14 Jul

Israeli UN Ambassador’s Letter to UN Kofi Annan

Israeli UN Ambassador’s Letter to UN Secy.-Gen. Annan
It is with a great sense of urgency and grave concern that I write to you this letter of strong protest about the grave events occurring today on Israel’s northern border with Lebanon. This morning, Hizbullah terrorists unleashed a barrage of heavy artillery and rockets into Israel, causing a number of deaths. In the midst of this horrific and unprovoked act, the terrorists infiltrated Israel and kidnapped two Israeli soldiers, taking them into Lebanon.
Responsibility for this belligerent act of war lies with the government of Lebanon, from whose territory these acts have been launched into Israel. Responsibility also lies with the governments of Iran and Syria, who support and embrace those who carried out this attack.
These acts pose a grave threat not just to Israel’s northern border, but also to the region and the entire world. The ineptitude and inaction of the government of Lebanon has led to a situation in which it has not exercised jurisdiction over its own territory for many years. The Security Council has addressed this situation time and time again in its debates and resolutions. Let me remind you also that Israel has repeatedly warned the international community about this dangerous and potentially volatile situation. In this vacuum festers the Axis of Terror: Hizbullah and the terrorist states of Iran and Syria, which have today opened another chapter in their war of terror.
Today’s act is a clear Declaration of War, and is in blatant violation of the “Blue Line,” United Nations Security Council resolutions 425, 1559, 1680, and all other relevant resolutions of the United Nations since Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon in May 2000.
Israel thus reserves the right to act in accordance with United Nations Charter Article 51, and exercise its right of self-defence when an armed attack is launched against a member of the United Nations. The State of Israel will take the appropriate actions to secure the release of the kidnapped soldiers and bring an end to the shelling that terrorizes our citizens. I would be grateful if you would arrange to have the text of this letter circulated as an official document of the sixtieth session of the General Assembly, under agenda items 108, “Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism,” and 14, “The Situation in the Middle East.” An identical letter has been submitted to H.E. Mr. Jean-Marc de La Sablière, President of the Security Council.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Yours truly, Ambassador Dan Gillerman Permanent Representative of Israel
Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations 800 Second Avenue New York, NY 10017 Ph: (212) 499-5510

TomR says:

UN security resolutions don’t mean squat, either in reality, or even in the UN if they don’t serve the UN purpose of the moment.
Reality is, the Israelis are going to deliver Hizbullah a drubbing and the rest of Lebanon is going to pay a price of collateral damage. Which may actually benefit Lebanon in the long run.

Jack says:

Hell, the UN is behind the funding and fomenting of Palestinian hatred toward Israel, Ambassador Gillerman is only formally registering the charges for posterity to the UN, he knows they will do nothing to aid Israel.

Wild Thing says:

Tom you so right, the UN is only interested in what they want to aid the enemy.

Wild Thing says:

Jack yes and I agree , too bad Gillerman even has to do all that process of doing things stuff. I bet he would rather just say, this is what we are doing and bug off UN.