09 Mar

Professor Called Police After Student Presentation

Indoctrinate U

Our Education. Their Politics. Documentary filmmaker Evan Coyne Maloney investigates political censorship at colleges and universities in the United States. Watch how “free speech” Liberals censor speech at US Colleges.

Professor Called Police After Student Presentation
The Recorder Online
For CCSU student John Wahlberg, a class presentation on campus violence turned into a confrontation with the campus police due to a complaint by the professor.
On October 3, 2008, Wahlberg and two other classmates prepared to give an oral presentation for a Communication 140 class that was required to discuss a “relevant issue in the media”. Wahlberg and his group chose to discuss school violence due to recent events such as the Virginia Tech shootings that occurred in 2007.
Shortly after his professor, Paula Anderson, filed a complaint with the CCSU Police against her student. During the presentation Wahlberg made the point that if students were permitted to conceal carry guns on campus, the violence could have been stopped earlier in many of these cases. He also touched on the controversial idea of free gun zones on college campuses.
That night at work, Wahlberg received a message stating that the campus police “requested his presence”. Upon entering the police station, the officers began to list off firearms that were registered under his name, and questioned him about where he kept them.

They told Wahlberg that they had received a complaint from his professor that his presentation was making students feel “scared and uncomfortable”.

“I was a bit nervous when I walked into the police station,” Wahlberg said, “but I felt a general sense of disbelief once the officer actually began to list the firearms registered in my name. I was never worried however, because as a law-abiding gun owner, I have a thorough understanding of state gun laws as well as unwavering safety practices.”

Professor Anderson refused to comment directly on the situation and deferred further comment.

“It is also my responsibility as a teacher to protect the well being of our students, and the campus community at all times,” she wrote in a statement submitted to The Recorder. “As such, when deemed necessary because of any perceived risks, I seek guidance and consultation from the Chair of my Department, the Dean and any relevant University officials.”

Wahlberg believes that her complaint was filed without good reason.

“I don’t think that Professor Anderson was justified in calling the CCSU police over a clearly nonthreatening matter. Although the topic of discussion may have made a few individuals uncomfortable, there was no need to label me as a threat,” Wahlberg said in response. “The actions of Professor Anderson made me so uncomfortable, that I didn’t attend several classes. The only appropriate action taken by the Professor was to excuse my absences.”

The university police were unavailable for comment.

“If you can’t talk about the Second Amendment, what happened to the First Amendment?” asked Sara Adler, president of the Riflery and Marksmanship club on campus. “After all, a university campus is a place for the free and open exchange of ideas.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
If the topic had have been womans right to kill unborn babies he would have gotten extra credit.
Sara Adler, president of the Riflery and Marksmanship club on campus. “After all, a university campus is a place for the free and open exchange of ideas.”
LMAO that has no the case since when, since the hippies took over and now we have Bill Ayers teaching and all the others that think like he does.
Sara go to college in Texas, NOT Connecticutt!
“If you can’t talk about the Second Amendment, what happened to the First Amendment?” asked Sara Adler
A great quote !

….Thank you Mark for sending this to me.
3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Bob A says:

Yes, academics, Churchill, Ayers etc. shout about freedom to express their views as “professors”. This shows the true colors of these “a%$wipe “professors”. This freedom applies only to their teachings, not to any response by students.
Bob A.

Mark says:

Yes Freedom of Speech as long as you agree with them. But you darescent say anything contrary then that then becomes politically incorrect.

Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET says:

When I retired, I went to school for three semesters. Being an old seadog in a four year institution in my home town was a bit of a change, sot say the least.
The specifics I don’t remember but the PC left was already at MSU-Northern. Needless to say the Old Retired Petty Officer “offended” someone and the student senate and whatever discipline committee wanted my hide. End result they didn’t get it. The best part was informing the youngsters that their mommies and daddies were paying my tuition and to get over it.

TomR says:

Even back in the late 60’s free thought and speech in college was only free if it was mainly leftist or liberal. I tried again in the mid 80’s and it was just worse. I am not collegiate material anyway, but my conservative nature and philosophy are the nail in that coffin.
I appreciate the people that can make it through college and shrug off the leftist propaganda and still have an open mind. Surprisingly there are many that do that. Some are even strongly conservative.

Wild Thing says:

BobA., very true, it is totally a double standard. I am so glad there are some students that manage to get through and not have all this socialism effect them.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, that is exactly what happens.

Wild Thing says:

Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET, I LOVE that!!! Thank you so much for sharing about it.
LOVE it!!!

Wild Thing says:

Tom, giggle I am glad you are YOU, love it.
I agree, there are some awesome people that have gone and managed not to let them brain wash them. My guess is they come out even stronger then before.