10 Nov

Opera Company of Philadelphia “Hallelujah!” Random Act of Culture

Macy’s in Philly two Saturdays ago when the Halleluljah Chorus broke out, sung by SIX HUNDRED FIFTY PEOPLE
On Saturday, October 30, 2010, the Opera Company of Philadelphia brought together over 650 choristers from 28 participating organizations to perform one of the Knight Foundation’s “Random Acts of Culture” at Macy’s in Center City Philadelphia. Accompanied by the Wanamaker Organ – the world’s largest pipe organ – the OCP Chorus and throngs of singers from the community infiltrated the store as shoppers, and burst into a pop-up rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s “Messiah” at 12 noon, to the delight of surprised shoppers.
The initiative transports the classical arts out of the concert halls and opera houses and into communities to enrich everyday lives.


Wild Thing’s comment…….
I love this, how awesome! It really warms the heart to see this happen and see the people join in and look at their faces as they sing along. Amazing and very special to be sure!!!
Thank you Amanda for sending this to me.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

I’ve seen several of these “surprise” opera performancies ar train stations and malls. They are always fun to watch and it seems like everyone always enjoys them.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, thank you. I had never heard of it before. It is really neat that they do this. Thanks for sharing about it.