You would think President Obama’s jobs speech would be about the American people and reviving the economy. Think again….
Obama referred to himself 132 times in last week’s Ohio speech
Americans for Prosperity that counts the number of times President Obama mentioned himself in a recent “Jobs” Speech he delivered in Ohio. The number – 132 times! This despite the fact that in the speech, he actually said, “It’s not about me.”
They also counted the number of times he mentioned “taxpayers” – 2; “Tax Cuts” – 2; “Small Business” – 8.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Obamanation narcissist is beyond embarrassment — he’s incapable of being embarrassed since he dwells so exclusively in his own feverish self-adoration.
There is no I in team. He needs to remember that if he wants us all to work together, he’s going to have to suck it up and stop being such a Poopyhead (as my little one calls him). This “i’m so great” crap has to stop with him.
That is funny when he says, “it is not about me”. Then he goes on to promote himself and his programs.
He sure has an identity crisis every time he shows up in public. Or he has to keep reminding everyone he is the messiah…honest What a crock of crap.
Hail Caesar – Meglomaniac Dr. Zhicago?
Lynn, good one. I agree, I am sick of the I’m so great” crap too and it is crap.
Tom, LOL yes it sure is.
Mark, it is just so weird, he is nuts.
Darth, exzctly!!!