07 Oct

The Day ObamaCare Died

Obama sings about the day his plan for National Health Care died. “The Day ObamaCare Died”
was written by Paul Shanklin and performed on the Rush Limbaugh Radio Show. Paul Shanklin web-site is at www.paulshanklin.com

Lyrics: The Day OBAMA CARE Died
A long, long time ago
I can still remember
How, the protests used to make me smile
Cause I knew we could ram it thru
Before they ever had a clue
Then maybe they’d shut-up for a while
But the protests grew and made me shiver
Pelosi and Reid could not deliver
Now our push for health care has to wait
Til September [Spoken: or October or next year]
I cant remember if I cried
When I heard the right had organized
But something told me deep inside
That day National Health Care died.
So Id lied, lied at every townhall in sight
Drove my Chevy cross the country tryin to put up a fight
Them good ol boys were standing right there outside
Sayin this will be the day that it dies
This will be the day Obama Care dies
We were gonna run it all on our own
But Congressmen and Senators were gettin stoned back home
Thats not how it was supposed to be
We used to be treated like a king and queen
And the sweater she borrowed from LL Bean
And my voice could part the stormy, stormy seas
But now everytime I hit the stage
Bitter crowds appear in fits of rage
Somewhere down in hell
Is where my members fell
I was blown away by Bob and Buck
And the redneck neighbors with their pickup truck
But I knew I was out of luck
The day that health care died
Even though I lied, lied at every townhall in sight
Drove my chevy cross the country tryin to put up a fight
Them good ol boys were standing right there outside
Sayin this will be the day that it dies
This will be the day Obama Care dies
Even though I lied, lied at every townhall in sight
Drove my chevy cross the country tryin to put up a fight
The good ol boys were standing right there outside
Sayin this will be the day that it dies
This will be the day Obama Care dies


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Shanklin is a genius!

….. Thank you Stepberg for sending this to me.

Eden says:

Isn’t he the one that did that Michelle MA BELLE on Rush’s show right after she got busted with the huge lobster and champagne room service bill? Everytime I see Aunt Esther’s mug I imagine she’s thinking about lobsters and champagne mm mm mm.

I love it Chrissie. You find some great ones, lady. Keeps us coming back.
“Learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11!”

Ron Russell says:

I saw this the other day and it is great. One of my favorite tunes set to new words, Ha!

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

I still like SWEET HOMEY OBAMY Wild Thing! AF ONE and 1 million in fuel COSTS to $TEAL the 2016 OLYMPICS that resulted in a WOPPING 18 votes out of 92? Chicago a first round knock out?
Olympic Executives – 74
Obama & Chicago – 18

Jack says:

Paul has another winner, thanks Chrissie.

Wild Thing says:

Eden yes he is the same person.
haahha That was a good one too.

Wild Thing says:

Frankly, thank you. They help a little
to get through the horrible stuff from Obama.

Wild Thing says:

Ron, me too I like this tune.

Wild Thing says:

Darth, ditto that.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, thank you, yes it is a good one.