camp, urged parents to send their sons to fight Jihad in Chechnya:
According to testimony given by counter terrorism expert Steven Emerson:
At the July 2000 annual convention of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) in Baltimore, speaker Tayyab Yunus pleaded with the audience:
“The youth is very important…And, we all want to see our youth to succeed to become doctors, to become engineers; but how many of you can actually say that you want to send your sons to Jihad, to Chechnya? How many of you can actually say that? [Takbir! Allahua Akbar!] How many of you can actually say that you want to send your child… How many of you can actually say that you want to send your youth to fight in Jihad or to send them to…to these Islamic Institutions to become educated? I’m sorry. Other than that, I honestly believe in my heart that this is the time, right now is the time.”
And this……….
This year’s camp is to be held at Villanova Academy, an Islamic school in Pennsylvania, and its theme is “A Few Good Men/Lives of the Khulafa Rashideen (Pious Caliphs).”
Before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the group’s summer gatherings were called “Jihad Camp.” Advertised speakers in August 2001 included Imam Siraj Wahaj, identified by federal prosecutors in 1995 as a “possible unindicted co-conspirator” in the terrorism case against blind sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and Saffet Catovic, a Bosnian associated with the Benevolence International Foundation, a now-defunct Muslim charity accused by the U.S. government of financing terrorism.
Here is one in Chicago, Illinois
You Are The Best Ummah
BOYS: July 30 – August 5, 2006
GIRLS: August 5 –11, 2006
Organized by
Muslim Community Center
4380 N. Elston Avenue
Chicago, IL 60641,
(773) 725-9047
Al Qaeda linked cleric among speakers at Muslim Youth camp at Foundation for Islamic Education in Villanova PA 8/2-6/06.
An Al Qaeda linked Imam,suicide bomber supporter, and volunteer for a Hamas ‘charity’ are speakers at upcoming Young Muslims camp in Villanova PA .
Therein lies the danger. If only our troop movements would get such secrecy from the media.:)
Jack, wow- that would be a miracle.
I bet at these Muslim camps they don’t study American history or recite the Pledge of Alegiance. When they come home I bet they don’t know anything about canoeing or tieing knots, but they know what an infidel is and believe that islam will dominate America.
The sickness grows!
Tom your right, just thinking of what a difference it would make it they did do things at those camps like you talked about. There might be hope in changing them.
Is is sick and it is sad too that a person can live in the greatest country in the whole world and not give it a chance. Instead what to make it their world which is from the dark ages.
My kids go to camp at the Jewish Community Center where they give back to the community by volunteering. Let me guess, they don’t do that there. To be a fly on the wall at one of these camps would be scary!
It’s this kind of thing that makes me worry about what will happen in my children and grandchildren’s lifetimes. By the time these “campers” are adults, they will be fully integrated and brainwashed into the dangerous ideals they are being taught every day. It may not be tomorrow, or 10 years from now, but my backyard could end up being a war zone. All because people readily turn their eyes away from this due to “tolerence.” It truly is scary.
Merri – that’s what I worry about too. We need to fight this now or it’ll be left to our children/grandchildren to fight. It’s not going to just go away.
This is truly scary.
well.. there’s no words to convey my frustration about this, God help us.
Greta and your children are wonderful, and they are doing what camp should be about, and fun things, not what these awful camps are about.
Merri and Beth, it is scary and learning about this made my skin crawl.
Mark, I agree, God help us.
The indoctrination of children into the jihadist mentality all over the globe is really very scary.
Hi Jane I really believe if the media would ever tell the truth about what is happening there might, just might be such a anger that something might be done about all the things happening. (sigh) wishful thinking.
What so many people don’t realise is that over 80 to 90% of all mosque and islamic schools inside America are Wahabbi influenced and controlled!
While Americans are teaching their children tolerance and the public schools are teaching that Islam is a religion of peace, on the other hand are the ‘youth of muslim’ America being taught something else. Now in the near future these two generations are going to clash at a crossroad and the American children are not going to be prepared for the conflict because they have been decieved–Like lambs for the slaughter if jihad becomes homegrown within America and directed towards all the nonbelievers that refuse to bow to Allah!
God help us on that day!
Great. A new generation that our children will have to either enlighten or kill.
HI Liquid, thank you for commenting on this.
razOr your so right!
why the hell would they call it “Camp Jihad”. That’s just stupid. I don’t know much about this particular foundation, but the director in charge, Mustafa Ahmed, is an asshole and probably supports this jihad and terrorist activity. Be careful about him, he’s just a bad man.