US sanctions Venezuela over terrorism: official
Mon May 15, 2006 – 1:20 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States imposed sanctions on Venezuela on Monday, banning all arms sales to a major oil supplier for what it believes is a lack of help in Washington’s war on terrorism, a State Department official said.
The move plummets the two nations’ ties to their worst level in decades and comes after years of antagonism between leftist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Washington on issues ranging from trade to oil prices.
The United States is concerned about Chavez’s friendly relationship with Cuba and Iran, two countries it says sponsor terrorism, and his failure to stop Colombian leftist guerrillas using Venezuelan territory, the U.S. official said.
Venezuela has warned for months the United States would move against it over terrorism but says it cooperates with Colombia against guerrillas and denies its ties with countries that are U.S. foes mean that it helps militants.
He almost looks like one of those Ferengi on Star Trek.
Bob lmao oh yessss he does.
I would like to thank all of my friends for
comming here to help me start a new job as
Venezuela’s Head proctologist,as you can see
I carry my tool with me!!!
Tincan Sailor omg too funny. Love your humor!