12 Oct

Dick Morris At “Take Back America” Speaks About Defunding Obamacare

Dick Morris speaking to an Orlando Tea Party gathering, where he said bluntly he opposes Mitt Romney for the 2012 GOP Nomination because of the RomneyCare legislation he signed as Governor of Massachusetts. Morris said he believes the number one objective must be to defund the ObamaCare “monstrosity,” and Republicans need a nominee who can carry that banner.


Wild Thing’s comment……
Dick is saying the obvioius but that is ok it needs to be said and by people that get coverage. I can say it all day STOP Obamacare and I only have an ity bity voice.

TomR, armed in Texas says:

I don’t want Mitt Romney, Huckabee or Gingrich running in 2012. They are all GOP/RNC insiders. The Old Guard. I want new blood, conservative blood running for high office. Sarah Palin, John Bolton, Michelle Bachman, Liz Cheney, Duncan Hunter. These are the kind of conservatives I want in the White House. They would work hard to overturn obamacare.

Mark says:

That crowd is still angry. Good keep it up for another month and we will be home free.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, DITTO all you said.
Mark, I pray so much for this.