Obama In Columbus Says The Republicans Drove the Car Into the Ditch
Obama: There’s the Republicans, “fanning themselves, sipping on a slurpee, having a latte…They want the keys back”
Wild Thing’s comment………
OMG he just can’t stop this stupid story. It gets longer and longer every time he makes it up. LOL
And of course it is about a car that is in a wreck. So shall we say it is more death and destruction thinking he uses with his Muslim death cult mentality. ………..yep a roonie it is.
Take away his presidential label and this pansey needs an ass whoopin’. I hate lying Democrats.
When one is preaching to the choir, as Barry is doing more and more these days, one can say what ever he wants. Those in attendance want to hear and buy into his message, because he’s “THE MAN!
By the way have you noticed that he is only speechifying in those areas/states which are considered to be sure things?
When those candidates that he supposedly out there campaigning for, take things like this into an open debate with their opponents, they get destroyed almost immediately. That’s why so many of them are distancing themselves.
The only folks that Barry Sotero is fooling arer those that want to be fooled.
No dumb Ass we are going to take the keys back whether you like it or not.
Greg, good point, your right.
Sean, Ditto all you said. Thanks too for pointing that out about the sure win States that is important to notice.
Mark, Yippeee yes!!!!