Hot Air has a great post up comparing the Organizing for America bus tour photos to those of the Tea Party Express
Wild Thing’s comment………
Yes Obama is a copycat! He can’t be original if his life depended on it. LOL
Check out their comparisons of the photos – and then ask yourself which is the authentic grass roots effort, and which is a manufactured astroturf effort.
Even his “change” is old, it is taken from the things that never workd, communisim, socialism, Marxism. He stole words for his speeches from others. His stupid circle logo he insists on having..NO other President of our country even had that stupid mentality….because he is DIctator!!!
Watching the townhall’s, the dems, not being able to come up with their own ideas of why the deathcare bill is good, will always resort to the same talking points. It’s the same with the pro communist supporters at the rallies. They just use the talking point redi-signs.
Both groups stopped in Dallas/Ft Worth at the same time. There was no comparison. The Ttea Party rally was ten times the other rally.
Jim, interestiing, thank you.
I would get bored if I was a communist.haha
I love that our side has the freedom and
the change to be creative and not have to
follow lock step in a rally. How awful
that would be.