24 Feb

Obama’s Stimulus Bill ~ Our Nightmare


Video of Republican Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal today after meeting with the President, along with other Governors, at the White House. Jindal lays out strongly what the Stimulus Bill should have been like, even giving specifics on some of the pork in the bill that was signed into law by Obama.
$200,000 for “Tattoo Removal Violence Prevention Outreach Program,” pg. 283
National Council of La Raza, $473,000 earmark from Sens. Bingaman and Menendez, pg. 212.


RNC Chairman Michael Steele told Neil Cavuto that he is open to cutting GOP funding for the 3 Senate traitors who voted for the largest spending bill in US history. Steele says he will wait and see what the state GOP parties decide about the traitors. Senators Specter, Snowe and Collins voted in favor of the trillion dollar pork-bloated bill.


Wild Thing’s comment………..
Not everyone is as stupid as Obama and Pelosi thought. The Stimulus bill will get the States that accept the money tied to the FederalGovernment more then they are. Standard Socialist Government Policy.

……Thank you SSgT Steve for the cartoon for this.
SSgt Steve
1st MarDiv, H Co., 2nd Bn, 5th Marine Regiment
2/5 Marines, Motto: “Retreat, Hell”
VN 66-67

Steve Gaston, American-American says:

Off Topic: I just read the blog from yesterday. TomR, you have it correct…I am an American-American.
I have several ancestors…mostly Irish Protestants and Russian Jews. (both of which, have been enslaved and persecuted much more than any black in this country)
But, when you boil it down, I was born here so I am an American-American.
ps. My ancestors and decendants don’t sit around crying in our beer…we get up and work.

Odin says:

It’s the national GOP’s job to set the expectations for the states. That would be leadership. Any thing else is followership. Some times a state party just needs house keeping.

Most are suckups reaching across the aisle like they always do in their one way gestures, but only a few like Demint and Jindal are speaking out. I still haven’t formed any trust in Steele, he’s going to have to prove to me that he’s not another damned globalist for globalists. It’s up to Steele to prove me wrong and rally some real Americans to the party, not more Socialists. Like in my state, the Republicans are subservient to the Democrats, anyone who goes against the Communist grain is ostracized by their own party, not supported.

Mark says:

This is nuts we are paying people to dig our grave and then push us into it.

Wild Thing says:

Steve Gaston, American-American , I love the American-American, heh heh.

Wild Thing says:

Odin, I agree, there needs to be some serious house cleaning the GOP will get back on track.

Mark says:

Just talked to my Son in Chicago, he is leaving UBS, Thank God for that, guess we taught him something. He said this swiss bank deal was the last straw. He mentioned a few other things that were pushing him that way but this did it. And he is taking his customers with him. Of course our retirement and savings are in the toilette but what the hay…Obama will take care of us. … in the old folks home with a shot of air to the artery.
He is looking at smaller banks. The small banks are doing well its the larger ones that have been caught up in the Fanny and Freddie scandal.

Wild Thing says:

Jack, I am watching, listening and taking it very slow. I basically like Steele, but we are at war imo now with the enemy within and have to really have a take no prison thing going on. No more rino’s or we might as well just tell the dems how much they own America forver.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, that is a good way to describe it.
“we are paying people to dig our grave and then push us into it.”

Wild Thing says:

Mark, WOW, well I am glad. I was concerned after you mentioned about him yesterday. It had to be a hard decision to make too and I am proud of him.
I just heard that about smaller banks about an hour ago on the news.
“Obama will take care of us. … in the old folks home with a shot of air to the artery.”
hahaaha Nick and I will be down the hall from you.