24 Feb

Obama Porkenstein and Pelosi Bride of Porkenstein Porkulus PART TWO

Janis Joplin could have been singing this to Obama! ~ Wild Thing

Another Huge Spending Bill Planned For
Human Events
Here we go again! House Republicans are bracing for another onslaught of out-of-control Democrat-authored spending as the omnibus bill is expected to hit the floor of the House this week.
And it’ll be yet another spending bill House Republicans and the American people have not yet been allowed to see and the Democrats haven’t even bothered to read.
As if the $1.2 trillion Democrats spent on “stimulus” last week wasn’t enough of a disaster, this colossal bill encompasses the remaining nine appropriations bills for fiscal year 2009 sloughed off by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
House minority leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) called upon the Speaker Thursday to release the voluminous spending bill online without delay.

“If Democratic leaders plan to schedule a vote on the half-trillion dollar omnibus spending bill next week, they should post the legislation online immediately so the American people have adequate time to read the measure and understand what is in it,” Boehner said. “My colleagues in the Republican leadership and I made this request two weeks ago, and to date, our request has gone unanswered. Time is running short, and American taxpayers deserve to know how their hard-earned tax dollars will be used under this legislation.”

Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.), the House Republican Conference chairman, joined Boehner in asking again – apparently in vain — for an open process from the secretive Democrat leadership this time around.

“More than two weeks ago, House Republicans called on Speaker Pelosi to post online the text of the upcoming half-trillion dollar ‘omnibus’ spending bill, bringing it out of the shadows and before the American people,” Pence said. “So far, that call has gone unanswered. Democrats continue to spend the people’s money in secret. I renew my call for Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Obey to immediately post the text of this bill online, and allow the American people an opportunity to see how their tax dollars are being spent. As we recently learned, legislation negotiated in secret produces bad public policy. This can be avoided. We need to reopen the appropriations process to the American public.”

The omnibus spending bill was originally placed on the legislative calendar over two weeks ago, yet that proved inconvenient to ramming through the obscene “stimulus” bill. Shaky Blue Dog Democrats — in what passes for their idea of fiscal responsibility this Congressional session — were not comfortable with trying to pass the bloated trillion dollar “stimulus” spending bill while porking up another half-trillion in omnibus spending.
As was the case with the Obama-Pelosi “stimulus” bill, Democrats appear determined to keep this massive spending bill under wraps, too, so the American people won’t know what’s in it, and Republicans will not have time to read what has historically been a bill literally thousands of pages in length.
House and Senate Democrat apparatchiki appear unconcerned with voting on bills that their Dear Leaders have not allowed them time to read. Republicans are, however, troubled by this tyrannical behavior, as they have not even been consulted, much less informed, of the floor schedule for the omnibus bill, nor have they been told when they may be allowed to see the thousands of pages contained in these nine remaining spending bills.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Democrats spending we the people’s money in secret once again. They are so control driven so control obsessed.
The US Government has become like an old abandoned colonial mansion, reclaimed by the jungle and overrun by a band of monkeys.
None of the Republicans should vote on this, they should walk out!
The Democrats are hell-bent to bankrupt the nation, as many individuals as possible, and force us into economic slavery

cuchieddie says:

And O’Vomits approval rating as of this morning is 68%. We are truly doomed.

TomR says:

Get ready for massive inflation. We now have the Jimmy Carter era times 10.
I guess we can only save our money’s value by putting it into assets like gold, silver, guns ammo, etc. Of course, the Omnibus spending bill # 33 of 2010 will make these assests illegal to own.
The only real ownership in America will be the government owning us.

Mark says:

You know obama is the first admitted drug user in the white house. Clinton like lowinsky never swallowed…er inhaled.
So for all intents and purposes we have the first non convicted felon, usurper in the Oval office. How in the hell do we get into such a mess.

Wild Thing says:

cuchieddie, wow 68% this morning, heh heh oh my gosh this is great and tonight they announced on FOX it was at 59%.