Fox Runs B-Roll Instead of Showing Transgendered Guest–Host Kilmeade Tries Not To Laugh
It turns out Kimberly Richards – A Public and Legislative Affairs Director for S. California Transit Advocates – is not a she. She is a HE who used to be a SHE.
As you will see at the opening of this clip, Fox’s Brian Kilmead was not prepared for this guest!
Then the Fox producers – through the rest of the segment – stick to B Roll (read: a still picture of a subway turn style!) rather than show the face and the voice that doesn’t match the face.
There was not even an attempt by Kimberly to SOUND like a woman.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
LMAO this is hilarious, and I can just imagined how surprised Fox’s Brian Kilmead myst have been. hahahahaha
I saw this yesterday when watching Fox.
This was funny!! thanks for the great AM laugh!! 😉
Sheesh I just love living in California. I was in Target’ yesterday and this 80’s looking rocker dude with a 3 day growth beard was wearing a dress. He was talking to himself and admiring the bras.
p.s. That interview was too funny.
…and remember, there are those who advocate that if we encounter someone like ‘Kimberly’ in the street and we can’t hide our frown and no one feels any love from us than we need to spend a little time in a re-education camp. This may sound like an exageration but just think back 15-20 years…
And they are going to run Health Care ?
Thanks everyone haha
Jack thanks for the link.