17 Dec

House Votes 218-214 For Short-term Debt Ceiling Increase

House votes 218-214 for short-term debt ceiling increase
The Hill
In an end-of-session nail-biter vote, the House passed a short-term increase of the debt limit Wednesday, setting the stage for a February showdown on deficit spending.
It was not a popular measure with centrist and vulnerable lawmakers, who don’t want to be portrayed as allowing the nation to go deeper into debt. The $290 billion increase would set the debt ceiling at $12.394 trillion.
The vote was 218-214, but Democratic leaders had to sweat it out. As the voting clock ticked down to zero, the bill was losing, 203-208.
Thirty-nine Democrats rejected the measure and not one Republican voted for it. Three members, Reps. George Radanovich (R-Calif.), Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) and Bill Young (R-Fla.), did not vote.
Most of the Democrats who voted against the debt increase are expected to face challenging reelection races.
Three of the four Democrats running for the Senate, Reps. Paul Hodes (N.H.), Kendrick Meek (Fla.) and Charlie Melancon (La.), voted no. Rep. Joe Sestak (Pa.), who is running against Sen. Arlen Specter (Pa.) in the Democratic primary, voted yes.

In the lead-up to the vote, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) acknowledged that he had voted against lifting the debt limit when Republicans controlled Congress. He admitted fault, labeling those votes as “votes of demagoguery,” imploring his colleagues to back the measure.

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said extending the borrowing authority simply allows the federal government to “pile even more irresponsible debt onto future generations.”
Democratic leaders said the limit needed to be raised to prevent the nation from defaulting on its debts. They have justified the spending as necessary to pull the nation out of recession. But Democrats facing tough reelections are growing increasingly concerned that deficit spending could be used against them in the 2010 election.
Democratic leaders said the limit needed to be raised to prevent the nation from defaulting on its debts. They have justified the spending as necessary to pull the nation out of recession. But Democrats facing tough reelections are growing increasingly concerned that deficit spending could be used against them in the 2010 election.

As evidence of the toxicity of the issue, the National Republican Congressional Committee sent out news releases within minutes of the vote, attacking nearly 50 Democrats in conservative districts for giving “party leaders a $300 billion blank check.”

Wild Thing’s comment………..
The $290 billion increase would set the debt ceiling at $12.394 trillion. OMG
Obama and his ilk will never stop!

……Thank you RAC for sending this to me.
RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company
13th Combat Aviation Battalion – 1st Aviation Brigade – Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam

These Jerks, these parasitic assholes, would have you and I believe that they think that we can spend ourselves out of debt. It wouldn’t work in my house, nor in your house, and damned sure not in the federal government. They know as well as they know that they are scrueing us that this is no solution to our national debt. There is a plan to break the bank of America causing so many of us to lose our incomes that we must crawl to the government for our sustinence. And if we keep our focus on that damned sale at the Mall, we’ll surely do as they want.
WAKE UP PEOPLE! You are being scrued and not even getting a good kiss out of the deal.
“Never Forget Ft. Hood Texas 11/5/09!”

Mark says:

Short Term increase. When has the government ever rescinded an increase in taxes. Thats what’s going to pay for this.
All these platitudes about how we are spending our way out of debt. Has any of these geniuses ever looked at the interest we are paying on this debt. They just increased the interest. And didn’t they just raise the debt ceiling by 1.8 Trillion dollars. Actually when you think about this latest increase its chump change, when considering what we already owe. 3.5 Trillion is owed to foreign countries.
Obama is spending us into the ‘po hos’ except he and his elite bastard buddies will have everything they want.

Jack says:

Taxes never go down, in my entire life I have seen one instance where the taxpayer won, that was when, we the voters, rescinded the state of Alaska’s 20% income tax about 30 years ago.
Cigarette taxes here in the Soviet of Washington started at 2 cents back in the mid 50’s, “to pay for veterans rehabilitation” after the Korean war, it evolved into today’s 8.4-8.8% general sales tax, guess where those cigarette taxes went^^^. Last year the Queen of the Soviet raised the gasoline tax 10 cents a gallon, raised minimum wage to $8.50 and everyone wonders why Boeing is telling the state to stick it in their ass AND why the kids can’t find entry jobs. In the microcosm of Washington I see the future of the nation, bankrupt, like the state but able to print worthless funny money, with all of what is left of industry bailing out. What is Government Motors going to sell? That $50,000 – $60,000 UAW Chevvy to an $18,000/year McDonald’s worker paid in inflato dollars or Peso’s. What’ll it be, corvée or chattel, for those unable to pay up on their taxes? Politely, they have screwed themselves away from the table.

Wild Thing says:

Democrats would whine about money that
Bush spent, but it is nothing in spending
compared to what these Dems and Obama have
done. Not even close. And Bush did it
because of the war.