29 Apr

High Court Says Mojave Cross In Calif. Can Remain

US Supreme Court rules Mojave cross can stay, rejecting the church-state challenge by the ACLU. This was a huge defeat for American communists.
The Supreme Court has said a federal court went too far in ordering the removal of a congressionally endorsed war memorial cross from its longtime home in California.

The justices said Wednesday that federal judges in California did not take sufficient notice of the government’s decision to transfer the land in a remote area of California to private ownership to eliminate any constitutional concern about a religious symbol on public land.

The ruling was 5-4, with the court’s conservatives in the majority.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars erected the cross more than 75 years ago atop an outcropping in the Mojave National Preserve.
It has been covered with plywood for the past several years following the court rulings. Court papers describe the cross as 5 feet to 8 feet tall.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Thank God!
The ruling was 5-4 …
I hate Liberals, Progressives or whatever label those four, Godless commies are hiding behind. God help us if that court ever flips so that the majority are liberal. It is insane that 4 voted against it.
Leftist liberals are a cancer upon any nation. The only freedoms they rally for always seem to cause destructions of cherished values. They thrive in this nation paid for with the blood of patriots .

….Thank you Tom for sending this to me.
US Army Aviation
Vietnam 1966-68
US Army Special Forces

TomR says:

My first thoughts also WT. I am glad the case was concluded and in favor of letting the cross stay. However, I was disappointed that again, the four liberal justices voted for socialism. Let us pray that none of the other five justices has to leave the court in the next two and a half years.

BobF says:

It’s a shame 4 justices voted against it.
Four lawyers in black robes who don’t have a freaking clue of what the Constitution actually says. This is sad folks and if we don’t get an Obama proof Senate, it’s going to be worse.

Jim says:

Yep, another 5-4 ruling. I’m certainly glad the right side prevailed in this case. The way these 4 justices can skew the Constitution is beyond belief. And they do it every time.

Mark says:

Yes its a shame. But we won this one. Victories nowadays are few and far between, lets celebrate a win when we get one.

Jack says:

Thank God for one Constitutional judge on the SCOTUS, his vote swung the decision.
My oh my!!! Listen to the Komrads squall in Mass A Two Shits, one of their annointed ones has sanctioned windmills in Teddy’s back yard, Kennedyville will not be the same 🙂 🙂
Busy day, I’ll be AWOL again, God bless….

Bob A says:

My thoughts have already been said so I will just thank you guys for your comments and WT for the post.

Rac says:

I Live in the western end of the Mojave and I’ve been following this case and have contributed some bucks toward the effort. Needless to say I was happy when I heard about the SCOTUS decision. But…..it ain’t over yet, the ACLU isn’t going to let it go. Check this out

Mark says:

Just went there RAC, well this victory was short-lived. I thought the Supreme Court had the last word. When did this change?

Wild Thing says:

Thank you everyone sooo much.
RAC oh wow I didn’t know that. GRRRRRRR
Thank you RAC for the link and information.