22 Mar

Sensenbrenner: “This executive order is just a piece of paper”….”

The executive order that is being talked about now is a piece of paper, it will have no force and no effect”
Sensenbrenner: “An executive order cannot change or trump existing law. The executive order that is being talked about now is a piece of paper, it will have no force and no effect and if one is concerned about preventing the exchanges that are established under the Senate bill that we will be voting on in a few hours.
Then the only thing that one can do is to vote against that Senate bill to preserve the Hyde Amendment from being expanded to programs to that are created under the Senate bill. I’m sorry, but the gentleman from Michigan [that would be Stupak] and the gentleman from California have misstated the law, it is pretty clear”

Wild Thing’s comment……
Good for Sensenbrenner! Too many people are pushing that an EO will just make everything all hearts and flowers about this.

Jack says:

I harken back to this piece of intelligence. Those ingnorant assholes will buy anything halfblack preaches.

Mark says:

Like that interview in detroit. Where they were giveing out money to pay for po folk utilities.
Interviewer: What are you here for.
Black Lady: Money, Obama money.
INt: Where’d he get it.
BL: I don no, his stash…yeah, obama’s Stash.
This is what they voted on yesterday, they just upped the ante another Trillion dollars of redistributive socialism. and We get to pay for it.
This can’t go on. He said to day this is what Change looks like, no it don’t slick, I got your change.
Bad to worse. This must stop.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, thank you for the link,
Mark, I agree, bad to worse.