Dave Roever gives the closing prayer at the Restoring Honor Rally, and then a beautiful song to close out a historic day.
Dave Roever grew up in a loving, committed family in South Texas. The last thing on his mind was going to war. At the height of the Vietnam War, he received his draft notice. He joined the Navy and served as a river boat gunner in the elite Brown Water Black Beret in Vietnam.
Eight months into his tour of duty in Vietnam, Dave was burned beyond recognition when a phosphorous grenade he was poised to throw exploded in his hand. The ordeal left him hospitalized for fourteen months, where he underwent numerous major surgeries. His survival and life are miraculous.
Today, with his humorous style, Dave Roever is enthusiastically received both nationally and internationally as a public speaker. He is a gifted communicator and speaks in a variety of settings including public schools, military installations, business, men’ s and youth conventions, etc. Dave is a frequent guest on national television talk shows. He established compassionate, ongoing missions work in Vietnam and is involved in other nations.
In every setting, Dave’s message is one of hope. Using his life as an example, he addresses issues relevant to his audience and presents concrete solutions to life’ s problems. Often drawing upon his war experiences of loneliness, peer pressure, disfigurement and pain, as well as life’ s triumphs, Dave weaves a message of courage, commitment and survival that touches and transforms those who hear him. The foundation of his hope is his faith, supported by the wholesome relationships with his parents, wife, children and grandchildren.
Thirty-four years after his injuries, the Department of the Navy corrected its oversight by awarding Dave his Purple Heart, along with several other service medals.
Dave Roever part 2 of 3 – Memorial Day Event – Westcliffe CO
Dave Roever spoke at the Westcliffe CO Memorial Day event. He has Eagles Summit Ranch that touches the lives of many wounded veterans and their families.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
America has been given a gift from God to have men like Dave and all our Veterans and troops today. For those that read this blog and lurk please thank a Veteran when you see one, when you meet one even if you don’t know them. A lot of our Veternas wear baseball caps when out and about and it makes it so easy to see their cap and just walk up to them and say looking straight into their eyes……thank you. Over the years I promise you I have met so many wonderful men and women and had an opportunity to say thank you.
I am so glad Glenn Beck asked Dave Roever for his rally. Beck made some awesome choices in his decisions of guests that day. Thank you Glenn and thank you Dave Roever.
….Thank you Jack for sending this to me.
United States Army
Army Combat Engineers
Quang Tri & Chu Lai ’68 -’69
Jack’s blog is Conservative Insurgent
He is a study in courage. Burns have got to be the worst kind of injury. Painful operations, then infections.
This man is to be saluted not only for what he went through but also for his work today which is tireless.
Dave Roever is an inspiration.
I have to agree with what Mark has said.
People who witness explosions only think about the shock and the shrapnel, the blast is always hot, so is that steel, white hot in fact, but white phosphorus, that scares the hell out of me.
We hauled ordnance including Arty WP markers, one ambush where a load went up in flames convinced me and my buddies that the stuff was nasty in any form.
Thank you for posting this Chrissie.
Jack, thank you again for sending this to me. It means a lot to me to meet or find out about our heroes.