Screenwriter Roger L. Simon and filmmaker Lionel Chetwynd discuss what the Climategate scandal reveals about the shaky foundations of Al Gore’s Oscar-winning “An Inconvenient Truth” and consider how the Academy might restore its reputation.
Take back Al Gore’s Oscar, 2 Academy members demand in light of Climategate
Los Angeles Times
No, it wouldn’t do anything for the environment.
But two Hollywood conservatives (yes, there are some) have called upon the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to rescind the prestigious, profitable gold Oscar statuette that it gave ex-Vice President Al Gore et al two years ago for the environmental movie “An Inconvenient Truth.”
Roger L. Simon and Lionel Chetwynd, both Academy members, are among a small, meandering pack of known political conservatives still believed to be on the loose in the liberal bastion of movie-making.
In 2007, Hollywood’s Academy sanctified Gore’s cinematic message of global warming with its famous statue, enriched his earnings by $100,000 per 85-minute appearance and helped elevate the Tennesseean’s profile to win the Nobel Peace Prize despite losing the election battle of 2000 to a Texan and living in a large house with lots of energy-driven appliances.
Chetwynd and Simon were prompted to make their hopeless demand this week by the….
…leak two weeks ago of a blizzard of British academic e-mails purporting to show that scientists at the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit systematically falsified data to document the appearance of global warming in recent years.
The university is reportedly investigating the claims, which added dry fuel to the never-ending political debate over whether the Earth really is warming as a result of human activity or if it’s just normal natural cycles and the debate is what’s heated. The demand to withdraw Gore’s award provides yet another opportunity to argue.
The startling leak comes at an inconvenient time just before next week’s United Nations’ climate change meeting that will cause an immense carbon footprint with thousands of people flying up or over to Denmark to talk about saving the environment.
These airplanes will include Air Force One with its primary passenger President Obama, who’s returning to the Copenhagen scene where he didn’t help win the 2016 Summer Olympics for Chicago, which could do with a little global warming at this time of year.
Simon, a screenwriter who is also chief executive officer of Pajamas Media, a network of conservative online blogs, conceded he knew of no precedent for the Academy withdrawing a previously-awarded Oscar, despite decades of Hollywood hijinks and worse. But, he added, “I think they should rescind this one.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Great idea! It won’t ever happen but it’s still good they are doing this. They could also change it to getting his award for best political propaganda.
Gores….new name for his film ……”An inconvenient Oscar
Poor Algore. His world is crashing down. A lot of the dark truth of the global warming agenda is seeing the light of day. Too bad they can’t call a special Oscar night in which the only presentation made is Gore handing back his erroneously won Oscar.
Algore won an oscar and the nobel peace prize. For repeating what other global alarmists have been saying. only after manipulating all their bogus data. Normally the extreme left don’t suffer fools gladly but algore was a convenient ‘shill’ for the communist. As Rush has said, the new enviromentalist are the old Communist who were left out in the cold after the Wall came down now have a new agenda to take over the world through more punitive climate regulation and control.
But the American left decided to reward Gore and give him some credibility. On the face of it a cursory view, it looks like a huge achievement upon closer inspection we can see they, the left, were trying to make Algore into an enviromental icon where the sheep, wjere the sheep would blindly follow him off the cliff and they did. The charade soon started falling apart, because of its own illegitmate weight, when Algore refused to debate real scientists on his views of the coming disaster. His screwball theories were protected by partisan politics of former democrat cronies and it was a “shove it down our throats” deal, and we don’t have to prove nothing stance.
Now with these Emails coming out and exposing the whole sham, they are now scurrying like rats trapped on an old board in a flooding basement.
Why bother? Due politicization of both awards by the dominant Left, the Oscar and the Nobel prize lost their credibility decades ago…
… both are awards for agitprop or anti-Americanism,nothing more…
Tom, LOL oh how I would love to see that.
Mark, the vision of them as rats is so good.
They are too!
Willy, yes it has changed a lot.
It would be delicious though if he had
to return it, heh heh