Watch this Video on plans for Aztlan…..…HERE…….thank you.
One of the organizations that is organizing the immigration protests in Detroit is ACCESS. Seems their President, Noel Saleh (name found on the “Staff” page) is an ACLU lawyer and supports terrorists:
Noel Saleh. The thrice-disciplined attorney (who was suspended from the practice of law) openly stated at a townhall meeting with federal officials that he has financially contributed to Hezbollah.
He heads an Arab welfare agency that gets millions in our tax dollars, yet was raided by the FBI for engaging in Medicaid fraud. The organization also spent thousands in our tax dollars on “job training” (commercial driving lessons and attempts at HazMat hauling certificates) for two men indicted as members of the Detroit al-Qaeda terror cell. He has represented a number of Islamic terrorists, including Ibrahim Parlak and “former” PFLP terrorist Imad Hamad.
La Voz de Aztlán (The Voice of Aztlán) is the Internet publication, or webzine, of the Nation of Aztlán, a secessionist organization based in Whittier, California. The organization’s chief objective, as reflected in La Voz de Aztlán, is the formation of a country named Aztlán, which would be composed of present-day Mexico, parts of Oklahoma, and the entirety of Texas, New Mexico, California, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. According to La Voz and the group that established it, “Aztlán” was the name of the Aztec homeland that supposedly existed in Mexico and the Southwestern United States prior to the Spanish conquest of 1519. The group now seeks to recapture this territory that it claims was “stolen” by white America.
La Voz sides decisively with Palestinian terrorists in their ongoing conflict with Israel. “There are great similarities between the political and economic condition of the Palestinians in occupied Palestine and that of La Raza in the southwest United States,” La Voz says. “… The primary one of course is the fact that both La Raza and the Palestinians have been displaced by invaders that have utilized military means to conquer and occupy our territories.The La Voz website also contains a lengthy tribute to eight female Palestinian suicide bombers who killed many innocent Jewish civilians, describing them as “freedom fighters” who “made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom and independence of the Palestinian people.” Moreover, La Voz has referred to the late Yasser Arafat as an “extraordinary courageous leader.”
A.N.S.W.E.R. is an organizer of the illegal alien marches across the country. They are a front group for the Marxist-Leninist Workers World Party. They idolize Joseph Stalin but when organizing Latino’s they promote Communist leaders Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and Che Gueverra as hero’s of the common man.
Socialist Party USA
“On May 1st walkouts at schools and workplaces across the US will take place in solidarity with immigrant com- munities under attack by Congressional legislation. These walkouts invoke the powerful tradition of May Day – the socialist celebration of international working class solidarity. ”
Wild Thing’s comment…….
For me I am going to shop after work today. Instead of shopping over the weekend for groceries, Home Depot (for more plants for the patio) etc. today is the day. In my own way I can try to show they are NOT necessary to our economy.
The saying ” You cannot deport 12 million people”, is nothing more than a slogan for people who have stopped trying to address the problem. The U.S. government needs to begin deporting illegal aliens, and even if it only deports a fraction of them over the next few years that would be progress. If the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency deported only two million of the 12 million illegal aliens, 10 million illegals would be better than 12 million.
Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) notes that enforcing employer sanctions could lead many to go home on their own without deportation proceedings: “If you can’t get a job in this country, and if you can’t get social service benefits, you go home.” Additionally, a lot of immigrants visit families on their own, and wouldn’t be able to get back in if Congress decides to secure the border.
On the other hand, if the 12 million illegals are legalized, none would be deported. Moreover, this amnesty (whether called amnesty or not) would simply induce more illegals to cross the Rio Grande in the hopes of waiting until the next amnesty.
Please go HERE as well and read how many times amnesty has been done, let us never forget. It never changed anything and it only made matters worse. They give a candy (amnesty) and then they never say NO to the future illegals coming in. (such as close the borders.)
Thank you Jack for a great post at your blog ” Reward The Illegals”.
Why don’t we start the deportation process with all the illegals clogging our jail system?
Good question, Jeff. My guess is that Bush’s amigo Vicente Fox told him not to do it.
Jails mean employment for the jailers, the lawyers, the judges, the police, the additional security personnel, the medical staff, their food procurement and most importantly, health, education and welfare for the remaining family members. We can’t afford to deport them, Vincente, George and the ACLU insist that we treat them as good as or better than our own.
They’re taking the cells that American criminals don’t want.
Very interesting. It’s not about coming to this country to work, what it’s about, according to their leaders, is slowing massing forces for a civil war. These people are slowly building in numbers to where they will have sufficient numbers take over the Southwest and West Coast of the United States. That talk I heard was the talk of war, not the talk of a people wanting to come to this country to work and live.
Rhod, “They’re taking the cells that American criminals don’t want.”……LMAO now that too.
Jeff it would make more room for our own home grown bad guys that’s for sure.
Jack …….”Vincente, George and the ACLU insist that we treat them as good as or better than our own.”…..but I don’t want to. grrrr
🙂 Thanks Jack
Bob that sure is what I get out of it. I can’t remember where I read it, maybe I hear it on the news…..when they were putting OUR upside down in their rallies the news said someone told them to wait and not do that right now that it was making some Americans mad (no kidding grrrrr) and get this.,….to wait till after they got what they wanted then do it. sheesh!!!
A guy I work with (we usually agree on 99% of topics) disagree on this. He thinks there has to be a worker program for these people. I inform him there is, several. Programs like H1-B, H1-A, L1, etc. Then the argument goes to the amount of time it takes for the paperwork, to which I reply too bad. Try this carp in any other country (pick one) and see what happens. He agrees on these, but still doesn’t get it. He doesn’t think it’s possible to ship out 12 million people over night. Well, if we don’t start, we’ll never find out will we. He also doesn’t think our economy can handle this removal of labor. I remind him the US has a very rsourceful and adaptable economy; we’ve made rapid changes when situations warrant. Simply put, start removing them and force them to apply for access to the US. No work papers to go back and forth. Either come, stay, and spend the money you earn here; or stay home.
Raz0r, remind your coworker that the unemployment rate in the US is still about 4%. That means about they’re plenty of American Citizens to do the work the illegal’s do. It may mean that those who employ illegal’s will have to pay at least Federal Minimum Wage or more to hire Americans but that shouldn’t hurt what they charge for their products as they are already charging as if they had Union Laborers.
Also, if they hire legal workers, the workers will have to pay Social Security taxes which have to be matched by the employer 100%. Right now, those who hire illegals are ripping off Social Security big time.
I also informed him of some research I came across that weighs the tax paid (by only 40% of these illegals) vs. services used by illegals. When it was all said and done, it was a -23%, a negative! They’re users, they do not add anything to the system, by almost a factor of 4:1 (consumption:provision). So I supposedly save money because of their cheap labor, but I definitely pay more in taxes due to their consumption of services. I followed with: if they leave, then citizens of this country who truly need assistance have more resources to draw from and those of us who do not can realize a reduced tax burden. If I pay less in taxes, I can afford it if the price of goods rises due to higher wages for legal labor (both citizen and green card). And if illegal labor is removed, US unemployment should drop as citizens take up these jobs; and again I can realize a reduced tax burden providing me with yet again more of my own capital to spend on goods or to save/invest as more citizens pay into the system. And the cycle repeats as more who choose, join the ranks of the employed. Those who don’t will suffer a reduced standard of living through welfare reform (it will be needed as impetus to join the land of the employed). I have yet to find a down side to removing the illegals from the US. Send them to Hugo, he loves Che.