24 Jun

What Fun to Meet Blogger Friends

Having a blog is very special to me and one of the great things that happens can be a chance to meet other bloggers in person. As many of you know I have met my blog mom, Linda of Something….and Half of Something, in person. We have known each other for many years, long before either of us had a blog. Outside of blogging she is the sister I have always wanted.
This last week I was honored and blessed to be able to meet two other bloggers I have admired. We have become friends after meeting online and now we were able to meet in person. My blog Uncle Vinnie of Vince Aut Morire and his beautiful wife Merri of Merri Musings. It was also special for me to meet their children and what a pure joy it was meeting them too.
We had such a wonderful time of laughter and great conversation. We were also able to go to Busch Gardens only an hour away in Tampa together, and then a relaxing dinner at a friend of Linda’s that lived in the area. The day went way too fast, but every minute was filled with cherised memories.
How special it is to meet someone that you have met online and already know your hearts and souls have the same desire for our country and a bonding that will last forever.

chrys says:

“Merri Musings” right there with “Something & 1/2” as really good writers and some of the most considerate people in “Blogdum.” I’ll have to make it a point to meet Dane or Gribbit – they’re here in Ohio.

Vinnie says:

What a delight it was meeting you and the Stunt Man.
Why, yes, we did shell out the 9.95 for 24 hours of internet connection in the hotel.

Wild Thing says:

Wow that’s alot I think. waaaaa
Now I have to behave since you can get online. hahaha

Merri says:

Yanno, we had such a wonderful time meeting you, your hubby and Linda. The only thing I would have changed was how much time we got to spend with you. 🙂 Thanks for meeting us!!!!!

Wild Thing says:

Me too Merri, we just have to do it again. giggle
I love you both

Wild Thing says:

Chrys yes they are wonderful writers.

Making Memories

Thursday will go down in history. I went north to the land of roller coasters to meet up with my blog brother Vinnie, my blog sister-in-law and fellow Cotillion babe Merri and my blog-daughter and fellow Cotillion babe Wild Thing….

LindaSoG says:

Yeah, we had fun!

The blog mini-vacation

OK, it was only two days, but it was a GREAT trip.
On Monday morning, the little princess and I road-tripped to Tallahassee to meet up with Vinnie and Merri and their adorable kids while they’re in Florida on their vacation! I’m still try…